Author Archives: Beth Learn

E/TS – Scarf Down Some Stretches

Scarf down some stretches... with a scarf?

On a colder day recently, I was watching Netflix and not feeling like “exercising.” However, I forced myself to just start by standing up and stretching a bit while I watched the show, and as I got warmer, I took off my scarf that I’d been wearing in our drafty farm house. Only I didn’t put […]

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C/TS – Fusion Mix 1

Fusion Mix Workout -

This is the first of a 3-part series of playful yet intense total body strengthening moves that combine elements from Pilates, Yoga, and natural transitional movements like tripods, single-leg squats, arm balances, and even planks done safely! While this routine has zero crunches or sit-ups, it’s not for someone whose abdominal fascia is still thinned out with a wide […]

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E/TS – Defining Deltoids

Arm Workout: Defining Deltoids -

This workout for your deltoids (shoulder muscles) is a super special addition to all of our other arm workouts for two reasons, one silly and one serious: The serious reason is that it’s taught with major stability in mind for those dealing with sacroiliac (SI) or symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD). The silly reason is that it’s […]

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Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction Routine with Diastasis-Aware Exercises!

If you’re struggling with pain in and around your pubic bone due to symphysis pubis dysfunction, my heart goes out to you. It’s tricky when you can’t separate your legs or step over things without grief and grating in your groin, isn’t it? And if you have diastasis recti, too, some of the common exercises […]

Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction Routine

Safe Workout for Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction -

If you’re struggling with pubic symphysis pain, my heart goes out to you. It’s tricky when you can’t separate your legs or step over things without grief and grating in your groin, isn’t it? I’ve spent months putting together this routine just for you! It has lots of moves that should allow you to keep […]

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The Belly Pictures She Took in her Pink Bathroom Went Viral, But Where is She Now?

Her pink bathroom belly pics went viral, but where is she now?

Two years ago, Fit2B member Katie Goddard sent me her before and after pictures, giving me permission to share her story in this blog {click} “Mother of Son with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) shares how Fit2B is changing their lives.” Little did we know how many it would reach! Katie’s candid images continue to encourage discussion because they […]

M/TS – Hipster Chair Moves

Hipster Chair Moves: Modern exercises for happy hips from

This unique routine will have you working on, around and behind a chair of your choice to stabilize, strengthen and mobilize your hip joints. Typical of Fit2B style, this set of moves is low-impact but high-payback, so don’t let the use of a chair fool you into thinking this one won’t sneak up on you. […]

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E/TS – Totally {Original} Transverse

Totally {Original} Transverse from

Okay, okay, okay! After an outcry from members, here it is! I had to smile when so many of you requested {demanded} that we bring back the “old skool” original Totally Transverse workout because you miss it so much! So, because I am nice, and because y’all promised me that you’d still take the updated […]

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E/TS/R – Restorative Poses 2

Restorative Poses with

This routine sets you up in several positions that let gravity do the work of stretching for you. Even though the video itself is quite short, you should spend about 20-30 minutes with these moves altogether, or anywhere from 2-10 minutes in each pose as your body allows. You’ll be shown how to get into […]

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Sample 5 Home Fitness Workouts Through Fit2B Mobile

Get 5 free home fitness routines via web app -

Get 5 Home Fitness Routines for 5 Days Free! If you want to try 5 of our most basic home fitness routines through our web app, just click here to learn more about this awesome offer! Our members have been using the full version of Fit2B Mobile since it’s launch in early January 2016, and […]

C/TS – Get On The {Big} Ball

Get on the {Big} ball routine -

“Are those big exercise balls safe?” I get asked that question all the time, and the answer is that it depends what you do on them. This routine explores a huge variety of motions – everything from easy to hard stuff like mountain climbers and pikes – with my classic “tummysafe” cueing. IMPORTANT NOTE: Some […]

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E/TS – Walking Workout

Indoor cardio walking workout -

What’s a person to do when getting outside for a walk just isn’t happening? While walking in one spot isn’t the same as going for a real walk because there’s no propulsion or hip rotation, a workout like this has many benefits. Adding this fun variety of arm motions to a simple “march in place” can […]

Must Watch! Shaggy Beasts and Other 2015 Outtakes

The 2015 Blooper Reel from

A couple years ago, we started putting blooper outtakes at the end of each of our workout videos. However, I’ve made so many bloopers while filming for our routines and online learning ecourses that we still had extras! So here is the best bloopers of 2015 from behind the scenes of Fit2B… Go ahead. Laugh. […]

When You’re Setting Goals From a Hard Place…

When you're setting goals from a hard place, and you need encouragement, read this!

While many people were setting goals around the first of this year, something different happened organically in the private Fit2B member forum when Holly J. posted her victory picture and long term success story about coming out of a very hard place thanks to Fit2B. Here’s what she wrote and posted:  “I want to post here because […]

M/TS – Lorraine’s Barre Workout

M/TS - Lorraine's Barre Workout -

Please welcome guest instructor Lorraine Scapens of Pregnancy Exercise in New Zealand. Lorraine has contributed to many sections on Fit2B including our “Experts on Diastasis Recti” ecourse, and I consider her a close colleague and friend. While I provide ongoing fitness, she has sever stellar programs that align well with what I do. I’m thrilled […]

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E/TS – Squat Challenge

Improve the depth of your squat for a stronger core and pelvic floor -

For most of my early group fitness career, I accepted the fitness myth that squatting would hurt the knees if the hips went lower than the knee. The mantra was “no lower than 90-degrees!” We understand now that knee injury is not about squat depth but about proper form during squatting, and getting low is CRUCIAL […]

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Are Heeled Shoes the Answer to Tight Calves?

Learn how to lengthen my calf muscles and prevent foot pain

Question about heeled shoes posted in our forum: “Beth is it possible for someone to have “short tendons”? My mom was told she needed to wear shoes with a heel because she has short Achilles’ tendons. Are their specific stretches to lengthen them?” -Lauren F. That question was posted in our private member forum, and […]

C/TS – Step & Pivot Around The World

Step & Pivot Around The World routine from

Okay, I admit that title is long and cheesy, but it summarizes the choreography theme in the patterns you’ll be doing with me in this fun routine. You’re going to be all over your bench on every side, pivoting all over. As always, I’ve got your back with modifications if you’re not ready for jumping […]

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Bare Naked Gratitude

Bare Naked Thankfulness -

Naked is not a bad word. It’s not the “N” word, and it’s not vulgar. It’s how we were born, totally bare, but I’ve talked with far too many women who can’t stand the sight of themselves. They hide from mirrors and mock their own worth by reducing themselves to self-imposed labels like “Fat” and […]

30 Fitness Blogs in 30 Days from Fit2B

30 Fitness Blogs in 30 Days

In addition to being a fitness professional, writing is a huge outlet for me. I’m fairly certain I have never gone to sleep at night without writing something somewhere about something, either in my journal, or online, or whatever. Even so, when I dove into a 30-day blogging challenge – which I am finishing today WITH […]

Build a Better Belly: 10 Times to Align And Use Your Core

Alignment plays a big role in your belly's ability to flex and stay flat for you! Find out how at

As long as you’re moving and exercising that’s all you need for a healthy body right? Nope. You are more than your muscles, and since your posture affects not just the shape of your belly, but also your digestion, pelvic floor function, emotions, chemistry, and also how you present yourself to others, we need to […]

Why Fixing Your Core Won’t Save You

Wait, there's such a thing as a perfect body?

