Fit2B™ Kids Workouts

Squatting Partner Exercises - - Partner up and leverage each other to improve your squatting technique!

F I T 2 B®   K I D S !

This special page is just for kids! Our smallest members love this page best, as do the homeschooling families who utilize this section to supplement their home-based physical education! Preview all the titles below!

Children will burn endless energy once they are given permission to have FUN with exercise. 

Of course, parents are welcome to join in these kids workouts if they promise to be silly with us. But be warned: young bones and muscles handle things differently than older bones and muscles. These workouts are only scripted in Bethany’s head, and she rolls with the kids and how they respond. Our kids come up with some interesting moves that may not be advisable for grownups and pregnant people. 

Grownups should observe Beth’s modified movements and follow her lead.

Adorable boys using the midline crossing routine on Fit2B called Kids Crossover!


(plus some adorable pictures our members gave us permission to share)

ABC Exercises - 10:49

Animal acrobats - 07:45

Baby Balance - 09:15

Baby Lift - 19:39

Basic Kicks & Punches with Owen - 11:28

Bedtime Stretches - 9:35

Bedtime Routine - 7:53 min

Bitty Bellies - 05:07

Brace Yourself - 6:54

Floor Yoga for Teens & Tweens - 11:00

Funny Face Fitness - 05:42

Hokey Pokey Anatomy - 04:33

Little boy exercising at home with

Kids & Crackups - 09:44

Kids Cross Over - 8:53

Mommy & Me - 12:11

Mommy & Me II - Refilming

Mommy & Me III - 17:52

Ninja Moves - 8:10

Orange Opposites

Kids doing "Black Battlesticks" with Lincoln Logs on Fit2B

Princess Moves - 10:47

Robot Yoga - 07:06

Sail Away - 11:28

Small Vs. Big - 8:16

Squat With A Partner - 9:43

Stretching with Kids - 09:30

Teen Yoga - 06:03

Teen Yoga II - 10:33

Kids Weights

Wiggly Warriors - 06:10

Fit2B member and child, babywearing during "Mommy & Me" home video workout on

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We teach strategies for managing Diastasis Recti and pelvic floor function in every workout video. We are modest and body positive. Our private member forum is drama-free. Our workout videos won’t leave you too sore to walk or hold your kids the next day. We have something for everyone, all ages and stages. Join today!

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Fit2B Kids Workouts - - Fit2B knows busy moms want a healthy lifestyle with health workouts that accomadate the WHOLE FAMILY! Why not click through to find short, fun workouts for your kids’ fitness and then they will let you have your own fitness fun? These workouts to do with kids are fun and a good warm-up for your day if you want to join in--and it all counts in your exercise plan! As always, these are safe for those recovering from diastasis recti! #fit2b #diastasis_ recti #busy_moms #heatlthy_lifestyle #fitness
Fun home fitness for kids from - Fit2B Kids!

1 thoughts on “Fit2B™ Kids Workouts

  1. Pingback: Three Exercises for a STRONG Birth | Fit2B Studio

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