Category Archives: Lower Body

Barbell Basics – M/TS 💚💛

Learn and practice some common barbell lifts, just a few times each with tummysafe techniques that prevent Diastasis and pelvic floor issues. Notice the chapters and use them to skip to different lifts.

You’ve seen those muscle-bound weightlifters shoving bars over their heads. They’re loaded with all kinds of plates on the ends, and they grimace as they drop into squats or lunge positions, pressing the weight straight up then slamming it down on the ground. I’m guess your goals are different than theirs, but they had to […]

5 Minute Lower Body Mobility – E/TS

This diastasis aware lower body workout will improve your legs and hips mobility!

here is the first of my very own style of dance aerobics. It’s quite similar to regular aerobics but with more breaks and more dancey-type stuff. As always, my heart is to erase barriers and lies that keep us from moving our amazing bodies. I hope you laugh at me, laugh at yourself, and have a great time!

PeriMenoPower – M/TS

here is the first of my very own style of dance aerobics. It’s quite similar to regular aerobics but with more breaks and more dancey-type stuff. As always, my heart is to erase barriers and lies that keep us from moving our amazing bodies. I hope you laugh at me, laugh at yourself, and have a great time!

Jump Strength – M/TS

here is the first of my very own style of dance aerobics. It’s quite similar to regular aerobics but with more breaks and more dancey-type stuff. As always, my heart is to erase barriers and lies that keep us from moving our amazing bodies. I hope you laugh at me, laugh at yourself, and have a great time!

Shoulder Bridge Blast – E/TS 💛

Want a better booty without the squats? Then shoulder bridges are your ticket to training that tush, but how about we play with allll the variations and throw in some counter-motions and stretches between all that work? Let's go!

Want a better booty without the squats? Then shoulder bridges are your ticket to training that tush. However, how about we play with allll the shoulder bridge variations I could think of + throw in some counter-motions, release work, and stretches between all that work? The best part is that you’ll be laying down the […]

Chunky 5×5.3 – M/TS💚💙💛

Chunky 5x5.3 - A diastasis aware full body workout you can break apart into chunks to fit your busy lifestyle

Welcome to the third installment of our popular Chunky 5×5 series which “chunks” apart one longer workout into 5 “chunks” that are about 5 minutes apiece with 5 different exercises per chunk in 5 different categories: Warm-up, Upper Body, Cardio, Lower Body, and Cool Down Stretching. Do it all at once, spread it throughout your […]

Ballistic Bells – M/TS💚💙💛

Need some seated motions you can do at meetings, church sermons, zooms, and other classes to keep your blood circulating and your muscles happy without drawing attention to yourself? Watch this video, take some notes, or play it on silent during your next event. Be sure to check out "Subtle Standing Moves" as well.

Grab a dumbbell or kettlebell and discover how a few “airborne” additions to your lifting motions can stimulate your muscles and bones in new ways while also boosting your brain health! We know that ball-type play improves mental health and fights brain diseases, and I wrote a big article with links to our other tossing/catching […]

Silver Linings – M/TS

Every cloud has a silver lining, and moving our limbs in straight lines is a shining example of long-lever motions that create a core workout like no other. As we age, it’s crucial to maintain bone density and power output. These goals are achieved by continuing to challenge our balance, practice resistance training, and keep […]

Silver Bells – C/TS

Even if it’s not Christmastime in the city, you can enjoy this metallic set of movements. If you don’t have a kettlebell, you can tie a square-knot in the handles of a sturdy bag to make your own “bell.” Along our silver theme of fighting the effects of aging, this routine adds load to exercises […]

Bosu Step & Sculpt – C/TS

Take your coordination to the next level by adding balance to your step aerobics workout! No bosu? No problem, go ahead and use a regular step or just do the stepping motions on the floor. After our fun choreography, we wrap up this workout with some sculpting work, so grab those weights and let's go!

Take your coordination to the next level by adding balance to your step aerobics workout! No bosu? No problem, go ahead and use a regular step or just do the stepping motions on the floor. I rated this workout as challenging because of the wobbling platform, but it would be easier if you use a […]

Pink Piriformis – Hip Stretches – E/TS

Your piriformis is a muscle in the back of your hips under your gluteals that can wreak havoc if it’s upset… and it tends to get upset more often in females than males – likely due to our wider hips and softening hormones. Speaking of females, pink is for girls, right? Well, Japan sees pink […]

Salmon Spheres – M/TS

This full body workout was inspired by the circular life of Salmon, and it is packed with a variety of circular motions and spherical objects that will improve you ability to balance loads. The Salmon fish is native to where I live in the Pacific Northwest, and they are known for their athletic jumps up […]

Pink Pedaling – C/TS

I designed and taught a class called “CycleShape” for 8 years before, during and after having my two children. I see cycling workouts as a tremendous cardio exercise, and I had so much fun picking a range of motivating music for this video. Get ready for constant motion and lots of sweat. My pink hair […]

One Arm Wonder – E/TS

When you only have the use of one of your arms, but you still want a wonderful workout, this is the upper body routine you need! Not only does this home exercise video offer shoulder, bicep, and tricep exercises, you'll also be offered some lower body work + balance training and core integration for Diastasis Recti awareness. Beth goes through the exercises twice, giving you the chance to do two sets or bring in that second arm if and when you're able.

