Walking as a workout

Welcome to “Walking as a Workout”

I had the most fun ever putting together this walking course for you, probably because I had to write during race-walking season, so it was neat to be thinking of what I’d say to you as I was training on all those trails.

I’d get back from walking, spend a little time stretching and then start writing. No joke, I continue to write and adjust a lot of this course with sweaty fingers. Each year, during training season, I always update it and add more for you.

Before we dive in, I want to give you an overview of the course

  • Lesson 1: Basics, Music, Apps, and Safety
  • Lesson 2: Heel Strike & Toe Push-Off
  • Lesson 3: Terminal Extension and Inner Thigh Rotation
  • Lesson 4: Arm Swing & Hip Rotation
  • Lesson 5: Hips Forward – Eyes Up
  • Lesson 6: Teams and Events

Each lesson starts with an article and images from my various races that will help you visualize what I’m teaching you. When you’re done reading, you’ll click “mark as complete” to watch a short video of me demonstrating and discussing the lesson topic. Then you’ll have the chance to answer some quiz questions!

How this course works:

You’ll receive a total of 6 lessons accompanied by 2-3 quiz questions each. The lessons are spaced out over 6 weeks because this is a physical training course. I expect you to practice each bit of technique in each lesson during several walks for at least one week before implementing the next lesson’s content.

This respects the Fit2B principle of progression. Just like spinach is good for you, eating a whole garden of it… not so much. I’ve spent 10 years learning and practicing what you’re about to absorb in 6 weeks. Bite size pieces are where it’s at, believe me.

Forever Access

You have access to this course for as long as you want it. The only way to get rid of it is to erase your user account completely. You may re-access it as many times as you like.

We will send a lesson reminder each week for the first 6 weeks, but don’t sweat if you get a bit behind. Just pick up where you left off when you’re ready.

When you mark a section complete, it will show crossed off. However, you can still repeat things as much as you want.

Available lessons show with a green check mark. Future lessons will show up with a calendar icon, with a new one opening to you once per week. Again, this spacing honors healthy progression for maximum benefits.

Customer Support

For customer support, please contact us here and someone from our amazing team will respond within 1 business day.

Enjoy the course and have fun walking faster than ever before!