Tag Archives: abs

4 problems with P.E. Classes in America

Physical education (P.E.) classes have been part of the education system of most schools in the United States for many decades. I have distinct memories of doing windmills, laying on my belly on rolling carts, beating the boys at chin-ups and arm-hangs, schoolmates holding my feet down while I did as many sit-ups as I […]

5 Interesting Facts About Your Abs & Diastasis Recti

As a core fitness specialist who eats, sleeps and breathes all things core and diastase recti-related, I thought you’d enjoy these five interesting facts to help you learn more about your abdominal anatomy and what happens to it when Diastasis Recti is in play.

Alright, alright… I’ll admit this now that I’m no longer in danger of being bullied for it: I’m a nerd. I have a degree in exercise and sport science, more fitness certifications than I have time to list at the moment (see them all here) and I could talk about brains and bodies all day. […]

If Your Abdominal Scar Bothers You, Watch This!

If Your Abdominal Scar Bothers You, Watch This! - Fit2B.com - When you are working to strengthen core muscles after surgery {post csection, appendectomy, hernia surgery, etc.} don’t miss out on this home workout video great to add to your rehab exercises safe for diastasis recti. - #postpartum #recovery #healing #momlife #diastasisrecti #diastasis #fitmom #newborn #fitmomlife #fitmom #homefitness #abworkout #homeworkouts_4u #healthylife #healthylifestyle #coreworkouts #diastasisrecti #diastasis #diastasisrecovery #fit2b

When an incision is made in your belly for any type of surgery — Cesarean, appendectomy, hernia mesh installment, hysterectomy, etc. — the nerves in that area are left somewhat exposed by the remaining scar, and the area can be uncomfortable or numb for years to come. When you have a c-section scar on your […]

Diastasis and Tummy Tucks vs. Abdominal Rehab: One Mom Shares Her Story of Both!

Diastasis and Tummy Tucks vs. Abdominal Rehab - Fit2B.com - When should you consider getting a tummy tuck? Read on and discover one woman’s tummy tuck before and after journey. - #surgery #plasticsurgery #tummytuck #fitnessjourney #fintessmotivation #getfit #fitmomlife #fitmom #thefitlife #sweateveryday #homefitness #abworkout #homeworkouts_4u #healthylife #healthylifestyle #fitnessroutine #coreworkouts #core #diastasisrecti #diastasis

Every day I talk to women all over the world who want — not just to tone or flatten their tummies — but to fully heal their cores with the right exercises for diastasis recti. Occasionally, someone will detail their journey in writing to me like T.A. has done here. I am sharing her story […]

Diastasis Recti & Belly Button Integrity

Diastasis Recti & Belly Button Integrity - Fit2B.com

A belly is a sensitive thing. Talking about it, touching it, assessing it for diastasis recti … all of that nudges at a woman’s emotional, spiritual, and physical core. For every gal who wants to flaunt her flat abs n a bikini there are many more who would rather cover up, and not just for reasons […]

Belly Love: Seeing Beauty in Brokenness

Your Core: What if it's not just about accepting what you can't change but having courage to change the things you can?

This post may be from August 2013, but the struggle to appreciate and cherish our bellies is a common theme. Are you and your core on good terms, or is there still some relationship work to be done? We’d love to hear from you in the comments! My son turned 5 this past week, and as I […]

How to Have a STRONGER, More FLAT Stomach!

How to Have a STRONGER, More FLAT Stomach! - Fit2B.com - Fit2B knows pregnant moms are searching for, "What exercises are safe while I'm pregnant?" while postpartum busy moms are wondering, "Why do I still look pregnant?" Either way, you need to know, "What exercises can I do get a stronger, flatter stomach and strengthen my core?" Let Fit2B keep you safe from or help you recover from diastasis recti and other core trauma issues. #diastasisrecti #fit2b #homeworkouts #exercise #fitness

This blog was originally published in July 2011 and has continued to connect with those searching for information about diatsasis recti, so we decided to update and republish it in April 2018. Regardless of your background (surgeries, pregnancies, age, etc.), you CAN obtain flatter, stronger abs. It’s NOT about your six-pack, and it IS all […]

Top 5 Non-Crunchy Ab Moves!

