We add frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers about Fit2B, how to workout at home, how to exercise with diastasis, and other fitness & wellness topics to this page every week! Scroll down to see them all.

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One of the most common questions we get is, “How do I watch your workout videos?” Well, our members in ~40 countries around the world stream our home exercise videos in many different ways including Roku, Chromecast, AppleTV, and more. Here’s one video with one way people do it, and here’s a blog we wrote during one of many updates to our Roku Channel with LOTS of alternative streaming ideas from our members around the world. Incidentally, once you join, all the links on our site to all of our Diastasis Recti aware workouts will open up to you, and then you can watch our workouts the same way you watch this video: by clicking the play button :

Once I log in to Fit2B how do I get back to the workout I wanted to do?

Click back twice then refresh. If you’re visiting a workout page on Fit2B and you didn’t log in yet, go ahead and log in, then simply go back twice and then refresh the page. Since you went forward to our log in page, then our site takes you to our dashboard – once you log in – you simply need to navigate backward two times, and then refresh the page so that our system knows you’ve logged in.

I’ve had your Roku channel for a while now, but suddenly the videos aren’t playing. What do I do?

First try restarting your device or unplugging it. Sometimes you may be prompted to reinstall the channel or log in again. This is a security feature and a clean up feature that all channels do from time to time. If your Roku is several years old, you may also need to get a new Roku device because older ones don’t have the technology to complete new updates. They will simply quit working. However, Roku streaming sticks are very inexpensive (usually less than $30) or you could opt for a fancy Roku Soundbar which is amazing! At the very least, try removing and reinstalling our channel before you spend any more money, though.

What if I can’t connect my PC or laptop to my TV?

Roku is your best option for viewing us on your big screen. AppleTV and ChromeCast also work well with our site. But we kept those without huge television screens in mind when we were designing Fit2B. If you are traveling or on the road, you won’t always be able to hook up to a big screen. Why should that stop you from exercising in your bedroom, hotel room, living room or at a friend’s house. Once you sign up and we grant you access to the site, you can use ANY computer. Just login, pick a workout, and get moving or meditating! If you’re willing to do yoga from an app, you can certainly do it on your computer!

How do I get Fit2B on my AppleTV?

The trick is to make sure your iphone or ipad or even laptop are all upgraded to the latest version AND that they are on the same wireless network as your appleTV… Once your sure of that, you start by playing the video on your device and a little TV will appear in the lower corner of the device. Tap that and select your appleTV. This video HERE on this link does a great job of showing a couple ways to get it done quickly and easily!

How do I get Fit2B through my ChromeCast?

You can’t cast from chrome on your phone or tablet. Happily, it’s more simple than that. It if you have a computer with chrome on it, just “cast” the tab with the video and then have it go full screen. The speed of your internet service does affect it. Basically the device grabs the video from the wifi connection. Sometimes pointing the device in different directions helps. Learn more from chromecast by clicking HERE.

How do I get Fit2B through my Roku?

Fit2B has a Roku Channel!  If you’re a member then you can access the channel for free!  Visit our Roku page for step by step set up instructions and to enter your access code.

If you have our Roku Channel set up and are experiencing streaming issues here are some things to try.

  1. Reset your Roku.  Unplug your Roku device for 10 seconds then allow it to reboot.
  2. Delete the Fit2b app and reinstall.
  3. Is your internet working properly?
  4. If it says “video unavailable” then check your internet filters.  We use anatomical terms which devices like Circle will halt even if we only use the Latin term for calf muscles.

Are all the workouts just one style? Mostly Yoga? Mostly Pilates?

No, we offer EVERYTHING including weights, tabata, dance, stretching, ab routines, ball workouts, spin cycling, step aerobics, tabata, circuit training, restorative exercises, kids workouts, and other formats based on our member’s requests. Our focus isn’t on Yoga or Pilates or weights. Our focus is on core strength and total body fitness, endurance, flexibility, and toning. We teach EVERY type of fitness with Diastasis Recti Aware strategies. As an independent provider, not bound by any contract with any exercise brand, we are able to pick and choose the moves that we deem best for our protocol and particular style of TummySafe workouts and routines.

Do these workouts offer sufficient strength training?

Yes. We offer weight training and body resistance training. Both are more than sufficient for all fitness levels, but our body weight workouts are especially beneficial for those who have previously been inactive or barely active, because our bodies are first frontier. Some big-market brand-name workouts are simply unsafe for the average sedentary exerciser. Our goal is to take our clients safely from 0 to 10 in a reasonable amount of time. Asking a beginner exerciser to do too much is asking them to fail. We believe in giving them small, baby steps and gradually increasing what they’re doing, build their confidence, and pretty soon they’ll be hungry for more! My site really isn’t for the elite athlete who already has a great workout plan, although the yoga and pilates is so affordable, that it would be a great supplement for anybody. My site is for the SAHM or WAHM or (dad) or person who wants to make a smart return to fitness after Once people get to the challenging workouts, the amount of resistance and cardio offered in those is tremendous!

How many videos are currently on your site and how often do you add more?

We currently have HUNDREDS of workout videos of various lengths and ability levels. You can see how our videos are sorted in the following ways:

  • In our members area, by progressive pathways that utilize more and more challenging workouts.
  • In our Fit2B in Your Schedule section which categorizes them by times of 10 minuts or less, 15 minutes or less, 20 minutes or less, 25 minutes or less, and 30+ minute workouts.
  • By degree of difficulty which includes Totally Tummy Safe workouts for those healing from diastasis recti and hernia and surgery, beginner workouts, advancing workouts and challenging workouts that aren’t as diastasis-aware.

Do members get a workout plan or design to make sure they are changing things up and working different muscles?

Premium members get a 15-minute phone call with me each year. Plus, we offer several workout program courses, and our pathways are basically like workout plans. Within each pathway, every workout wakes up every muscle. Our Workout Paths offer a gradual increase in activity that is safe for men and women who are truly starting from scratch. Bethany put her degree in exercise and sport science to major use when she designed our workouts and funneled them into workout paths that are basically programs to ensure our clients progress in a well-rounded fashion. For example, within 4-6 weeks a member on the “Fit2B Beginning Path” will go from doing 10 minute workouts to 25 minute workouts that gradually increase in difficulty. For the 50% of Americans that are obese that is a big improvement! The next workout path progresses you even further!

What if my video is skipping a lot or not playing at all?

Skipping… We film all of our workouts in high def (HD) and only a few are in standard definition (SD). This means that if you don’t have a dedicated internet connection, or your service provider isn’t so great, then you might need to plan ahead and give your workouts time to load. Your computer is processing a LOT of information, so in the worst case scenario, you’ll need to click play and go do something else for a while. Just put it on mute and let it the buffer fill up. Mute your volume if you don’t want to listen to the skipping. Then try playing from the beginning. Even with a slow computer or internet service, you should only have to go through this loading process once per workout. Once your computer “gets to know” the data, it will recognize it and let it through faster. If you experience skipping after you have let a title play out completely, restart your computer, clear your history, or try a different browser, please contact us immediately!

Not playing at all… If you’ve tried to watch one of our workouts, and you get a message such as, “Sorry. There was an error encountered while loading this video” try two things:

  1. Upgrade your browser. Having an outdated version of your browser can really slow your system down, making it hard to stream our workouts. Upgrading is usually free, takes just a few minutes, and speeds your whole life up again!
  2. Change browsers. Choose from free options like Apply Safari, Yahoo Firefox, Google Chrome or Internet Explorer… just something different than what you currently use. Over half of our users are on Macs including us 😉 So be sure your browser has the most recent updates, and if that doesn’t help, try a different browser.
  3. Check your firewall, web protection, or pornography blocking settings. Although we do NOT film immodest material, sometimes our video hosting system (vimeo) is automatically blocked, because it functions like youtube. However, we have a professional version that won’t allow popups from other video providers, and all of our content is family-friendly. You’ll need to approve vimeo, or Fit2B Studio as an approved site, or you’ll have to temporarily disable your web protection while participating.

Will you give me something if I refer a friend?

Yes, we have an affiliate system that bloggers can join here, and we also have a referral program for our customers to “Give $10 Get $10” right here.

Is it cost-efficient to join Fit2b.us when I could get more at a club?

Well, how cost efficient is it to go to a gym? How much time does it take to get there? How much gas? Babysitting and childcare? Do your kids get sick a lot from their childcare? Does their class schedule match your schedule? How much time do you really have to devote to your fitness? We can give you a choice from many, many different workouts right there in your home.You’ll work every muscle, rejuvenating and relaxing without ever leaving home! We don’t limit how many times you watch or who you watch it with. Take it with you. Invite a friend. It’s less than most gym memberships, and you wear whatever you want.

How does joining this site compare to joining a ‘real’ studio?

If you join a yoga or Pilates studio, you will pay at least $10-30 per class, and it will be one style in one length of time with little variety. We provide every type of workout, in every length of time to fit your schedule, at all levels, in all styles ranging from Yoga, Pilates, weights, cardio, hypopressives, ballistic training, rebounding, spin cycling, Tabata, circuits, restorative exercise, and our groundbreaking color series. You won’t find what we offer anywhere else, all in one place.

Is there stuff for beginner and advanced students?

Definitely! We have created content for the beginner – someone who has NEVER done pilates or yoga – and the advanced participant – someone who has been there, done that, and has the yoga pants to prove it. She can do this because she has worked in the fitness industry since 1995, and her degree + multiple certifications equip her to teach to all fitness abilities. Even as she progresses you through various levels, Beth never stops teaching. She has new insights, new angles, new methods that will keep you moving and coming back for more. Pilates and yoga are both lifelong journeys. You are jumping into an ocean of opportunity where every muscle in your body can always stretch or flex further and deeper than it ever has before! The more flexible you are, the bigger your range of motion. The bigger your range of motion, the more motion you can make. The more motion you can make, the more calories you can burn … And the more calories you burn, well, your current size will be history.

What sets Fit2B apart from other online fitness sites?

You are not going to find anything else like Fit2b.us no matter where you look. The instructor, Beth, is totally unique because she has been in the fitness industry since 1995 – starting with cleaning treadmills and toilets in a local athletic club – and she worked her way up to management from there. She has never stopped learning, and she has trained and certified in a wide variety of fitness styles and methods. Many other instructors out there were trained in only one, while Beth has taught thousands of hours of multiple disciplines. She also has a degree in Exercise and Sport Science. Her national certifications and education give her the unique ability to dissect any movement, any pose, any type of exercise into biomechanically safe, healthy patterns that are perfect for nearly every special population.

Exercise Q & A’s about Diastasis Recti & Home Workouts with Beth

Question from Lorrie about workouts after Pelvic Floor PT: After seeing a PT for the last few months, I am now ready to get back to Fit2B with things in their proper places. Y’all know what I mean. What is the recommended path for someone who has gotten a clean bill of health from her PT, but who still needs to keep strengthening the PF, and stretching and strengthening everything else?
Answer from Beth: We promote pelvic floor physical therapy in many places on our website because all women need it at some point, so I’m very excited you followed through and got help. I would recommend doing the Foundational Five (F5) which has been refreshed with new videos since you last did them, and then do the beginning path or 6×6 path.
Question from Tyra about crunches & sit-ups: I know this has been discussed before but my husband and son are arguing that crunches/situps aren’t bad for you and that some of the people in top physical shape do them with no apparent issue. 🤷‍♀️ What are some good articles or places for info I can share with them?
Answer from Beth: They are right, but they are also wrong. They are males (with one less opening, and one much smaller opening in their pelvic floors) who haven’t had kids as are many top athletes. The same exercises don’t work for everyone in every season. Pregnancy and postpartum are definitive seasons marked by massive shifts, changes, and often (sadly) injury in the female anatomy. Males have different cores than females because their pelvic floor setup is different. If they can do those exercises without doming, bulging, herniation, or abdominal separation, great! Not everyone can. Search Fit2B + those exercises on Google or whatever search engine to find what I’ve written. Here is one key article with a video offering alternatives.

