Category Archives: Core

Pelvic Floor Reset “Legs Up The Wall” – E/TS ❤️

Explore how putting your legs up a wall (or a couch) and doing specific breathing and ankle exercises can reset your whole pelvic floor!

Put your feet up for a few minutes and enjoy this evidence-based routine which is rooted in the pioneering research of Dr. Sinead Dufour. This pattern of breathing and leg positioning was discussed in our podcast about pelvic pain with Dr. Dufour. She was gracious enough to give us permission to film the exercises she […]

Kettlebell Core – M/TS 💚💛

Strengthen your abs and improve your diastasis with this Kettlebell Core workout you can do at home, anytime or anywhere!

How about some standing, creative core work with a kettlebell that also offers an amazing arm workout? And what if we use two off-set, imbalanced kettlebells (or other weights) to draw your obliques into every exercise? This is the NEW short, effective upper body workout you’ve been waiting for and that you’re going to come […]

Shoulder Bridge Blast – E/TS 💛

Want a better booty without the squats? Then shoulder bridges are your ticket to training that tush, but how about we play with allll the variations and throw in some counter-motions and stretches between all that work? Let's go!

Want a better booty without the squats? Then shoulder bridges are your ticket to training that tush. However, how about we play with allll the shoulder bridge variations I could think of + throw in some counter-motions, release work, and stretches between all that work? The best part is that you’ll be laying down the […]

Chunky 5×5.3 – M/TS💚💙💛

Chunky 5x5.3 - A diastasis aware full body workout you can break apart into chunks to fit your busy lifestyle

Welcome to the third installment of our popular Chunky 5×5 series which “chunks” apart one longer workout into 5 “chunks” that are about 5 minutes apiece with 5 different exercises per chunk in 5 different categories: Warm-up, Upper Body, Cardio, Lower Body, and Cool Down Stretching. Do it all at once, spread it throughout your […]

Ballistic Bells – M/TS💚💙💛

Need some seated motions you can do at meetings, church sermons, zooms, and other classes to keep your blood circulating and your muscles happy without drawing attention to yourself? Watch this video, take some notes, or play it on silent during your next event. Be sure to check out "Subtle Standing Moves" as well.

Grab a dumbbell or kettlebell and discover how a few “airborne” additions to your lifting motions can stimulate your muscles and bones in new ways while also boosting your brain health! We know that ball-type play improves mental health and fights brain diseases, and I wrote a big article with links to our other tossing/catching […]

Sterling Center – E/TS

Solid sterling silver has great value. It can form a strong ring that supports more precious gems, or it can carry nourishment to our mouths in the form of silverware. Let’s learn how to keep our centers “sterling” strong with some sparkly new exercises in this routine! No Equipment Needed. By clicking play on this […]

Silver Linings – M/TS

Every cloud has a silver lining, and moving our limbs in straight lines is a shining example of long-lever motions that create a core workout like no other. As we age, it’s crucial to maintain bone density and power output. These goals are achieved by continuing to challenge our balance, practice resistance training, and keep […]

Fuchsia Fascia: Breath & Warm-up Routine – E/TS

Perfect for warming up or use as a stand-alone workout, this exercise video will wake up all your fascial tissues and get you ready for more movement. Swinging motions are wonderful for your fascia and your entire lymphatic system. Your fascia is all the connective tissue that holds you together. Fascia encases your muscles, contains […]

5-Minute Cozy Bedtime Moves – E/TS

This comforting 5-minute routine has just five easy movements that are meant to be done on or in bed at the end of days when you’re feeling tight and tired, want to ward off restless legs or arms, have some extra energy to burn before bed, or you didn’t manage a workout. You’ll love how […]

Blue Belt Kickboxing – M/TS

Straight up, I was going to offer this in the black color series, but I’m not a black belt or even a blue belt. I’m just a certified kickboxing instructor who wants to help you get some aggressive energy out while making you sweat. The best part about this workout is the core cues to […]

Cobalt Core Hypopressives – M/TS

For the first time ever, you’re going to be seeing a lot of my belly in a Fit2B workout. This was very emotional for me (I cried later) but blue stands for courage and truth. You seeing my true tummy will allow you to fully comprehend the power of  this highly specialized technique and what it […]