“Thinking that because you are good person, hard times won’t come is like thinking that because you are a vegetarian, the bull won’t charge at you.” After reading this pivotal article on GNOWFGLINS many moons ago about how eating real food didn’t stop severe illness in two families, I began pondering the same truth about fitness […]

Practical Tips for PMS + A Special Routine

Don't let PMS stop your life! Practical tips to ease the pain -

Many women live with debilitating cramps, diminished energy and moodiness that affects their relationships in the days before and during their periods. You can blame Eve or pollution or modern stress levels, but PLEASE don’t just lay there when you can minimize most of the major discomforts of menstruation. Here at Fit2B Studio, we have a specialized […]

Free Podcast: Diastasis & Tummy Fitness + My Births

Free Birthful Podcast: Diastasis Recti & Pregnancy

It was a huge honor to be the special guest for The Birthful Podcast: Diastsis & Tummy Fitness with Adriana Lozada earlier this week. She said she chose me out of all the other experts she researched as possible guests because my program is the most comprehensive, evidence-based, straightforward, mama-friendly one she could find. The show […]

How Sit-Ups Hurt Veterans with Diastasis Recti

Are military testing methods which still contain lots of situps hurting our veterans?

I am beyond grateful to our military and all those who serve in the armed forces here abroad, and in our communities. Therefore, it angers me to hear about outdated fitness testing methods hurting many recruits and soldiers. We need to stop thanking our veterans by giving them traumatic core issues like diastasis recti and urinary incontinence. Please […]

3 Times to Use Timers for Better Health & Fitness

Three Ways to Use Timers for Better Health & Fitness -

Confession: My kitchen timer is seldom used for anything cooking related. As a fitness professional and healthier mom in the making, I tend to use timers for better health and wellness applications. Not that setting one to avoid burning dinner wouldn’t be healthier for my family, but this is the scoop on how my stove timer […]

Healthy Home Updates That Encourage Fitness

If you get the chance to remodel your bathroom, be sure to install a soaking tub that's deep enough for detox baths, and also pebble tile floors and a bench in your shower... for stretching your hamstrings while you shave your legs of course!

You don’t have to turn your home into an athletic club to encourage fitness and wellness in your environment. As your strengthening your Diastasis Recti, your goal is to facilitate as much alignment, movement, core recruitment, and even positive pressure points as possible. It’s about making small changes in small areas. It’s also about making some big changes if […]

Diastasis Recti and Yoga: Shocking Photo

This is what diastasis recti looks like in downward facing dog a.k.a. Tipi pose a.k.a. adho mukha

Many people with weak cores and back pain turn to yoga for help, but if you have diastasis recti, many yoga poses should be approached with caution. This shocking photo will hopefully help all of you better understand how DEEPLY a diastasis recti affects your abdominal’s appearance, function and integrity. That is one my members […]

Stop Body Shaming: Thinness Does NOT Equal Fitness – FREE VIDEO

Loving your body, connecting to your body, retraining it to do what it needs to do to hold you together and then give you the confidence to hold yourself up, to embrace yourself, and to be who you were designed to be. -Kelly Dean, LPT, The Tummy Team

Every now and then, we get an odd message from visitors to Fit2B who watch our diastasis recti self-check videos and then get all judgey about Kelly’s body type. “Great video, but why would I do your program when you’re not in shape?” Um, first of all, Kelly Dean is in great shape! She’s an elite masters swimmer who has […]

DIY – Making Elderberry Syrup in a Crockpot

Homemade elderberry syrup -

It’s Autumn here in the Pacific Northwest where the founding Fit2B families are located. The leaves are changing color as the rain returns, and most mornings I wake up to mist creeping across the fields here on our little homestead farm… Along with carving pumpkins and roasting the seeds for snacks, I find myself instinctively reaching […]

Are You Fit2B Running With a Diastasis Recti?

The One About Running - - Can running 5ks or more be safe as a diastasis recti workout? What if you are still healing? Listen to this podcast and find some running inspiration as you learn how to become a runner or when to return to running. #marathon #halfmarathon #runner #crosscountry #instarunners #seeonmyrun #trailrunning #womensrunningcommunity #runitfast #runchat #marathontips #runningcommunity #runnersofinstagram #runplanet #runnersrepost #runnergirl #runaddict #monitorthebeat #diastasisrecti #diastasis #fit2b

Ah, running… The activity that everyone thinks they should be doing to get super fit, but should you run with diastasis recti? Is running detrimental for a dysfunctional core? Some people truly love running; it’s a release for them just like race-walking is a vent for me. I understand that if you’re an avid runner, it’s […]

Part 2: 7 Cues for Protecting Your Core When You’re Fighting A Cold

In the first article of this mini series on how to protect your core and pelvic floor from diastasis recti, prolapse, incontinence and other unpleasantries when you’re fighting a cold or bouncing around like a maniac on a friend’s trampoline, I wrote about what you can do before, during and after a fit of sneezing, coughing […]

Protecting Your Abs When You’re Coughing & Sneezing

Protecting Your Abs When You're Sneezing and Coughing - Diastasis Recti -

A few weeks ago I jumped on a trampoline for the first time in a long while, and right after I came down with a colossal 3-day head cold. HooWee! Let me tell you! Even though I’m certain that I’ve laid a good foundation in my core and pelvic floor (PF) with great exercises like walking, proper […]

C/TS – Basic Step Aerobics with Weights

Disclaimer: By clicking play and participating in this routine or any other video on Fit2B, you signify that you have read and agree to the terms of our conditions and disclaimer found here. When I taught step aerobics classes at a local community college, I’d always finish the class with 10 minutes of basic step […]

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R/TS – Foam Rollaxing

R/TS - Foam Rollaxing: Learn how to use a foam roll to relax -

Relaxing + Foam Rolling = Rollaxing! Get it? We crack ourselves up over here, but seriously, this will become a bedtime favorite for many of you. Basically, Beth walks you through what she does on the foam roller at night while her hubs reads to their children. Foam rolling can be painful and very NOT […]

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C/TS – Bag a Better Booty

Bag A Better Booty -

Thanks to all your positive feedback on the Bag A Better Back routine, we are excited to debut this, and we have plans for “Bag a Better Bust” as well 😉 And in case you’re wondering if it’s awkward to control a swinging grocery bag as the training tool for a toned tushie, yes! But wow! […]

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M/TS – 21 Tone Up

21 Tone Up -

This routine was designed on a quiet day in our tiny off-grid shabby cabin in Montana, dubbed “The Shabin.” There isn’t much room in it, and it was raining outside. I needed to move or go crazy! So I just stood up and started playing with basic leg and arm combinations. It was easy to come […]

P/TS – Labor Prep

Labor Prep -

It such an honor to have been bombarded with requests for a video that explains and demonstrates various movements that can be practiced by a woman preparing for labor and delivery. Next to fitness, birth is my favorite thing to discuss and research, and I’ve been passionate about it since I read my first birth book at […]