Question about splinting abs from Sherla: This is my eighth week of postpartum…i have been wrapping my tummy with a cotton cloth…it gave me good support but my tummy size has not come back to normal. Which binder u suggest?

Answer from Beth: Using a therapeutic grade splint designed by physical therapists is so helpful for postpartum tummies. I recommend several different ones here. Keep in mind that 8 weeks isn’t a lot of time to rewind the effects of 9 months of pregnancy. It will take up to a year for all the birth hormones to fully leave your system, and it can take several years for your ligaments and fascia. This is a “long game” of healing that you’re playing, but the beautiful thing is that everything you do for your belly from eating well to using a splint to exercising in tummysafe ways will benefit you in other ways too! Keep taking good care of yourself, mama!


Question from Maria about getting rid of Lower Tummy Pooch: I am looking for ideas or best workouts to get rid of my lower tummy pouch! It’s more for comfort and ease of wearing pants and underwear. I am just so frustrated with it. And I’m not sure where to begin on getting it to go away.

Answer from Beth: Non-stressful workouts will be most ideal since belly fat is tied to higher cortisol levels. You want to be consistently active each day, but you don’t want your brain/body to think you’re running from a bear. Don’t buy into all the “get rid of your fupa” (hate that term, but it’s caught on) videos because there’s truly no way to “spot tone” any part of your body, especially where there’s extra skin left over from the hard work of carrying babies. However, we can support that area’s continued healing and regeneration with massage, lymphatic drainage, gentle exercise habits, good nutrition, lots of restful motions, and hydration. The thing about workouts is that they are personal. What’s relaxing to me might not be relaxing for you. Sit with this for a minute: What type of physical activities help you feel more calm and happy when you’re done? focus on the “feel good” in your fitness. It’s less about the type of workout and more about how you feel during and after it. The second it becomes about punishing, pushing past pain, or perfection it will spike your cortisol. If it’s fun and you have a blast and feel good after, that’s the goodies! The new Lymphatic Length & Strength routine could do wonders as it includes some tummy massage and lymphatic drainage work that can be pivotal for how your body stores stuff.


Question from J. about hernia surgery recovery: I’ve been getting into a good exercise routine lately but will have an umbilical hernia repair surgery soon. I would like to keep my routine alive afterwards. Am I right it would make sense to look into the postnatal path after surgery as it is meant for a slow start into getting your core back in action?

Answer from Beth: You could definitely use our postnatal course quite a bit, but if you want something more tailored, do The Tummy Team’s “Core Preparations for Abdominal Surgery” course that will prepare your muscles and teach you how to recover. Fit2B works closely with TT on many projects, and I deeply appreciate how our work compliments each other.

Question from Mary about Exercise for Lower Back Pain: Hi! I am in need of specific exercise(s) to relieve very, very, low back pain, well pretty much the lowest vertebrae that exists. I know that it will become less painful as time goes on and I restore my core strength, but this is kind of a dire need.

Answer From Beth: I’d recommend Lower Back Love. If that’s too much, then Restorative Poses can serve nicely for some gentle transitional movement and supported stretches. Additional Note: New research has connected pelvic floor muscles DIRECTLY to deep lower back pain. They have been identified as bigger stabilizers than almost everything else! You can talk to your tailbone with your pelvic floor. So maybe also consider Pelvic Floor Connections. But go easy and always back off if something raises heck! Let me know if you can’t do a certain move. That tells me a lot about what you might be dealing with, and then I can better determine other routines that could help.


Question about knees from Cynthia: There has been a little chatting recently about knee exercises. I’m only aware of one, the one in the Black series, but are there more? My knees aren’t terrible, but they seem to get worse even though I’m trying to be very mindful of how they are positioned. Any help?

Answer from Beth: I’d recommend the Squat Prep video that teaches you how to take pressure out of your knees when squatting in various ways which is often the source of most knee pain. Nightly Knees is the one is the Black Color Series, and I would add the new Lymphatic Length & Strength routine to your knee line up as well since it can help address invisible swelling of the lymph nodes around the knee which can contribute to discomfort too!

Question from Mandy about the benefits of using different home exercise equipment: I recently found out I can check out fitness equipment from our library! I got a 10lb kb and will get the 15lb next time. (Smallish, I know, but I’m a beginner so it’ll do until I find an inexpensive 15 or 20lb kb). They also have a yoga ball and resistance bands! And my sis found me an 8 lb weighted ball at a thrift store. I’ve already scouted a few workouts on Fit2B for it. But I have a question…. What’s the benefit of a weighted ball as opposed to dumbbells or a kettlebell?

Answer From Beth: This is a brilliant program that I wish all libraries could offer!! The benefit to using a weighted ball isn’t in opposition to using something else. Rather, it’s a complement to other things. Having access to a variety of props is offers precisely that: variety… in grip, bulk, balance, etc. Your muscles have to move in uniquely different ways for each one. Changing the load, speed, or time of a workout aren’t the only ways we can challenge our muscles in different ways. We can pick up differently shaped loads that require different gripping patterns. We can put our bodies in different positions while we move those loads. Being creative in safe, effective ways is our specialty here on Fit2B, so I’m excited that you have some fun new props to play with!


Question about walking vs. running for diastasis from Mirabelle: Is walking or running better for my Diastasis Recti? I have a lot of friends who run, and they always say I should come with them, but it doesn’t feel good to my belly after 3 babies. Do I really have to run to tone my body back up again?

Answer from Beth: Walking is definitely easier on the core and pelvic floor than running. If you genuinely love to run, then we can help you make a safe return to running. You can run while protecting your core and pelvic floor. However, if you hate running  – and you’re “going for a run” purely because you think you have to in order to lose weight and stay in shape – then you should know that walking is less impact and strain on your core + you can adjust the way you walk to burn more calories than jogging! We offer a 6-week course called “Walking As A Workout” that can dramatically improve how you walk to get into the best shape of your life, while also improving your abs strength and toning your arms and legs! 


Question about strength in aging from Elizabeth: My mom and I were talking about adding more resistance training into our fitness. She already does a lot of gardening, biking, etc. I’m looking at the pathways and not sure which one fits “I’m getting older and need to think about bone density.” I know all of Fit2B is geared towards being stronger as we age. And I know there are a few blogs about it and some weight training videos. And also realizing I tend to give up easily because my bladder starts leaking with weight stuff.

Answer from Beth: They all fit. And I’m not just being lazy or cheeky with that answer. Women over 40 need load-bearing activities at least 2 times a week. This can be ANY type of weight work for any length of time, and all of our pathways have that built into them. Ideally, as you and her get stronger, you will lift a bit more and then a bit more, continuing to build muscle mass and maintain or even improve your bone density. Use the sorting grid to isolate all the “weights & resistance” routines and then select the “E” for easy ones + the time frame that works for your schedule on any given day. Don’t overthink it. Just lift twice a week. It’s really that simple. I promise 😉 and if your bladder wants to keep leaking – even with all my PF cues – please go see a PFPT who can help you sort that out. You may have some scar tissue or tightness or weakness that needs to be addressed internally or with personalize exercises. It’s very treatable!


Question from Angie about how much weight women should lift:  I hear so much about women needing to lift heavy, but I never hear a numerical value assigned to what “heavy” is. What should we be aiming for?

Answers from Beth:  It’s subjective, meaning it depends on each person. What’s heavy to you right now? My basic formula is “a little more than the heaviest thing you lift on a regular basis.” If your toddler weighs 40lbs, well, she won’t for much longer, and you want her to feel lighter when you lift her. That said, my new ideal for my clients is that you work toward being strong enough to lift your oldest loved one. Who is someone in your life that may need you to pick them up off the floor or help them get off the toilet? Get strong enough for them. Work toward that weight 1-2 lbs at a time. In the “weightlifting world” the official standard for strength building is something you can only lift 6-8 times for 2-3 sets with good form. We have a lot of weight routines on Fit2B. Specifically, “Green Gertie” is one that will help you lift heavier.

Question from Sarah about sitting on things: I’ve been seeing things on the net about sitting on objects…balls, pool noodles to release tight pelvic floor muscles. Has anyone tried this? Is it a good thing?

Answer from Beth: This can be a useful strategy, yes, and I offer a routine that walks you through how to safely sit on a yoga tuneup therapy ball in “Red Respiration” which is part of our Color Series of workouts. The idea may sound odd, but – with clothing on and proper technique – it’s safe and effective for most people + preferable to other insertable methods of releasing tight muscles down there for many people.
Question from Carla about workouts for swelling in the heat: What would you recommend for swollen feet, legs, and hands after a long, hot day at an amusement park?
Answer from Beth: Swollen hands and feet are no fun. Mine got horrible when I was pregnant in the summertime. I’d lay down and put my feet and hands up high in the air, and they would visibly shrink in front of my eyes! Because of how elevating your limbs can help, I’d recommend two different home exercise videos on Fit2B for this Purple Upside Down and Fingers & Toes. Also, any overhead stretching of your hands and arms will helps those limbs and phalanges (fingers) to drain and feel better.
Hypopressives Question from Wendy:  I keep seeing stuff about hypopressives and I have no idea what this is. Is there a specific workout for this? I’m curious about it.
Answer from Beth: Hypopressive means “low pressure.” There are specific poses performed with a specific breathing technique, and research in Brazil and other countries indicates that Hypos can really help with core recovery. Workouts we have for this include: Ebony Exhale in the black series, Cobalt Core in the blues, and Emerald Exhale in the greens. If you go in that order, and do each one a couple times a week for a few weeks, you’ll be amazed! You can read the article I wrote about them here, and we also did a couple of podcasts about them here and here.

Question from Vanessa:I’ve been a little mia with workouts lately. Did one of the yoga/Pilates blends today. I really need to do more cardio but have no motivation for workouts that make me sweaty. Getting in a workout AND a shower is impossible with 5 kiddos younger than 7 at home. Any good motivational or practical tips?

Answer from Beth: Rest in these facts: It doesn’t have to hurt to work. It doesn’t have to make you sweat to work. Cardio Schmardio. Just pick an easy routine and enjoy your body’s ability to move. Also, many people in the world who don’t have access to showers just sponge off (or not) after they get sweaty. I often do this as well: sweat, then use a wet washrag with a small amount of soap to cover the basics. Why waste so much water?


Ab Surgery Question from Heather: I finally decided to see a PT to try and fix my hip/back pain and be “medically” diagnosed with DR. She said that my gap isn’t super big(about 1.5-2 from sternum to about 2 inches above my belly button and 1.5 inches below belly button.) The area in-between is slightly larger across however it’s fairly deep in that area. It goes to almost my second knuckle. It’s also pretty tender. I’m 4.5 months postpartum from my 5th baby and having any sort of surgery right now isn’t really an option. When I brought up muscle repair and surgery to my PT to help alleviate my hip and back pain she sort of brushed it off saying that it might help but it might not and that I should really just focus on strengthen and stretching my core, back, and hips. I’m fine with doing all the PT work my question is. Should I also be asking my PCM to refer me for further testing like CT, MRI, ect?

Answer from Beth: In the first year postpartum, a lot of healing is still taking place. If every mama could get into a good PT like you are doing, the 1 year mark would see such better outcomes. Getting a scan now while your body is technically and medically still in recovery – especially when your gap seems to be narrowing nicely so far – would be a waste. I don’t say that lightly. I’m all about scans later when they seem needed for a DR that’s not responding to non-surgical interventions. Here’s a blog I wrote about getting ab surgery. For now, though, give your DR time to heal. Do the things your PT offers. Wait for this first year to play out. The same exercises for your core will also strengthen your lower back and should ideally reduce that discomfort and dysfunction. Most surgeons won’t even see you until 1 year postpartum, and the current courses I’m taking on DRA advise the same: work with clients during the first year to further their recovery, get them strong at their foundation again, progressively load them in safe strategic ways, then evaluate at the 1 year mark. Another reason to wait through that first year is hormone levels that are still working to keep your tissues soft. I know you want to feel better right now, and you will feel better tomorrow and the next day as you take the baby steps being prescribed to you by your PT. If something doesn’t feel good, tell them. Be committed to this phase of your recovery and utilizing the Fit2B workout videos to continue exercising. You’ve got this!