Crunches are often thought of as the most simple, easy-peasy, go-to exercise for your belly muscles. Turns out, crunching requires a fair amount of technique, especially when a diastasis recti gap is present. Done poorly and in high reps, they typically bulge the very area you may be trying to flatten. I’d like to offer […]

My New Tummy

My New Tummy - Fit2B.com - Fit2B knows busy moms are asking, “Why do I still look pregnant?” and “Why is my postpartum body so different than before?” We are here to help you make a strategic return to fitness after having your baby with core exercises that will be safe for you even if you have diastasis recti or any other type of core trauma. #fit2b #diastasisrecti #diastasisrectiexercises #core #coreexercises #postpartum #pregnant

Welcome to the new {Flashback} Friday series from Fit2B! The following post from 2011 has continued to resonate with so many of you that we thought reposting it with a few updates for clarity would prove beneficial.    March, 2011 – Seven weeks ago, I started diastasis rehab with The Tummy Team. I didn’t think […]

Weightlifting 201 – C/TS

Weightlifting 201 - C/TS - Fit2B.com - TummySafe Weightlifting 201 Workout - fit2b.com

If this workout doesn’t turn your muscles to mush {in a good way} then you’re ready for heavier weights, because, as I say many times throughout the routine itself, “Oh. My. Goodness.” I practiced and practiced this workout to prepare to not be so sweaty and out of breath while filming, but nope! This pattern […]

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M/TS – Half-Round Foam Roll Workout

M/TS - Half-Round Foam Roll Workout - Fit2B.com - Half Dome workout with a half foam roll on Fit2B.com

I love this half-round of a foam roller – or “half dome” as I call it in the video – for so many reasons, not least of which is how I can lay it on the floor, and it’s like a magnet. It attracts people to it to play with it: kids will treat it like […]

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C/TS – Get On The {Big} Ball

Get on the {Big} ball routine - fit2b.com

“Are those big exercise balls safe?” I get asked that question all the time, and the answer is that it depends what you do on them. This routine explores a huge variety of motions – everything from easy to hard stuff like mountain climbers and pikes – with my classic “tummysafe” cueing. IMPORTANT NOTE: Some […]

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Are You Fit2B Running With a Diastasis Recti?

The One About Running - Fit2B.com - Can running 5ks or more be safe as a diastasis recti workout? What if you are still healing? Listen to this podcast and find some running inspiration as you learn how to become a runner or when to return to running. #marathon #halfmarathon #runner #crosscountry #instarunners #seeonmyrun #trailrunning #womensrunningcommunity #runitfast #runchat #marathontips #runningcommunity #runnersofinstagram #runplanet #runnersrepost #runnergirl #runaddict #monitorthebeat #diastasisrecti #diastasis #fit2b

Ah, running… The activity that everyone thinks they should be doing to get super fit, but should you run with diastasis recti? Is running detrimental for a dysfunctional core? Some people truly love running; it’s a release for them just like race-walking is a vent for me. I understand that if you’re an avid runner, it’s […]

Protecting Your Abs When You’re Coughing & Sneezing

Protecting Your Abs When You're Sneezing and Coughing - Diastasis Recti - Fit2B.com

A few weeks ago I jumped on a trampoline for the first time in a long while, and right after I came down with a colossal 3-day head cold. HooWee! Let me tell you! Even though I’m certain that I’ve laid a good foundation in my core and pelvic floor (PF) with great exercises like walking, proper […]

M/TS – Plain Ol’ Pilates

Plain Ol' Pilates - fit2b.com

Focusing solely on Pilates workout movements you can do at home, there really isn’t anything plain about this routine. It’s just all about mat-style Pilates and nothing else. With several levels and modifications provided for each portion, we know it will be a favorite for anyone wanting a straightforward, fun approach to some of the best […]

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Considerations for Pregnancy Exercise

Considerations For Pregnancy Exercise- Fit2B.com

At least once a week, Bethany guest writes for other sites about birth, diastasis recti, pregnancy exercise, fitness, why you shouldn’t do crunches, and many other topics. Really, it’s more often that she gets to blog here! So we have put together a run-down of some of her recent blogs, with the first one being […]

Feeling FROZEN in Your Tummy’s Progress? Let It Go! Let It Go-O!

