Tag Archives: goal

Fit2B™ Advancing Workout Path

Advanced home fitness routines on Fit2b.com

If you are “fit to be” advancing beyond the beginner stages of fitness, and your diastasis is well on its way to healing, then this workout path is just what you need to continue your journey of strength and endurance. Perhaps you have been working out for a while, and you feel like you’re in pretty […]

Fit2B™ Beginning Workout Path

Fit2B Beginning Pathway of Basic Workouts - fit2b.com
Anyone is "Fit to Be" beginning this workout path! After you complete the foundational five (F5) exercises videos which teach the basics, then it's time for this clearly outlined path where you'll begin to gradually increase time, workload and coordination in a gentle yet empowering way. Visualize the buttons below like stepping stones on a well-traveled pathway. Review the [...]