Question about compressed discs from Elizabeth: My husband injured his back at work lifting boxes last week. They said his disc is compressed a bit, and he’s getting work – provided PT at their clinic. It seems OK-ish. I think he needs some transverse awareness to do well with what they’re asking him to do. Routine suggestions? 

Answer from Beth: Inversions, transverse work, and spine lengthening motions felt so good on my spine when I had a herniated disc prior to my spine surgery. Routines like “purple upside down” and moves like down dog, or finding ways to even hang upright might feel good, even slight declines where the head is lower than the heart.


Question about exercising during periods Kathleen: Oof. I need to go exercise, but I’m just not feeling it. I feel generally blah, sluggish, and just…heavy. I checked the calendar and realized I’m supposed to start my period soon. It’s not usually bad, but I feel like it’s just going to be a doozy this month. At 4 days out from starting, is there much I can do at this point to lessen the fatigue or general drain of a rough period?

Answer from Beth: Exercise. It’s what you don’t feel like doing, but movement will ease all the things you’re worried about. It doesn’t have to hurt to work. Exercise is also the most controllable thing you can do to fight the virus and many other ills. Pick a short “E for easy” routine and just begin. It’s worth it. So worth it. Try our PMS Routine!


Question from Kelli about teen workouts: I’m looking to start a strengthening routine for my 13yo. She literally pees whenever she jumps, laughs or sneezes. What workouts would be good for her? She is my “allergic to physical activity” child. My other children are athletic and muscular, but not her. She is very tall, thin and low muscle tone. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Answer from Beth: Has she been through the Fit2B Girls course yet? There’s loads of great info + a circuit workout pattern in there, and good stuff for helping her connect to her core and gain control. It will help her address root causes of these issues, everything from pelvic strength to constipation, and she can go through it at her own pace.


Question from Kelli about evening energy levels: What can I do for energy in the evening? My toddler is exhausting.

Answer from Beth: I remember those days! Motherhood is so exhausting. Be sure you’re fueling for it with complex whole grain carbs with your dinner. Maybe try one of our “5 Minutes with Fit2B” routines that will help your body release tension and get some yummy-feeling motions. It seems counter-intuitive when you’re tired, but a few minutes of simple exercises can raise your serotonin levels and tell your body to release stored energy into your bloodstream for the motions you’re doing. Then you can exist on that “high” for a while.


Question from Kandice about slow walking: What about the benefits of slow strolling walking. Does that “count”. Will it help with health and fitness?

Answer from Beth:  Every kind of walking has benefits. Every kind of movement has benefits… unless it’s making your symptoms worse. Most people who deal with diastasis rectus abdominis (DRA) or pelvic floor issues find walking to be a very accessible, low-impact, easy way to exercise without increasing their ab gap or leaking. Regarding race walking, I think it’s how I approach it. On race day, cortisol levels and adrenaline are certainly higher. When I’m just out for a training walk, though, I am chill. It feels good. I’m. not trying to kill myself. Cortisol is a very mental hormone. If you’re feeling angry and stressed, strenuous exercise may raise it in the moment, but it can also make you feel better as you continue moving. Check out all our walking resources and products here.


Can Hypopressives Help Diastasis Recti? - Fit2B.com - Read about my hypothesis that– done correctly–hypopressives have potential to help diastasis recti. #corestrengthening #meditation #meditationpractice #lowimpact #clicktolearn #fitnessjourney #fintessmotivation #getfit #fitmomlife #fitmom #thefitlife #strongnotskinny #homefitness #abworkout #homeworkouts_4u #healthylife #healthylifestyle #fitnessroutine #coreworkouts #core

Question from Adrianne: Ok so I just put up my yoga trapeze/silk. I know we’re not supposed to be inverted with Diastasis Rectus Abdominus. What are the guidelines for this thing?

Answer from Beth: Inversions aren’t as tricksy as backbends. You know how to connect to your core and manage your pressure and what to watch for. Play around and find your current limits, then work on expanding them. I offer lots of strategies for backbends in our “Orange Openers” home workout video. I offer strategies for inversions in our “Balanced Inversions” and “Purple Upside Down” routines.


Question from Holly about surgical recovery: it looks like I will be having a major surgery in the fall (a craniotomy). I am wanting to set my body up for success before and after the surgery, such as in food, healthy gut, etc. I already plan to reduce my sugar intake, lots of nutrient dense foods. Anything else that you all have done before that has helped you in surgery? Thanks!

Answer from Beth: First thing I thought of is ALLLLL the neck/face routines we offer inside our “14 Days to A Better Neck” course. These are also located in our member library of workout videos. You’ll have a lot of tension, drainage, scar tissue that will affect the muscles in your head/neck/jaw/shoulders like a trickle down effect. Priming those areas and learning the stretches and movements NOW so that you can do what feels good during recovery from memory would be ideal. And take advantage of all the physical therapy that you’re offered post-op and beyond.


Question from Leslie about pediatric posture: My daughter is 10. She is skinny. Irish dance has her stand one way and violin has her stand another way. 🙂 It seems like she over arches her back and her tummy looks like it is poking out. I don’t say a whole lot because the last thing I want to do is make her think she is something she is most definitely not. My side of the family tends to carry weight in the tummy area. She was breech. I don’t know if that has anything to do with it. I have had her do some exercises with me like shifting weight to the heels. Any other suggestions for helping with this? I am not overly concerned but as she gets older I want to know how to help her posture positively.

Answer from Beth: If she’s standing a certain way for practice, that’s not a huge amount of time, and it won’t wreck her. Let her enjoy it, but invite her into your Fit2B workouts and praise her highly when you notice her in good alignment.


Question from Karlee: I assume most of the F5 routines would be beneficial for hiatal hernia. But are there any routines that may be especially helpful in strengthening that area to prevent the hernia from happening again?

Answer from Beth:  Yes and yes, the same ones and all of the Fit2B routines, really. It’s the breath work and the pressure control that we teach that strengthens that area and gives you the ability to manage where your pressure is going inside your body. Start with all the NEW routines in the Foundational Five. They will be super helpful. If you feel your HH bothering you, try again, and think “lighter not tighter.”

The One About Race Walking - Fit2B.com - Walking exercises flex and stretch ALL of your core. And walking challengs are safe for your diastasis! Listen in to this podcast as Beth discusses racewalking and why you should add it to your fitness routine. #fitnessmotivation #getfit #furtherfasterforever #whstrong #shapesquad #fitmomlife #bodypositive #sweateveryday #strongnotskinny #homefitness #abworkout #homeworkouts_4u #healthylife #healthylifestyle #fitnessroutine #coreworkouts #core #diastasisrecti #diastasis #fit2b #postpartum

Question from Angie about SI Joint pain: I’ve got some SI pain/stiffness going on. I know all my leg/low back/pelvis muscles are tight and I’m working on that – think their tightness is keeping the chiro adjustments from holding. I did the Lower Back Love today and I’d ideally like to have at least one more video to do in rotation with that one. Any other advice would be great too.

Answer From Beth: Routines on Fit2B for you to explore and see if they bring relief might include Mellow Slow Flow, Bag A Better Back, Pelvic Rest Routine, PMS Routine. Perhaps also Hippy Yoga which addresses the pelvis from all angles and includes a variation of the pose you’re describing known as Frog Pose. It’s ah-mazing!


Question about Walking & Hips from Adrianne:I am in PT. My hip flexors are tight and my glutes are weak. My PF is weak. Today we discovered that I have been walking wrong for years. I pull with my heels. We tried working on it and ran out of time. My brain absolutely doesn’t comprehend how to walk pushing off from my toes. Are there any videos that might help me? I walk 5-7 miles a day. I’ve gotten so much healthier this year but walking isn’t helping my hips. I want to not hurt my hips but keep walking.

Answer from Beth: Walking As A Workout – one of our courses – has a whole lesson on “toe push-off” and another lesson on “heel-strike.” And to me that’s the difference right there: You land on your heel, striking the ground, and there is some traction that happens there BUT it’s the opposite foot back behind you that’s pushing off that really propels you. As for those weak glutes and tight hips, take a look at our “Orange Openers” workout as well as “Bag A Better Booty.” Try to avoid thinking you’ve been doing something “wrong.” You’ve been getting around and moving from point A to point B for years, so it can’t be all wrong. You’re going to improve how you’re doing that. You haven’t learned how to push off with your toes yet. Your hips are tight right now. Your glutes are getting stronger. Hang onto that growth mindset, and take a look at all our walking resources on Fit2B right here.


Question from Sara about deep squats: If I squat for any length of time my feet cramp up. Is that just because I can’t keep my heels down yet? Or is there something else I can do? For context: I’ve been working on an organic veggie farm lately, doing a lot of weeding and harvesting. I end up mostly kneeling, when there is enough space, but I do find that makes my back sore after a while.

Answer from Beth:  Take a break and stretch your feet each time this starts. Change positions, and shift your weight over to one foot a bit more. Squatting doesn’t have to look one way, and it’s not wrong to be unable to hang there forever. That’s not even the goal. The goal is to be able to drop into a deep squat if you need to and get back up fluidly and without pain or leaking. Being able to hang out for a few minutes is bonus. Try siting in a supported squat throughout the day too, and stretching stuff while you’re there. It’s a process. Also, take a look at our Squat Prep and Squat Challenge exercise videos.


Question from Brooke about frozen shoulder: I’m dealing with frozen shoulders so most weight routines are either difficult or impossible for me to do with the lack of range of motion. Sometimes it feels like I’ll never regain all my range of motion and I get frustrated.

Answer from Beth: Concentrate on the range of motion of you can do despite your frozen shoulder and be determined to keep at it. I would say your goal is to strengthen within the range of motion that you do have. For example, when you’re doing “Defining Deltoids” and “Shoulder Stretches” stay in a range of motion that pushes your limits without pain. Don’t let two joints hold back all the others. Fight to keep what you still have.


Question from Kris about Perimenopause: At newly 41 this new perimenopause course is on my to do list… I heard Beth mention a connection between hours of sleep and low progesterone levels. Can you point me in the right direction for which lesson that’s in?

Answer from Beth: Yes, that’s in the “Knowing What’s Normal” lesson with Andrea Jones, BSN, RN. Low progesterone levels are also discussed in several other lessons of the course. Dealing with wonky hormones is a multi-faceted game. We can address them with how we sleep, how we exercise, how we manage our environment to reduce stress, and more that you’ll learn in the course. I’m so glad you’re taking it!


Question from Aileen about Diastasis During Pregnancy: I’m 11 weeks along (tomorrow) with our 3rd and I already look like I’m 4 or 5 months. Is this a third baby thing or is it related to my diastasis recti? Either way, what can I do to support this growing belly?
Answer from Beth: First, congratulations on #3 and prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy, birth, baby and YOU, mama! You are so smart to recognize that you can support your growing belly and ask for ideas. Just a moment ago, I heard from another mom whose OB told her during her 4th pregnancy that she would look bigger because her “muscles were stretched out from previous pregnancies and weren’t as supportive.” Sadly this doctor didn’t offer any info on Diastasis Recti or ways to support those muscles! What the heck?! There is loads you can do to address your abdominal separation during pregnancy, minimize the ab gap from getting even larger, support your belly, and it starts with controlling the controllables. You can splint your core and tape your abs. You can do exercises that strengthen your ab muscles and pelvic floor without adding to the pressure in our belly (Fit2B has you covered there) and you can seek prenatal core rehab with The Tummy Team! Read this comprehensive “Pregnancy Q & A” that I put together for more insights.
Question from Nica about Equipment: I am going shopping today for some exercise supplies. Any suggestions for what I should get? Foam roller and exercise bands maybe?
Answer from Beth: We have routines for literally every type of fitness gear and then some! So get whatever appeals to you, then report back, and we’ll get you to the matching workouts. Foam rollers & bands are always a great idea; we have lots of routines for those! You can use our sorting grid to find our workouts by equipment needed, and here is our list of the 9 inexpensive props we use most often + 4 things you have around your home that we show you how to use in various routines… like a wall!