Sapphire Standing – E/TS

Remember our foundational routine, Align It Flat? Well, this routine will offer a refresher on your alignment with some subtle, soothing, stacking motions that will bring newfound stability to your spine. Some believe the sapphire stone brings protection, and we know for sure that elongated posture protects your core and spine. Look at this routine […]

Blue Breathing – E/TS

There is a way to breath that sounds like an ocean in the back of your throat. It’s a way to strengthen and stretch your voice and deep neck muscles that surround your trachea and larynx. The name of this breath translates to “victorious breathing,” and it’s also known as “Ocean Breathing.” Can you make […]

Azure Awakening – E/TS

Sometimes, when you’re feeling blue, it’s hard to get out of bed. When your mind and body are struggling to wake up, we hope this gentle start will help. You’ll go from laying down under your covers, to doing some easy stretches and core work, to sitting on the edge of your bed, a bit […]

Bathrobe Blues – E/TS

Living in your bathrobe lately? Feeling the need to connect to your core? What if you could one or two essential movements for your core and key tension holders? This routine keeps you cozy yet contains lots of essentials for your whole body. The best part is how Beth shows you how to use your bathrobe […]

Chunky 5×5.2 Full Body Workout – M/TS

Y'all loved the first one, so we had to make a second edition of this popular Diastasis Recti aware 5x5 workout with 25 exercises formatted to be done in 5 chunks including a warmup, weights, cardio, and a cool down stretch sesh. Feel free to do it all at once, but you can also "chunk it up" throughout your day or a whole week! Equipment needed: two sets of hand weights or two water bottles and two matching canned goods + A bench or sturdy low table (you can also just lay on the floor)

Y’all loved the first one, so we had to make a second edition of this popular 5×5 workout with 25 exercises formatted to be done in 5 chunks including a warmup, weights, cardio, and a cool down stretch sesh. Feel free to do it all at once, but you can also “chunk it up” throughout […]

5-Minute Back Attack – M/TS

Nail all your back muscles (in a good way) in this short 5-minute workout designed to strengthen your posterior movement chain. Get ready for a killer soundtrack! Feel like doing more when you’re done? Click here for the rest of our 5-Minute workouts! By clicking play on these or any video on this website, you signify that […]

Verde Vagus Breathwork – E/TS

Your vagus nerve is incredible. Body nerds worldwide are still discovering all that this spinal nerve does as it “wanders” throughout your body. We know for sure that it can create co-activations of the muscles in the jaw, core, pelvic, and all your diaphragms. If you’re a birth junkie, you likely know about Sphincter Law […]

Emerald Exhale Hypopressive Workout – M/TS

Please complete Ebony Exhale and Cobalt Core before doing this workout. This routine contains more advanced hypopressive “low-pressure” poses and breath holds. The goal is to elevate the pelvic floor during an exhale-based stomach vacuum, and this particular set of moves brings the obliques into the mix as we practice anti-rotation. I am a certified level 1 […]

Orange Obliques – M/TS

Color Series: Orange Home Exercise Workouts - - Orange Obliques Workout - The Color Series

Overwhelmingly, when I asked for “O” alliterations to match the word “orange” from our fans, people said “obliques!” Of course, you know how much my brain enjoys coming up with core exercises, however – beyond rotation – your obliques are in charge of PREVENTING twisting between your ribs and hips. This brilliant core workout explores […]

Orange Oxygen – E/TS

Color Series: Orange Home Exercise Workouts - - Orange Oxygen Breathing Workout - The Color Series

Something I have been exploring for a number of years now is how our breath moves our entire bodies. Here is one beautiful video that shows how the breath moves the lungs, ribs, shoulder muscles, thoracic diaphragm, and abdominal contents. I’d love for you to take a moment to watch that before you do this […]

Dark Days – E/R/TS

Our bodies have been through a lot. We feel all of it physically, not just mentally. While putting together “Comforting The Core: Moving Through Miscarriage & Infant Loss,” I studied how people move when grieving, and I began planning the series of intuitive movements for grief that you’ll find in this routine. The first half […]

Black Balance & Biceps – E/TS

Color Series: Black Home Exercise Workouts - - Fit2B knows women are looking for fitness motivation and asking the questions, "Is breathing exercise? Is there a bicep workout that is fun? Who can teach me how to do a cardio workout at home?" If you are looking for creative and fun workouts, Beth, our core workout specialist, has you covered. From diastasis recti exercises that will keep your tummy safe to a mental health routine that focuses you with grief quotes. Whether you need a beginner workout or more advanced fitness, click here!

