Tag Archives: core

Strengthen Your Core in Bed: Tips & Exercises for Moms on Bedrest

Being on bedrest when you’re expecting a baby or recovering from an injury or surgery can be tough on your mental health, heart health, bone density, and fitness. Not only are you dealing with the physical and emotional changes of whatever situation you’re in, but you also have to find ways to avoid joint stiffness, […]

Foam Core Fitness – C/TS

This fun foam rolling fitness routine will have you using your foam roller in unique ways that challenge your whole body in core-centered ways with exercises that take you from standing to bending, kneeling to sitting, sitting to supine! The ending is the most fun of all, but you’ll enjoy the tremendous variety throughout the […]

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4 Hidden Health & Fitness Benefits of Babywearing

Hidden benefits of babywearing for baby's health and mom's core fitness and Diastasis Recti

For many fitness-loving moms, getting back to working out regularly is a top post-pregnancy goal. Of course, we quickly realize just how much of our time and energy our sweet new baby demands, which generally means adjusting our movement goals accordingly. Done properly, the fitness benefits of babywearing are undeniable: Carrying loads improves your bone […]

3 Ways to Improve Strength in Your Pelvic Floor and Deep Core Muscles

Home exercises to help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles to stop leaking pee and poo - fit2b.com | intimaterose.com

What are Your Pelvic Floor and Deep Core Muscles? Your deep core muscles consist of four muscle groups including your pelvic floor, transversus abdominis, multifidus, and diaphragm. Pelvic floor muscles provide support for reproductive organs and allow voluntary control over our bowel and bladder. The transversus abdominal muscle, or transversus abdominis, is a deep, horizontal […]

Tabata Cardio – M/TS

Tabata Cardio - M/TS - Fit2B.com - 40-Minute Tabata Cardio Workout Sweat Session on fit2b.com #cardio #tabata #hiit #workout #homefitness

This amazing sweat session with Beth includes 7 different exercises done in the Tabata tradition which hails from Japan. Each exercise is done for 20 seconds at a time with 10 seconds of rest in between for 8 rounds with a 1 minute rest before starting the next exercise. Within the repetitions, you are provided […]

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How Your Positioning Affects Your Poochy Tummy

As I wrap up this 5-blog series on dealing with plateaus in fixing diastasis rectus abdominus (DRA), two things have been a recurring theme: Time and Consistency. Unfortunately, we impatient humans want everything our way, right away with extra pickles, no tomatoes, hold the mayo, right? However, narrowing a diastasis (and getting it to stay that way) requires […]

How Emotions Affect Your Diastasis Recti

Your emotions affects how you hold yourself up which affects how fast your diastasis recti narrows - fit2b.com

This blog about how your feelings and moods can have a huge affect on the speed of your healing from various injuries and issues — not just DRA — is actually the third installment in a 4-part series called The Unclosed Core that was originally published in 2015. I’ve been writing and praying this will offer hope to those […]

How Your Chemistry Affects Your Diastasis Recti

How Your Chemistry Affects Your Diastasis Recti - Fit2B.com

Continuing our flashback of “The Unclosed Core” series, we thought you would appreciate this updated blog with current information that will encourage you to persevere. In Part One of this 4-part series, I introduced our general topic of “hope for when that diastasis recti will not close.” In Part Three, I will discuss “How Your […]

Can I Do Planks if I Have Diastasis Recti?

Can I Do Planks if I Have Diastasis Recti? - Fit2B.com - #core #corestregthening #diastasisrectirecovery #mummytummy #fitmom #plank

“Can I do planks if I have diastasis recti?” It’s one of the most common questions we receive here on Fit2B where we provide tummysafe workouts that cater to those dealing with separated abs. With planks being a popular default core exercise, and plank challenges constantly circling social media, people want to know: can I […]

Plank Progressions – M/TS

If you’re wanting to learn how to do planks safely and with good technique WITHOUT redamaging your diastasis recti, this 4-part video is what you need! It’s designed to start you with the most basic concepts of planking, encourage you to practice those, and then motivate you to come back for the next part. Please […]

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Giving Diastasis Recti Time To Heal: Be Consistent

This blog inspired an entire series called The Unclosed Core. The information and encouragement you will find here is timeless and we trust you will find hope as we continue this journey together. Most of Us Are Turtles Remember Aesop’s fable about the tortoise beating the hare? The majority of the fitness world screams at […]

Belly Love: Seeing Beauty in Brokenness

Your Core: What if it's not just about accepting what you can't change but having courage to change the things you can?

