Tag Archives: motherhood

4 problems with P.E. Classes in America

Physical education (P.E.) classes have been part of the education system of most schools in the United States for many decades. I have distinct memories of doing windmills, laying on my belly on rolling carts, beating the boys at chin-ups and arm-hangs, schoolmates holding my feet down while I did as many sit-ups as I […]

My mother is 80 and still carries me… and you

I started rubbing my mother’s back as we sat together after our thanksgiving meal. She sighed and whispered β€œthank you” to me, and I pondered all the ways her body has served me and my three siblings + my dad over the years. Her spine has begun to shrink in response to 80 years of […]

Fit2B Molly: Finding Fitness at Home

Cartoon images were popular when Fit2B launched in 2010, so our original logo was a gal we called “Molly.” She is still represented on our Roku Channel, and we had some cartoons drawn (scroll down) of her everyday life to remind all of us that we aren’t alone on our fitness journeys. Molly looks a […]

Baby Feeding Routine: Upper Body Exercises – E/TS

Behind the scenes of filming the "Baby Feeding Routine" on set at Fit2B Studio - fit2b.com - Upper Body Workout To Do While Feeding A Baby - fit2b.com - Babies spend about 11 hours per day eating from a bottle or breast. Join physical therapist, Gillian Sukachevin, and her 12-week old bub for a lovely stretching and exercise session you can do while feeding your infant

Infants can spend up to 11-12 hours per day feeding by bottle or breast. This calm, beautiful exercise video we filmed with pelvic floor physiotherapist, Gillian Sukachevin, discusses alignment beneficial to a healing core and takes you through many arm exercises. Once you have watched the video, you can begin it again at 2:50 where […]

Giving Diastasis Recti Time To Heal: Be Consistent

This blog inspired an entire series called The Unclosed Core. The information and encouragement you will find here is timeless and we trust you will find hope as we continue this journey together. Most of Us Are Turtles Remember Aesop’s fable about the tortoise beating the hare? The majority of the fitness world screams at […]

Gift Ideas for Pregnant Women, New Mothers, and Grandmothers!

Gift Ideas for Pregnant Women, New Mothers and Grandmothers! - Fit2B.com

Β  Β  Β  Looking for the perfect gift for a beloved mom-to-be, new mom, mom of three (or ten!), or your own mom or grandmother? It’s hard, because most women with children focus all their energy on their kids and don’t ask for or want much, but you want to get them SOMETHING . . […]

The #RealMOMrealCEO Challenge on Instagram – Join me!

The #RealMOMrealCEO Challenge on Instagram - Join me! - Fit2B.com

The pressure on female business owners like myself to do all the things is huge. We run companies and kids in carpools. We take classes on QuickBooks and core fitness, yet we still struggle with isolation. I’ve found that it’s far too easy to buy the lie that no one understands the daily paradigms we’re […]

Beth In Real Life | Lifting Loads

Beth In Real Life Lifting Loads Fit2B Studio - Fit2B.com

Life involves load. It’s necessary to avoid heavy lifting when you have diastasis recti or prolapse, and you haven’t yet learned the strategies for managing your pressure systems. Once you dial in your technique, though, and you learn how to recruit your core instead of bulge it, you can start approaching heavy things with more […]

Gas Station Stretches

Gas Station Stretches Fit2B Studio - Fit2B.com

A member asked if I might have any good stretches I do while β€œpumping petrol” … and it took me a full 27 seconds to figure out what she meant. Hehe! We call it β€œgas” around here, and that’s not the first time our forum has had some fun with the language differences we encounter […]

Trampolines and Diastasis Recti

Trampolines Fit2B Studio - Fit2B.com

Is it safe to jump on a trampoline while you diastasis recti is healing? What about if you have prolapse or urinary or fecal incontinence? Let me just say straight up that leaking pee or poo when doing any activity is a RED flag to stop that activity and seek help from a women’s health […]

Bike Riding

Bike Riding Fit2B Studio - Fit2B.com

Get ready to laugh at my expense, people! Trying to video myself while on a bike path was some crazy fun. I go a little off-road with my bike and my tips on seat position, torso alignment, and diastasis recti awareness. As usual, what comes out of Β my mouth is more than what you’d expect… […]