Question from Michelle about Exercising after Surgery: I’m 10 weeks PO after abdominal surgery during which my diastasis recti separation was sewn up. It’s was over 6” apart top to bottom and was getting worse with age. I’m cleared for exercises but im still wanting to be careful. Would you recommend the Foundational 5 or 5 x 5?

Answer From Beth: I’d recommend the Foundational 5+ to start with, yes! You’ll make quick progress as you try different types of fitness and reacquaint your “new” tummy with those motions. Let me know how it goes for you and if you have any questions along the way, contact my team, okay?


Question from Courtney about Lung Strength: How do you build lung stamina/strength? We’ve been doing a bunch of hiking this summer and it seems like my lungs struggle every time, I’m sure a lot of it is being out of shape, I had just thought by the end of the summer it would be better. Are there any workouts addressing this or is it just going to take time and consistency?
Answer from Beth: We have lots of breathing routines on Fit2B that will help improve your lung control, strength, and stamina. I’d recommend you visit our Color Series which has a breathing routine in each color set. You should also revisit the Foundational 5+ course which teaches a lot of breath-based core work. On top of that, you may want to have your iron levels checked; if it’s low that can throw off your stamina a lot!
Question from Morna about “clunking” during pilates teasers: I have a ‘teasers’ question… I’ve been doing Fit2B for over a year now and love it! I love the Pilates and I’ve just discovered Tabata for cardio. The routine I did had teasers at the end. So… I can sit upright on my sit bones to begin and round back, but when I come back up and sit tall back on by sit bones they ‘clunk’ every time! It’s not painful just a bit annoying because it doesn’t feel as smooth as I think it should. Can anyone relate or any tips?? Thanks!
Answer from Beth: I believe that’s merely the mass of your gluteal muscles that you’re rolling over. If it’s not painful, call it a massage. If it’s uncomfortable, try kneading the area with your hands prior to the exercise. I’ve noticed mine clunks more if I haven’t done that exercise in a while, then it reduces as the muscles get “ironed out.” Seek out physical therapy if it continues to bother you and hinder your desire to do that exercise.
Question from Sharon about Collagen: Does adding collagen powder to your coffee or to a smoothie make you feel fuller? Protein typically has a positive effect on satiety, but I don’t notice this happening when I use collagen. Not sure why. Just me?
Answer from Beth: It doesn’t make me feel “fuller” but it does calm the caffeine rush, and it’s more about using coffee as a vehicle for this supplement that really seems to help my joints, sleep, hair, skin, mood, stomach, and more. I have hypermobility, as diagnosed by my spine surgeon, and it makes a massive difference to me. Types I and III collagen are thought to be the most helpful for Diastasis Recti since that’s the kind found in our core. Mostly I just enjoy knowing my coffee is carrying good things into my systems. Read more of my thoughts on collagen and see my reviews of some major brands here.
Question from Delyssa about Exercises for Breech Baby: Ideas for a breech baby. Exercises. What have people tried and seem to work? I have heard of using a belly band…what brand and where can I buy? Does you have any exercises on the Fit2B site? Thank you.
Answer from Beth: Spinning babies has a lot of free info and moves on their site, and one of our contributors, Lorraine Scapens, has a program called TurningBaby.com that is really great. Also, supported shoulder bridge can be helpful: Lay on your back, bend your knees, lift your bottom, slide a bolster or yoga block or stack of books under your butt, open your arms into a cactus shape, and relax while you watch a funny show. Here are the abdominal wraps (splints) that I recommend, and here is our Prenatal Fitness program that offers lots of exercises.
Question from Sarah about daughter lifting weights: My daughter (11) is homeschooled, and she is taking a running and strength building class at our co-op. Sshe’s running at least 2X/week and swimming at least 1X/week. Her teacher would like for her students to also get strength training in. So, what workouts do you think would help her?
Answer from Beth: Our workout videos series called Weightlifting 101, 201, 301 would be amazing for her as well as Green Gertie. You can use the sorting grid to find all the weight workouts we have in addition to those, however these recommendations I’ve just made will really teach her the lifting basics and progress her safely into more advanced movements that translate into basic daily motions she’ll use her whole life!

Question from Nicole about tight hips: I did something to the hip flexor in my right hip. I’ve stretched and it’s great for 5 minutes then back to “ouch!” I have a massage scheduled, but aside from Orange Openers what would be good?

Answer from Beth: That’s a great routine for unhappy hip flexors. Good choice! Have a look at this article I wrote about the psoas which is thought to be the biggest hip flexor yet is more like the tongue at the cellular level. When it’s unhappy, it can mess with many things and releasing it is challenging but not impossible. Also, keep talking to it with that stretch you did that released it. When I’ve got a quirky muscle, sometimes I have to gently stretch is 27 times a day, then the next day it’s only 19 times, then the next day it’s 11 times, and so on. Stay on top of it and read that article linked above!


Question from Heather about Leg Alignment: Since I was little, my toes have pointed out with my knees not going straight either. Over the years, I’ve worked on stretching, purposefully walking with my feet and knees straight, and purposefully having better alignment while exercising. It had become better, but not “perfect.” Over the past 18 months, I really wasn’t focused on this at all. I’m trying to get back on track, but I’m at a new low point. Now my outer thighs are not strong enough to hold my leg straight and keep me upright correctly if I’m standing on one leg. If I stand on one leg and bend over, my thigh and bottom sway way out to the side to keep me stable. When I try to keep everything in alignment, then I feel the muscles in my outer thigh working really hard. Any advice for workouts that will strengthen these muscles? Thank you!

Answer from Beth: Isn’t it crazy how much our thigh muscles participate in alignment and balance? I can recommend some great workouts that are done laying down so that you don’t need to worry about standing alignment right now. Then, after you build some strength, you can shift to upright things. The Thigh Workout and 5 Minute Thighs are done laying down. Hipster Chair Moves for partial standing. Then for fully standing moves, try our Half Round Foam Roll routine.


Question from LeAnne about Splinting during Pregnancy: Would a maternity belt/belly band help with hip pain during pregnancy? This is my 4th (Lord willing) full term pregnancy. I’m 31 weeks and by the end of the day my hips are just so sore. Any exercises or anything else that would help?!

Answer from Beth: I’m a big fan of ANYTHING that will support you and make life easier during pregnancy. Your body is rapidly shifting – like, literally your center of gravity is relocating on a daily basis right now – and hormones are bombarding your pelvis to soften your ligaments in preparation for birth. Getting your hands on a quality splint/wrap/belt (whatever you want to call it) right now will also aid you right after birth. You’ll be able – and want to – apply it during the 4th trimester as well, so it’s double benefit win-win. The splints I recommend are discussed here on this page As for exercises, try our SPD routine & Yoga W/ Feet Together, along with Kelly’s Pelvic Floor Stability Routine.


Question from Melinda about how to prevent hammer-toes: What should I be doing to prevent hammertoes? My grandmother and mother both had/have terrible feet and I can already see mine starting to go that way, at 40. I read conflicting info online (wear sturdy shoes with arch supports…no, wear minimalist shoes…no, just go barefoot all the time). I have those Yoga Toes separators that I can try to use more consistently if that would help as well. Right now, for shoes, I typically wear Keens sandals or Vionic flip-flops (I know, flip flops are bad) all summer; and my minimalist sneakers or Dansko clogs or Keens snow boots in the winter. Thoughts?

Answer from Beth: First, check out our Fingers & Toes Routine on Fit2B. Second, I’d like to note that everyone – EVERYONE – in my family has hammer toes + bunions … except me. It’s not just one thing I’ve been doing different, though. It’s a lot of things. I gradually transitioned to minimal shoes with wide toe boxes years ago. I wear spreaders sometimes. I avoid shoes that my feet have to work to cling on and keep on, like flip flops. I do feet/toe exercises every week, and I stretch my plantar fascia all the time via Pilates and Yoga which naturally integrate those stretches. Also, Petra Fischer Movement, Nutritious Movement, and Anya’s Reviews all have great foot/shoe info!


Question from Andrea about exercising on her side hip: Just finished “Rockin’ Yoga and Pilates.” When I’m on my side doing the scissor kick move, I’m finding that on my left side my glutes/ hips/ something! it hurting! I don’t know what it would be called so I don’t know really how to ask the question. I can’t tell if it is just a tight muscle but it feels like a bruise but there is no bruise and I have no injury there. It just feel EXTREMLY tight- or something. I just remember going to a group class and it hurting there as well. So it isn’t a new thing. I just always thought I was doing something wrong. But now that I’m identifying it it only on my left side I think there must be a way to address it. It is almost like I want to call it “the sits bone on my side” Is that just my hip bone? Why would it be hurting so much and what can I do about it??

Answer from Beth:Your description reminds me of when my glutes or piriformis are tight. Try doing these routines here on Fit2B: Pink Piriformis & Hippy Yoga. Do one of them right before you try Rockin’ Yoga & Pilates again. If you notice less discomfort, then you are likely right: it’s a tight muscle. If the discomfort remains, you should speak to your doctor.


Question from Holly about finding motivation to exercise in her cold house:  Does you have tips for getting motivated to move my body in a cold house? We live in an old house with gas heat and it’s very expensive for our family to fill the propane tank. We keep the temperature at 65 during the day, which I’m sure to some people is not cold, but some days I don’t want to get out of bed to make breakfast much less work out. I know logically working out would warm me up, but I’m having a difficult time motivating myself. Most space heaters cause the power to go off and I have to go outside to flip the power back on, so we normally try to rely on dressing warmly. Does you have any tips??

Answer from Beth: Maybe try the 5-min Resting Routine or Azure Awakening (blues) if you’re starting in bed. Literally, that’s where I designed those routines: on a cold morning in bed when I didn’t wanna get out LOL! We also keep our house cool, and moving is one way I stay warm! If you decide to take a hot bath, we have a bathtub stretching routine. Truly, all the 5-Minute routines would be great for easy, quick warm-ups.



Question from Thu about returning to Fit2B: Hello! I was MIA from Fit2b for a while and just went back and logged in and saw all the workouts 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 I have been training Capoeira (Afro-Brazilian martial arts) for over a year and I would like to improve my flexibility and upper body strength. I have tight glutes, hamstrings and shoulders and pectorals. Which workouts or workout paths would you recommend?

Answer from Beth: Heart & Hamstrings is the first routine that comes to mind because it will address ALL of that. Also Fuschia Fascia and Coral Contralaterals in the Pink color series. Blue Bells & Turquoise Tabata in the blues are ones you’ll like too! Of course there are more, but that’s a good start!


Question from Beverly about workouts for anxiety: Dealing with some anxiety. Are there any specific workouts that help calm the nervous system? If you’ve ever dealt with anxiety you know it’s not fun. I had covid last week and I’m ready to get back to normal.

Answer from Beth: I have general anxiety. Pretty much all the workouts on Fit2B have been created from a place of me self-soothing and using movement to manage my mental health. There are some in our Color Series that are more specific though: Fuschia Fascia in the pink workouts, Verde Vagus in the green workouts, Bathrobe Blues in the blue workouts, Purple Upside Down in the purple workouts. Also, our Breathing Exercises Pathway would be amazing as you return to fitness after having covid.


Question from Julie about waiting 48 hours between weights:  So I’ve been going in circles in my head, maybe you all can help me. So weight lifting sessions we should give 48 hours between are those always using actual weights or would a squatting routine count as well?