Holding your tummy in all the time is NOT the solution for your big belly. In fact “holding stuff in” benefits FEW facets of our life. Yes, I know, sometimes we just don’t know how to let go of stuff, and by “stuff” I mean dreams, children, tummies, that one exercise we just can’t seem […]

C/TS – Kelly’s Core Cardio

Kelly's Core Cardio - fit2b.com

Our favorite guest instructor and licensed physical therapist, Kelly Dean of The Tummy Team, joined us yet again to film this unique cardio session that works the total body and core with great moves and fun visualizations. It’s not too long, but it gets intense while staying safe for anyone with abdominal trauma. Have fun! […]

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M/TS – Kelly’s Floor Core Routine

Kelly's Floor Core Routine - fit2b.com

  What if you could have a core workout designed by a physical therapist? Especially one who is world-famous for her work in providing continuing education training for instructors, midwives, doulas, nurses, and many more who work with the true core? Well, here you go! Join guest instructor, Kelly Dean of the Tummy Team, for […]

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K/TS – Bitty Bellies

Bitty Bellies - fit2b.com

Even the smallest bellies can establish a healthy core connection! Let your child join our children for some bitty belly moves that teach how to activate the transverse abdominus. Plus, learn how lots of other fun moves and tricks utilize our core on a daily basis. Leave lots of room in your exercise area for […]

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Basic Transverse & Mula Bandha

Equipment needed: Bench or straight back chair. Maybe a pillow for your lower back. Here is one of our most basic routines designed for those who need to dial it back to the most simple aspects of “finding” their core via the basic breath. The title comes from a term that means “root lock” in […]

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Another Gap in Maternal Care

Another Gap in Maternal Care- Fit2B.com

There is 3-finger gap in maternal care, yet with all the awareness being raised about birth empowerment, this one is not being discussed much. Diastasis Recti is another form of pregnancy and birth-related trauma that is preventable and treatable without surgery, yet women are willingly and silently suffering with it because general practice doctors often […]

129 Times to Turn on Your Transverse Abs

129 Ways To Get a Flatter Tummy Doing Everyday Actions - Fit2b.com

Our abdominal tummy muscles have to work harder in certain positions than others, and if you don’t know how to “turn on” your transverse abs, those moments may be contributing to your belly getting bigger, not smaller. The job of your abs isn’t crunches and situps, although they work together to do those things if […]

E/TS – Align It Flat

Align it Flat - fit2b.com

There are TWO versions of this routine on this page because every BODY is different. The more I research the core and diastasis, the more I’m learning a simple truth: our body’s position throughout the day matters a lot! You can workout with perfect form… but what about the rest of your day. How are you […]

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M/TS – Balanced

Balanced - fit2b.com

Bound to be a member favorite, this workout incorporates weights and bands and balance moves to fire up your core and your whole body! Get ready for a slow yet powerful 20-minutes of solid action and education as you learn more about alignment and balance are you core’s main job. Equipment needed: Elastic band or […]

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Her Doctor Said This About Her Belly, and I’m Furious!

Dear Doctor who doesn’t understand diastasis or how it has impacted me and my friends, my cllients, our bodies, our lives, our ability to mother, our comfort in the bedroom, even the way we laughed for a while… I hope you read this! I’m angry at you. You should have known about this common abdominal […]

E/TS – Core Wake Up

Core Wake Up - fit2b.com

Before any major abdominal training is done, it’s important to lay a foundation. This simple 4-minute routine will wake up your ab muscles in a safe and gentle way. As if setting a gently morning alarm, you’ll be tapping them on the shoulder and saying, “time to wake up and do your job for me!” […]

E/TS – Totally Transverse II

Totally Transverse II - fit2b.com

  “Welcome to my home and this workout!” -Bethany This routine was filmed in my old home in Portland, Oregon! It’s not as swanky as some of other places we’ve filmed, but these are my pictures and my 1940’s fireplace, and the green chair is where I spent many an hour nursing my sweet boy. We’ve […]

