Tag Archives: diastasis

S2:15 The One About Progression With Munira Hudani

When dealing with a Diastasis Recti, making progress can be challenging. How do we know when to move forward in our workouts or perhaps step back and return to the basics? If someone is stuck in fear of making a progression forward, what signs can they watch for in their bodies to know how to proceed? What about people who are way ahead, doing challenging things that may not be wise for their abdominals? We discuss the principles of progression with Diastasis in depth in this episode with physical therapist Munira Hudani who obtained her Masters of Science in Physical Rehabilitation from the University of Toronto in 2009.

When dealing with a Diastasis Recti, making progress can be challenging. How do we know when to move forward in our workouts or perhaps step back and return to the basics? If someone is stuck in fear of making a progression forward, what signs can they watch for in their bodies to know how to proceed? What about people who are way ahead, doing challenging things that may not be wise for their abdominals?

Fit2B Molly: Finding Fitness at Home

Cartoon images were popular when Fit2B launched in 2010, so our original logo was a gal we called “Molly.” She is still represented on our Roku Channel, and we had some cartoons drawn (scroll down) of her everyday life to remind all of us that we aren’t alone on our fitness journeys. Molly looks a […]

Diastasis and Tummy Tucks vs. Abdominal Rehab: One Mom Shares Her Story of Both!

Diastasis and Tummy Tucks vs. Abdominal Rehab - Fit2B.com - When should you consider getting a tummy tuck? Read on and discover one woman’s tummy tuck before and after journey. - #surgery #plasticsurgery #tummytuck #fitnessjourney #fintessmotivation #getfit #fitmomlife #fitmom #thefitlife #sweateveryday #homefitness #abworkout #homeworkouts_4u #healthylife #healthylifestyle #fitnessroutine #coreworkouts #core #diastasisrecti #diastasis

Every day I talk to women all over the world who want β€” not just to tone or flatten their tummies β€” but to fully heal their cores with the right exercises for diastasis recti. Occasionally, someone will detail their journey in writing to me like T.A. has done here. I am sharing her story […]

Leaking Urine During {or After} Exercise Isn’t “Normal”

Leaking Urine During {or After} Exercise Isn't Normal - Fit2B.com - Just because it's common for women who've had children to leak some pee when they cough, laugh hard, make love, or jog to catch up with a runaway toddler THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT LEAKING URINE IS NORMAL or acceptable. Common does not equal normal. I refuse to accept what is common if it is damaging me. - #physicaltherapy #physio #physiotherapy #pelvicfloor #nerdfitness #fit #fitness #incontinence #diastasis #diastasisrecti #core #corestrengthening #crunches #crossfit #fitmom #obgyn #gynecologist #health #healthy #selfcare

Do you or someone you know have issues with incontinence during daily life activities? Β Then this post is for you. There is hope, friends. Β  Just because it’s common for women who’ve had children to leak some pee when they cough, laugh hard, make love, or jog to catch up with a runaway toddler, THAT […]

How Emotions Affect Your Diastasis Recti

Your emotions affects how you hold yourself up which affects how fast your diastasis recti narrows - fit2b.com

This blog about how your feelings and moods can have a huge affect on the speed of your healing from various injuries and issuesΒ β€” not just DRAΒ β€” is actually the third installment in a 4-part series called The Unclosed CoreΒ that was originally published in 2015. I’ve been writing and praying this willΒ offer hope to those […]

Belly Love: Seeing Beauty in Brokenness

Your Core: What if it's not just about accepting what you can't change but having courage to change the things you can?

This post may be from August 2013, but the struggle to appreciate and cherish our bellies is a common theme.Β Are you and your core on good terms, or is there still some relationship work to be done? We’d love to hear from you in the comments! My son turned 5 this past week, andΒ as I […]

How to Have a STRONGER, More FLAT Stomach!

How to Have a STRONGER, More FLAT Stomach! - Fit2B.com - Fit2B knows pregnant moms are searching for, "What exercises are safe while I'm pregnant?" while postpartum busy moms are wondering, "Why do I still look pregnant?" Either way, you need to know, "What exercises can I do get a stronger, flatter stomach and strengthen my core?" Let Fit2B keep you safe from or help you recover from diastasis recti and other core trauma issues. #diastasisrecti #fit2b #homeworkouts #exercise #fitness

This blog was originally published in July 2011 and has continued to connect with those searching for information about diatsasis recti, so we decided to update and republish it in April 2018. Regardless of your background (surgeries, pregnancies, age, etc.), you CAN obtain flatter, stronger abs. It’s NOT about your six-pack, and it IS all […]