What happens within your core when you hold a weighted object in one hand, and balance on the opposite foot? The answer: a whole lot of awesomesauce! But it’s not just about your belly. Balance work and loaded activities like weightlifting have both been shown to improve bone density better than medication at any age! […]

Ebony Exhale Hypopressives – E/TS

Color Series: Black Home Exercise Workouts - - Fit2B Color Series of Workouts: Ebony Exhale hypopressive core exercises for your abs, Diastasis and prolapse

There’s a mystery in the place between your exhale and inhale. Holding space after your breath out, before your next breath in, offers an opportunity for greater core control. Explore the depths of your exhale in this basic low-pressure fitness routine that takes you through the first 8 level one hypopressives poses as taught by […]

Red Respiration Breath Work for The Pelvis – E/TS

The breath… Will I ever run out of ways to teach it? For sure not before this Color Series is done, because there are different ways to breathe for different places in your body, and colors match up with all of it! Since red is the color of your deep reproductive area, we explore breathing […]

Purple Pranayama: Breathing Exercises – E/TS

Color Series: Purple Workout - - Purple stands for many things: Victory, royalty, sorrow, epilepsy awareness, opioid addiction awareness, recovery, processing, our crowns. Check out Fit2b's “purple” workouts where we explore those concepts through breath and motion. These home workout videos are the first in the spectrum of specialized routines slated to release throughout 2019. Upon completion, The Color Series will reflect 5 colors and contain a total of 25-30 workouts. For extra fun, I’ll be dressing and dying my hair to match each theme! #homefitness #diastasisrecti #fit2b #homeworkout #color #colorseries #healthyishappy #workoutathome #coreworkout #core #pilates #homeworkouts #abs #muscle #cardio #strong #exercise #squat #strength #purplehair #purple

Pranayama is the Yoga term for the formal practice of breath control. Because purple is associated with the crown and headspace, this color’s breathing patterns are designed to increase blood flow to the mind, cranium and face. Click here to visit the entire Purple Color Series all in one place. No equipment needed. By clicking play […]

Catching Connections – E/TS

Have a ball while you catch some connections to a healthier heart and a brighter brain. Tossing, catching and bouncing a ball has been shown to ward off dementia and Alzheimers, and the rapid eye movement will improve your mood too! Don’t worry if you have to chase after you ball a few times because […]

Chunky 5×5 Fitness – M/TS

If you’re feeling chunky and needing fitness in smaller chunks, this workout offers 5 portions of 5 exercises each that can be done in 5 minutes per chunk – similar to our 5×5 challenge course – but all in one routine that is designed to be easily chunked apart. With a variety of weight work […]

Tone & Flow – M/TS

Did you know that many Fit2B routines are duplicates of what I teach in classes in my community? This particular workout was an 8-week series that I was blessed to lead at a local gym for women in recovery from substance use disorders. I came to that first class with a set of movements in […]

Foam Core Fitness – C/TS

This fun foam rolling fitness routine will have you using your foam roller in unique ways that challenge your whole body in core-centered ways with exercises that take you from standing to bending, kneeling to sitting, sitting to supine! The ending is the most fun of all, but you’ll enjoy the tremendous variety throughout the […]

Mermaid Mojo – M/TS

Mermaid movements are a Fit2B fave, and this hip-loving routine strings a bunch of variations together to make one very delightful workout for your core and entire body. Wait, what if mermaids haven’t been your friend? Well, I bet you’ll find a few variations you CAN do in this routine, and then you can use […]

Push-Up Prep – M/TS

Have you been wanting to learn how to do pushups? This tutorial will help you make progress as it goes over arm, hand, and shoulder positioning, core awareness, alignment, and more! Like any motion – especially one that’s loaded with your own body weight – there’s a learning curve and practice is key. In fact, […]

Rebound Cardio II – C/TS

Rebound Cardio II - A diastasis aware cardio workout with fun dance and kickboxing moves

This total body workout will bounce you to better fitness with fun choreography and music! It’s rated “C” for Challenging because it’s full of big bounces, fun footwork, and multipoint motions. If you’re not sure whether your core and pelvic floor are ready for this, I recommend you complete the following routines first: 5 Minute […]

Pool Noodling – E/TS

You know those stray pool noodles that kick around your garage or yard long after your kids are done with their summertime swimming? Let’s grab one to improve your core + upper and lower body mobility between now and next summer! My kids got a lot of laughs out of me as I spent this […]

Kelly’s Pelvic Floor Stability Exercise Routine

While it's technically impossible for the pelvis itself to be "unstable," it can sure FEEL that way which really messes with our minds and pelvic floor muscles. Let's join Kelly as she shows us how to strengthen the PFM's in ways that increase feelings of stability!