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C/TS – Insane 2

Insane 2 - fit2b.com

Do you believe you can get a HARD workout without jumping around, doing crazy contortions, or lifting extreme loads? We believe it! We believe that all you need is your body to get one TOUGH workout. This 20-minute routine has some crazy stuff you may have never seen before, but it is straightforward and simple […]

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Totally Transverse – E/TS

TS - Totally Transverse - Fit2B.com

This quick crunch-free, plank-free mini-workout you’re about to do will connect your breath and alignment to your core throughout several simple motions. The second video summarizes the first video in a short recap. You’ll find two videos below – the long and short version – but Fit2B has more (and less) when you’re decide to shift […]

C/TS – Insane I

Insane - fit2b.com

If you’ve heard of the Insanity workouts, well here is one of the most insane workouts we’ve ever filmed. Why is it insane? For starters, it’s super hard and the moves are just plain crazy! Even Bethany is out of breath in this one, but it’s totally safe as long as you have a baseline […]

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M/TS – Love Handles Lost

Love Handles Lost - fit2b.com

Kiss your love-handles goodbye by performing this short but challenging workout on a regular basis. Target the soft spots on your sides below your ribcage and above your hips while working some surrounding muscles as well! This is a second rendition of the first Love Handles Lost workout. It contains the same flow of exercises […]

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M/TS – Hold It!

Hold It! - fit2b.com

How long can you hold a pose? This workout encourages you to hold each position for at least 10 deep breaths. Don’t let the lack of repetitive motions fool you into thinking it won’t get your heart pumping. Holding a muscle in place can be harder than moving it! This workout was originally filmed in […]

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E/TS – Chair Blend

Chair Blend - fit2b.com

Take your lower body out of the equation for a few minutes while you relax your upper body. This workout lets you isolate your core with purely upper body movements from both Pilates and Yoga. All of our chair workouts are perfect for those dealing with disability or injury in their lower body, but this […]

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TS/C – Functional Workout I

Functional Workout I - fit2b.com

Functional fitness workouts involve exercises that use multiple joints, multiple limbs, multiple muscles, all at once! Grab your dumbbells {or cans of food} and get a terrific workout that exercises every area. The total-body movements really escalate your heart rate and calorie burn. This TummySafe™ routine is a re-do of the original which wasn’t diastasis friendly nor […]

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M/TS – Rockin’ Yoga & Pilates

Rockin' Yoga & Pilates - fit2b.com

This moderately intense, total-body exercise routine was refilmed in early March 2013 for better TummySafe cues and lighting. The music is a bit more upbeat, and the transitions are faster. So if you want a more mellow workout, this isn’t really it. If you want a total body floor workout, this is it! Equipment Needed: […]

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C/TS – Tabata Ball Workout

Tabata Ball Workout - fit2b.com

Just hearing the word “Tabata” is enough to make some folks’ knees ache. But Beth takes the risk of knee injury out of the equation by slowing down the reps a wee bit. It’s still the same pattern: 8 sets of one exercise. 20 seconds per set. 10 seconds rest between each set, for five […]

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TS/C – Ab Attack!

Ab Attack - fit2b.com

Normally I’m not a big fan of “attacking” our abdominals, because in the mainstream fitness industry, that can often mean “shredding” and “ripping” our core apart, literally. This routine, however, will focus on all four layers of your abdominals with a safe intensity. Learn how to recruit every muscle fiber in your core while keeping […]

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M/TS – Pilates Yoga Blend

M/TS - Pilates Yoga Blend - fit2b.com - Pilates & Yoga Blend workout - fit2b.com

Originally filmed in 2010 as part of our first set of workouts, there were some seriously unhappy members when I took it down to refilm AND then we had a glitch with the new one! Needless to say, I’m very excited to debut this new version. It’s almost ridiculous how many attempts we’ve made to do this. […]

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TummySafe™ Pathway to Great Abs!

TummySafe Abs - fit2b.com
Strength from the inside out Follow this page in order from top to bottom for a couple months, and your abs will respond to your consistency. Do 3-6 of these routines each week + some cardio for the best results. Each video is TummySafe™ which means they train your trunk without crunches or unmodified planks. [...]