Tag Archives: pathway

Fit2B from A – Z

Fit2B From A-Z | fit2b.com

  Oops! This isn’t the right page anymore. You should be redirected here. Non-TummySafe Routines (Despite her degree in exercise and sport science and countless certifications as a group fitness instructor, Bethany didn’t realize that diastasis recti, hernia and prolapse should merit a change in fitness patterns. It’s simply a matter of avoiding certain movements […]

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Start Here

Start Here - Fit2B.com - Start Here with the Workout Basics

Welcome to the Core of Fit2B Studio  This is where we like everyone to begin their journey with Fit2B. We call this page the “Foundational Five” or “F5” pathway because each section has 5 parts. The 3 buttons below will give you a solid foundation so you can rebuild, reclaim and restore your body beginning with your core.      […]

Pathway to Great Glutes & Lean Legs

Stair Interval Workout - Fit2B.com - Stair Interval Workout for AWESOME cardio exercise - Fit2B.com

Bravo for Buttocks! Three cheers for Thighs! These body parts are often the “butt” of much lewd laughter, but the gluteal muscles in your toosh and the thigh muscles in your upper leg are CENTRAL to your health and fitness! After all, these muscles play a key role in one very crucial daily activity: using […]

Fit2B™ Kids Workouts

Squatting Partner Exercises - Fit2b.com - Partner up and leverage each other to improve your squatting technique!

F I T 2 B®   K I D S ! This special page is just for kids! Our smallest members love this page best, as do the homeschooling families who utilize this section to supplement their home-based physical education! Preview all the titles below! Children will burn endless energy once they are given permission to have […]

Fit2B™ 6×6 Path

Choose a routine to suit your level of fitness - fit2b.com

Welcome to the 6×6 Path  Goal: 6 videos in 6 days for 6 weeks If you have worked your way through the Fit2B Beginning and Fit2B Advancing Pathways, then you should be ready for this section. This path mixes some of our more intense routines in a manner that slowly builds how much time you move each […]

TummySafe™ Pathway to Great Abs!

TummySafe Abs - fit2b.com
Strength from the inside out Follow this page in order from top to bottom for a couple months, and your abs will respond to your consistency. Do 3-6 of these routines each week + some cardio for the best results. Each video is TummySafe™ which means they train your trunk without crunches or unmodified planks. [...]

Fit2B™ Advancing Workout Path

Advanced home fitness routines on Fit2b.com

If you are “fit to be” advancing beyond the beginner stages of fitness, and your diastasis is well on its way to healing, then this workout path is just what you need to continue your journey of strength and endurance. Perhaps you have been working out for a while, and you feel like you’re in pretty […]