While it’s technically impossible for the pelvis itself to be “unstable,” the muscles surrounding it and supporting it can get really out of kilter, so that it sure FEELS that way which really messes with our minds and pelvic floor muscles. Let’s join Kelly, LPT and founder of The Tummy Team online core rehab programs, […]

Bosu Balance Workout – M/TS

Got a BOSU at home? How about a big flat book + a firm pillow? Any balance board, vibrating platform – someone even mentioned a skateboard – anything you think is safe for you could potentially serve as your version of a prop for this slow yet thorough full-body, balance-building routine! There’s so much we […]

Lower Back Love – E/TS

Lower Back Love - Learn a flowing routine to soothe, stretch and strengthen your lower back so that your soreness goes away for good! -

Learn a flowing routine of exercises to soothe, stretch and strengthen your lower back so that your soreness goes away for good! When my husband was suffering with a sore lower back, I lovingly designed this comforting routine for him to strengthen, stabilize, and stretch his unhappy spots in gentle ways. Turns out he has […]

Pelvic Rest Exercises Routine – E/TS

Pelvic Rest Routine - Safe exercises for the core and full body to use when you've been put on pelvic rest and can't do squats or other fitness -

So… this routine of pelvic rest exercises is super personal for me, and I have a lot to say about it. First, I’ve been where you are. If you’re needing this exercise video, it’s not because life is peachy right now, am I right? My story: I was put on pelvic rest for 6 weeks […]

Battle Rope Blast: Standing Arm & Core Workout

Battle Rope Blast - Standing Arm & Ab Exercises for Diastasis Recti -

If you’re fortunate enough to find a set of battle ropes, then you’ll LOVE this quick standing arm and core workout that will tone your abs, shoulders, biceps and triceps!   There are several interesting things to note in this routine: First, I’m barefoot. I have worked toward being able to do this for my […]

Rebound Cardio: Mini Trampoline Workout

Rebound Cardio: Mini Trampoline workout for Diastasis Recti on

“On Friday, I did Rebound Cardio though I don’t have a rebounder so I turned it into a floor routine! And Quad Burn. I had a really stressful day… it really really helped to move my body.” -Melissa B. If your pelvic floor is ready for more, and you like to dance and bounce, then you’re […]

Kelly’s Simple Stretches

Kelly's Simple Stretches - Top 5 stretches for great abs and a strong body -

A tight muscle has trouble being a strong muscle. As we lay the foundation of strength in your core, we also need to open up those tight spots and loosen up any restrictions. We asked Kelly, founder of The Tummy Team, for her 5 favorite basic stretches that would benefit anyone making a fresh start, […]

Transverse Training Ab Exercise Routine

Adding small, easy motions to the most basic core work in a seated position should be simple, right? What if it's not easy because your abs need a minute? Don't we all when we first wake up? Your core is waking up again, and this routine will help your core recalibrate during some seated and standing motions that will enable you to quickly make progress. -

Adding small, easy motions to the most basic core work in a seated position should be simple, right? What if it’s not easy because your abs need a minute? Don’t we all when we first wake up? Your core is waking up again, and this ab exercise routine for your transverse abdominus will help your […]

Cue Connections

Cue Connections will help people with Diastasis Recti to connect with their core

Find a comfortable place to sit, stand or lay down on your back while you learn how to connect to your core with different cues. You’ll be trying many different cues that you’ll hear in your future Fit2B workouts. While Beth teaches from a seated position, you are encouraged to test the core cues she […]

Color Series: Silver Home Workout Videos

Join Fit2B for 6 Silver-Themed Workouts that will improve your muscular strength, bone density, balance, body tone, and gluteal mass -

The following “SILVER” workouts are the eighth and final installment in our Color Series of home workout videos, a 2-year project which uses color themes to explore the core, breath, and motion. I dyed my hair to match each part of the series, and I also provided cues, wore fun outfits, and set each stage in […]