When you only have the use of one of your arms, but you still want a wonderful workout, this is the upper body routine you need! Not only does this home exercise video offer shoulder, bicep, and tricep exercises, you’ll also be offered some lower body work + balance training and core integration for Diastasis […]

5-Minute Booty Burn With A Band – M/TS

Grab a long stretchy band and prepare to have your buns burned 🔥 Your gluteal muscles are the powerhouses of your lower trunk which is all part of your core, so let’s fire up those cheeks! Feel like doing more when you’re done? Click here for the rest of our 5-Minute workouts! By clicking play on these […]

5-Minute Calves – E/TS

Smoke the calf muscles in your lower legs in just 5 minutes and get that lymphatic drainage system pumping gunk out while you tone your lower legs! Feel like doing more when you’re done? Click here for the rest of our 5-Minute workouts! By clicking play on these or any video on this website, you signify that […]

5-Minute Jump Progressions – M/TS

Nervous to jump because your pelvic floor is dodgy? Watch this video through one time, and notice how it’s broken down into 1-4 minutes per day, starting with the first part of this videos and the easiest moves. Do the first bit, then do the next part a few days later, and then do next […]

5-Minute Stair Workout – M/TS

Got a few steps in your house? Around your house? Use them to exercise your legs, chest and arms in this short but efficient workout! Feel like doing more when you’re done? Click here for the rest of our 5-Minute workouts! By clicking play on these or any video on this website, you signify that you have […]

5-Minute Thighs – M/TS

Technically it’s 10 minutes because we do 5 minutes on each leg. Sorry #notsorry for being sneaky like that, but we promise it will be worth it. Your thighs will be feeling this for sure 😉 Feel like doing more when you’re done? Click here for the rest of our 5-Minute workouts! By clicking play on these […]

Turquoise Tabata – M/TS

What if you could get stronger just 20 seconds at a time? That’s what Tabata is! You do an exercise for 20 seconds, then you take a 10-second break. You can do anything for 20 seconds, right? We have a few other Tabata-style workouts you can find in our A-Z section, but this one is […]

Blue Belt Kickboxing – M/TS

Straight up, I was going to offer this in the black color series, but I’m not a black belt or even a blue belt. I’m just a certified kickboxing instructor who wants to help you get some aggressive energy out while making you sweat. The best part about this workout is the core cues to […]

Sapphire Standing – E/TS

Remember our foundational routine, Align It Flat? Well, this routine will offer a refresher on your alignment with some subtle, soothing, stacking motions that will bring newfound stability to your spine. Some believe the sapphire stone brings protection, and we know for sure that elongated posture protects your core and spine. Look at this routine […]

Bathrobe Blues – E/TS

Living in your bathrobe lately? Feeling the need to connect to your core? What if you could one or two essential movements for your core and key tension holders? This routine keeps you cozy yet contains lots of essentials for your whole body. The best part is how Beth shows you how to use your bathrobe […]

Chunky 5×5.2 Full Body Workout – M/TS

Y'all loved the first one, so we had to make a second edition of this popular Diastasis Recti aware 5x5 workout with 25 exercises formatted to be done in 5 chunks including a warmup, weights, cardio, and a cool down stretch sesh. Feel free to do it all at once, but you can also "chunk it up" throughout your day or a whole week! Equipment needed: two sets of hand weights or two water bottles and two matching canned goods + A bench or sturdy low table (you can also just lay on the floor)

Y’all loved the first one, so we had to make a second edition of this popular 5×5 workout with 25 exercises formatted to be done in 5 chunks including a warmup, weights, cardio, and a cool down stretch sesh. Feel free to do it all at once, but you can also “chunk it up” throughout […]

Sage Stretching – E/TS

Some stretches are particularly wise for the heart area. Studies have shown that women with heart disease also tend to have tight chest muscles and difficulty rotating their trunks, so opening the pectorals and improving oblique strength & flexibility is key. This gentle “E” for easy routine would be perfect after a harder routine or […]

Emerald Exhale Hypopressive Workout – M/TS

Please complete Ebony Exhale and Cobalt Core before doing this workout. This routine contains more advanced hypopressive “low-pressure” poses and breath holds. The goal is to elevate the pelvic floor during an exhale-based stomach vacuum, and this particular set of moves brings the obliques into the mix as we practice anti-rotation. I am a certified level 1 […]

Green Gertie – M/TS

She weighs 60 lbs. I got her for Christmas 2 years before filming this routine, right after I had spine surgery. She and I were not friends at first even though I asked for her, I wanted her, and I needed her. She forced me to approach her and my body with humility and a […]

Lime Launching Cardio – C/TS

My godfather loved Kermit The Frog, and I have waited a long time to film this leaping workout with these leggings that have Kermit all over them. Naturally, Kermit and I will have you throwing, launching, and laughing (at me because of an amazing blooper Chris left in to bring you joy at my expense). The […]

