On August 1st, 2017 something horrible happened. I woke up with severe spasms under and around my left arm. Holding my elbow up in the air was the only way I could talk without crying. I felt like sharks were gnawing on me, and then the numbness set in… AND I KNEW SOMETHING WAS REALLY […]
Tag Archives: recovery
When a grieving member of Fit2B whose belly had been through a great many hard things mentioned that she wished we had a series of gentle moves and words to help her with grief recovery, process her past, and do some deliberate releasing of the tension stored in her core, her request was instantly echoed by […]
If you were to visit the guest star of this workout, Kelly Dean, in person at The Tummy Team core rehab clinic in Camas, Washington USA, you’d likely see several sets of BodyLastics gear which is what she uses and recommends with many of her clients. Beth has used them during appointments, and so have […]
Isn’t it wonderful that a baby takes 9 months to prepare for its first breath of air? While it was hard to wait for my babies, I found myself grateful for all that time spent prepping for birth and recovery even though nothing could have fully prepared me for birth and becoming a mother. I’m […]
If you sit a lot for work or nursing a baby or just out of pure exhaustion, it’s highly likely that your psoas is tightening up to tell you something. Basically, your psoas connects your spine to your thigh bone. While it is often named alongside the iliacus as “iliopsoas,” the meat of it is […]
I was sitting there in a crowd of other mothers, watching our kids through a thick glass window as they practiced their gymnastics, flipping and tumbling around. Then, as is so classic of me – since I can’t have normal conversations with anyone because they ask me what I do, and then we proceed to […]
Remember those baby diaper advertisements on TV? Without fail, baby diaper brands became a household name. We didn’t even say “diapers.” We would go to the grocery store and look for Luvs or Pampers. We asked our little helpers to get the baby’s Huggies. There has been shift to advertisement for adult products? Now Poise and […]