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E/TS – Basic Chair Fitness

Basic Chair Fitness -

Join Beth in her country kitchen as she leads you through some basic chair fitness moves and stretches. You will feel so yummy and relaxed YET ready for more at the end of this video. Notice the dishes in the sink? We’re real people here, and we’re excited to provide yet another routine that benefits […]

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E/TS – Kitchen Moves

Kitchen Moves -

Your kitchen is FULL of great fitness props, and this video will show you how to incorporate some simple movements into your everyday tasks. Discover how to create “work stations” in your kitchen that produce great food AND a great body! What’s more, this workout is easily transferable to other kitchens. Share it with your […]

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M/TS – Great Glutes

Screen Shot of Great Glutes -

Goodness gracious great glutes of fire! That’s what you might be saying when you finish this long set of booty burnin’ moves! The glutes are major stabilizers and players in your core and pelvic floor function, so having a strong set of buns to support you is crucial. Learn how to work your rear-end from […]

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M/TS – Bag a Better Back

How about recycling some grocery bags and using water bottles as weights to create a fun and unique workout for your upper and lower back!?! Here at Fit2B we are all about using what you have on hand to facilitate a great workout. If you’ve got dumbbells, great! But a lot of people don’t, or maybe […]

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E/TS – Blissful Block Moves

Blissful Blocks -

So light. Surprisingly soft. More sturdy than you think. Blocks are an awesome tool to encourage movement and explore your flexibility. Learn how to use this fitness prop to pursue some of the most blissful block moves ever! This routine is a delightful combination of gentle, restorative work + relaxing stretches. Perfect for days when […]

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M/TS – Basic Step Aerobics 2

Basic Step 2 -

Just the second in what we plan on being a very long series of basic step aerobics workouts that we plan to debut on Fit2B over the next year, this 30-minute video will give you a fun total-body cardio session. Beth is in the same outfit and on the same set as the first one, but […]

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M/TS – Basic Step Aerobics

Basic Step 1 -

Wait, wasn’t basic step aerobics only popular in the eighties along with big hair and thongs over spandex? Ha! Thankfully, it’s still a favorite among many minus the perpetual wedgie-wear, and it was Bethany’s first favorite in group fitness! Of course, she had to get some throw-back pants as a nod to the flashy style of […]

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M/TS – Big {little} Band Workout

Big {Little} Band Routine -

Guess what? Beth – that’s me, the one who writes all these descriptions – doesn’t spend a bunch of time on her arms at the gym each day. I spend about 10 minutes, 2-3 times per week doing the same moves you’ll see in this band workout and the other routines in the “Amazing Arms” […]

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C/TS – Body Sculpting II

Body Sculpting 2 -

The second in our mini-series that focus on heart-elevating, muscle-toning moves to bring out some definition and show off the strength you’re building! We filmed this one outside, and it was so fun! Here is the link to the squatting video that is mentioned in the routine. Personal note: Beth had just recovered from Strep […]

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M/TS – Basic Aerobics IV

Basic Aerobics 4 -

The fourth in our uber basic yet super effective basic aerobics routines, this video will get your heart rate elevated and your muscles moving in all directions! Just like Beth, you don’t even have to get out of your slippers to do this mini-workout that shows you how to bring some small hand-weights along for […]

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K/TS – Princess Moves

Princess Moves -

Join Princess Belle and Princess Beth in learning some lovely ladylike movements that your little princess will enjoy practicing! We had a lot of fun doing our hair pretty with tiaras and dressing up for this precious routine {mostly} led by “Belle” who is Chris’ daughter. She has been in Fit2B routines since she was […]

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M/TS – Wood Floor Workout

Wood Floor Workout -

The chief resistance your body fights every day is gravity: The pull that holds you against this Earth we live on. The surfaces we walk upon effect how we interact with gravity. Walking on grass is different than walking on sand which is different than walking on wood floors… especially in slippery socks. As you do […]

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E/TS/R – FoamUNrolling

Foam UNrolling Routine -

If you can see various props with new eyes, then you’ll gain a fresh perspective on playful movement. Playing with your foam roller {or similar objects} provides further avenues to safely get more action into each of your days. In this short video containing some unique foam roller exercises, you will learn how to use […]

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Restorative Poses – E/TS

Restorative Poses -

Stretching via pulling or reaching is one way to lengthen tight muscles, while relaxing into restorative positions where no “work” must be done – only releasing – is a whole different approach. This valuable method is useful to all fitness levels and abilities. For this “routine” you will need to find a quiet place where […]

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eCourse: 14 Days to Better Neck Posture

As you start putting your body back together with the safe, effective home fitness videos here on Fit2B, beginning with your core, you might find several areas calling for your attention. Most of my clients realize they need better neck posture which will in turn help their core.   You see, when your core isn’t […]

M/TS – Plain Ol’ Pilates

Plain Ol' Pilates -

Focusing solely on Pilates workout movements you can do at home, there really isn’t anything plain about this routine. It’s just all about mat-style Pilates and nothing else. With several levels and modifications provided for each portion, we know it will be a favorite for anyone wanting a straightforward, fun approach to some of the best […]

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C/TS – Balanced Inversions

Balanced Inversions Routine -

As you advance in your fitness journey, adding some balance poses will definitely increase your intensity. Especially if those poses are inversions where your head is below your heart. This pivotal workout will take you to a new level of fitness and body exploration, starting with simple inversions, then adding balancing into the equation. Note: […]

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Fit2B Fitness DVDs NOW Released on Amazon: Fit2B Firm and Fit2B Beginnings


Are you ready for some DVDs and not just online workouts from Fit2B Studio? Our first release “Fit2B Firm” has 4 of our best, most popular and FUN total body workout routines! Our second release “Fit2B Beginning” has 6 of our most basic routines including 4 of our foundational videos, plus the Transitions routine and Restorative Poses! […]

DIY No-Sew Abdominal Splint Liner

DIY No Sew Abdominal Splint Liner

Please welcome style coach, Lisa Landis, who has THE SOLUTION to uncomfortable, sticky belly wraps that are worn ’round the clock during abdominal rehab for recovering from diastasis recti. Lisa has two boys and lives in Colorado Sprints, CO.   One of the best things we can do to extend the life of our abdominal splint is […]

E/TS/R – Pelvic Floor Connections

Pelvic Floor Connections -

The perfect routines to do all by yourself, these candid yet tasteful videos are designed to help women connect to the most intimate part of their core: the pelvic floor. Using straight anatomical terms and tender talk, I will offer you several non-invasive methods and movements for the purpose of reconnecting your control over your most […]

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Five Years Later… Attacks and Testimonies

Fit2B Studio--healing one tummy at a time..

It was 5 years ago at a family Christmas party that my soon-to-be business partner, Christopher Behnke, asked me the same question that is showing up on my calendar today: What would you try if you knew you would be successful? What would you attempt if you could be guaranteed NOT to fail? I told […]

Guest Blog: Healthy Insights From One Fit2B Mama to Another… Or How I Lost Weight by Slowing Down!

how I lost weight by slowing down!