Answer from Beth:  Squats are a part of daily life (or at least they should be) but planks aren’t typically an average motion. Some body weight work will feel like loaded work, whereas other stuff is more “motion.” There are some body weight workouts that will smoke your muscles for sure, and if you’re feeling like that, it’s good to do something “unloaded” the next day. Basically if you’re waving your limbs around, it’s not loaded. If your limbs are moving your body + weight around, it’s loaded. Someone who never does squats might feel like squats are totally a loaded activity.


Question from Colleen about easing back into fitness after covid:  My Husband is talking about a family ski trip after Christmas. This summer walking & moutain biking I was feeling great, moving more and getting stronger… then school starter then we had COVID now it’s cold and I can’t get motivated. What workouts (within & out of fit2b) can/ should I do to be most injury safe & have fun.… I don’t like my 42 year old self and feel lost! I’m not in AWFUL shape and want to do better!

Answer from Beth:  I’d recommend picking a color series and going through it during a week. Start with the easy rated ones and save the harder ones for High energy days. Each color in the series has a breathing routine that will help retrain your lungs after covid. You can also find all our breathing-focused routines here in this pathway that I made. You also mentioned not liking your 42-year old self, and so I’d highly recommend our Proactive Perimenopause course to help you address any hormonal shifts that may be happening. It also teaches how to eat + workout during the change we go through as women.


Question from Rachel about firmness during ab workouts: When I am lying on my back and I engage my core, should it feel firm to the touch of it is engaged correctly? I was trying the ab attack workout today and Beth mentioned something like the belly should feel firm, but mine is still soft and squishy even though I feel like I have good core engagement. There’s no doming, I just can’t feel firm abs with my hand while engaged. I do have a deep and wide diastasis, and I’m 10 months postpartum.

Answer from Beth: This is such a good question. If there is “extra love” on your tummy, some of it may feel squishy, but below that layer of fluff you should feel some firmness. Even if you have Diastasis Recti, your abdominal fascia should be learning how to hold tension and flatten out into a strong wall against any work you’re doing. All that said, with you being less than a year out from your baby, there’s still a LOT of hormones still leaving your system. Those softening hormones like to take 59 bows and curtsies before they exit stage right, then they come back out for some encores 😂 Keep getting as much rest as you can, train your core several times a week with our videos, and be sure you’re getting enough protein to fuel the rebuilding of your muscles.


Question from Kristin about tight thighs during Frog Pose: Ok, I just finished “Hippy Yoga”…… WHAT IN THE WORLD was the frog pose doing? And how have I not felt that before? Are there other poses that get to these muscles or whatever that was trying to stretch? I was basically still on hands and knees but something needed stretching!!

Answer from Beth: Yeah, that’s your inner thighs (adductors) and the wider knees + turned out toes changes EVERYTHING doesn’t it? Putting your hands a little closer to your knees and rocking back from there or changing the width of your knees/feet may give you more/less access. As for other poses or stretches, you can also try a similar position if you lay on your back with your butt aimed at a wall and put your feet on the wall in a type of air squat. The deep “goddess” or “garland” squat with toes turned out will also approach that are but the load is different. Play with it and listen to your body, always exiting the position if there’s pain or tingling.


Question from Stacie about inversion trainers: What are your opinions on using the feet up inversion trainer? I’m so proud of myself. I held this for 30 seconds. When I got it, I couldn’t even get 1 leg up to try to invert.

Answer From Beth: I have one at my house! It’s a great tool, and it can be used in so many ways beyond inversion training! It definitely helps people access head stands. I wouldn’t be able to do regular ones with my history of spine surgery, but the hole for the head lets me do them and play with a lot of leg motions. I’ve also figured out how to use them to work my glutes in a lot of neat ways. I plan to film a routine with mine one day, so watch for news on that!


Question from Elizabeth about round ligament pain: I’m 14 weeks pregnant with Baby 4. I made my round ligaments and/or obliques really angry yesterday. Routine recommendations?

Answer From Beth: Today would be a good active rest day with something like Kelly’s Pregnancy Stretching. Then as you feel able, work on strengthening your obliques with our workout video called “Orange Obliques.” It’s not labeled as a prenatal workout, but none of the movements would be contraindicated for pregnancy as none are done directly on the belly, and it would help you keep your oblques strong as they stretch out.


Question from Helen about Hubby: The urologist told my husband to get pelvic floor PT. Im glad it was recommended and I know our hospital has some therapists. Beyond that though, are all the videos here great for men too? Is it hard for them to feel whatever Beth is describing. 🤣 I kept telling him to use the workouts but he hasn’t yet. Now that the doctor did maybe he will.

Answer From Beth: Our workouts would be amazing for him. Most of the cues I use are gender neutral, however the rest are more feminine because that’s our niche: women’s fitness. One cue that works really well for men is “nuts to guts.” Ideally, he should get pelvic floor physical therapy as prescribed. My favorite online resource for men is The Tummy Team’s course for men. Once he goes through that course, he would really enjoy our weightlifting, Tabata, circuit, kickboxing routines and the cues would reinforce what he learned from Kelly’s course.


Question from Noelle about Bloated Belly and Bad Mood: I’ve noticed my belly is larger the last month-ish…if anything, I’ve been better about exercise, not worse…don’t think my diet has changed in any way…I’ve had quite strong mood swings close to my period starting and ovulation, both…much stronger than normal…I feel angry a lot…I’m 38 and 22 months postpartum after Baby#7.

Answer From Beth: Perimenopause had my body begin responding differently to foods and exercise. I never used to bloat. Now I tend to bloat more with sugar and bread, plus strenuous exercise seems to stress my body more now. I have to consume way more fiber and get way more sleep. Moodiness, inflammation, belly fat gain, hormonal shifts are all likely signs that your body is starting “the change” but you can manage and control a LOT of it. Head over to our Proactive Perimenopause course to start learning how to exercise and eat in ways that work to balance your hormones as they change during this lengthy season of life. You can get ahead of this now while you’re first noticing it, and then you’ll avoid years of madness. It would also be wise have your hormones checked, find a local physical therapist to help with your Diastasis Recti (and use our workouts) and get an appointment with your OB/GYN to rule out anything more worrisome.


Question from Bethany about Calories: I’ve been off sugar for the last month and counting calories for the last few weeks. (I know it’s not really for me because it makes me hate my life). I’ve lost a little bit of weight but not much and usually I notice a big difference in bloating but not this time around. So I’ll ask the magic question: How many calories should I be eating and how should I know? I’m currently trying to get by on 1200-1500 calories a day and it’s freaking hard. Most days I’m always hungry and often I’m eating foods I don’t even enjoy because it’s the “right” thing to do. I’ve definitely gone over my calorie budget a few times. (Basically any time we eat out, even if I eat almost nothing the rest of the day beforehand). It’s very discouraging to feel like one dinner out ruins a full week of progress. I know mentally I don’t manage all or nothing mentality well.

Answer From Beth: I truly cannot answer the question of how many calories. Contrary to what the mainstream diet industry says, there’s no magic number that fits every body, let alone every woman. Without knowing your daily activities, your body composition, your sleep patterns, your current weight and goal weight, your precise season of life, your hormone levels, and many other personal factors, I am not able to say your personal caloric needs. Anyone who does throw out a number based on the small amount of info you’ve given is… well, doing their best, but it’s simply not scientific. What truly works is what is taught by Balance365 and Trim Healthy Mama which is not about calorie counting or restriction. It’s okay to eat more during some meals. That’s life. That’s celebration. That’s the natural ebb and flow. Then carry on. If you want to get a precise calorie amount for you, then you need to work with a registered dietician/nutritionist who can evaluate all those factors for you. Then that number should be adjusted every few months as your needs and life change. I can say that 1200-1500 is NOT enough for anyone. Ration amounts in wartime were 1700. You deserve more than ration amounts.


Question from Jennifer about Sit-Ups: Is there any time in which it would be helpful to core strengthening for athletes to do sit-ups? My husband and kids go to a martial arts gym, and they have everyone do sit-ups for ab strength. He believes that if a person doesn’t have a diastasis recti or any core weakness or if an athlete already has a solid core, then sit-ups won’t damage a core. Is this true? I thought from reading here that sit-ups always cause damage.

Answer From Beth: Yes, sit-ups can serve to strengthen cores that already have solid training and timing in place. Done with proper form and strategy – and not overdone – they do strengthen the rectus abs and hip flexors if they are the next exercise in a line of progressively more challenging exercises. However, I typically train my core without them. There’s a thousand other ways to strengthen the abs without sit-ups. Sit-ups often (not always) cause damage when they are prescribed without proper training, modifications, and oversight. People are told, “Do 50 sit-ups a fast as you can.” In the military, a certain number must be done in a certain time. Sadly, this has led to injury. This study found that 56 per cent of all soldiers’ injuries related to the old fitness test were because of sit-ups. An editorial in Navy Times, which covers the US Navy, recently called for sit-ups to be banned completely. It’s awesome that your instructor recognizes that they should be avoided while any Diastasis Recti or core weakness is resolved, but I hope he is also offering modifications, proper instruction on strategies, and scaled reps without pressuring certain numbers done in a certain time. All that said, I’ve had so many requests for help with being able to do military and martial arts training, that I will be producing a sit-up prep video this year! Meanwhile, you could offer your instructor this letter in our printable section.


Question from Stephanie about exercises for achilles tendonitis and ankle pain: What exercises are good for Achilles tendinitis and ankle pain? I do daily calf stretches but know I need to do some other stretches and strengthening.

Answer From Beth: I’ll refer you to a few of our routines that I think may help. Provided you’re medically cleared for exercise, start with 5 Minute Calves and Ankles & Upper Body. Then work on addressing other muscles in your legs. Your knees and hips affects what’s happening in your calves and feet. These workout videos could therefore help with your tendonitis and ankle pain as well: Hearts & Hamstrings, Great Glutes, Kelly’s Total Body Stretching, and Hippy Yoga.


Question from Amy about exercises for rotator cuff and shoulder tendonitis: I believe that I have tendonitis in my right shoulder. Sometimes it flares up on me (usually from a repetitive action), like right now. I was painting last week, and it caused my shoulder to act up again. I didn’t think of it, so I didn’t remember to take the time to stretch while painting. I have found over the years that it actually feels best when I am regularly stretching and exercising and lifting weights. If I do not exercise at all for several days in a row, I can start to feel it again. Even though I have tried to work on expanding the range of motion in my right shoulder, it has improved, but not enough. I discovered through the Walking Routine, with the rotator cuff exercise near the end, that my right rotator cuff cannot move as well as my left one. I have some stretches that seem to help, but not enough. Are there some good, targeting stretches to help with tendonitis flare ups and to expand the flexibility of that shoulder? Or, any other helpful tips for shoulder struggles like this?

Answer From Beth: Take a look at these routines: Shoulder Stretches, Defining Deltoids, Ultimate Upper Body, Ankles & Upper Body. There are also some great rotator cuff exercises tucked into our stretchy band workouts which you can find by using our sorting grid. Always honor your range of motion and keep it yummy-feeling. Be consistent, at least 2-3 times a week and also picking the move that feels the most delightful and releasing. Use that move whenever your shoulder talks to you through your day. If this continues, though, you should request a scan of your shoulder to rule out deeper issues that are treatable with physical therapy and/or surgery.


Question from Sarah about workouts during period: What workouts do you find nice to do on days 1-2, maybe 3, of your period??

Answer From Beth: My faves that come to mind which have been amazing for me: Verde Vagus in the greens, PMS Routine, Restorative Yoga, Red Redemption, and the new mermaid mojo will be awesome for this! If you have energy, go ahead and use it. Sometimes, menstruation can be a high point in training for some women. It’s really about assessing your own body’s needs. Also read the lesson on period pain relief in Fit2B Girls and spend some time in Proactive Perimenopause on the lesson on knowing what’s normal.


Question from Brittany about Rib Injury: I’m nearly 3 weeks post rib injury. I am itching to move my body! But this pain is crazy and I don’t want to do anything to make the pain last longer. I feel like my body is getting so tight from all this resting. Does anyone have any experience with doing some gentle exercise with an injured rib? What videos would you do if you were me?