This post may be from August 2013, but the struggle to appreciate and cherish our bellies is a common theme. Are you and your core on good terms, or is there still some relationship work to be done? We’d love to hear from you in the comments! My son turned 5 this past week, and as I […]

Why I Disagree with Banning the Word “Broken”

Words carry weight. In a rapidly-blending global culture, every word is scrutinized, weighed, and judged. Phrases that were once common to one group are now understood to be inflammatory and hurtful to another group, so they are understandably banned and become “non-politically correct.” However, I’ve also seen quite a few articles written to fitness professionals […]

Comforting the Core: Interview with a bereavement doula

The first “real” book I ever read at age 6 was a Life Cycle Library book about pregnancy and birth. You can all thank my mother for being so open and unflappable as she dealt with my ensuing barrage of questions, because that early passion to understand the female body was indicative of my career path […]

5 Ways Wearing Flexible Shoes Helps Fitness

5 Ways Wearing Flexible Shoes Helps Fitness - Fit2B.com

A picture that spoke a thousand words to me several years ago showed two feet balancing on two small rocks, wearing two different shoes. One was encased in a hiking boot with ankle support, while the other was in a minimal shoe. It was instantly very clear to me how flexible shoes help our fitness. […]

That Time We Were Featured in Huffington Post!

That Time We Were Featured in Huffington Post - Fit2B.com

Recently, the diastasis recti awareness movement received some interesting press when this NPR article about 1 exercise that can be done for 10 minutes a day to get rid of your mummy tummy went viral. It’s catchy, isn’t it? The thought that you can do one thing for just a few minutes, and you’ll have […]

“Your Core Is Like a House.” – Carrie Koziol, WHPT

"Your Core is Like a House." - Carrie Koziol, WHPT - Fit2B.com

I recently had the privilege of interviewing Carrie Koziol from Pilates By Carrie. She’s unique because she is also a licensed Women’sHealthPhysical Therapist who is highly trained and knowledgeable about diastasis recti and pelvic floor dysfunction. Carrie compares cores to houses with your transverse abdominis being the front door, the roof being your diaphragm, and […]

Grief Recovery Routine – E/TS

Grief Recovery Routine - E/TS: The Grief Routine: Gentle workout to help women process any past loss, trauma or abuse to their core - fit2b.com

When a grieving member of Fit2B whose belly had been through a great many hard things mentioned that she wished we had a series of gentle moves and words to help her with grief recovery, process her past, and do some deliberate releasing of the tension stored in her core, her request was instantly echoed by […]

Why Does My Skin Pucker When My Diastasis Recti Narrows?

Why Does My Skin Pucker When My Diastasis Recti Narrows? - fit2b.com - Why does my skin pucker when my diastasis recti is closing?

As your belly muscles regain proper tension and strength, and your diastasis recti begins to narrow, the skin on your tummy may pucker and dimple as the pressure from within your core is more controlled. This isn’t about sucking it in and constantly flexing your abs, rather, as your transverse abdominus “corset” muscle that wraps […]

The Cost of Incontinence – Guest Post by LPT, Gill Sukachevin

The Cost of Incontinence - Guest Post by LPT, Gill Sukachevin - Fit2B.com

Remember those baby diaper advertisements on TV? Without fail, baby diaper brands became a household name. We didn’t even say “diapers.” We would go to the grocery store and look for Luvs or Pampers. We asked our little helpers to get the baby’s Huggies. There has been shift to advertisement for adult products?  Now Poise and […]

E/TS – Basic Breath Work

E/TS - Basic Breath Work - fit2b.com

What could be easier than sitting in a chair while connecting to your core? How about getting into a position where gravity helps you do some of the work? When we are upright, even in a chair, gravity is pulling our weak tissues down and out. If we lay down, lift our hips and support […]

M/TS – The Get Up {And Down} Routine

M/TS - The Get Up {and down} Routine - fit2b.com

Being able to get up and down off the floor is important. It helps if you can do it without hurting yourself because no one wants to say they injured themselves while getting up off the ground. Yet people do that every day because they don’t use the proper mechanics and muscles to get up […]

E/TS – Fingers & Toes

We spend a lot of time with our hands curled around devices and our feet shoved into socks and shoes. Yet, no muscle is an island. Everything that happens in the top of your body travels down. Everything that happens in the bottom of your body travels up. And sideways. And crossways. The tension in […]

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Can Fit2B Help Improve Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

Can Fit2B Help Improve Pelvic Organ Prolapse? - Fit2B.com - Can Fit2B tummysafe home fitness routines help improve pelvic organ prolapse?