Orange Obliques – M/TS

Color Series: Orange Home Exercise Workouts - - Orange Obliques Workout - The Color Series

Overwhelmingly, when I asked for “O” alliterations to match the word “orange” from our fans, people said “obliques!” Of course, you know how much my brain enjoys coming up with core exercises, however – beyond rotation – your obliques are in charge of PREVENTING twisting between your ribs and hips. This brilliant core workout explores […]

Orange Openers – M/TS

Continuing with our brilliant orange focus on the muscles around the hips, this sunny routine shines light on lots of ways to open & extend our hip flexors. They tend to be chronically tight in most people for two reasons: sitting closes the hips, and we are forward-moving creatures who use our hip flexors for […]

Orange Orbits – M/TS

What if we move in circular motions for an entire workout? My two favorite planets are orange – at least the way I remember them in my childhood science books – and my mind filled with creative motions when someone suggested orbital motions for this orange installment of our Color Series. Our bodies often only […]

Rebounding Basics – E/TS

Learn some simple footwork while getting a fun, short cardio workout on your trampoline at home. This is the perfect routine to do BEFORE our “Rebound Cardio” series because it teaches the basics, helps you tune into your core and pelvic floor, and gets your heart rate up without a lot of impact. With bouncing […]

Black BattleSticks – C/TS

They handed me two wooden drumsticks and a permanent marker. Then they told me to write what I was fighting for on each one. I wasn’t sure where to start, so I wrote my children’s names on them. Then the music started, and I lost myself in the rhythm and drumming. I knew I had […]

Nightly Knees – E/TS

Whether your knees are naughty or not to you, taking them through these gentle ranges of motion before you sleep at night will strengthen the muscles around them and may help with restless legs. This routine starts standing, then seats you, and finishes with you laying down… perfect for bedtime! Equipment needed: A tennis-ball or […]

Black Balance & Biceps – E/TS

Color Series: Black Home Exercise Workouts - - Fit2B knows women are looking for fitness motivation and asking the questions, "Is breathing exercise? Is there a bicep workout that is fun? Who can teach me how to do a cardio workout at home?" If you are looking for creative and fun workouts, Beth, our core workout specialist, has you covered. From diastasis recti exercises that will keep your tummy safe to a mental health routine that focuses you with grief quotes. Whether you need a beginner workout or more advanced fitness, click here!

What happens within your core when you hold a weighted object in one hand, and balance on the opposite foot? The answer: a whole lot of awesomesauce! But it’s not just about your belly. Balance work and loaded activities like weightlifting have both been shown to improve bone density better than medication at any age! […]

Ebony Exhale Hypopressives – E/TS

Color Series: Black Home Exercise Workouts - - Fit2B Color Series of Workouts: Ebony Exhale hypopressive core exercises for your abs, Diastasis and prolapse

There’s a mystery in the place between your exhale and inhale. Holding space after your breath out, before your next breath in, offers an opportunity for greater core control. Explore the depths of your exhale in this basic low-pressure fitness routine that takes you through the first 8 level one hypopressives poses as taught by […]

Red Rush Cardio Workout – M/TS

Normally, we don’t rush movement around here, because rushing can compromise the core and inhibit range of motion IF it’s not done thoughtfully and carefully. Maybe you’re ready for a little speed work? A little fast foot work that’s moderately challenging but not too much for your core? This cardio workout will give you a […]

Red Reaching – E/TS

Red is the color of blood. Stretching improves circulation to your tissues by lengthening and opening them. The most effective way to stretch your muscles is to lengthen them while also loading them, and the muscles of your pelvic floor are the same! Let’s breathe and stretch some space into your whole body! By clicking […]

Red Resistance – C/TS

Prepare to get a little red in the face during this smoking hot, bicep and butt burner! Don’t forget to breathe (or you’ll really be red-faced) so listen to my cues as we explore some new ranges of motion with various weightlifting props. I was a bit sore after filming this one, so be warned […]

Chunky 5×5 Fitness – M/TS

If you’re feeling chunky and needing fitness in smaller chunks, this workout offers 5 portions of 5 exercises each that can be done in 5 minutes per chunk – similar to our 5×5 challenge course – but all in one routine that is designed to be easily chunked apart. With a variety of weight work […]

Spin Cycling II – M/TS

Ready to take it up a notch, build your lifting and sprinting skills, and tone that core all at the same time? Spin Cycling II is our third spinning workout released on Fit2B and it’s got everything you need for a full body workout… yep, even some arm work! You’re going to love the transverse […]

Perky Peach Glute Workout – M/TS

🍑This peachy workout for your buns will perkify your posterior with ONE easy movement. As we repeat the motion, the variety of arm motions make this a {almost} full body workout that will bless your booty! It’s short, simple, effective, and only 10-minutes long! Once you learn the basic motion and the fun arm movements, […]