My New Tummy

My New Tummy - Fit2B.com - Fit2B knows busy moms are asking, β€œWhy do I still look pregnant?” and β€œWhy is my postpartum body so different than before?” We are here to help you make a strategic return to fitness after having your baby with core exercises that will be safe for you even if you have diastasis recti or any other type of core trauma. #fit2b #diastasisrecti #diastasisrectiexercises #core #coreexercises #postpartum #pregnant

Welcome to the new {Flashback} Friday series from Fit2B! The following post from 2011 has continued to resonate with so many of you that we thought reposting it with a few updates for clarity would prove beneficial.  Β  March, 2011 – Seven weeks ago, I started diastasis rehab with The Tummy Team. I didn’t think […]

How We Launched a Successful Online Fitness Business

How We Launched a Successful Online Fitness Business - Fit2B.com - #fitness #onlinefitness #business

Here we are, still going strong with filming TummySafe, diastasis-aware workouts for members in 45 countries worldwide, and I get asked all the time: How do I do it? How have we managed to launch a successful online fitness website and keep it running this long? How do I juggle exercise, motherhood, being a female […]

My Belly After Diastasis Recti

My Belly Fit2B Studio - Fit2B.com

My belly would like to share a few thoughts with you. It has its own story to tell after carrying three lives and healing from diastasis recti. While we keep things very modest on this family friendly fitness site, it’s time to for my tummy to show it’s true tone and tell you a few […]

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That Time We Were Featured in Huffington Post!

That Time We Were Featured in Huffington Post - Fit2B.com

Recently, the diastasis recti awareness movement received some interesting press when this NPR article about 1 exercise that can be done for 10 minutes a day to get rid of your mummy tummy went viral. It’s catchy, isn’t it? The thought that you can do one thing for just a few minutes, and you’ll have […]

“Your Core Is Like a House.” – Carrie Koziol, WHPT

"Your Core is Like a House." - Carrie Koziol, WHPT - Fit2B.com

I recently had the privilege of interviewing Carrie Koziol from Pilates By Carrie. She’s unique because she is also a licensed Women’sHealthPhysical Therapist who is highly trained and knowledgeable about diastasis recti and pelvic floor dysfunction. Carrie compares cores to houses with your transverse abdominis being the front door, the roof being your diaphragm, and […]

Grief Recovery Routine – E/TS

Grief Recovery Routine - E/TS: The Grief Routine: Gentle workout to help women process any past loss, trauma or abuse to their core - fit2b.com

When a grieving member of Fit2B whose belly had been through a great many hard things mentioned that she wished we had a series ofΒ gentle moves and words to help her with grief recovery, process her past, and do some deliberate releasing of the tension stored in her core, her request was instantly echoed by […]

Why Does My Skin Pucker When My Diastasis Recti Narrows?

Why Does My Skin Pucker When My Diastasis Recti Narrows? - fit2b.com - Why does my skin pucker when my diastasis recti is closing?

As your belly muscles regain proper tension and strength, and your diastasis recti begins to narrow, the skin on your tummy may pucker and dimple as the pressure from within your core is more controlled. This isn’t about sucking it in and constantly flexing your abs, rather, as your transverse abdominus “corset” muscle that wraps […]

To All the Flipping Mothers Sitting on the Sidelines

To All the Flipping Mothers Sitting on the Sidelines - Fit2B.com

I was sitting there in a crowd of other mothers, watching our kids through a thick glass window as they practiced their gymnastics, flipping and tumbling around. Then, as is so classic of me – since I can’t have normal conversations with anyone because they ask me what I do, and then we proceed to […]

Diastasis Recti and Yoga: Shocking Photo

This is what diastasis recti looks like in downward facing dog a.k.a. Tipi pose a.k.a. adho mukha

Many people with weak cores and back pain turn to yoga for help, but if you have diastasis recti, many yoga poses should be approached with caution. This shocking photo will hopefully help all of you better understand how DEEPLY a diastasis recti affects your abdominal’s appearance, function and integrity. That is one my members […]

Announcing “Experts on Diastasis Recti” eCourse

New eLearning course featuring multiple professionals in the fields of healthy and fitness UNITING TOGETHER from around the world to take on diastasis recti!

With so much WRONG information about the core out there and bad advice about how to safely tone your tummy and strengthen your whole midsection, it has become vitally important to me that fit2b.com provide the RIGHT education from MANY viewpoints. So a couple years ago, I began dreaming and talking with my co-founder Chris […]

Feeling FROZEN in Your Tummy’s Progress? Let It Go! Let It Go-O!