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a serious condition that affects many women’s quality of life, but there is therapy available to help stabilize the area and even improve it. I’ve worked closely with many physios and physical therapists to create several routines that can help a woman start connecting with her pelvic floor while she […]

Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction Routine

Safe Workout for Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction - fit2b.com

If you’re struggling with pubic symphysis pain, my heart goes out to you. It’s tricky when you can’t separate your legs or step over things without grief and grating in your groin, isn’t it? I’ve spent months putting together this routine just for you! It has lots of moves that should allow you to keep […]

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Build a Better Belly: 10 Times to Align And Use Your Core

Alignment plays a big role in your belly's ability to flex and stay flat for you! Find out how at fit2b.com

As long as you’re moving and exercising that’s all you need for a healthy body right? Nope. You are more than your muscles, and since your posture affects not just the shape of your belly, but also your digestion, pelvic floor function, emotions, chemistry, and also how you present yourself to others, we need to […]

Why Fixing Your Core Won’t Save You

Wait, there's such a thing as a perfect body? Fit2b.com

“Thinking that because you are good person, hard times won’t come is like thinking that because you are a vegetarian, the bull won’t charge at you.” After reading this pivotal article on GNOWFGLINS many moons ago about how eating real food didn’t stop severe illness in two families, I began pondering the same truth about fitness […]

Free Podcast: Diastasis & Tummy Fitness + My Births

Free Birthful Podcast: Diastasis Recti & Pregnancy -fit2b.com

It was a huge honor to be the special guest for The Birthful Podcast: Diastsis & Tummy Fitness with Adriana Lozada earlier this week. She said she chose me out of all the other experts she researched as possible guests because my program is the most comprehensive, evidence-based, straightforward, mama-friendly one she could find. The show […]

Diastasis Recti and Yoga: Shocking Photo

This is what diastasis recti looks like in downward facing dog a.k.a. Tipi pose a.k.a. adho mukha

Many people with weak cores and back pain turn to yoga for help, but if you have diastasis recti, many yoga poses should be approached with caution. This shocking photo will hopefully help all of you better understand how DEEPLY a diastasis recti affects your abdominal’s appearance, function and integrity. That is one my members […]

Stop Body Shaming: Thinness Does NOT Equal Fitness – FREE VIDEO

Loving your body, connecting to your body, retraining it to do what it needs to do to hold you together and then give you the confidence to hold yourself up, to embrace yourself, and to be who you were designed to be. -Kelly Dean, LPT, The Tummy Team

Every now and then, we get an odd message from visitors to Fit2B who watch our diastasis recti self-check videos and then get all judgey about Kelly’s body type. “Great video, but why would I do your program when you’re not in shape?” Um, first of all, Kelly Dean is in great shape! She’s an elite masters swimmer who has […]

Part 2: 7 Cues for Protecting Your Core When You’re Fighting A Cold

In the first article of this mini series on how to protect your core and pelvic floor from diastasis recti, prolapse, incontinence and other unpleasantries when you’re fighting a cold or bouncing around like a maniac on a friend’s trampoline, I wrote about what you can do before, during and after a fit of sneezing, coughing […]

E/TS – Basic Chair Fitness

Basic Chair Fitness - fit2b.com

Join Beth in her country kitchen as she leads you through some basic chair fitness moves and stretches. You will feel so yummy and relaxed YET ready for more at the end of this video. Notice the dishes in the sink? We’re real people here, and we’re excited to provide yet another routine that benefits […]

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E/TS – Kitchen Moves

Kitchen Moves - fit2b.com

Your kitchen is FULL of great fitness props, and this video will show you how to incorporate some simple movements into your everyday tasks. Discover how to create “work stations” in your kitchen that produce great food AND a great body! What’s more, this workout is easily transferable to other kitchens. Share it with your […]