Spin Cycling 1 – M/TS

Dust off that indoor spin bike, hop on, and press play so we can warm up, add some load, climb some hills, and do some sprint drills. Then we’ll stretch at the end together. This awesome indoor cycling workout video also features some fun core choreography and hand motions in one of the songs. It […]

Tone & Flow – M/TS

Did you know that many Fit2B routines are duplicates of what I teach in classes in my community? This particular workout was an 8-week series that I was blessed to lead at a local gym for women in recovery from substance use disorders. I came to that first class with a set of movements in […]

Foam Core Fitness – C/TS

This fun foam rolling fitness routine will have you using your foam roller in unique ways that challenge your whole body in core-centered ways with exercises that take you from standing to bending, kneeling to sitting, sitting to supine! The ending is the most fun of all, but you’ll enjoy the tremendous variety throughout the […]

Mermaid Mojo – M/TS

Mermaid movements are a Fit2B fave, and this hip-loving routine strings a bunch of variations together to make one very delightful workout for your core and entire body. Wait, what if mermaids haven’t been your friend? Well, I bet you’ll find a few variations you CAN do in this routine, and then you can use […]

Tabata Tone & Stretch Workout – M/TS

Rebound Cardio: Mini Trampoline workout for Diastasis Recti on

Tabata is a style of workout that offers a a variety of exercises within a timed framework that provides a manageable level of interval training. If you want to learn more about Tabata and the country that created it, visit our Exercise Around The World course here. In this workout, we’re going to do just […]

Stair Stretches – E/TS

Use your stairs to exercise with these stretches that offer a gentle workout for your whole body from top to bottom

Got stairs? Want to sneak in some stretches on your way up and down? Feeling so tired you’d like to just sit down at the top and slide down? This routine was created by me on a day like that. I had made umpteen trips up and down my stairs, and one point I just […]

Hippy Yoga – E/TS

Hippy Yoga: Home exercise video which offers strengthening and stretching of the front and back hip areas with special care for those with core issues like Diastasis Recti, prolapse, hernia, or spine and knee issues -

Whenever he’d see someone limping, my grandpa would say that person had “a hitch in their git along.” If you’ve got a hitch in the front or back of your hips, or your lumbar spine (lower back) feels unhappy for some unknown reason, this routine may bring a lot of relief. Mad muscles don’t just […]

Rebound Cardio II – C/TS

Rebound Cardio II - A diastasis aware cardio workout with fun dance and kickboxing moves

This total body workout will bounce you to better fitness with fun choreography and music! It’s rated “C” for Challenging because it’s full of big bounces, fun footwork, and multipoint motions. If you’re not sure whether your core and pelvic floor are ready for this, I recommend you complete the following routines first: 5 Minute […]

Pool Noodling – E/TS

You know those stray pool noodles that kick around your garage or yard long after your kids are done with their summertime swimming? Let’s grab one to improve your core + upper and lower body mobility between now and next summer! My kids got a lot of laughs out of me as I spent this […]

Bosu Balance Workout – M/TS

Got a BOSU at home? How about a big flat book + a firm pillow? Any balance board, vibrating platform – someone even mentioned a skateboard – anything you think is safe for you could potentially serve as your version of a prop for this slow yet thorough full-body, balance-building routine! There’s so much we […]

Lower Back Love – E/TS

Lower Back Love - Learn a flowing routine to soothe, stretch and strengthen your lower back so that your soreness goes away for good! -

Learn a flowing routine of exercises to soothe, stretch and strengthen your lower back so that your soreness goes away for good! When my husband was suffering with a sore lower back, I lovingly designed this comforting routine for him to strengthen, stabilize, and stretch his unhappy spots in gentle ways. Turns out he has […]

Rebound Cardio: Mini Trampoline Workout

Rebound Cardio: Mini Trampoline workout for Diastasis Recti on

“On Friday, I did Rebound Cardio though I don’t have a rebounder so I turned it into a floor routine! And Quad Burn. I had a really stressful day… it really really helped to move my body.” -Melissa B. If your pelvic floor is ready for more, and you like to dance and bounce, then you’re […]

Kelly’s Dynamic Pelvic Floor Exercise Routine

Learn strategies to involve the "floor of your core" in dynamic movements such as side steps, bounces, hops, side lunges, and jumping in this home exercise routine on

Learn some new strategies with internationally acclaimed physical therapist, Kelly Dean, who will be instructing you on the practice of involving the “floor of your core” in dynamic movements such as side steps, bounces, hops, side lunges, and jumping. Starting with easier movements and progressing gradually to harder & slightly more impactful levels, this pelvic […]

Color Series: Silver Home Workout Videos

Join Fit2B for 6 Silver-Themed Workouts that will improve your muscular strength, bone density, balance, body tone, and gluteal mass -

The following “SILVER” workouts are the eighth and final installment in our Color Series of home workout videos, a 2-year project which uses color themes to explore the core, breath, and motion. I dyed my hair to match each part of the series, and I also provided cues, wore fun outfits, and set each stage in […]