Answer From Beth: I wonder if The Xiphoid Process Routine might be helpful right now. It teaches you to keep your ribs stable during various movements. Also our “14 Days to Better Neck Posture” course might be amazing right now as well since that would help release a lot of the surrounding muscles that may be bracing around your rib pain. The routines in that course can also be found in our main workout video library under “face” and “neck.”


Question from Jemma about Surgical Recovery: I had a tubal ligation (technically salpingectomy) done a bit over 2 weeks ago. The doctor told me not to do any exercise that would put pressure/strain on the stomach muscles – I’m not entirely clear on whether that was just for the first 2 weeks or the entire 6 week “complete recovery” window. However, I want to start getting in better shape (tbh I wasn’t regularly using fit2b before the procedure) and I feel like my belly is bigger now than it was before and I kinda hate it. I generally don’t feel good in/with my body right now. Are there any workouts on the site that I could do now to start easing into an exercise habit w/o endangering my recovery? I had my doc check me for Diastasis Recti at the one-week follow-up (because he could and I’d never had a professional check and wasn’t sure how to do it myself) and he said I’m at about 2 fingers, so I’d like to work on closing that too, though I realize that may probably have to wait until the 6 weeks is up.

Answer From Beth: You don’t need to wait to start our Foundational 5 because they are approved by midwives, physical therapists, doctors, and surgeons for use at just 10 days post operative surgery on the abdominals. Those routines literally teach you how to NOT strain or pressure your abs. That’s the whole basis of Fit2B. Your surgeon doesn’t want you doing direct, strenuous ab work like crunches and sit-ups and planks. However, just standing up offers more intra-abdominal pressure than a crunch, and transferring yourself in and out of bed is also a potentially high pressure move that you can’t avoid doing. The F5 will teach you how to do those things in less pressurized ways. You can do those Fit2B basics and work through our other E for easy workouts after that. Then you’ll be well on your way!


Question Alexandria about hip pain after birth: My outside hips have been killing me since I gave birth to #6 (5 weeks ago). I managed 10ish min of impromptu yoga yesterday and today and it has only made them worse. Should I power through, should I only do supported warrior poses like in the chair yoga workouts?? Any other suggestions welcomed. Is this a PF issue or a hip issue or a post birth issue!??

Answer From Beth: Don’t power through but do try to find what works. And which part of your hips? Only someone evaluating you in person would be able to really root out what’s going on, but strength is always playing a role. Your hips have been recovering from their best work. Compare your discomfort to gluteus medius, piriformis, and the IT band areas, and maybe peep through the “Get Your Glutes in Gear” course for the info in the lessons, doing the workouts only as you feel able. Chiropractic care may bring some relief if things feel out of place. If it’s awfully uncomfortable, a hip belt can bring relief in concert with strengthening exercises. You can find many standard support belts on Amazon or use a wide thick scarf and tie that around yourself, knotting it to increase support. Some even use actual leather belts, but they need to be wide and worn over clothing to avoid digging into you. Make an appointment with a postnatal physical therapist soon to have your pelvic floor (PF) evaluated. There can be a lot going on in there that affects the hips for sure!


Question from Kathleen about Crow Pose: I honestly don’t understand how Crow Pose is supposed to work. I watch Beth do it in Mellow Slow Flow and try and it just doesn’t seem to work for my body. I feel like I can’t get my knees in the right place, like they don’t fit into my armpits? My center of gravity is too far back, so I can’t get weight into my arms to support me in this position. What am I doing wrong?

Answer From Beth: Truly the shins or knees can make contact anywhere along the upper arm that works for you. I started with my shins on my elbows. I couldn’t get my knees into my armpits for years! Then I figured out to hug my pits with my knees. Even then I can’t hold very long since having spine surgery. It’s a “goal pose” for sure. I teach a totally different way in Balanced Inversions than I do in Fusion Mix than I do in Mellow Slow Flow, so try those other routines to see if a Diastasis Recti aware cue from them helps you approach it with more success. Mellow Slow Flow is about laying the foundation. Don’t even worry about getting your feet off the ground in that one. Focus on the grounding and contact points. The core is what should be truly lifting upward and inward to support the bridge of your spine and balance you.


Question from Courtney about Periods: I stopped nursing my youngest last April and I feel like since then my periods have been closer together, like 25 days rather than 28-30. But my last two cycles have been 19 and 20 days apart. And they last 6-7 days. I feel like my hormones, skin, and body barely have time to get back to normal before they start getting out of whack again! I’m guessing this is a hormone issue? But I don’t really know if this is unusual or not?

Answer From Beth: My periods got shorter after my second birth. I’ve learned that can be due to low progesterone. Other symptoms of low progesterone include cold feet, major mood swings, and recurrent miscarriage. I dealt with all those things! I had to be on progesterone to stay pregnant. Recently, I began seed cycling and using bio identical progesterone cream which my doctor confirmed. She advised me to use the cream starting at day 14. These strategies have taken my periods from 23-26 days to 26-28 days!! You should speak with a women’s health physician specialist and take our Proactive Perimenopause course which has lots of information on hormone balance.


Question from Beverly about Ab Training Positioning: When lying on my back with legs in 90 degree position and I’m touching down should I be pressing my back to the floor for support?

Answer From Beth: You want to keep a neutral spine with a normal lower back curve during most supine (laying down) abdominal exercises for your core. Many instructors teach to press the low back into the floor, and that’s not wrong, but it’s not as integrative either. It’s harder to keep your normal low back curve, but we want to simulate standing when we are laying down. The floor can help us be in neutral. As for the tightness you’re feeling, compare it to psoas and give this a read


Question from Mason about Medicine Balls vs. Slam Balls: So I am confused on medicine balls and slam balls. Are they the same, used in the same manner? Are either bouncy like a tennis ball and bounce back to you or are they just weighted and when tossed, stay on the ground? Then my follow up question would be – is a rebounder that you bounce on, the same as the rebounder that you throw weighted balls to in order for them to be returned to you? Can they be used by both people and balls?

Answer From Beth:Medicine balls are usually bouncy. Slam balls don’t bounce. They are typically filled with sand. A rebounder can be bounced upon by a human like I do in our Rebound Cardio workouts, and it can be tilted/tied against a wall to return a weighted object of any sort. I like to throw my medicine ball at my brick wall outside like in our Circuit Workout. It bounces back to me.


Question from Catie about leaking while jogging:I’ve recently started jogging again and my pelvic floor is *definitely* struggling. I had to change my pants when I got home 🙈 I don’t want to delay walking/jogging, but I don’t want to just suffer through leaking, either. SO…what videos would you do to start rebuilding pelvic floor strength, specifically for “impact” exercise?

Answer From Beth: There’s a fantastic guide to help women returning to running that was published by our research partner, Grainne Donnelly. It has exercises to help your pelvic floor get ready for running. I reviewed it here where you’ll find a video with some of the exercises she recommends along with a link to her full guide as a free download. It’s helped thousands of women!


Question from Anna about Kids Fitness Testing: If you were to create a kids’ fitness achievement list of sorts (we homeschool and are developing our own church program for kids which will include fitness) ….what would be top ten? I want everyone to watch Beth, of course, but obviously doesn’t work great in a wild kids program setting! I’m thinking “what would I have wanted to accomplish as a kid to make my NOW easier?” 

Answer From Beth: For kids who want to lay a functional foundation of upper and lower body strength, balance, and agility, and prevent Diastasis Recti, I’d have to say these would be my top ten just off the top of my head: Deep squats, Pushups. Pull-ups. Walking or running the mile. Throwing a ball to a partner 20 times without dropping it. Log rolling 10 times one way, and 10 the other way. Jumping up and down on one foot 20 times without falling over. Wall Sit for 30 seconds. Carry something a bit heavy across a big room with one hand, then carry it back the other way with the other hand. Toe spread. Hand stand against a wall. Turn all of that into an obstacle course for all the kids to run through, and they’ll have tons of fun. Time it and have them race against each other. Encourage them to do their best and improve as they get older.


Question from Latoya about exercising while sick: The cooties hit me Thursday. After 3 days in bed everything hurts. What are some easy/light stretches to help relieve some of my back and neck pain? I don’t have a ton of energy right now but this pain is no fun!

Answer From Beth: When you’re low on energy, but your neck and back are hurting, some gentle movement may help. In similar threads in our forum, our members recommend Fit2B routines like Kelly’s Total Body Stretches, Shoulder Stretches, The Neck Routine, and Lower Back Love. If you can’t even get out of bed, then I recommend The 5-Minute Resting Routine.


Question from Celina about severe back pain: Is there any exercises in the program that can help me? In the past 6 months I’ve been dealing with severe back pain. So much that walking longer than a minute hurts!!! I want to be human again. Any exercise that I try now hurts. Just X-rays and catscan have been done. That’s why I’m so broken over this. No nerve damage..no disc slipped…they see nothing. My diastasis is good. I worked on fixing that. My core I’m sure needs work. I have had 6 c-sections. I was working on that when my back started hurting. I am often tired and stress is high.

Answer From Beth: It sounds like you have a lot of responsibilities and a core that is crying for attention. The routines I listed should help. Self care feels weird when our kids need us a lot, and we are being pulled in a thousand directions. Ask for help in any way you feel able, massage that csection scar each night with a yummy lotion, and get a tiny bit selfish about 15-30 minutes of self care each day. I’m so sorry you’re hurting. I’d recommend the following routines on Fit2B: 5-Minute Resting or Azure Awakening before you get out of bed. Align It Flat and Transverse Training to address the core aspect and strengthen your positioning. Bag a Better Back and Lower Back Love to build strength. Try doing one of each of those and let me know if any of them help or aggravate things so I can offer further suggestions.


Question from Sharon about Hypopressives: I think I have learned how to do the hypopressive breathing correctly. It’s kind of an interesting sensation. I’m still a little confused, though, as to what it’s for. What exactly is the benefit of doing this?

Answer From Beth: Great question! There are so many benefits including pelvic floor strength, organ positioning, reduced Diastasis Recti, deeper breathing, nervous system regulation, postural improvements, reduction in oblique dominance, and much more. I wrote about my training experience and what I learned here, and you can find all 3 workout videos in our hypropressive series here.


Question from Amy about Warming Up before a Workout: I just went to do my next F5+ lesson – the cardio workout – and you say at the beginning that if I’m not warmed up to go do a quick warmup first to make sure my core is ready to work. I’m not warmed up cause I just got up, but I don’t know what to do to warm up adequately for the workout. Is there a specific short fit2b workout y’all recommend? A quick walk around my block?

Answer From Beth: Anything to move your body in familiar ways that don’t tax you. This can be part of a prior routine in the same course or perhaps one of our 5 minute routines. It could also be vacuuming, rebounding for a few minutes, walking around the block, whatever gets your blood going.


Question from Alexia about Ab Work during Group Fitness: I’ve started some Ymca classes ex. Pump, Combat, Tone. I’m interested in what you guys do instead for floor core stuff and push ups. I still have a 3cm gap in some parts of my diastasis recti..

Answer From Beth: It’s so awesome that you’re feeling strong enough to do those classes. I love group fitness! Here are some routines on Fit2B that you can use for ideas of exercises that you can use to help you “blend in” to their core work and pushups: Kelly’s Floor Core, Push-Up Prep, Ab Attack, Plank Progressions, Plain Ol’ Pilates, and Sterling Center (silver color series). As a groupX instructor myself, I can tell you that it’s totally okay for you to do your own thing in the back of the class. Just let the instructor know that you are managing your core’s healing, and you’ll be doing something different. Discussing it with them might even be a great conversation starter to helping yet another instructor get on the path to being diastasis-aware!


Question from Suzanne about Breast Health & Bras: How much (if any) compression is ok in an everyday bra? I just got a new one for everyday/around the house and it has a sports bra feel. I’m trying to decide if I should see how it feels after I wear it a bit or if I need to go up a size. I just need a little support (though I’m a DD/DDD so nothing that size is “light support”) and coverage for when neighbors come over unexpectedly, and don’t want to jeopardize my breast health if all-day-long compression – even light compression – is bad for them?