Holding your tummy in all the time is NOT the solution for your big belly. In fact “holding stuff in” benefits FEW facets of our life. Yes, I know, sometimes we just don’t know how to let go of stuff, and by “stuff” I mean dreams, children, tummies, that one exercise we just can’t seem […]

Mending Gates… Musings on Core Health {a.k.a. The One Where I Compare Your Core to Cow Fencing}

Musings on Core Health - Fit2b.com

  Now, I’m not sure if you know this, but my husband, myself and our two wildlings live on 7 acres of God’s green earth in rural southwest Washington State. It’s been just a little over a year now since we traded one-tenth of an acre surrounded by busy streets and nosy neighbors who tut-tutted […]

Expert Diastasis Providers and Postpartum Pants

    Things that caught my eye and made my body-nerd-brain glow this past week… The feeling of being surrounded by supportive colleagues; images of movement in 3D on an awesome yoga site; a happy member who is back into her unpregnant jeans at 4 wks postpartum after her 4th baby; a great phone call […]

K/TS – Bitty Bellies

Bitty Bellies - fit2b.com

Even the smallest bellies can establish a healthy core connection! Let your child join our children for some bitty belly moves that teach how to activate the transverse abdominus. Plus, learn how lots of other fun moves and tricks utilize our core on a daily basis. Leave lots of room in your exercise area for […]

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Basic Transverse & Mula Bandha

Equipment needed: Bench or straight back chair. Maybe a pillow for your lower back. Here is one of our most basic routines designed for those who need to dial it back to the most simple aspects of β€œfinding” their core via the basic breath. The title comes from a term that means β€œroot lock” in […]

To access this post, you must purchase Basic 1-Year Membership, Basic Monthly Membership, Premium Membership, Core Fitness Assessment or Walking As A Workout. If you have purchased this product you may simply need to log in

Another Gap in Maternal Care

Another Gap in Maternal Care- Fit2B.com

There is 3-finger gap in maternal care, yet with all the awareness being raised about birth empowerment, this one is not being discussed much. Diastasis Recti is another form of pregnancy and birth-related trauma that is preventable and treatable without surgery, yet women are willingly and silently suffering with it because general practice doctors often […]

What I Learned at Kelly Dean’s Prenatal Continuing Ed Course

What I learned Kelly Dean's Prenatal class Fit2b.com

Okay, I get a bit giggly at my own cheesiness whenever I can work my last name – which is “Learn” – into a blog post. And now that I’ve got that tidbit out of my exhausted brain, I can tell you some of the AWESOME things I learned while on a roadtrip with Kelly […]

Her Doctor Said This About Her Belly, and I’m Furious!

Dear Doctor who doesn’t understand diastasis or how it has impacted me and my friends, my cllients, our bodies, our lives, our ability to mother, our comfort in the bedroom, even the way we laughed for a while… I hope you read this! I’m angry at you. You should have known about this common abdominal […]

E/TS – Core Wake Up

Core Wake Up - fit2b.com

Before any major abdominal training is done, it’s important to lay a foundation. This simple 4-minute routine will wake up your ab muscles in a safe and gentle way. As if setting a gently morning alarm, you’ll be tapping them on the shoulder and saying, “time to wake up and do your job for me!” […]

E/TS – Totally Transverse II

Totally Transverse II - fit2b.com

Β  β€œWelcome to my home and this workout!” -Bethany This routineΒ was filmed in my old home in Portland, Oregon! It’s not as swanky as some of other places we’ve filmed, but these are my pictures and my 1940’s fireplace, and the green chair is where I spent many an hour nursing my sweet boy. We’ve […]

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Totally Transverse – E/TS

TS - Totally Transverse - Fit2B.com

This quickΒ crunch-free, plank-free mini-workout you’re about to do will connect your breath and alignment to your core throughout several simple motions. The second video summarizes the first video in a short recap. You’ll find two videos below – the long and short version – but Fit2B has more (and less) when you’re decide to shift […]

M/TS – Transitions

Transitions - fit2b.com

Β If you’ve been rehabbing your abs, and you are feeling stronger and ready for more, this workout will keep you standing and moving the whole time while helping you safely transition to slightly more intense motions while also showing you how to incorporate your transverse abs with breath and activation at the proper times. This […]

To access this post, you must purchase Basic 1-Year Membership, Basic Monthly Membership, Premium Membership, Core Fitness Assessment or Walking As A Workout. If you have purchased this product you may simply need to log in

Fit2Bβ„’ Beginning Workout Path

Fit2B Beginning Pathway of Basic Workouts - fit2b.com
Anyone is "Fit to Be" beginning this workout path! After you complete the foundational five (F5) exercises videos which teach the basics, then it's time for this clearly outlined path where you'll begin toΒ gradually increase time, workload and coordinationΒ in a gentleΒ yetΒ empowering way. Visualize the buttons below like stepping stones on a well-traveled pathway. Review the [...]