Kelly’s Lower Body Workout – E/TS

Lower Body Workout for Diastasis Recti with LPT Kelly Dean on

Join licensed physical therapist Kelly Dean of The Tummy Team and award-winning master swimmer Kelly Dean for Kelly’s Lower Body Workout, a thorough diastasis-aware thigh workout that’s all standing, all tummysafe, and all fun + simplicity! She uses a chair to assist balance in some of the movements, and her cheerful professional cues will leave […]

Basic Latin Dance 1 & 2 – E/TS

Basic Latin Salsa Cardio Dance Workout on

We’d like to introduce you to Jahnea Lecouris, a vibrant dance instructor whom we know you’ll adore! If you have been wanting to dance, but you need to ease into the footwork – wow – do we have a treat for you!! Fit2B Members have begged us for a few dance workouts (but Beth is […]

Color Series: Black Home Exercise Workouts

Color Series: Black Home Exercise Workouts - - Fit2B Color Series - Black Bouncing: Grab a bouncy ball and experience time flying as you move your body while improving your eye-hand coordination + get a great workout! -

The following “black” workouts are the fourth installment in our Color Series of home workout videos which is exploring breath and motion around central themes. Upon completion, The Color Series will reflect 8 colors and contain a total of 40-50 workouts. For extra fun, I’m dressing and dying my hair to match each color! Purple […]

Color Series: Red Home Exercise Videos

Color Series: Red Home Exercise Videos - - Color Series: Red Workouts for diastasis recti and pelvic floor at

When I surveyed our fans on Instagram to ask what RED means to them, I received a huge variety of answers: Passion, fire, danger, pledging to stay drug-free, safety, caution, anger, HIV awareness, hearts, fire trucks, poppies, robin breasts, love, and blood. It’s a color that evokes strong – sometimes conflicting – feelings, and it […]

Beth’s Big Band Routine – M/TS

Beth's Big Bodylastics Band Routine -

Home Workout with Bodylastics Bands

Big {longer} Circle Band Workout – M/TS

Circle Band Workout - - Use a stretchy band to explore circular motions and tie a knot in the ends to make a circle of resistance! Fun workout! #theraband #stretchyband #exercise #homeworkout #homefitness #exercisevideo #fit2b

Break out of the “linear” box of motion and learn how to use your stretchy exercise bands for circular motions. In this total body routine that gradually builds the workload, we also play with tying knots in them to make a circle of resistance! You’re going to be delighted at several new motions you’ll be […]

Aerobics – M/TS

  If you’ve done our 4 basic aerobics routines, starting with these two here, and you’re ready to add a little more choreography and bigger motions to your cardio repertoire, then this floor aerobics workout is your next favorite routine! You’ll be grapevining, squatting, twisting and do a little cha-cha too! This workout is rated […]

Wall Yoga – M/TS

Wall Yoga screenshot -

If you have a bit of blank wall – or if you can easily move furniture out of the way – your home’s very structure can offer some stability and depth to key Yoga positions. This short yet thorough sequence peaks with “Balancing Half Moon” and features many wonderful warming motions + final relaxation with […]

Circuit Workout – C/TS

Screen Shot of Circuit Workout -

One of my favorite ways to get a quick, challenging workout – that’s also easily scalable if I’m low on energy – is to set up a home circuit. I put various props around my house and go through them two times, doing anywhere from 5 – 20 reps of each activity. This workout will […]

Quad Burn – M/TS

Screen shot from Quad Burn -

Your quadriceps are crucial to almost every motion your legs make. While many people tend to have dominant quads – the 4 muscles in the front of your thigh – this doesn’t mean they are always long enough and strong enough to play their quintessential roles. Your quad goals should be squad goals, meaning the […]

Squats for Kids – Squat Work With A Partner – K/M/TS

Squatting Partner Exercises - - Partner up and leverage each other to improve your squatting technique!

Partner up and leverage each other to improve your squatting technique! While I filmed this routine with a child, it could also be used by two teens, two adults, one adult and one teen… You get the idea! Notice our special guest puppy, Mandie? Other Fit2B routines that would improve your squat would be Squat […]

C/TS – Weightlifting 301

Weightlifting 301 - Workout with dumbbells, kettlebells and stretching with

This workout builds on Weightlifting 101 and 201, but there is so much more I could (and will) spin off of this strenuous series. The human body can move in thousands of ways, and this challenging workout packed with tummysafe strategies will get your heartrate up as you explore several creative motions while carrying load. […]

M/TS – Stair Interval Workout

Stair Interval Workout - - Stair Interval Workout for AWESOME cardio exercise -

Those stairs you have in your house, or the ones at that park or store you frequent… Why not turn them into a toning tool and use them for some cardio and body resistance work? This is the first of a big set of workouts that utilize stairways, and I’m so excited to make more! […]

M/TS – Water Aerobics

Cardio Water Aerobics Workout -

I taught “aquarobics” for several years, including my pregnancy and recovery with my son. I’d set him in his carseat on the pool deck, and the class participants would coo and croon to him whenever they went by. It was so fun to teach, but I admit I was a bit stumped to get repeated […]