“After not being able to lose weight forever, I lost all the baby weight and way more getting back to my early high school pant size by doing one fit2b video, sometimes just a “foundational five” also known as “F5” each day for 3-4 days a week, and a paleo-ish nourishing traditions diet. Small steps!!!!! Just […]

Non Yoga Exercises

Yoga is challenging for some and controversial for others. Find lots of workouts that don't involve yoga on

For various reasons, Yoga isn’t everyone’s dream workout.  Here at Fit2B we want each of our members to find the routines that uplift and encourage them, and we recognize that Yoga isn’t doable for some and sometimes controversial to others. Thus, this pathway has most of our routines that feature non yoga exercises + a […]

3 Convenient Ways to Reduce Post-Workout Soreness

3 convenient ways to reduce post workout soreness -

We are about strength, not soreness here at Fit2B Studio, but sometimes our more challenging workouts will leave you feeling sore, and then what? Proper nutrition to fuel your muscle’s work AND excellent alignment are the biggest keys to preventing unnecessary pain, but we’re talking about how to treat those tight muscles DURING the discomfort. […]

C/TS – Wall Workout with Beth

Wall Workout with Bethany -

Oh! Such a sweet surprising challenge to the whole body, this short – yet full – total body routine brings the whole body to bear strongly on your core. Forgive the heavy breathing, but these moves are challenging and Bethany was JUST getting over strep throat while filming this! Also, this routine features our very […]

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Announcing “Experts on Diastasis Recti” eCourse

New eLearning course featuring multiple professionals in the fields of healthy and fitness UNITING TOGETHER from around the world to take on diastasis recti!

With so much WRONG information about the core out there and bad advice about how to safely tone your tummy and strengthen your whole midsection, it has become vitally important to me that provide the RIGHT education from MANY viewpoints. So a couple years ago, I began dreaming and talking with my co-founder Chris […]

C/TS – Kettle Bell II

KettleBell Workout II -

Kettle Bell training is HOT but “tummy safe” the moves often are NOT … In this second, slightly more advanced installment of Bethany’s “how to” kettle bell series, you’ll learn more moves in a safe manner that will protect your core and tune you into the proper form and breathing patterns, so that one day when you […]

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C/TS – Body Sculpting

Body Sculpting 1 -

As you get strong and ready for more challenges, this will become one of your favorite routines. Bethany packs a set of great moves into this short 20 minutes that will safely leave you sweaty and breathless. Get out those handweights and find a wall, because there’s not much downtime in this video! Let’s go! […]

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Considerations for Pregnancy Exercise

Considerations For Pregnancy Exercise-

At least once a week, Bethany guest writes for other sites about birth, diastasis recti, pregnancy exercise, fitness, why you shouldn’t do crunches, and many other topics. Really, it’s more often that she gets to blog here! So we have put together a run-down of some of her recent blogs, with the first one being […]

K – Stretching with Kids!

Stretching with Kids -

Doesn’t stretching require being still? How does that work with children? Well, it is a challenge, but it’s not impossible! This 10 minute shortie proves that children can learn to stretch their whole bodies AND have fun AND learn about alignment at the same time! Stick around for the blooper at the end 😉 By […]

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Feeling FROZEN in Your Tummy’s Progress? Let It Go! Let It Go-O!

Holding your tummy in all the time is NOT the solution for your big belly. In fact “holding stuff in” benefits FEW facets of our life. Yes, I know, sometimes we just don’t know how to let go of stuff, and by “stuff” I mean dreams, children, tummies, that one exercise we just can’t seem […]

Mending Gates… Musings on Core Health {a.k.a. The One Where I Compare Your Core to Cow Fencing}

Musings on Core Health -

  Now, I’m not sure if you know this, but my husband, myself and our two wildlings live on 7 acres of God’s green earth in rural southwest Washington State. It’s been just a little over a year now since we traded one-tenth of an acre surrounded by busy streets and nosy neighbors who tut-tutted […]

Bedtime Relaxation with Kelly – E/TS/R

Bedtime Relaxation with Kelly -

Having trouble falling asleep? Need to get away from your day for a few minutes? This routine is your solution to stress. I’ve heard it said that laying on the floor is a primal way to reconnect to your body because that’s where we all start with movement as babies: on the floor, figuring out […]

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C/TS – Kelly’s Core Cardio

Kelly's Core Cardio -

Our favorite guest instructor and licensed physical therapist, Kelly Dean of The Tummy Team, joined us yet again to film this unique cardio session that works the total body and core with great moves and fun visualizations. It’s not too long, but it gets intense while staying safe for anyone with abdominal trauma. Have fun! […]

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E/TS – Basic Aerobics III

Basic Aerobics 3 -

Having taught group fitness and floor aerobics for 18 years, I was excited to put together another great set of moves to get your blood pumping. Similar to Basic Aerobics I & II that can be found here, it’s not necessary for you to stay on beat or memorize choreography. Just enjoy the music as […]

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E/TS/R – Neck Routine

Neck Routine -

Oh the neck… how small it seems, yet how important is it’s role? Very! If the muscles in your neck are tight they cause headaches and pull the rest of you out of alignment. If you’re out of alignment, your neck will be tight. It’s a vicious circle, and one that we here at Fit2B […]

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Guest Post: Mercy In Action – Helping Midwives in the Phillipines

Mercy Midwives in action -

Faith, fitness and birth: those are the 3 passions of Fit2B Studio founder, Beth Learn, and that’s one reason why Fit2B Studio is so involved in diastasis awareness and core health. We truly want to help people where it matters: their center! So when Kristen Benoit, a member of Fit2B, certified midwife, and servant with […]

C/TS – TummySafe Kickboxing

TummySafe Kickboxing -

Want a literal booty kickin’ with some boxing on the side? This fun workout will introduce you the basics of kickboxing in typical “Fit2B Style.” Get your attitude, intensity and heart rate all elevated as you jab, jack and kick your way through 23 minutes of simple, no-nonsense cardio that could double as self-defense. Note: […]

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Where Do You Workout? Real Life Home Fitness Photos That Will Inspire You!

When a member of Fit2B’s diastasis-aware fitness video site posted this gorgeous photo and cute story in our private member forum on facebook, I decided to ask for more submissions of what home fitness really looks like for our core-focused members. The photos sent in are fun and raw, some neat, some messy… because that’s […]

E/TS – Foam Rolling Routine

Foam Rolling Routine -

Foam rolling is an excellent way to stretch muscles from the middle, but this form of myofascial release is often demonstrated with crunch-like motions that can damage the connective tissue of the core… talk about irony! In this introductory routine, Bethany demonstrates a year of careful research and collaboration with other experts as she brings […]

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K/TS – Hokey Pokey Anatomy

Hokey Pokey Anatomy -

We know you’ve always wanted to hear Bethany sing and teach your kids some anatomy, right? Okay, at least that’s a yes to the second. We normally sing it like this: You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out… but in our version, the lyrics are changed to basic anatomical terms […]

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Expert Diastasis Providers and Postpartum Pants

    Things that caught my eye and made my body-nerd-brain glow this past week… The feeling of being surrounded by supportive colleagues; images of movement in 3D on an awesome yoga site; a happy member who is back into her unpregnant jeans at 4 wks postpartum after her 4th baby; a great phone call […]

M/TS – Kettlebell Workout I

KettleBell Workout I -

Kettlebell training is very popular right now, but most of the moves are demonstrated in such a fast and hyper-extended manner that most of the general videos on YouTube that show how to work with kettlebells are unsafe for the beginner exerciser or anyone with knee, hip, shoulder and core injuries such as diastasis recti […]