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M/TS – Bag a Better Back

How about recycling some grocery bags and using water bottles as weights to create a fun and unique workout for your upper and lower back!?! Here at Fit2B we are all about using what you have on hand to facilitate a great workout. If you’ve got dumbbells, great! But a lot of people don’t, or maybe […]

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E/TS/R – FoamUNrolling

Foam UNrolling Routine - fit2b.com

If you can see various props with new eyes, then you’ll gain a fresh perspective on playful movement. Playing with your foam roller {or similar objects} provides further avenues to safely get more action into each of your days. In this short video containing some unique foam roller exercises, you will learn how to use […]

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M/TS – Plain Ol’ Pilates

Plain Ol' Pilates - fit2b.com

Focusing solely on Pilates workout movements you can do at home, there really isn’t anything plain about this routine. It’s just all about mat-style Pilates and nothing else. With several levels and modifications provided for each portion, we know it will be a favorite for anyone wanting a straightforward, fun approach to some of the best […]

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C/TS – Balanced Inversions

Balanced Inversions Routine - fit2b.com

As you advance in your fitness journey, adding some balance poses will definitely increase your intensity. Especially if those poses are inversions where your head is below your heart. This pivotal workout will take you to a new level of fitness and body exploration, starting with simple inversions, then adding balancing into the equation. Note: […]

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E/TS/R – Pelvic Floor Connections

Pelvic Floor Connections - fit2b.com

The perfect routines to do all by yourself, these candid yet tasteful videos are designed to help women connect to the most intimate part of their core: the pelvic floor. Using straight anatomical terms and tender talk, I will offer you several non-invasive methods and movements for the purpose of reconnecting your control over your most […]

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C/TS – Wall Workout with Beth

Wall Workout with Bethany - fit2b.com

Oh! Such a sweet surprising challenge to the whole body, this short – yet full – total body routine brings the whole body to bear strongly on your core. Forgive the heavy breathing, but these moves are challenging and Bethany was JUST getting over strep throat while filming this! Also, this routine features our very […]

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Announcing “Experts on Diastasis Recti” eCourse

New eLearning course featuring multiple professionals in the fields of healthy and fitness UNITING TOGETHER from around the world to take on diastasis recti!

With so much WRONG information about the core out there and bad advice about how to safely tone your tummy and strengthen your whole midsection, it has become vitally important to me that fit2b.com provide the RIGHT education from MANY viewpoints. So a couple years ago, I began dreaming and talking with my co-founder Chris […]

C/TS – Kettle Bell II

KettleBell Workout II - fit2b.com

Kettle Bell training is HOT but “tummy safe” the moves often are NOT … In this second, slightly more advanced installment of Bethany’s “how to” kettle bell series, you’ll learn more moves in a safe manner that will protect your core and tune you into the proper form and breathing patterns, so that one day when you […]

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Feeling FROZEN in Your Tummy’s Progress? Let It Go! Let It Go-O!

Holding your tummy in all the time is NOT the solution for your big belly. In fact “holding stuff in” benefits FEW facets of our life. Yes, I know, sometimes we just don’t know how to let go of stuff, and by “stuff” I mean dreams, children, tummies, that one exercise we just can’t seem […]

Mending Gates… Musings on Core Health {a.k.a. The One Where I Compare Your Core to Cow Fencing}

Musings on Core Health - Fit2b.com

  Now, I’m not sure if you know this, but my husband, myself and our two wildlings live on 7 acres of God’s green earth in rural southwest Washington State. It’s been just a little over a year now since we traded one-tenth of an acre surrounded by busy streets and nosy neighbors who tut-tutted […]

Bedtime Relaxation with Kelly – E/TS/R

Bedtime Relaxation with Kelly - fit2b.com

Having trouble falling asleep? Need to get away from your day for a few minutes? This routine is your solution to stress. I’ve heard it said that laying on the floor is a primal way to reconnect to your body because that’s where we all start with movement as babies: on the floor, figuring out […]

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C/TS – Kelly’s Core Cardio

Kelly's Core Cardio - fit2b.com

Our favorite guest instructor and licensed physical therapist, Kelly Dean of The Tummy Team, joined us yet again to film this unique cardio session that works the total body and core with great moves and fun visualizations. It’s not too long, but it gets intense while staying safe for anyone with abdominal trauma. Have fun! […]