E/TS – Prenatal Barre-Inspired Workout

Join special guest instructor, Dr. Shannon Anhorn DC, who filmed this beautifully gentle, prenatal barre-inspired routine while she was in her 2nd trimester with twin boys! Dr. Anhorn is a contributor to our Experts on Diastasis Recti ecourse, and she’s also my personal chiropractor. She is the founder of Cloud Chiropractic that operates within The […]

Weightlifting 201 – C/TS

Weightlifting 201 - C/TS - - TummySafe Weightlifting 201 Workout -

If this workout doesn’t turn your muscles to mush {in a good way} then you’re ready for heavier weights, because, as I say many times throughout the routine itself, “Oh. My. Goodness.” I practiced and practiced this workout to prepare to not be so sweaty and out of breath while filming, but nope! This pattern […]

5 Minutes With Fit2B

5 minutes with Fit2B - - three 5-minute workouts at

Sometimes we only have 5 minutes {or less}  Enter this brilliant series of Fit2B routines that we’ve put together on this page because our members find it easier to do “just one more” this way 😉  5 Minute Arms 5 Minute Back Attack 5 Minute Booty Burn With A Band 5 Minute Calves 5 Minute Cozy […]

M/TS – Half-Round Foam Roll Workout

M/TS - Half-Round Foam Roll Workout - - Half Dome workout with a half foam roll on

I love this half-round of a foam roller – or “half dome” as I call it in the video – for so many reasons, not least of which is how I can lay it on the floor, and it’s like a magnet. It attracts people to it to play with it: kids will treat it like […]

M/TS – The Get Up {And Down} Routine

M/TS - The Get Up {and down} Routine -

Being able to get up and down off the floor is important. It helps if you can do it without hurting yourself because no one wants to say they injured themselves while getting up off the ground. Yet people do that every day because they don’t use the proper mechanics and muscles to get up […]

M/TS – Weightlifting 101

M/TS - Weightlifting 101 -

What happens if you’re ready to go back to the gym after going through all the Fit2B routines? What if you want to lift heavier than 5 or 10 pounds? How can you stay “tummysafe” while lifting heavy? This first installment in a carefully planned and choreographed set of three routines goes over some basic […]

E/TS – Fingers & Toes

We spend a lot of time with our hands curled around devices and our feet shoved into socks and shoes. Yet, no muscle is an island. Everything that happens in the top of your body travels down. Everything that happens in the bottom of your body travels up. And sideways. And crossways. The tension in […]

C/TS – Fusion Mix II

C/TS - Fusion Mix 2 - - challenging workouts on

The second installment of a 3-part series, this challenging workout is a blend of advanced movements pulled from Yoga, Pilates and natural body resistance methodologies. It’s long and strenuous, requiring a solid baseline of deep core strength as we’ll be doing full planks (which are fine once your diastasis has narrowed and regained fascial tension + […]

M/TS – Foam Rolling II

M/TS - Foam Rolling II - - Fit2B releases 2nd Foam Rolling workout routine as fourth in series

Our foam rolling routines have been so popular due to the TummySafe education we include in them that members keep asking for more! So here I am in my own little farm house with the Summer sunshine streaming through the windows and photo albums of my babies in the background, bringing you the sequel to Foam Rolling… and […]

C/TS – Fusion Mix 1

Fusion Mix Workout -

This is the first of a 3-part series of playful yet intense total body strengthening moves that combine elements from Pilates, Yoga, and natural transitional movements like tripods, single-leg squats, arm balances, and even planks done safely! While this routine has zero crunches or sit-ups, it’s not for someone whose abdominal fascia is still thinned out with a wide […]

M/TS – Hipster Chair Moves

Hipster Chair Moves: Modern exercises for happy hips from

This unique routine will have you working on, around and behind a chair of your choice to stabilize, strengthen and mobilize your hip joints. Typical of Fit2B style, this set of moves is low-impact but high-payback, so don’t let the use of a chair fool you into thinking this one won’t sneak up on you. […]

C/TS – Get On The {Big} Ball

Get on the {Big} ball routine -

“Are those big exercise balls safe?” I get asked that question all the time, and the answer is that it depends what you do on them. This routine explores a huge variety of motions – everything from easy to hard stuff like mountain climbers and pikes – with my classic “tummysafe” cueing. IMPORTANT NOTE: Some […]

M/TS – Lorraine’s Barre Workout

M/TS - Lorraine's Barre Workout -

Please welcome guest instructor Lorraine Scapens of Pregnancy Exercise in New Zealand. Lorraine has contributed to many sections on Fit2B including our “Experts on Diastasis Recti” ecourse, and I consider her a close colleague and friend. While I provide ongoing fitness, she has sever stellar programs that align well with what I do. I’m thrilled […]

E/TS – Squat Challenge

Improve the depth of your squat for a stronger core and pelvic floor -

For most of my early group fitness career, I accepted the fitness myth that squatting would hurt the knees if the hips went lower than the knee. The mantra was “no lower than 90-degrees!” We understand now that knee injury is not about squat depth but about proper form during squatting, and getting low is CRUCIAL […]