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Fit2B from A – Z

Fit2B From A-Z |

  Oops! This isn’t the right page anymore. You should be redirected here. Non-TummySafe Routines (Despite her degree in exercise and sport science and countless certifications as a group fitness instructor, Bethany didn’t realize that diastasis recti, hernia and prolapse should merit a change in fitness patterns. It’s simply a matter of avoiding certain movements […]

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E/TS – Kelly’s Total Body Stretching

Kelly Dean's Total Body Stretching -

Now an official part of our F5 series, this fantastic stretching routine introduces Guest Instructor Kelly Dean, licensed physical therapist and owner of The Tummy Team, as she joins Fit2B Studio to share how it’s not always about flexing and “working” a muscle back into shape; it’s also about lengthening the tight muscles that are […]

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M/TS – Kelly’s Floor Core Routine

Kelly's Floor Core Routine -

  What if you could have a core workout designed by a physical therapist? Especially one who is world-famous for her work in providing continuing education training for instructors, midwives, doulas, nurses, and many more who work with the true core? Well, here you go! Join guest instructor, Kelly Dean of the Tummy Team, for […]

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Start Here

Start Here - - Start Here with the Workout Basics

Welcome to the Core of Fit2B Studio  This is where we like everyone to begin their journey with Fit2B. We call this page the “Foundational Five” or “F5” pathway because each section has 5 parts. The 3 buttons below will give you a solid foundation so you can rebuild, reclaim and restore your body beginning with your core.      […]

Tight Abs, Adrenal Fatigue & Instagram

It's all about "the more" ... the diastasis which is caused by more pressure than normal, the stress that's caused by pressure to do more, the anxiety that's cause by pressure to be more, the adrenal fatigue that's caused by all of those and the need to sleep more and have more caffeine to do more... So I ask, "What if we do less?"

It’s all about “the more” … the diastasis which is caused by more pressure than normal, the stress that’s caused by pressure to do more, the anxiety that’s cause by pressure to be more, the adrenal fatigue that’s caused by all of those and the need to sleep more and have more caffeine to do […]

TS/R – Simply Stretching

Simply Stretching II -

Don’t feel like breaking a sweat? Just want to tune into your body and do some lengthening and releasing? This routine is “simply stretching” and all of the movements are TummySafe™ with minimal twisting, no crunch-like transitions, and it’s very gentle yet effective for all fitness levels. We have refilmed this workout a total of […]

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K/TS – Bitty Bellies

Bitty Bellies -

Even the smallest bellies can establish a healthy core connection! Let your child join our children for some bitty belly moves that teach how to activate the transverse abdominus. Plus, learn how lots of other fun moves and tricks utilize our core on a daily basis. Leave lots of room in your exercise area for […]

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The PMS Routine – E/R/TS

The PMS Routine -

“Do you have any stretches for ‘that time of the month’ to help me with cramping?” That thread on our private member forum on Facebook got my wheels turning, and after doing some research and thinking about what I’ve always naturally done with my own body to release tension, I designed this routine to help […]

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Basic Transverse & Mula Bandha

Equipment needed: Bench or straight back chair. Maybe a pillow for your lower back. Here is one of our most basic routines designed for those who need to dial it back to the most simple aspects of “finding” their core via the basic breath. The title comes from a term that means “root lock” in […]

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M/TS – Mommy & Me III

Mommy & Me III -

  This standing fitness routine is safe and FUN for mom and baby. If your child fits in a carrier of any sort (wrap, pack, ergo-style, sling, etc) then this routine will be awesome for you. Leah’s little guy literally went to sleep while we did this workout! We keep the motions smaller and soothing, […]

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Another Gap in Maternal Care

Another Gap in Maternal Care-

There is 3-finger gap in maternal care, yet with all the awareness being raised about birth empowerment, this one is not being discussed much. Diastasis Recti is another form of pregnancy and birth-related trauma that is preventable and treatable without surgery, yet women are willingly and silently suffering with it because general practice doctors often […]

M/TS – Tabata Kick & Squat

Tabata Kick & Squat -

  At 44 minutes long, this is a delightful and gentle cardio routine that uses principles of Tabata to work and rest your muscles. You’ll perform several exercises for 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, for 4 minutes each with a 1 minutes rest before moving onto the next exercise. The exercises in this routine […]

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M/TS Baby Lift

A sweet thank you to member, Leah, for lending us little Patrick for this workout where you will learn how to exercise with your baby in a safe manner. This interactive routine is gentle yet thorough, dealing with alignment while holding your child, fun movements with your baby as the “weight,” and total body moves […]

What I Learned at Kelly Dean’s Prenatal Continuing Ed Course

What I learned Kelly Dean's Prenatal class

Okay, I get a bit giggly at my own cheesiness whenever I can work my last name – which is “Learn” – into a blog post. And now that I’ve got that tidbit out of my exhausted brain, I can tell you some of the AWESOME things I learned while on a roadtrip with Kelly […]

Cardio Workouts

Get your heart rate up and keep it up with these fun cardio routines from

Cardio Workouts The recommendation is a minimum of 150 minutes per week of accumulated moderate to strenuous activity to keep our hearts and muscles and minds healthy. The following routines will nudge your heart rate well  past resting mode and help you break a gentle sweat. These workouts are in basic order from “E” for […]

Why Yoga “Moves” Aren’t Spiritually Dangerous

Why YOGA Moves are NOT spiritually dangerous -

  Twice in the past week, I’ve been contacted by women who want to join Fit2B Studio’s online Tummy Safe™ video library, but they’re concerned about “the yoga part.” One wrote: “Hi- I found your site this morning through Wise Woman Builds Her Home. I am a homeschool mom of 6 also in the Pacific Northwest (greater […]

129 Times to Turn on Your Transverse Abs

129 Ways To Get a Flatter Tummy Doing Everyday Actions -

Our abdominal tummy muscles have to work harder in certain positions than others, and if you don’t know how to “turn on” your transverse abs, those moments may be contributing to your belly getting bigger, not smaller. The job of your abs isn’t crunches and situps, although they work together to do those things if […]

K – Floor Yoga for Tweens & Teens

Floor Yoga for Teens & Tweens -

How much time do your kids spend on the floor? Not much, right? They sit at tables or desks. They lounge in chairs and on sofas. Yet their ability to get around on the floor will become more crucial as they pass their prime and begin to age… hopefully with grace. Get your teen or […]

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K/TS – Teen Yoga II

Teen Yoga II -

Get your teen or tween involved in exercise with this fun, informal 10-minute routine. They won’t feel the need to be perfect, because we allowed the “stars” of this routine to follow along at their own pace, too! Be sure to check out our “Floor Yoga” routine for teens as well! By clicking play and […]

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Why Alignment Matters to Your Abdominal Muscles

Why alignment matters to your abdominal muscles -

We’d like to welcome Susanne Reinhold from Kangaroo Fitness who is a fitness instructor and personal trainer working with the pre/postnatal population. Susanne has a special interest in the abdominal muscles given that the belly is the number one concern for most new moms. Learning more about the core has taken on a new level […]