Kelly’s Lower Body Workout – E/TS

Lower Body Workout for Diastasis Recti with LPT Kelly Dean on

Join licensed physical therapist Kelly Dean of The Tummy Team and award-winning master swimmer Kelly Dean for Kelly’s Lower Body Workout, a thorough diastasis-aware thigh workout that’s all standing, all tummysafe, and all fun + simplicity! She uses a chair to assist balance in some of the movements, and her cheerful professional cues will leave […]

Kelly’s Standing Abs Workout

Kelly Dean's standing abs workout for Diastasis Recti on

 With Kelly’s Standing Abs Workout, you don’t need to get on the floor to work your abdominals. The reality is that your core is very active in standing positions, and licensed physical therapist Kelly Dean of The Tummy Team will show you how to work your abs while standing up with this set of upright core […]

Color Series: Red Home Exercise Videos

Color Series: Red Home Exercise Videos - - Color Series: Red Workouts for diastasis recti and pelvic floor at

When I surveyed our fans on Instagram to ask what RED means to them, I received a huge variety of answers: Passion, fire, danger, pledging to stay drug-free, safety, caution, anger, HIV awareness, hearts, fire trucks, poppies, robin breasts, love, and blood. It’s a color that evokes strong – sometimes conflicting – feelings, and it […]

Color Series: Purple

Color Series: Purple Workout - - Purple stands for many things: Victory, royalty, sorrow, epilepsy awareness, opioid addiction awareness, recovery, processing, our crowns. Check out Fit2b's “purple” workouts where we explore those concepts through breath and motion. These home workout videos are the first in the spectrum of specialized routines slated to release throughout 2019. Upon completion, The Color Series will reflect 5 colors and contain a total of 25-30 workouts. For extra fun, I’ll be dressing and dying my hair to match each theme! #homefitness #diastasisrecti #fit2b #homeworkout #color #colorseries #healthyishappy #workoutathome #coreworkout #core #pilates #homeworkouts #abs #muscle #cardio #strong #exercise #squat #strength #purplehair #purple

“I’m going to dye my hair a bunch of different colors when I turn 40 and film a bunch of colorful workouts to go with them,” is what I told my friends a couple years ago. I kept my word, and here are the first PURPLE workouts in the new FIt2B Color Series!

Tabata Cardio – M/TS

Tabata Cardio - M/TS - - 40-Minute Tabata Cardio Workout Sweat Session on #cardio #tabata #hiit #workout #homefitness

This amazing sweat session with Beth includes 7 different exercises done in the Tabata tradition which hails from Japan. Each exercise is done for 20 seconds at a time with 10 seconds of rest in between for 8 rounds with a 1 minute rest before starting the next exercise. Within the repetitions, you are provided […]

Transverse Flow – M/TS

Transverse Flow Workout: Add some gentle transverse pulses to key positions and find your core in new ways! -

Filmed in the Autumn of 2018 – thus the happy bat and fall foliage on the fireplace mantel – this full body workout routine will elevate your abdominals’ game. As we go through this Yoga flow, we add some gentle transverse pulses to key positions. You’ll find your core in new ways! Isn’t it amazing […]

Yoga for Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction – E/TS

Yoga for Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction (SPD) on - - If you have a sore pelvis or pubic bones, this workout is what you need on

Sore pubic bones are very common in women who are pregnant or recently given birth. This is because the bones stretch apart to make room for the baby to come out. Sometimes, the bones do “too good of a job” at widening, and if your core muscles are weak as well, then your pelvis will […]

Plank Progressions – M/TS

If you’re wanting to learn how to do planks safely and with good technique WITHOUT redamaging your diastasis recti, this 4-part video is what you need! It’s designed to start you with the most basic concepts of planking, encourage you to practice those, and then motivate you to come back for the next part. Please […]

Wall Yoga – M/TS

Wall Yoga screenshot -

If you have a bit of blank wall – or if you can easily move furniture out of the way – your home’s very structure can offer some stability and depth to key Yoga positions. This short yet thorough sequence peaks with “Balancing Half Moon” and features many wonderful warming motions + final relaxation with […]

Tai Chi Inspired Core – E/TS/P

Tai Chi Inspired Core Workout for prenatal and postnatal fitness recovery -

Enjoy this standing core workout inspired by Tai Chi with our adorably pregnant guest instructor Gillian Sukachevin. At the time of this filming, she was 19 weeks along and promising us a few more routines including a “Feeding Routine” once baby arrives. Not only is Gill a talented Tai Chi instructor, she is also the […]