Answer From Beth: This is a unique question. Compression is a type of support yet it’s different than typical underwires, etc. We have a couple articles on Fit2B that cover bras, breasts, and chest exercises. You can read my blog on Exercise & Breasts here, and then we also have this vlog (video blog) about proper bra fitting and how bad bras can actually impact your core.


Question from Heather about what to do besides walking: I am trying to figure out my new exercise routine because life has changed. I walk the puppy every morning (and sometimes in the evening too if no one else is available). We live on a circle that is 1 mile- 1st half mile downhill and 2nd half mile uphill, literally no flat. The elevation change is 800 ft. It is taking me less than 15 minutes but the uphill is really tough. I am trying to figure out what else I should be doing or not doing for exercise. Some days I come home and then just do a stretching routine, other days I do a weights routine, other days I am just done. I turn 48 soon and the perimenopause weight loss is stubborn. 

Answer From Beth: Keep walking the puppy each day. Do weights at least twice a week for any length of time with at least 1-2 days off weights in between. Two or 3 times a week, walk a little further, but don’t make it a struggle. Keep it chill. Perimenopausal hormones hate stress. Stretch after each workout or walk for a little bit. Find a Pilates/Yoga/Bodyweight/Fun workout you like and do it at least once a week too! Also, I’d recommend that you read about my Envelope System For Exercising Enough. It’s a helpful game changer for your perspective on planning your workout week.


Question from Leslie about Constant Core Engagement: Should you walk around all day with your core slightly engaged? Random thought: I remember a friend who worked at a bank. She would sit there at the counter and do the engage release with her abs all day. Just thought about this for some reason.

Answer From Beth: The engagement shouldn’t happen because you’re constantly flexing your transverse on purpose though. It should be a mixture of conscious activation when you’re moving stuff or lifting + good alignment which naturally elongates and activates the core + your exercise session where you’re practicing different strategies. You wouldn’t walk around with your bicep constantly flexed. Same with your abs. They need to be able to shorten and lengthen (flex & stretch) as needed.


Question from Cynthia about Stress & Pelvic Floor: Can stress (life stress in general) cause issues with pelvic floor? I haven’t had incontinence this bad since I was pregnant 6 years ago (no chance of pregnancy now). My life in general at the moment feels insanse. I was doing rather high impact workouts, but it’s been 6 months and I had no problems at the time. Also my pubic symphysis is hurting so badly. It’s been painful on and off the last month or so (along with heaviness in my pelvic floor), but today it’s hurting to walk 😞 I have an upcoming yearly appointment with my GYN. Is he the one to bring this up to or should I make an appointment with a different doctor? I’m thinking chiropractor might help. In the meantime though I’m not sure how to manage any of this.

Answer From Beth: Yes! Stress changes how we sit, sleep, talk, carry loads, and exercise. Yelling puts huge pressure on the PF as does slumping. Also, grief and changes in routine affect our strength, stamina, and gut microbiome. We eat different, talk different, move different, sleep different. If you can take control of any of those areas, you will start to feel better. Even if it’s consciously sitting and standing taller, carving out 5-10 minutes per day to stretch and/or do a short Fit2B video, setting a reminder to do some core and PF connection work via breathing, improving your sleep hygiene, and definitely request a date with a PFPT from your GYN and don’t take no for an answer. It’s always good to do that. I’m going in this week for some undercarriage work myself


Question from Samantha about Workouts for Blood Pressure: I am working on lowering my blood pressure what workout videos would you suggest? I feel like I don’t know where to start.

Answer From Beth: Truly, almost any of the workouts on Fit2B can help with blood pressure (BP). Scientifically, more relaxing ones and/or weightlifting has had the most impact on BP however, all exercise – except the kind that stresses your body too much for your current level – will benefit you. So I’d recommend using our sorting grid to find weight workouts or relaxing workouts that fit your schedule. I’d also highly recommend our Breathing Pathway since breathing exercises soothe BP as well.


Question from Leslie about Workouts to Wake Up The Brain: Can I do Kelly’s Wall Workout every day? I’m feeling weak in my core right now and this one is short and sweet and helps me to focus on my core. I still have a closing diastises, sometimes I feel strong, sometimes I just have days or weeks where I feel weak and prone to injury if I’m not careful.

Answer From Beth: I would recommend alternating this workout with a couple other short Fit2B routines. All of them will help with your core in different ways. Doing slightly different videos each day will help you build strength faster. If you like this one, I bet you’d also like Kelly’s Standing Abs routine!


Question from Dara about Child’s Posture: I’ve noticed my 7 yo jutting her ribs and tilting her pelvis forward!  Ahhhh!  How do I stop this – she’s little so I don’t want to do anything that can be too much.

Answer From Beth: At that age, it is more about encouraging activity than zeroing in on specific postures. I spent a hot minute nagging my kids about their alignment when I first went down that whole rabbit trail. They didn’t respond well. I switched to things like regular invitations to walk with me, taking them to the park more, getting them off the couch with a fun activity, and saying things like, “Hey, what if we read on our tummies for a while?” I also got a set of aerial silks with handles for hanging + some trapeze rings for my son’s doorway. Those things encouraged them to lengthen their spines while building upper body strength, no nagging needed. Perhaps she’d enjoy some of our kids workouts too?


Question from Leslie about Cross Body Exercises: Trying to decide on a short routine I could do with my daughter in the morning to get us going before we start school. I like the cross the body exercises because I know it would help her. It just can’t be long because we already are not early birds but I need something to stimulate our brains.

Answer From Beth: I’d recommend Top 2 Toes or any of our ball bouncing routines like Lime Launching. Also, our Kids Crossover routine would be great. Truly just about any movements that use big muscles is going to promote circulation to the brain to help with critical thinking and mental health. 


Question from Sarah about Gate Pose: I have realized I really need to work on my pelvic alignment doing the gate pose. Any recommendations on stretches to loosen up the front of my thighs or workouts that really talk through alignment for the gate pose?

Answer From Beth: Orange Openers has loads of stretches for the front of the thighs. For something shorter you could do my Wall Yoga workout which has a very similar position supported by the wall. Also, Mermaid Mojo would help open your hips from various angles.


Question from Ashley about Rib Alignment: One of my goals this year is to add purposeful movement/exercise to my life for multiple reasons. I move a lot and am “active.” I just don’t “exercise.”  I’m also at the chiro a lot for ribs out in chest and back. I just did Fuschia Fascia and that seemed to help.Which exercises might help with chest/back/rib alignment?

Answer From Beth: I’d recommend The Xyphoid Process Routine which you can find in our A-Z path near the end. Also Blissful Blocks which is awesome for chest alignment and release work.


Question from Catherine about her Collar Bone: I keep popping my collar bone out of whack.  I’m not even sure how I’m doing it (might be while I’m sleeping).  Anyone else have this?  I’m a little hypermobile so I don’t know if that is related.  I looked up exercises to strengthen it and I think I do most of them already.  Any tips to stabilise this area?

Answer From Beth: I would refer you to Defining Deltoids and Ultimate Upper Body. If I don’t lift at least twice a week, my neck and shoulder bones get really whacky. I also have hyper mobility and manage it with building and maintaining my muscle strength to keep everything held in place.


Question from Angie about Hip Hinges: I’ve figured out that the ‘good mornings’ in Turquoise Tabata are what kill me in this – keeping my legs straight as I bend over to 90º is pulling my hammies. What is the muscle group that is targeting? Just wondering if my modification of bending my knees is undoing what that exercise is supposed to do or if I should keep my legs straight and not bend over to 90º.

Answer From Beth: The Hip hinge in those “Good Mornings” do indeed target the hams, both loading them and stretching them at the same time. Keep your legs straight and only bend as far as they allow. Another good sister routine we offer would be Hearts & Hamstrings. 


Question from Teressa about Fit2B vs. Sharny: Please forgive my ignorance, but i’m getting desperate to finally get rid of my mommy pooch and Facebook knows it! So I *always* see the Sharny and Julius ads. That’s what I want to look like! I’m ready to drop the $ and get started…why should I choose Fir2Be over Sharny? 

Answer From Beth: Sharny & Julius are a husband/wife duo that offers a program with a set amount of specific exercises and a type of diet that may help you. Here on Fit2B, we offer a library of hundreds of workouts led by myself and other core specialists that integrate those exercises PLUS diastasis aware strategies for every style of fitness and workout methodology. Several of our guest instructors are physical therapists, and I am a core fitness specialist with extensive certifications, thousands of hours of continuing education + mentoring under physical therapists, and a bachelor degree in exercise and sport science from Oregon State University. I’m not sure what S&J’s credentials are as they’re not listed in their “about us” or her bio page on their website. She uses a lot of strong language on her site and social media including the F-word, and she often poses in lingerie and string bikinis in her promotional materials. My style is the opposite. Fit2B is very family friendly. I don’t use crass language or display that much of my body. I’m happy and confident in a swimsuit, but I’m not here to sell you my looks. Truth: You’ll never look like me because we don’t share genetics. I’m here to help you return to full fitness and feel stronger and more functional in your own skin again. If you’re looking for a solid core rehab program I’d recommend one from Kelly at The Tummy Team who is a licensed neuromuscular physical therapist with whom we frequently collaborate. She gets to the ROOT of the issues, gives you lifelong tools, and her programs are evidence based and truly work to restore your core.


Question from Kristin about PE for Her Daughter: My daughter is 7 and we homeschool. Previously we were in a homeschool group that met weekly and had a great PE class. This year we were unable to be a part of that group. What would be good Fit2B workout options that would engage my daughter, build core strength, and help me get back in the groove of turning it on more often?

Answer From Beth: I strongly recommend using our Fit2B Girls course or Exercise Around The World for your PE. Both courses contain videos that will help her with her body awareness, especially the girls course. Outside of those, I bet she’d enjoy our kids weight routine which we filmed with Sadie when she was about that age!


Question from Jamie about face massage: Facial yoga/massage for lymphatic drainage and to get rid of double chins. Is that a thing?

Answer From Beth: Yes, it’s for sure a thing. While there’s all kinds of apps and experts surfacing on this, my go-to guru is Dr. Perry of Stop Chasing Pain. You can find him on instagram, and we hope to get him on our podcast soon! Look up his “Big 6” on youtube as well. Meanwhile, the routine on Fit2B that would help you start learning some techniques are Face Exercises and Purple Pranayama.


Question from Allison about W-Sitting: Remind me again why a W-sit is bad for kids? My 3 year old has started doing this a lot recently. And bonus, how can I encourage her to sit in other ways?

Answer From Beth: It’s not bad for a little while here and there, just like any position. When it becomes the default and you notice laxity in the knees and ankles (toes turned out away from the body) it can indicate hyper mobility, low tone, or a few other conditions. It’s not the end of the world, but it’s soemthing to watch for. When you notice it happening a lot, distract the child into other positions without making a big deal, or get them excited about doing one of our Fit2B Kids exercise videos with you!


Question from Erin about adding weight: It was another Weight Lifting 101 day. I added a little weight to some of the exercises but not all of them. I added weight to the deadlifts but not to the chest presses. And I added weight to the bicep curls but not to the flies. Am I going to create any imbalances with that approach?

Answer From Beth: Not at all. Different muscle groups are different sizes and improve at different rates. Holding them all back because a couple of them aren’t ready for more weight wouldn’t make sense, and neither would adding weight to all of them because a couple of them are ready for more. You did it right!


Question about lifting heavy weights from Peyton: Could you go into what “lifting heavy” actually looks like? Is it so heavy that we can only do a handful (or fewer) of reps? Or heavy but still able to do 8-12 reps? I feel like we’re constantly being told to “lift heavy,” but we’re not given guidelines on what that actually means.