E/TS – Align It Flat

Align it Flat -

There are TWO versions of this routine on this page because every BODY is different. The more I research the core and diastasis, the more I’m learning a simple truth: our body’s position throughout the day matters a lot! You can workout with perfect form… but what about the rest of your day. How are you […]

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M/TS – Balanced

Balanced -

Bound to be a member favorite, this workout incorporates weights and bands and balance moves to fire up your core and your whole body! Get ready for a slow yet powerful 20-minutes of solid action and education as you learn more about alignment and balance are you core’s main job. Equipment needed: Elastic band or […]

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TS/C – Insane Upper Body

Insane Upper Body -

As we build our own set of slightly insane workouts, you must be aware that this series will leave you with more “muscle reminders” that you exercises. If you are too sore to lift your arms the next day, that’s not a good thing. Working should fatigue your muscles without hurting you or hindering your […]

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M/TS – Gentle Blend

Gentle Blend -

This therapeutic routine is gentle but also a thorough workout of the entire body. It starts in a standing position and then transitions you to the floor with safe queues. The routine starts and finishes with some deep spiritual connection imagery that will leave you centered and peaceful. By clicking play and watching any video on […]

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Her Doctor Said This About Her Belly, and I’m Furious!

Dear Doctor who doesn’t understand diastasis or how it has impacted me and my friends, my cllients, our bodies, our lives, our ability to mother, our comfort in the bedroom, even the way we laughed for a while… I hope you read this! I’m angry at you. You should have known about this common abdominal […]

Active Kids Are Smarter Kids

This is a guest post written by Allison Morris, co-creator of an enlightening graphic that shows how children who exercise are smarter. Allison found this article on Fit2B Studio’s blog, and she wrote directly to me to see if I’d like to carry this educational piece on our site. Of course I said YES! Here’s […]

Sit and Get Fit!

Chair Routines: Sit and Get Fit with

Life happens. Sometimes it’s a knee, hip or foot injury. Sometimes it’s a child who needs floor-time with you. Fit2B understands that. We’ve been there, so these routines allow our members to continue to strengthen their bodies with optional leg motions. Seated and floor routines literally become a life-saver when you need a workout that […]

E/TS – Core Wake Up

Core Wake Up -

Before any major abdominal training is done, it’s important to lay a foundation. This simple 4-minute routine will wake up your ab muscles in a safe and gentle way. As if setting a gently morning alarm, you’ll be tapping them on the shoulder and saying, “time to wake up and do your job for me!” […]

E/M/TS – Office Workouts

Fun and short office routines by

Welcome to the Office Workout section of Fit2B Studio! Working at a desk for several hours a day can take its toll on your posture, digestion, core health, hip flexibility, lower back strength… the list of debilitating effects goes on and on! The first thing you can do to fight those effects is switch to […]

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Guest Post: Back Pain Relief

By: Jaime Arnold. We connected with Jaime via twitter in a conversation about crunches injuring spines. Jaime is a staff writer for and yoga enthusiast. Jamie is also an animal lover and avid traveler, and she was excited to write for us about beneficial back pain relief therapies. Jaime says…  Incorporating aerobics, strengthening and stretching is instrumental in […]

Guest post: A Letter to Moms from Julie Tupler, RN

I have revered and respected Julie as the founder of The Tupler Technique® ever since her program helped close the split in my abs that my surrounding fitness communities was ignoring and accepting as “normal.” When I wrote to Julie and asked for a guest post, I never dreamed she’d give me an open ticket. […]

The Shabin

Our April, 2012 trip to Montana Montana is a place of rugged beauty and stark contrasts: Immaculate Escalades with cattle-grill-guards parked next to beat-up Subarus still displaying blood stains from last year’s hunting season; the sharp cut of the Mission Mountains against the rolling plains; the dirt on the faces of beautiful children out playing […]

Week of Relaxation

A week of relaxing routines to balance your home fitness |

What comes to mind when you think about Relaxation? Facial. Detox. Relax. Unwind. Spend this week in our virtual spa and do one gentle set of exercises every day that will lift your face, purify your body, relax your mind, and unwind your muscles. Each of the following “workouts” are more about leaving the work […]

E/TS – Face & Neck Yoga

Face & Neck Yoga -

It’s easy to focus on the BIG muscles of the arms, legs and core. But what about the ones in your face and neck? We tend to spend a lot of time staring and squinting, turning to look over one shoulder but not the other, resting our jaw on one hand, etc. All of those […]

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Ankles & Upper Body – E/TS

Ankles & Upper Body -

Strengthen your ankles and tone your calves while doing some gentle upper body work at the SAME time! Talk about multitasking, eh? Bethany sure knows how to pack a lot muscle into every minute, so that you can “FIT” an effective workout into your busy schedule. Click play and discover how you can wake up […]

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M/TS – Backside Burner II

We’ve had great feedback about the original Backside Burner, so we knew it would need to be made into a series. This second installment is tummy-safe and full of new moves that don’t require much space to perform. Just be warned: the workout is simple and easy, but your backside will be burning, baby! By […]

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E/TS – Mula Bandha

Mula Bandha -

According to our members, this routine is where many things click. It’s where all the pieces from the other Foundational Five “F5” fall into place. Mula means root or source and Bandha means lock or bond. Simply put, it’s about controlling the root-like bundle of nerve connections at your trunk’s base. I have to tell […]

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E/TS – Totally Transverse II

Totally Transverse II -

  “Welcome to my home and this workout!” -Bethany This routine was filmed in my old home in Portland, Oregon! It’s not as swanky as some of other places we’ve filmed, but these are my pictures and my 1940’s fireplace, and the green chair is where I spent many an hour nursing my sweet boy. We’ve […]

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E/TS – Thigh Workout II

Thigh Workout II -

This is the second long thigh workout we have filmed. This one moves at a fun pace and offers more options for the inner and outer thighs, glutes and core. It is safer than the first one for those who may have a diastasis or split in their abs. The QUALITY is astronomically better than […]

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M/TS – Pilates in Pajamas II

Pilates in Pajamas II -

This workout is available within several pathways here at Fit2B Studio. Bethany stays in her pretty PJ’s for this relaxing yet challenging home workout routine. It’s tummy safe and total body! By clicking play and watching any video on Fit2B Studio, LLC you certify that you agree to the terms of our disclaimer found HERE!