How Bad Bras Can Affect Your Core Fitness

How Bad Bras Hurt Your Core Fitness -

When I was recently being adjusted by my chiropractor, she announced I was wearing bad bras and that it was past time for me to get a new one. Now, my chiropractor, Dr. Shannon Anhorn, is very unique. She’s the owner of Cloud Chiropractic that operates out of The Tummy Team clinic in Camas, Wa. She […]

E/TS – Basic Breath Work

E/TS - Basic Breath Work -

What could be easier than sitting in a chair while connecting to your core? How about getting into a position where gravity helps you do some of the work? When we are upright, even in a chair, gravity is pulling our weak tissues down and out. If we lay down, lift our hips and support […]

C/TS – Classic Flow B

C/TS - Classic Flow B - - Yoga Classic Flow B. Learn the traditional sun salutation Surya Namaskara series with tummysafe modification and better breathing.

Many mainstream Yoga studio classes will begin with 3-5 rounds of Surya Namaskara A followed by B. It’s meant to be a rigorous warm up, and few form cues are given as it’s understood (or assumed) that everyone in the room can execute the proper technique and breathing. However, many people haven’t been taught. They […]

M/TS – Classic Flow A

In traditional yoga, if you practice in the classic style, several rounds of sun salutations or Suryanamaskara are woven into nearly every class. The most simple sun salutation is often called “Surya A” and the more complicated version is “Surya B.” This string of motions hasn’t been included in Fit2B because an INHALE is often […]

M/TS – The Get Up {And Down} Routine

M/TS - The Get Up {and down} Routine -

Being able to get up and down off the floor is important. It helps if you can do it without hurting yourself because no one wants to say they injured themselves while getting up off the ground. Yet people do that every day because they don’t use the proper mechanics and muscles to get up […]

E/TS – The Xiphoid Process Routine

E/TS - The Xiphoid Process Routine -

Here’s to all my fellow rib thrusters out there who struggle with proper rib alignment. This routine is for you, friends! No more struggling to understand the role of your xiphoid process. Your xiphoid process is the pointy lower end of your sternum and doesn’t attach to any ribs. It’s a central marker for the whole […]

M/TS – Foam Rolling II

M/TS - Foam Rolling II - - Fit2B releases 2nd Foam Rolling workout routine as fourth in series

Our foam rolling routines have been so popular due to the TummySafe education we include in them that members keep asking for more! So here I am in my own little farm house with the Summer sunshine streaming through the windows and photo albums of my babies in the background, bringing you the sequel to Foam Rolling… and […]

C/TS – Fusion Mix 1

Fusion Mix Workout -

This is the first of a 3-part series of playful yet intense total body strengthening moves that combine elements from Pilates, Yoga, and natural transitional movements like tripods, single-leg squats, arm balances, and even planks done safely! While this routine has zero crunches or sit-ups, it’s not for someone whose abdominal fascia is still thinned out with a wide […]

Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction Routine

Safe Workout for Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction -

If you’re struggling with pubic symphysis pain, my heart goes out to you. It’s tricky when you can’t separate your legs or step over things without grief and grating in your groin, isn’t it? I’ve spent months putting together this routine just for you! It has lots of moves that should allow you to keep […]

E/TS – Totally {Original} Transverse

Totally {Original} Transverse from

Okay, okay, okay! After an outcry from members, here it is! I had to smile when so many of you requested {demanded} that we bring back the “old skool” original Totally Transverse workout because you miss it so much! So, because I am nice, and because y’all promised me that you’d still take the updated […]

C/TS – Get On The {Big} Ball

Get on the {Big} ball routine -

“Are those big exercise balls safe?” I get asked that question all the time, and the answer is that it depends what you do on them. This routine explores a huge variety of motions – everything from easy to hard stuff like mountain climbers and pikes – with my classic “tummysafe” cueing. IMPORTANT NOTE: Some […]

E/TS – Squat Challenge

Improve the depth of your squat for a stronger core and pelvic floor -

For most of my early group fitness career, I accepted the fitness myth that squatting would hurt the knees if the hips went lower than the knee. The mantra was “no lower than 90-degrees!” We understand now that knee injury is not about squat depth but about proper form during squatting, and getting low is CRUCIAL […]