C/TS – Step & Pivot Around The World

Step & Pivot Around The World routine from

Okay, I admit that title is long and cheesy, but it summarizes the choreography theme in the patterns you’ll be doing with me in this fun routine. You’re going to be all over your bench on every side, pivoting all over. As always, I’ve got your back with modifications if you’re not ready for jumping […]

E/TS – Kitchen Moves

Kitchen Moves -

Your kitchen is FULL of great fitness props, and this video will show you how to incorporate some simple movements into your everyday tasks. Discover how to create “work stations” in your kitchen that produce great food AND a great body! What’s more, this workout is easily transferable to other kitchens. Share it with your […]

E/TS – Blissful Block Moves

Blissful Blocks -

So light. Surprisingly soft. More sturdy than you think. Blocks are an awesome tool to encourage movement and explore your flexibility. Learn how to use this fitness prop to pursue some of the most blissful block moves ever! This routine is a delightful combination of gentle, restorative work + relaxing stretches. Perfect for days when […]

M/TS – Wood Floor Workout

Wood Floor Workout -

The chief resistance your body fights every day is gravity: The pull that holds you against this Earth we live on. The surfaces we walk upon effect how we interact with gravity. Walking on grass is different than walking on sand which is different than walking on wood floors… especially in slippery socks. As you do […]

Restorative Poses – E/TS

Restorative Poses -

Stretching via pulling or reaching is one way to lengthen tight muscles, while relaxing into restorative positions where no “work” must be done – only releasing – is a whole different approach. This valuable method is useful to all fitness levels and abilities. For this “routine” you will need to find a quiet place where […]

M/TS – Plain Ol’ Pilates

Plain Ol' Pilates -

Focusing solely on Pilates workout movements you can do at home, there really isn’t anything plain about this routine. It’s just all about mat-style Pilates and nothing else. With several levels and modifications provided for each portion, we know it will be a favorite for anyone wanting a straightforward, fun approach to some of the best […]

E/TS/R – Pelvic Floor Connections

Pelvic Floor Connections -

The perfect routines to do all by yourself, these candid yet tasteful videos are designed to help women connect to the most intimate part of their core: the pelvic floor. Using straight anatomical terms and tender talk, I will offer you several non-invasive methods and movements for the purpose of reconnecting your control over your most […]

C/TS – Wall Workout with Beth

Wall Workout with Bethany -

Oh! Such a sweet surprising challenge to the whole body, this short – yet full – total body routine brings the whole body to bear strongly on your core. Forgive the heavy breathing, but these moves are challenging and Bethany was JUST getting over strep throat while filming this! Also, this routine features our very […]

C/TS – Kettle Bell II

KettleBell Workout II -

Kettle Bell training is HOT but “tummy safe” the moves often are NOT … In this second, slightly more advanced installment of Bethany’s “how to” kettle bell series, you’ll learn more moves in a safe manner that will protect your core and tune you into the proper form and breathing patterns, so that one day when you […]

C/TS – TummySafe Kickboxing

TummySafe Kickboxing -

Want a literal booty kickin’ with some boxing on the side? This fun workout will introduce you the basics of kickboxing in typical “Fit2B Style.” Get your attitude, intensity and heart rate all elevated as you jab, jack and kick your way through 23 minutes of simple, no-nonsense cardio that could double as self-defense. Note: […]

M/TS – Kettlebell Workout I

KettleBell Workout I -

Kettlebell training is very popular right now, but most of the moves are demonstrated in such a fast and hyper-extended manner that most of the general videos on YouTube that show how to work with kettlebells are unsafe for the beginner exerciser or anyone with knee, hip, shoulder and core injuries such as diastasis recti […]

E/TS – Kelly’s Total Body Stretching

Kelly Dean's Total Body Stretching -

Now an official part of our F5 series, this fantastic stretching routine introduces Guest Instructor Kelly Dean, licensed physical therapist and owner of The Tummy Team, as she joins Fit2B Studio to share how it’s not always about flexing and “working” a muscle back into shape; it’s also about lengthening the tight muscles that are […]

The PMS Routine – E/R/TS

The PMS Routine -

“Do you have any stretches for ‘that time of the month’ to help me with cramping?” That thread on our private member forum on Facebook got my wheels turning, and after doing some research and thinking about what I’ve always naturally done with my own body to release tension, I designed this routine to help […]

M/TS – Mommy & Me III

Mommy & Me III -

  This standing fitness routine is safe and FUN for mom and baby. If your child fits in a carrier of any sort (wrap, pack, ergo-style, sling, etc) then this routine will be awesome for you. Leah’s little guy literally went to sleep while we did this workout! We keep the motions smaller and soothing, […]

M/TS – Tabata Kick & Squat

Tabata Kick & Squat -

  At 44 minutes long, this is a delightful and gentle cardio routine that uses principles of Tabata to work and rest your muscles. You’ll perform several exercises for 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, for 4 minutes each with a 1 minutes rest before moving onto the next exercise. The exercises in this routine […]