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Guest Post: We Can Put Ourselves Back Together

Please welcome Wendy Powell, MuTu System Founder and member of Fit2B Studio. Wendy is a fellow crunch-free advocate, and  – while Fit2B Studio offers ongoing TummySafe™ Fitness – Wendy’s 12-week program will help you put your core back together even YEARS after babies.  I am so delighted to be asked by Bethany to write a […]

E/TS – Ultimate Upper Body

Ultimate Upper Body -

This simple yet stimulating upper body workout will reshape your arms if you stick to doing it at least twice a week for a period of 6 weeks. Or combine it with other workouts in our “Amazing Arms” pathway. While I’m demonstrating this routine in a chair, you can certainly do it standing. Don’t have […]

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C/TS – Insane 2

Insane 2 -

Do you believe you can get a HARD workout without jumping around, doing crazy contortions, or lifting extreme loads? We believe it! We believe that all you need is your body to get one TOUGH workout. This 20-minute routine has some crazy stuff you may have never seen before, but it is straightforward and simple […]

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E/P/TS – Maternity Mix III

Maternity Mix III -

Safer exercises for stronger tummies is the theme of this workout. Many prenatal and postnatal workouts on the modern market promise to help keep you in shape before baby comes and help you get your body back after baby arrives. Yet they have moms doing super crazy stuff that leaves tender joints and ligaments “sore” […]

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K/TS – Teen Yoga

Teen Yoga-

It can be hard to get your teenager interested in working out at home when he or she has a day off from school. We always have an audience of kids and adults watching our filming take place so, when we filmed in their home, these teens and pre-teens WANTED to participate in one of […]

Pathway to Great Glutes & Lean Legs

Stair Interval Workout - - Stair Interval Workout for AWESOME cardio exercise -

Bravo for Buttocks! Three cheers for Thighs! These body parts are often the “butt” of much lewd laughter, but the gluteal muscles in your toosh and the thigh muscles in your upper leg are CENTRAL to your health and fitness! After all, these muscles play a key role in one very crucial daily activity: using […]

The Pilates Pathway

Introduce yourself to the basics of Pilates and learn how to advance with

This pathway is for those wanting to explore Pilates in a TummySafe manner Here at Fit2B we bring the breath into every motion we make. If you’re dealing with diastasis recti, some Pilates moves should be avoided, but we take the guesswork out of wondering what those are. Using this path will orient you to which […]

Introduction to Yoga Pathway

Intro To Yoga Pathway of Workout on

This pathway of workouts is for those wanting to learn Yoga in a TummySafe manner.  Please Read First: Do each of the following workouts in order so that when you reach the end of this section, you have built a solid, progressive foundation of basic to advanced motions. Look at this path like stepping stones where […]

Fit2B™ New Mamas

Workouts for Pregnancy and Postpartum "Fit2B New Moms" -
The entire library of over 300 Fit2B workouts is suitable for postpartum, but this page offers 2 specific programs that support a TummySafe™ return to fitness during and after pregnancy. The prenatal plan is at the top, and the postnatal is the bottom half.  The Prenatal FitnessPath If you're striving for a strong, informed pregnancy, [...]

Fit2B™ Kids Workouts

Squatting Partner Exercises - - Partner up and leverage each other to improve your squatting technique!

F I T 2 B®   K I D S ! This special page is just for kids! Our smallest members love this page best, as do the homeschooling families who utilize this section to supplement their home-based physical education! Preview all the titles below! Children will burn endless energy once they are given permission to have […]

K/TS – Robot Yoga

Robot Yoga -

This may have been one of the most hilarious filming adventures we have ever enjoyed! The producer’s boys join Bethany for this laughter-filled workout that is very impish and spontaneous. The truth is we had to splice several bits together because “someone” kept running off camera! We just rolled with it! By clicking play and […]

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Totally Transverse – E/TS

TS - Totally Transverse -

This quick crunch-free, plank-free mini-workout you’re about to do will connect your breath and alignment to your core throughout several simple motions. The second video summarizes the first video in a short recap. You’ll find two videos below – the long and short version – but Fit2B has more (and less) when you’re decide to shift […]

M/P/TS – Maternity Mix II

Maternity Mix II -

This is the sequel to Maternity Mix I and both workouts are perfect for the soon-to-be mother. Safe for virtually any stage of pregnancy, this short workout gets every muscle without stressing loose ligaments and blossoming bellies. This workout is “tummy safe” and uses core exercises that keep the abdominal area toned during pregnancy. Rock […]

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Is Yoga Like Worship?

Are you refusing to do a yoga-based thigh stretch just because it’s called trikonasana (Triangle Pose)? Are you refusing a whole mode of wellness just because it comes from another part of the world, is spoken in another language, or has ancient roots in a different belief system? Some might label that mentality with strong […]

C/TS – Insane I

Insane -

If you’ve heard of the Insanity workouts, well here is one of the most insane workouts we’ve ever filmed. Why is it insane? For starters, it’s super hard and the moves are just plain crazy! Even Bethany is out of breath in this one, but it’s totally safe as long as you have a baseline […]

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Trees: The Best Social Networkers

Trees have always known how to get their message to millions of social network users. Since the dawn of creation, trees have set a standard that every blog writer and product seller and business owner should emulate. Take the ancient tree in my neighbor’s backyard for example: As one of the oldest trees in our […]

Fit2B™ 6×6 Path

Choose a routine to suit your level of fitness -

Welcome to the 6×6 Path  Goal: 6 videos in 6 days for 6 weeks If you have worked your way through the Fit2B Beginning and Fit2B Advancing Pathways, then you should be ready for this section. This path mixes some of our more intense routines in a manner that slowly builds how much time you move each […]

M/TS – Transitions

Transitions -

 If you’ve been rehabbing your abs, and you are feeling stronger and ready for more, this workout will keep you standing and moving the whole time while helping you safely transition to slightly more intense motions while also showing you how to incorporate your transverse abs with breath and activation at the proper times. This […]

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C/TS – Jump Change

Jump Change -

Newly filmed and re-released, this routine will put a jump in your step! Every transition in this workout is accomplished with a jump, but several options and levels are provided. The pace and attention to the transverse abdominus makes this a very “tummy safe” workout. It is good for bone density and your heart rate, […]

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K – Wiggly Warriors

Wiggly Warriors -

Introduce your kids to the most basic warrior poses plus a few extras! It’s not about perfection; it’s about happiness and healthiness. This kids workout, will inspire boys and girls alike to see fitness as fun and fulfilling! This is one of our oldest routines, and you can tell! We’ve improved {and our kids have […]

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K – Baby Balance

Baby Balance -

Turn balancing and core work into a game with your busy little ones. Littles of all ages can join the fun of learning how to balance in different ways! This short workout teaches healthy competition, bone density building tips, and lots of laughter. Watch for Watson! By clicking play and watching any video on Fit2B […]

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M/TS – Yoga 4 Runners

Yoga 4 Runners -

 If you like to run or jog, but you get tight and tired too quickly, try this routine as your warm-up or cool-down. It’s  a great stretching regimen for any type of exerciser, but Bethany’s queues are directed to athletic runners who want to care for their knees or hips. NOTE: There are now TWO videos […]

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M/TS – Love Handles Lost

Love Handles Lost -

Kiss your love-handles goodbye by performing this short but challenging workout on a regular basis. Target the soft spots on your sides below your ribcage and above your hips while working some surrounding muscles as well! This is a second rendition of the first Love Handles Lost workout. It contains the same flow of exercises […]

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M/TS – Hold It!

