Thank you for joining this 7-Day Sugar Free Challenge with Fit2B Studio!
I’m so glad you’re giving this a go, and I’m honored to be part of another piece of your wellness journey. I believe you’ll love all the help and inspiration.
A Personal Note from Me, Beth…
It was so hard for me to decide the order of lessons, because each one focuses on a fairly vital piece of information that can help you let go of sugar this week.
Part of me wanted to put lesson 5 first, but lesson 1 felt great where it was, and lesson 3 certainly couldn’t be lesson 6, and some of you will wish you had lesson 7 for lesson 2 because that will be what resonates with you most… know what I mean?
So as you’re going through this course, give us both grace. Grace for yourself if you stumble and struggle. Grace to me if you find a typo or bit of info that seems out of place to you, but maybe it was perfect right where it is for someone else.
What To Expect
As you may already know, each lesson includes a simple snack idea, a sugar-free strategy, some sugar science, a quiz question to prove to yourself that you are learning new things, and other random goodies. We also have a recipe page where you’ll find loads of ideas from me and others.
This week is going to be soooo awesome!
Serving you on this sweet journey,
Beth & The Fit2B Team
P.S. Go ahead and click on Lesson One!