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The News & Moves

The News & Moves

A fresh Fit2B workout sample, exercise tip, contributor spotlight, and links to any new content we've made each week! ...
5 things you can do to ease your perimenopausal symptoms and improve your menopause - fit2b.com

Things I hope you know about your core before you’re 35

Why didn't anyone tell me? How come I didn't know? I hear those laments all the time from my fitness ...
Kids P.E. Programs in schools need to provide more options and inclusive programs such as yoga or dance that can appeal to students from all backgrounds and interests. 

4 problems with P.E. Classes in America

Physical education (P.E.) classes have been part of the education system of most schools in the United States for many ...
In Defense of Those Who Exercise at Home - Fit2B.com - #diastasisrecti #tummysafe #pelvicfloor #core #corestregthening #avoidpeeingonyourself #abgap #postpartum

The Benefits Of Online Fitness

Are you unable or unwilling to join a gym right now? Hey, I get it. I live pretty far from ...
Learn how to connect to your abs and address diastasis while doing chores around your house - fit2b.com

5 Ways to Turn Household Chores into a Workout

If you could sign over one task to The Chore Fairy, what would it be? A. Dinner B. Vacuuming C ...
Anything that physically alters your abdominal muscles creates trauma to those muscles. You might be thinking, “How is constipation on the same level as being punched in the stomach?” Emotionally and mentally, it’s not. Yet there’s two things in common in all of the above scenarios: Fear and Pain.

How Trauma Affects Your Tummy Muscles

Here on Fit2B we provide specialized workouts for women whose cores need extra attention. Often - not always - there ...
5 Interesting Facts About Your Abs & Diastasis Recti

5 Interesting Facts About Your Abs & Diastasis Recti

Alright, alright... I'll admit this now that I'm no longer in danger of being bullied for it: I'm a nerd ...
Strengthen Your Core in Bed: Tips & Exercises for Moms on Bedrest

Strengthen Your Core in Bed: Tips & Exercises for Moms on Bedrest

Being on bedrest when you’re expecting a baby or recovering from an injury or surgery can be tough on your ...
Top Women's Health Podcasts to Inspire Your Wellness

Top Women’s Health Podcasts to Inspire Your Wellness

We launched a podcast called Fit2B Radio several years ago. Since then, we've produced so many women's health & fitness ...
Reading Routine - E/TS/R

Reading Routine – E/TS/R

Grab that book you’ve been reading (or meaning to read) and allow me to guide you softly through several gentle ...
My mother is 80 and still carries me... and you

My mother is 80 and still carries me… and you

I started rubbing my mother’s back as we sat together after our thanksgiving meal. She sighed and whispered “thank you” ...
That time I used a "Bandaid" on An Addict's Abs

That time I used a “Bandaid” on An Addict’s Abs

This has to be the most depressing blog I've ever written here on Fit2B, but this mama's sad story must ...