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E/TS – Foam Rolling Routine

Foam Rolling Routine - fit2b.com

Foam rolling is an excellent way to stretch muscles from the middle, but this form of myofascial release is often demonstrated with crunch-like motions that can damage the connective tissue of the core… talk about irony! In this introductory routine, Bethany demonstrates a year of careful research and collaboration with other experts as she brings […]

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M/TS – Kelly’s Floor Core Routine

Kelly's Floor Core Routine - fit2b.com

  What if you could have a core workout designed by a physical therapist? Especially one who is world-famous for her work in providing continuing education training for instructors, midwives, doulas, nurses, and many more who work with the true core? Well, here you go! Join guest instructor, Kelly Dean of the Tummy Team, for […]

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Start Here

Start Here - Fit2B.com - Start Here with the Workout Basics

Welcome to the Core of Fit2B Studio  This is where we like everyone to begin their journey with Fit2B. We call this page the “Foundational Five” or “F5” pathway because each section has 5 parts. The 3 buttons below will give you a solid foundation so you can rebuild, reclaim and restore your body beginning with your core.      […]

K/TS – Bitty Bellies

Bitty Bellies - fit2b.com

Even the smallest bellies can establish a healthy core connection! Let your child join our children for some bitty belly moves that teach how to activate the transverse abdominus. Plus, learn how lots of other fun moves and tricks utilize our core on a daily basis. Leave lots of room in your exercise area for […]

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Basic Transverse & Mula Bandha

Equipment needed: Bench or straight back chair. Maybe a pillow for your lower back. Here is one of our most basic routines designed for those who need to dial it back to the most simple aspects of “finding” their core via the basic breath. The title comes from a term that means “root lock” in […]

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Another Gap in Maternal Care

Another Gap in Maternal Care- Fit2B.com

There is 3-finger gap in maternal care, yet with all the awareness being raised about birth empowerment, this one is not being discussed much. Diastasis Recti is another form of pregnancy and birth-related trauma that is preventable and treatable without surgery, yet women are willingly and silently suffering with it because general practice doctors often […]

M/TS – Tabata Kick & Squat

Tabata Kick & Squat - fit2b.com

  At 44 minutes long, this is a delightful and gentle cardio routine that uses principles of Tabata to work and rest your muscles. You’ll perform several exercises for 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, for 4 minutes each with a 1 minutes rest before moving onto the next exercise. The exercises in this routine […]

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M/TS Baby Lift

A sweet thank you to member, Leah, for lending us little Patrick for this workout where you will learn how to exercise with your baby in a safe manner. This interactive routine is gentle yet thorough, dealing with alignment while holding your child, fun movements with your baby as the “weight,” and total body moves […]

E/TS – Align It Flat

Align it Flat - fit2b.com

There are TWO versions of this routine on this page because every BODY is different. The more I research the core and diastasis, the more I’m learning a simple truth: our body’s position throughout the day matters a lot! You can workout with perfect form… but what about the rest of your day. How are you […]

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M/TS – Balanced

Balanced - fit2b.com

Bound to be a member favorite, this workout incorporates weights and bands and balance moves to fire up your core and your whole body! Get ready for a slow yet powerful 20-minutes of solid action and education as you learn more about alignment and balance are you core’s main job. Equipment needed: Elastic band or […]

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E/TS – Core Wake Up

Core Wake Up - fit2b.com

Before any major abdominal training is done, it’s important to lay a foundation. This simple 4-minute routine will wake up your ab muscles in a safe and gentle way. As if setting a gently morning alarm, you’ll be tapping them on the shoulder and saying, “time to wake up and do your job for me!” […]

E/TS – Mula Bandha

Mula Bandha - fit2b.com

According to our members, this routine is where many things click. It’s where all the pieces from the other Foundational Five “F5” fall into place. Mula means root or source and Bandha means lock or bond. Simply put, it’s about controlling the root-like bundle of nerve connections at your trunk’s base. I have to tell […]

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E/TS – Totally Transverse II

Totally Transverse II - fit2b.com

  “Welcome to my home and this workout!” -Bethany This routine was filmed in my old home in Portland, Oregon! It’s not as swanky as some of other places we’ve filmed, but these are my pictures and my 1940’s fireplace, and the green chair is where I spent many an hour nursing my sweet boy. We’ve […]

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M/TS – Pilates in Pajamas II

Pilates in Pajamas II - fit2b.com

This workout is available within several pathways here at Fit2B Studio. Bethany stays in her pretty PJ’s for this relaxing yet challenging home workout routine. It’s tummy safe and total body! By clicking play and watching any video on Fit2B Studio, LLC you certify that you agree to the terms of our disclaimer found HERE!