E/M/TS – Office Workouts

Fun and short office routines by

Welcome to the Office Workout section of Fit2B Studio! Working at a desk for several hours a day can take its toll on your posture, digestion, core health, hip flexibility, lower back strength… the list of debilitating effects goes on and on! The first thing you can do to fight those effects is switch to […]

E/TS – Mula Bandha

Mula Bandha -

According to our members, this routine is where many things click. It’s where all the pieces from the other Foundational Five “F5” fall into place. Mula means root or source and Bandha means lock or bond. Simply put, it’s about controlling the root-like bundle of nerve connections at your trunk’s base. I have to tell […]

E/TS – Thigh Workout II

Thigh Workout II -

This is the second long thigh workout we have filmed. This one moves at a fun pace and offers more options for the inner and outer thighs, glutes and core. It is safer than the first one for those who may have a diastasis or split in their abs. The QUALITY is astronomically better than […]

M/TS – Pilates in Pajamas II

Pilates in Pajamas II -

This workout is available within several pathways here at Fit2B Studio. Bethany stays in her pretty PJ’s for this relaxing yet challenging home workout routine. It’s tummy safe and total body! By clicking play and watching any video on Fit2B Studio, LLC you certify that you agree to the terms of our disclaimer found HERE!

Pathway to Great Glutes & Lean Legs

Stair Interval Workout - - Stair Interval Workout for AWESOME cardio exercise -

Bravo for Buttocks! Three cheers for Thighs! These body parts are often the “butt” of much lewd laughter, but the gluteal muscles in your toosh and the thigh muscles in your upper leg are CENTRAL to your health and fitness! After all, these muscles play a key role in one very crucial daily activity: using […]

M/TS – Love Handles Lost

Love Handles Lost -

Kiss your love-handles goodbye by performing this short but challenging workout on a regular basis. Target the soft spots on your sides below your ribcage and above your hips while working some surrounding muscles as well! This is a second rendition of the first Love Handles Lost workout. It contains the same flow of exercises […]

M/TS – Tabata

Tabata -

This workout features six exercises done tabata-style, meaning each movement done for 8 sets of 20 seconds each with a 10 second rest between each set. However, unlike mainstream tabata classes that perform the exercises as fast as possible, Bethany pays careful attention to form and core positioning and keeps things at a safe pace. […]

M/TS – Kelly Dean’s Wall Workout

Kelly Dean's Wall Workout -

Kelly Dean from The Tummy Team makes a guest instructor appearance in this quick, total body workout that offers some excellent ways for men and women dealing with diastasis to further strengthen their core. If you haven’t gone through any of the amazing Restore Your Core” workshops with Kelly via webinar or live seminar, we strongly recommend you invest […]

C/TS – Weighted Warriors

Weighted Warrior -

The Yoga Warrior poses are powerful enough all by themselves, but what if you held hand-weights while flowing through these poses? Find out how to use weights in a safe but stimulating manner to greatly increase your warrior workout intensity! Tummy Safety Tip: Remember to maintain neutral alignment and actively recruit your transverse abs whenever […]

E/TS – Maternity Mix

Maternity Mix -

As a mother herself, Bethany has been through two healthy, fit pregnancies and births. She has a real heart for new moms and mommies-to-be, and you can see that shining through in this workout. Experience gentle queues that will connect you to your changing body and the precious life within you. Find out how to […]

Thigh Workout

Thigh Workout - - 15-Minute TummySafe Thigh Workout for Diastasis Recti

Thighs. We all have two sets of them, and they need care and attention like all the rest of our body parts. Did you know we have THREE routines dedicated to these lovelies? This one you’re about to do is actually an updated, refilmed version of the original done in 2011 which you can see […]

C/TS – Tabata Ball Workout

Tabata Ball Workout -

Just hearing the word “Tabata” is enough to make some folks’ knees ache. But Beth takes the risk of knee injury out of the equation by slowing down the reps a wee bit. It’s still the same pattern: 8 sets of one exercise. 20 seconds per set. 10 seconds rest between each set, for five […]

M/TS – Pilates Yoga Blend

M/TS - Pilates Yoga Blend - - Pilates & Yoga Blend workout -

Originally filmed in 2010 as part of our first set of workouts, there were some seriously unhappy members when I took it down to refilm AND then we had a glitch with the new one! Needless to say, I’m very excited to debut this new version. It’s almost ridiculous how many attempts we’ve made to do this. […]

C/TS – Pilates & Yoga Loaded

Pilates & Yoga Loaded -

Here is our most recent routine of blended Pilates and Yoga moves that are not only TummySafe but also “loaded” with goodness for your whole body. Go from standing to kneeling to sitting to laying all within 25 minutes, and all while utilizing your core to move your limbs. Equipment needed: a pair of handweights […]

Peaceful Blend – M/TS

Peaceful Blend -

This surprisingly intense routine is one of our longest on Fit2B Studio, but you might not even realize that you are working out! The subtle transitions and deep core focus will sneak up on you, so that by the time you are relaxing and breathing deeply at the end, you will only feel… peaceful. This […]