Answer from Beth: It’s very subjective. What’s heavy to one person might be easy for someone else. Lifting heavy for one person might look like a handful of repetitions. To someone else, it might look like a weight they can do 8-12 times. It can be both. Books have been written, and there are high level formulas for finding the percentages of your 1RM or one repetition max. However, for everyday people who don’t want to math and just want to move, the advice that seems to resonate with the most people is to choose weights that are heavy enough to challenge you and keep you from going over about 10-12 reps. When I first got Green Gertie, my kettlebell that weighs 60lbs, I could only lift her a few times. In that season, I was only doing a few reps. I stuck to it, and now I can do more reps. Maybe it’s time for me to get a 70lb kettlebell… or maybe I’ll just use my 30 + 35 ones… that would let me go up 5 lbs and give my obliques an imbalance to process… which would take me back to lifting heavy… It’s all about challenging ourselves in new ways.


Question about gardening from Jacqueline: How do I learn to use weeding (& other tasks) to enhance my physical fitness? I practice deep squats, switching up my grip, transverse pulsing, but I feel like there could be more I’m doing so I justify more time in the garden and get on top of these weeds. Would love some suggestions!

Answer from Beth: I’ve got a vlog (video blog) on this very thing called “TummySafe Gardening: Video Tips for Protecting your Diastasis Recti.” If you’re a member of Fit2B, there is also another video with ideas and tips in our “Beth In Real Life” course which is available to monthly, yearly, and premium members.


Question about Intermittent Fasting from Angie: Any thoughts on IF for weight loss while heading into perimenopause? I suspect my levels are out of whack from the last baby and breasfeeding until a year ago. And I’ve resolved to finally look into that. I’d like to get the scale moving again. Yes, I feel healthy and strong, and that is important. Yes, I want to see that reflected in the mirror and on the scale.

Answer from Beth: The biggest thing I have gleaned from my colleagues about intermittent fasting during perimenopause is that female hormones CANNOT tolerate exercising at fasting levels for very long. You’ll see weight loss initially, but then the body begins to rebel. If you are doing IF you need to workout between meals or a couple hours after a meal. What I mean by the body rebelling is this: Your metabolism will begin to slow down, you will have less and less energy for that workout, and you will feel more tired throughout the day, so you will move less overall, and then you’ll feel more tight and weak, and you’ll hit a plateau where your body doesn’t respond to harder workouts or less food. Then you’ll start gaining weight, so you’ll be tempted to narrow your eating window and exercise harder. That is a recipe for disaster in the female hormone world. The truth is that the truth doesn’t change: Exercise uses energy. Muscles and fascia require protein to rebuild. Our bodies need all the fuels for all the things. Exercise when you have energy and then refuel so you have energy for life and rebuilding.


Question about Splinting Weak Abs from Kelly:I’m finally on the mend from some medical set backs that left me relatively inactive for the last 12 ish months or so. My core is borderline jello at this point. I plan to splint while working out. I have the tummy team splint although I may have outgrown it this past year. I’m wondering if anyone uses shapewear tanks for gentle all day support? And if there is a brand you would recommend. My health gave me some set backs that caused some home neglect — I was finally feeling up to cleaning kitchen but even just standing to do some housework was a lot for my core at this point.

Answer from Beth: Yay for being on the mend! Yay for already having a splint for your abs. Yay for noticing that housework is a “core workout.” Shapewear can definitely work for lighter all day support IF – and only if – it’s actually lighter and not tighter. Any type of external support for your abdominal muscles should feel like a gentle hug, not like a python is squeezing you. You’re worth a new splint if the old one doesn’t fit anymore + some shape-wear that helps you feel held together, however both of those props should only be used in conjunction with restorative exercises. You’ll want to wean yourself off your splint/shapewear a little at a time, starting in a few weeks. The best time to go without it is during your Fit2B exercises when you have our cues to stay aware while you’re “splintless.” And be sure to treat housework like it’s own workout, staying aligned and engaging with exertion. You’ve got this!


Question about Splinting Weak Abs from Kelly: I’m finally on the mend from some medical set backs that left me relatively inactive for the last 12 ish months or so. My core is borderline jello at this point. I plan to splint while working out. I have the tummy team splint although I may have outgrown it this past year. I’m wondering if anyone uses shapewear tanks for gentle all day support? And if there is a brand you would recommend. My health gave me some set backs that caused some home neglect — I was finally feeling up to cleaning kitchen but even just standing to do some housework was a lot for my core at this point.

Answer from Beth: Yay for being on the mend! Yay for already having a splint for your abs. Yay for noticing that housework is a “core workout.” Shapewear can definitely work for lighter all day support IF – and only if – it’s actually lighter and not tighter. Any type of external support for your abdominal muscles should feel like a gentle hug, not like a python is squeezing you. You’re worth a new splint if the old one doesn’t fit anymore + some shape-wear that helps you feel held together, however both of those props should only be used in conjunction with restorative exercises. You’ll want to wean yourself off your splint/shapewear a little at a time, starting in a few weeks. The best time to go without it is during your Fit2B exercises when you have our cues to stay aware while you’re “splintless.” And be sure to treat housework like it’s own workout, staying aligned and engaging with exertion. You’ve got this!


Question about Sciatica from Christine: Which routines would be good for sciatica pain? My mom is dealing with this and I wanted to show her some stretches that would help while I’m visiting.

Answer from Beth: If she doesn’t have the sort of sciatica that worsens when laying on her back, I’d recommend Lower Back Love, Hippy Yoga, and Hipster Chair Moves. All of those routines help “floss” the sciatic nerve in various ways.


Question about exercising on a cruise ship from Amy: Hubby, son, and I are going on a 10-day cruise. I won’t have internet (by choice) and don’t want to lose my burgeoning fitness habit, but I don’t know any of the fit2b routines well enough to do them w/o the video (except maybe some of the stretches). So what’s your best advice for maintaining some semblance of a wee bit of fitness on a cruise ship? Walking is obviously on my list… Any advice for using the gym (I think that’s a thing) safely? Any printouts I should know about to bring?

Answer from Beth: Are there fitness classes on the cruise? I almost signed on for a 6-month contract (before I had kids) to teach on cruise ships. It looked soooo fun! Lots of them offer various group fitness classes. If they do, give them a try! As for printouts, go visit our printables section here where you’ll find 3 TummySafe Gym Routines and more! There’s also a fun download of all the 5×5 Challenge workouts in this course here.


Question about collagen from Rachel: I’m 41 and want to start taking collagen. What ingredients, or other factors should I be looking for?

Answer from Beth: Collagen is such a good thing to add to your nutrition. I have been putting collagen in my coffee and shakes for YEARS now, and I can feel a difference when I don’t. Research shows that it helps our connective tissue and digestion, thus I think collagen can also help Diastasis Recti as it helps fight constipation and provides crucial protein for rebuilding fascia. I’ve explored quite a few brands, and I’v settled on a few faves that I buy depending on their shifting prices and my budget. The market for collagen can really fluctuate. Read my review here.

Question from Kathryn about Babywearing: Any favorite shoulder stretches or exercises for tension specifically from baby wearing? LO is 18 pounds and being front carried. Their dad has been out of town a lot, so I’ve been baby wearing 4 to 5 hours or more a day to be able to function.

Answers from Beth: If you’re still bottle or breastfeeding, check out our Baby Feeding Routine which features single-arm upper body exercises led by Dr. Gillian, a pelvic floor therapist. Also our “Shoulder Stretches” routine would likely feel lovely!

Exercise Q & A with Members

Yep, I’m switching it up now to show answers from our amazing members who are also very smart!

Question from Angel about cool down workouts: Does anyone have any suggestions for a workout that is more of a cool down/stretch? I use the aerobics workouts for my warm up before I lift weights but I’m looking for something for after to stretch. Something short.

Answers from members: LaToya suggested Red Reaching. Melissa said to look in the color series – there are some great stretching ones in there! Christy said, “I really like the 5 minute yoga for a cooldown. You get some good arm, torso, and leg stretches.”

Question from Kathleen about post-weight loss: I’m having a lot of trouble with motivation right now. I used to be really excited about exercising and all the changes I was seeing in my body and ability. I lost a lot of weight, got stronger, and it was an exciting time. I’m just not seeing any changes now (or not liking what I do see) and struggling to want to do anything other than walk. Is post-weight loss let-down a thing?? I need to do something different, but I don’t know what.

Answers from members: Melissa responded, “When I am feeling dissatisfied with how my body looks, I focus on what my body can do. The ways I gain strength.” Leslie wrote, “As someone who once lost too much weight….I still only saw the flaws and flab. I now understand a little of the mind of someone with an eating disorder. I am back to needing to lose some weight but realize I need to not focus on the weight or the flaws or flab. I need to focus on being active, healthy and strong, especially as I get older. I think there is disappointment when you reach a goal. I think it is a little like anticipating something and once it is over, what do you do?” And Sarah also wrote, “Can you take time out and look for other goals and measurements for a couple of months? Maybe pick something else for a month like (it’s a dreary November here) getting daylight in your eyes, prioritising rest, finding 101 ways to cook cabbage, meditation for 5 minutes, using lovely body lotion to take care of your awesome body, making this month a walking only month…”

Question from Janell about pelvic floor connections: In ‘Pelvic Floor Connections‘, Beth has an exercise called the “4 part harmony.” Here is my understanding of the 4 parts: lying on your back, you 1) raise your hips 2) squeeze the bolster 3) pull your navel in toward your spine 4) relax the glutes. Where is the release (relax) in this exercise if you aren’t supposed to lower your hips?

Answers from members: Casey responded, “It’s my understanding that you relax your glutes while keeping your hips up in the bridge. It’s hard to do, but with a little mind over matter it works.” Erin chimed in and said, “I just did another routine with this exercise in it earlier this week and she mentioned that your hips will naturally lower a little bit when you relax the glutes, you’re just trying to keep them up as much as possible.” Chris contributed, “She is trying to break the compensation pattern that happens with a weak core and PF, the glutes will take up the slack. As you train your core and PF, you will have your hips dip less and less. This will show you that your body is moving in the right direction and your co-activation between the core and PF are working fantastic.” All fantastic answers!

Question from Alix about breath exercises to build strong lungs: I know all breath work is good for the lungs, but are there any videos very specifically for strengthening and rebuilding lung capacity? I feel like I’ve lost lung capacity due to a few illnesses and I would really like to fix it.

Answers from members: Kori responded, “Well, when my husband was hospitalized and seriously sick with lung stuff a respiratory therapist said: take a really deep breath filling lungs as much as possible, put your lips in a small o and slowly push air out through the o. Because you have a lot of air and are trying to force it out a small hole it creates pressure in your lungs and forces them to expand and unstick. (Even healthy American adults tend to have lungs start sticking together if we sit for any length of time – like watching a movie. So we all need to be expanding them regularly, helping our lungs be healthier before we get sick.” Also, I responded with a link to the Fit2B Breathing Exercise Pathway here.

Question from Megan about “one move for all the things” reels:  I want to know what you think about these videos that give you “one move” for all the things. Or the ones that say- “you did this move every day for a week and now your arms are toned and your back pain is gone,” etc. I feel like female fitness influencers have created a “pelvic floor” bandwagon and are now spreading some not so great information for women who have PF weakness. It’s pretty sad.

Answer from Beth: They are stupid and complete click bait. I have certain moves I love in certain seasons, and you’ll hear me say that in our workouts. I will create an entire workout video for dealing with a key issue – within which I will offer many different exercises, emphasizing that everyone should pick the ones that feel best for them – but I will never offer one move for all people with a certain issue. Except maybe the simple belly breath or transverse squeezes. Aside from that, no single movement is prescriptive for everyone. I try to be grateful that “influencers” are at least raising awareness, and a lot of it is okay info, but it’s not optimal to focus on one move as a complete solution. P.S. This thread was in our private member forum, and several members found my bluntness hilarious! Erika said, “Ooooooo – I’m gonna grab some popcorn. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Beth say “that’s stupid”. 🤣 No BS from Beth today. ♥