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C/TS – Insane 2

Insane 2 - fit2b.com

Do you believe you can get a HARD workout without jumping around, doing crazy contortions, or lifting extreme loads? We believe it! We believe that all you need is your body to get one TOUGH workout. This 20-minute routine has some crazy stuff you may have never seen before, but it is straightforward and simple […]

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The Pilates Pathway

Introduce yourself to the basics of Pilates and learn how to advance with fit2b.com

This pathway is for those wanting to explore Pilates in a TummySafe manner Here at Fit2B we bring the breath into every motion we make. If you’re dealing with diastasis recti, some Pilates moves should be avoided, but we take the guesswork out of wondering what those are. Using this path will orient you to which […]

Fit2B™ New Mamas

Workouts for Pregnancy and Postpartum "Fit2B New Moms" - fit2b.com
The entire library of over 300 Fit2B workouts is suitable for postpartum, but this page offers 2 specific programs that support a TummySafe™ return to fitness during and after pregnancy. The prenatal plan is at the top, and the postnatal is the bottom half.  The Prenatal FitnessPath If you're striving for a strong, informed pregnancy, [...]

Totally Transverse – E/TS

TS - Totally Transverse - Fit2B.com

This quick crunch-free, plank-free mini-workout you’re about to do will connect your breath and alignment to your core throughout several simple motions. The second video summarizes the first video in a short recap. You’ll find two videos below – the long and short version – but Fit2B has more (and less) when you’re decide to shift […]

C/TS – Insane I

Insane - fit2b.com

If you’ve heard of the Insanity workouts, well here is one of the most insane workouts we’ve ever filmed. Why is it insane? For starters, it’s super hard and the moves are just plain crazy! Even Bethany is out of breath in this one, but it’s totally safe as long as you have a baseline […]

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M/TS – Transitions

Transitions - fit2b.com

 If you’ve been rehabbing your abs, and you are feeling stronger and ready for more, this workout will keep you standing and moving the whole time while helping you safely transition to slightly more intense motions while also showing you how to incorporate your transverse abs with breath and activation at the proper times. This […]

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C/TS – Jump Change

Jump Change - fit2b.com

Newly filmed and re-released, this routine will put a jump in your step! Every transition in this workout is accomplished with a jump, but several options and levels are provided. The pace and attention to the transverse abdominus makes this a very “tummy safe” workout. It is good for bone density and your heart rate, […]

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M/TS – Love Handles Lost

Love Handles Lost - fit2b.com

Kiss your love-handles goodbye by performing this short but challenging workout on a regular basis. Target the soft spots on your sides below your ribcage and above your hips while working some surrounding muscles as well! This is a second rendition of the first Love Handles Lost workout. It contains the same flow of exercises […]

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M/TS – Hold It!

Hold It! - fit2b.com

How long can you hold a pose? This workout encourages you to hold each position for at least 10 deep breaths. Don’t let the lack of repetitive motions fool you into thinking it won’t get your heart pumping. Holding a muscle in place can be harder than moving it! This workout was originally filmed in […]

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M/TS – Pilates In Pajamas

Pilates in Pajamas - fit2b.com

One of the best things about our site is that you don’t have to buy or wear workout attire so that you look good in public just to get all sweaty! Bethany will openly confess that as a stay-at-home mom herself, she’ll just stay in her pajammies all day if she’s not going anywhere. Why […]

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M/TS – Tabata

Tabata - fit2b.com

This workout features six exercises done tabata-style, meaning each movement done for 8 sets of 20 seconds each with a 10 second rest between each set. However, unlike mainstream tabata classes that perform the exercises as fast as possible, Bethany pays careful attention to form and core positioning and keeps things at a safe pace. […]