Hold It! -

How long can you hold a pose? This workout encourages you to hold each position for at least 10 deep breaths. Don’t let the lack of repetitive motions fool you into thinking it won’t get your heart pumping. Holding a muscle in place can be harder than moving it! This workout was originally filmed in […]

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M/TS – Pilates In Pajamas

Pilates in Pajamas -

One of the best things about our site is that you don’t have to buy or wear workout attire so that you look good in public just to get all sweaty! Bethany will openly confess that as a stay-at-home mom herself, she’ll just stay in her pajammies all day if she’s not going anywhere. Why […]

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M/TS – Tabata

Tabata -

This workout features six exercises done tabata-style, meaning each movement done for 8 sets of 20 seconds each with a 10 second rest between each set. However, unlike mainstream tabata classes that perform the exercises as fast as possible, Bethany pays careful attention to form and core positioning and keeps things at a safe pace. […]

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M/TS – Kelly Dean’s Wall Workout

Kelly Dean's Wall Workout -

Kelly Dean from The Tummy Team makes a guest instructor appearance in this quick, total body workout that offers some excellent ways for men and women dealing with diastasis to further strengthen their core. If you haven’t gone through any of the amazing Restore Your Core” workshops with Kelly via webinar or live seminar, we strongly recommend you invest […]

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E/K/TS – Mommy & Me

Mommy & Me -

Have a baby who wants to come along for the ride? Introduce him/her to movement with mommy just a few minutes at a time. This 12-minute session makes a great warm-up for mom or dad. A baby carrier such as an Ergo or Snugli is needed, and if you start while your child is small, […]

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K – Kids & Crackups I

Kids & Crackups -

Let your kids bounce along with ours as we go through an unhurried exploration of the amazing things that our bodies are capable of.  Structure? Who needs it? We just need to move and groove and have a great time doing it!  By clicking play and watching any video on Fit2B Studio, LLC you certify […]

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E/TS – Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga -

Relax your upper body with gentle stretches and basic movements that focus on your arms and neck muscles, plus just a little core work. This simple but beautiful routine will show you how to do yoga without losing your balance as you utilize a chair to stabilize yourself through the whole workout. By clicking play […]

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E/TS – Warrior Workout I

Warrior Workout -

We have several warrior workouts, but this one was filmed specifically to be very tummy safe for those with diastasis. We actually renamed our warrior workouts so that the first one is the safest one for those with core-strength issues, while the second one offers fewer core queues and slightly more intense options. If you have […]

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E/TS – Chair Blend

Chair Blend -

Take your lower body out of the equation for a few minutes while you relax your upper body. This workout lets you isolate your core with purely upper body movements from both Pilates and Yoga. All of our chair workouts are perfect for those dealing with disability or injury in their lower body, but this […]

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C/TS – Weighted Warriors

Weighted Warrior -

The Yoga Warrior poses are powerful enough all by themselves, but what if you held hand-weights while flowing through these poses? Find out how to use weights in a safe but stimulating manner to greatly increase your warrior workout intensity! Tummy Safety Tip: Remember to maintain neutral alignment and actively recruit your transverse abs whenever […]

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TS/C – Functional Workout I

Functional Workout I -

Functional fitness workouts involve exercises that use multiple joints, multiple limbs, multiple muscles, all at once! Grab your dumbbells {or cans of food} and get a terrific workout that exercises every area. The total-body movements really escalate your heart rate and calorie burn. This TummySafe™ routine is a re-do of the original which wasn’t diastasis friendly nor […]

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E/P/TS – Maternity Yoga I

Maternity Yoga -

This was one of our earliest routines filmed in 2010, and this is the NEW version refilmed during Summer, 2015. You see, shortly after we filmed this workout, we began shifting Fit2B towards total diastasis-awareness after Bethany met Kelly Dean of The Tummy Team and was educated about how some moves in this workout might contribute […]

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E/TS – Maternity Mix

Maternity Mix -

As a mother herself, Bethany has been through two healthy, fit pregnancies and births. She has a real heart for new moms and mommies-to-be, and you can see that shining through in this workout. Experience gentle queues that will connect you to your changing body and the precious life within you. Find out how to […]

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M/TS – Rockin’ Yoga & Pilates

Rockin' Yoga & Pilates -

This moderately intense, total-body exercise routine was refilmed in early March 2013 for better TummySafe cues and lighting. The music is a bit more upbeat, and the transitions are faster. So if you want a more mellow workout, this isn’t really it. If you want a total body floor workout, this is it! Equipment Needed: […]

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E/TS – Chair Pilates

Chair Pilates -

If you only want to work your upper body with some basic Pilates moves, this routine is a great way to start your day. Sit on the edge of your bed, an exercise ball or a chair while getting an arm and ab workout! This workout is tummy safe. By clicking play and watching any […]

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E/TS – Standing Chair Yoga

Standing Chair Yoga -

If you worry about your balance, or you are still finding your yoga legs, try this short routine to further your progress. Bethany shows you how to use a chair to stabilize yourself through all of the movements. Two Tummy Safe Tips: When you do the “Cats & Cows” at the end of the workout, […]

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C/TS – Tabata Ball Workout

Tabata Ball Workout -

Just hearing the word “Tabata” is enough to make some folks’ knees ache. But Beth takes the risk of knee injury out of the equation by slowing down the reps a wee bit. It’s still the same pattern: 8 sets of one exercise. 20 seconds per set. 10 seconds rest between each set, for five […]

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TS/C – Ab Attack!

Ab Attack -

Normally I’m not a big fan of “attacking” our abdominals, because in the mainstream fitness industry, that can often mean “shredding” and “ripping” our core apart, literally. This routine, however, will focus on all four layers of your abdominals with a safe intensity. Learn how to recruit every muscle fiber in your core while keeping […]

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C/TS – Pilates & Yoga Loaded

Pilates & Yoga Loaded -

Here is our most recent routine of blended Pilates and Yoga moves that are not only TummySafe but also “loaded” with goodness for your whole body. Go from standing to kneeling to sitting to laying all within 25 minutes, and all while utilizing your core to move your limbs. Equipment needed: a pair of handweights […]

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TummySafe™ Pathway to Great Abs!

TummySafe Abs -
Strength from the inside out Follow this page in order from top to bottom for a couple months, and your abs will respond to your consistency. Do 3-6 of these routines each week + some cardio for the best results. Each video is TummySafe™ which means they train your trunk without crunches or unmodified planks. [...]

Peaceful Blend – M/TS

Peaceful Blend -

This surprisingly intense routine is one of our longest on Fit2B Studio, but you might not even realize that you are working out! The subtle transitions and deep core focus will sneak up on you, so that by the time you are relaxing and breathing deeply at the end, you will only feel… peaceful. This […]

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Drop Some Love!

The Love Drop team is at it again! Last month they gave over $6,000 worth of cash and goods to their recipient, the Kahlen family, who had been going through a financially hard time due to the economy (and whose daughter is currently battling Tuberous Sclerosis). They focused on their love of spending time together, and brought […]

Review & Giveaway of “Strength Training and Sports Nutrition for Cycling”

Enter to win a free download of this book by commenting below! Cyclists! Have you ever wondered if riding requires the same nutrition as other sports? Do bicyclists need more fat or less in their diets? Do bike riders need to lift weights? How should cyclists cross train? What about that cup of coffee that […]

Fun Healthy Activities For Kids – Tip #13

Do something fun and healthy every day for your kids in two or three of these five areas: muscle strength, heart endurance, flexibility, nutrition, and balance coordination. With the obesity epedemic striking at the little hearts of our young kids, creating fun and healthy activities for children is very important. See the full article here…

THE KID LIST It’s hard to find cheap but good activities for the kids. It’s even harder to find quality restaurants that cater to your whole family. If you’re looking for a day out with the kids or a night out with the family, here’s my review of places that I’ve actually been to with […]