My Belly After Diastasis Recti

My Belly Fit2B Studio - Fit2B.com

My belly would like to share a few thoughts with you. It has its own story to tell after carrying three lives and healing from diastasis recti. While we keep things very modest on this family friendly fitness site, it’s time to for my tummy to show it’s true tone and tell you a few […]

Pushing Strollers

While out for a walk with a friend who was bushing a baby in a stroller, she was nice enough to hold my iPhone and record this for us. Thanks, Jessica! For a full lesson on stroller cautions and tummysafe moves, visit BeyondFitMom – Kate Horney’s lesson on stroller fitness in our Experts on Diastasis […]

At The Park

At The Park Fit2B Studio - fit2b.com

I remember sinking gratefully down onto park benches on many exhausting days as a young mom. If someone had told me to go play on the equipment with my child, I would have squinted up at them with one eye shut and told them, β€œI’m fine. I worked out earlier today. Β Now I’m tired. My […]

Are You Fit and Trained To Deal With Disaster?

Are You Fit and Trained to Deal with Disaster? - Fit2B.com

Would you be strong and organized enough to evacuate your home in less than 30 minutes if a blazing inferno suddenly surrounded your neighborhood like the California Wildfires? Would you be resilient and self-powered enough to live without electricity for over a month like Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria? Would you have the resources to […]

If You’re Raising a Girl, You Need This New eCourse!

If You're Raising a Girl, You Need This New eCourse! - Fit2B.com

My daughter was almost 11 when this course started to materialize in my mind. It happened because hundreds of other moms in the Fit2B Forum kept getting angry: “All I got was sex-ed in high school, but by then I’d used tampons wrong and had horrible posture! Why can’t anyone teach about those things? Beth, […]

When You Miss a Workout, Remember These 3 Things

When You Miss a Workout, Remember These 3 Things - Fit2B.com

So, you missed a day or two of exercise? Yeah, I do it all the time which actually surprises a lot of people. I’m a bona fide fitness pro who doesn’t workout every day? Nope! Integration matters more than conflagration The little motions mean more than the big, burning workouts. I usually enjoy a “workout” […]

What I {Honestly} Read for Work and Fun in 2016

What I {Honestly} Read for Work and Fun in 2016 - Fit2B.com

Confession: I find it super annoying when people post a list of books they plan to read, and they have this pretty picture of a stack of titles organized alphabetically or by size, because seriously, how does anyone know for sure what they’ll be reading a couple months from now? That stack of books on […]

Guest Blog: Healthy Insights From One Fit2B Mama to Another… Or How I Lost Weight by Slowing Down!

how I lost weight by slowing down!

“After not being able to lose weight forever, I lost all the baby weight and way more getting back to my early high school pant size by doing one fit2b video, sometimes just a “foundational five” also known as “F5” each day for 3-4 days a week, and a paleo-ish nourishing traditions diet.Β Small steps!!!!! Just […]

Feeling FROZEN in Your Tummy’s Progress? Let It Go! Let It Go-O!

Holding your tummy in all the time is NOT the solution for your big belly. In fact “holding stuff in” benefits FEW facets of our life. Yes, I know, sometimes we just don’t know how to let go of stuff, and by “stuff” I mean dreams, children, tummies, that one exercise we just can’t seem […]

Another Gap in Maternal Care

Another Gap in Maternal Care- Fit2B.com

There is 3-finger gap in maternal care, yet with all the awareness being raised about birth empowerment, this one is not being discussed much. Diastasis Recti is another form of pregnancy and birth-related trauma that is preventable and treatable without surgery, yet women are willingly and silently suffering with it because general practice doctors often […]

M/TS Baby Lift

A sweet thank you to member, Leah, for lending us little Patrick for this workout where you will learn how to exercise with your baby in a safe manner. This interactive routine is gentle yet thorough, dealing with alignment while holding your child, fun movements with your baby as the “weight,” and total body moves […]