Tag Archives: tummy team

My New Tummy

My New Tummy - Fit2B.com - Fit2B knows busy moms are asking, “Why do I still look pregnant?” and “Why is my postpartum body so different than before?” We are here to help you make a strategic return to fitness after having your baby with core exercises that will be safe for you even if you have diastasis recti or any other type of core trauma. #fit2b #diastasisrecti #diastasisrectiexercises #core #coreexercises #postpartum #pregnant

Welcome to the new {Flashback} Friday series from Fit2B! The following post from 2011 has continued to resonate with so many of you that we thought reposting it with a few updates for clarity would prove beneficial.    March, 2011 – Seven weeks ago, I started diastasis rehab with The Tummy Team. I didn’t think […]

Grief Recovery Routine – E/TS

Grief Recovery Routine - E/TS: The Grief Routine: Gentle workout to help women process any past loss, trauma or abuse to their core - fit2b.com

When a grieving member of Fit2B whose belly had been through a great many hard things mentioned that she wished we had a series of gentle moves and words to help her with grief recovery, process her past, and do some deliberate releasing of the tension stored in her core, her request was instantly echoed by […]

Bedtime Relaxation with Kelly – E/TS/R

Bedtime Relaxation with Kelly - fit2b.com

Having trouble falling asleep? Need to get away from your day for a few minutes? This routine is your solution to stress. I’ve heard it said that laying on the floor is a primal way to reconnect to your body because that’s where we all start with movement as babies: on the floor, figuring out […]

C/TS – Kelly’s Core Cardio

Kelly's Core Cardio - fit2b.com

Our favorite guest instructor and licensed physical therapist, Kelly Dean of The Tummy Team, joined us yet again to film this unique cardio session that works the total body and core with great moves and fun visualizations. It’s not too long, but it gets intense while staying safe for anyone with abdominal trauma. Have fun! […]

E/TS – Kelly’s Total Body Stretching

Kelly Dean's Total Body Stretching - fit2b.com

Now an official part of our F5 series, this fantastic stretching routine introduces Guest Instructor Kelly Dean, licensed physical therapist and owner of The Tummy Team, as she joins Fit2B Studio to share how it’s not always about flexing and “working” a muscle back into shape; it’s also about lengthening the tight muscles that are […]

M/TS – Kelly’s Floor Core Routine

Kelly's Floor Core Routine - fit2b.com

  What if you could have a core workout designed by a physical therapist? Especially one who is world-famous for her work in providing continuing education training for instructors, midwives, doulas, nurses, and many more who work with the true core? Well, here you go! Join guest instructor, Kelly Dean of the Tummy Team, for […]

What I Learned at Kelly Dean’s Prenatal Continuing Ed Course

What I learned Kelly Dean's Prenatal class Fit2b.com

Okay, I get a bit giggly at my own cheesiness whenever I can work my last name – which is “Learn” – into a blog post. And now that I’ve got that tidbit out of my exhausted brain, I can tell you some of the AWESOME things I learned while on a roadtrip with Kelly […]

M/TS – Kelly Dean’s Wall Workout

Kelly Dean's Wall Workout - fit2b.com

Kelly Dean from The Tummy Team makes a guest instructor appearance in this quick, total body workout that offers some excellent ways for men and women dealing with diastasis to further strengthen their core. If you haven’t gone through any of the amazing Restore Your Core” workshops with Kelly via webinar or live seminar, we strongly recommend you invest […]