Tag Archives: fit tips

When You Miss a Workout, Remember These 3 Things

When You Miss a Workout, Remember These 3 Things - Fit2B.com

So, you missed a day or two of exercise? Yeah, I do it all the time which actually surprises a lot of people. I’m a bona fide fitness pro who doesn’t workout every day? Nope! Integration matters more than conflagration The little motions mean more than the big, burning workouts. I usually enjoy a “workout” […]

Healthy Home Updates That Encourage Fitness

If you get the chance to remodel your bathroom, be sure to install a soaking tub that's deep enough for detox baths, and also pebble tile floors and a bench in your shower... for stretching your hamstrings while you shave your legs of course! -fit2b.com

You don’t have to turn your home into an athletic club to encourage fitness and wellness in your environment. As your strengthening your Diastasis Recti, your goal is to facilitate as much alignment, movement, core recruitment, and even positive pressure points as possible. It’s about making small changes in small areas. It’s also about making some big changes if […]

Considerations for Pregnancy Exercise

Considerations For Pregnancy Exercise- Fit2B.com

At least once a week, Bethany guest writes for other sites about birth, diastasis recti, pregnancy exercise, fitness, why you shouldn’t do crunches, and many other topics. Really, it’s more often that she gets to blog here! So we have put together a run-down of some of her recent blogs, with the first one being […]

129 Times to Turn on Your Transverse Abs

129 Ways To Get a Flatter Tummy Doing Everyday Actions - Fit2b.com

Our abdominal tummy muscles have to work harder in certain positions than others, and if you don’t know how to “turn on” your transverse abs, those moments may be contributing to your belly getting bigger, not smaller. The job of your abs isn’t crunches and situps, although they work together to do those things if […]