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E/K/TS – Mommy & Me

Mommy & Me - fit2b.com

Have a baby who wants to come along for the ride? Introduce him/her to movement with mommy just a few minutes at a time. This 12-minute session makes a great warm-up for mom or dad. A baby carrier such as an Ergo or Snugli is needed, and if you start while your child is small, […]

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E/TS – Chair Blend

Chair Blend - fit2b.com

Take your lower body out of the equation for a few minutes while you relax your upper body. This workout lets you isolate your core with purely upper body movements from both Pilates and Yoga. All of our chair workouts are perfect for those dealing with disability or injury in their lower body, but this […]

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C/TS – Weighted Warriors

Weighted Warrior - fit2b.com

The Yoga Warrior poses are powerful enough all by themselves, but what if you held hand-weights while flowing through these poses? Find out how to use weights in a safe but stimulating manner to greatly increase your warrior workout intensity! Tummy Safety Tip: Remember to maintain neutral alignment and actively recruit your transverse abs whenever […]

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TS/C – Functional Workout I

Functional Workout I - fit2b.com

Functional fitness workouts involve exercises that use multiple joints, multiple limbs, multiple muscles, all at once! Grab your dumbbells {or cans of food} and get a terrific workout that exercises every area. The total-body movements really escalate your heart rate and calorie burn. This TummySafe™ routine is a re-do of the original which wasn’t diastasis friendly nor […]

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E/P/TS – Maternity Yoga I

Maternity Yoga - fit2b.com

This was one of our earliest routines filmed in 2010, and this is the NEW version refilmed during Summer, 2015. You see, shortly after we filmed this workout, we began shifting Fit2B towards total diastasis-awareness after Bethany met Kelly Dean of The Tummy Team and was educated about how some moves in this workout might contribute […]

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E/TS – Maternity Mix

Maternity Mix - fit2b.com

As a mother herself, Bethany has been through two healthy, fit pregnancies and births. She has a real heart for new moms and mommies-to-be, and you can see that shining through in this workout. Experience gentle queues that will connect you to your changing body and the precious life within you. Find out how to […]

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Thigh Workout

Thigh Workout - Fit2B.com - 15-Minute TummySafe Thigh Workout for Diastasis Recti

Thighs. We all have two sets of them, and they need care and attention like all the rest of our body parts. Did you know we have THREE routines dedicated to these lovelies? This one you’re about to do is actually an updated, refilmed version of the original done in 2011 which you can see […]

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M/TS – Rockin’ Yoga & Pilates

Rockin' Yoga & Pilates - fit2b.com

This moderately intense, total-body exercise routine was refilmed in early March 2013 for better TummySafe cues and lighting. The music is a bit more upbeat, and the transitions are faster. So if you want a more mellow workout, this isn’t really it. If you want a total body floor workout, this is it! Equipment Needed: […]

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TS/C – Ab Attack!

Ab Attack - fit2b.com

Normally I’m not a big fan of “attacking” our abdominals, because in the mainstream fitness industry, that can often mean “shredding” and “ripping” our core apart, literally. This routine, however, will focus on all four layers of your abdominals with a safe intensity. Learn how to recruit every muscle fiber in your core while keeping […]

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M/TS – Pilates Yoga Blend

M/TS - Pilates Yoga Blend - fit2b.com - Pilates & Yoga Blend workout - fit2b.com

Originally filmed in 2010 as part of our first set of workouts, there were some seriously unhappy members when I took it down to refilm AND then we had a glitch with the new one! Needless to say, I’m very excited to debut this new version. It’s almost ridiculous how many attempts we’ve made to do this. […]

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TummySafe™ Pathway to Great Abs!

TummySafe Abs - fit2b.com
Strength from the inside out Follow this page in order from top to bottom for a couple months, and your abs will respond to your consistency. Do 3-6 of these routines each week + some cardio for the best results. Each video is TummySafe™ which means they train your trunk without crunches or unmodified planks. [...]

Fit2B™ Beginning Workout Path

Fit2B Beginning Pathway of Basic Workouts - fit2b.com
Anyone is "Fit to Be" beginning this workout path! After you complete the foundational five (F5) exercises videos which teach the basics, then it's time for this clearly outlined path where you'll begin to gradually increase time, workload and coordination in a gentle yet empowering way. Visualize the buttons below like stepping stones on a well-traveled pathway. Review the [...]