C/TS – Basic Step Aerobics with Weights

Disclaimer: By clicking play and participating in this routine or any other video on Fit2B, you signify that you have read and agree to the terms of our conditions and disclaimer found here. When I taught step aerobics classes at a local community college, I’d always finish the class with 10 minutes of basic step […]

R/TS – Foam Rollaxing

R/TS - Foam Rollaxing: Learn how to use a foam roll to relax -

Relaxing + Foam Rolling = Rollaxing! Get it? We crack ourselves up over here, but seriously, this will become a bedtime favorite for many of you. Basically, Beth walks you through what she does on the foam roller at night while her hubs reads to their children. Foam rolling can be painful and very NOT […]

C/TS – Bag a Better Booty

Bag A Better Booty -

Thanks to all your positive feedback on the Bag A Better Back routine, we are excited to debut this, and we have plans for “Bag a Better Bust” as well 😉 And in case you’re wondering if it’s awkward to control a swinging grocery bag as the training tool for a toned tushie, yes! But wow! […]

E/TS – Basic Chair Fitness

Basic Chair Fitness -

Join Beth in her country kitchen as she leads you through some basic chair fitness moves and stretches. You will feel so yummy and relaxed YET ready for more at the end of this video. Notice the dishes in the sink? We’re real people here, and we’re excited to provide yet another routine that benefits […]

M/TS – Great Glutes

Screen Shot of Great Glutes -

Goodness gracious great glutes of fire! That’s what you might be saying when you finish this long set of booty burnin’ moves! The glutes are major stabilizers and players in your core and pelvic floor function, so having a strong set of buns to support you is crucial. Learn how to work your rear-end from […]

M/TS – Bag a Better Back

How about recycling some grocery bags and using water bottles as weights to create a fun and unique workout for your upper and lower back!?! Here at Fit2B we are all about using what you have on hand to facilitate a great workout. If you’ve got dumbbells, great! But a lot of people don’t, or maybe […]

C/TS – Body Sculpting II

Body Sculpting 2 -

The second in our mini-series that focus on heart-elevating, muscle-toning moves to bring out some definition and show off the strength you’re building! We filmed this one outside, and it was so fun! Here is the link to the squatting video that is mentioned in the routine. Personal note: Beth had just recovered from Strep […]

M/TS – Wood Floor Workout

Wood Floor Workout -

The chief resistance your body fights every day is gravity: The pull that holds you against this Earth we live on. The surfaces we walk upon effect how we interact with gravity. Walking on grass is different than walking on sand which is different than walking on wood floors… especially in slippery socks. As you do […]

Restorative Poses – E/TS

Restorative Poses -

Stretching via pulling or reaching is one way to lengthen tight muscles, while relaxing into restorative positions where no “work” must be done – only releasing – is a whole different approach. This valuable method is useful to all fitness levels and abilities. For this “routine” you will need to find a quiet place where […]

M/TS – Plain Ol’ Pilates

Plain Ol' Pilates -

Focusing solely on Pilates workout movements you can do at home, there really isn’t anything plain about this routine. It’s just all about mat-style Pilates and nothing else. With several levels and modifications provided for each portion, we know it will be a favorite for anyone wanting a straightforward, fun approach to some of the best […]

C/TS – Balanced Inversions

Balanced Inversions Routine -

As you advance in your fitness journey, adding some balance poses will definitely increase your intensity. Especially if those poses are inversions where your head is below your heart. This pivotal workout will take you to a new level of fitness and body exploration, starting with simple inversions, then adding balancing into the equation. Note: […]

E/TS/R – Pelvic Floor Connections

Pelvic Floor Connections -

The perfect routines to do all by yourself, these candid yet tasteful videos are designed to help women connect to the most intimate part of their core: the pelvic floor. Using straight anatomical terms and tender talk, I will offer you several non-invasive methods and movements for the purpose of reconnecting your control over your most […]

C/TS – Wall Workout with Beth

Wall Workout with Bethany -

Oh! Such a sweet surprising challenge to the whole body, this short – yet full – total body routine brings the whole body to bear strongly on your core. Forgive the heavy breathing, but these moves are challenging and Bethany was JUST getting over strep throat while filming this! Also, this routine features our very […]

C/TS – Body Sculpting

Body Sculpting 1 -

As you get strong and ready for more challenges, this will become one of your favorite routines. Bethany packs a set of great moves into this short 20 minutes that will safely leave you sweaty and breathless. Get out those handweights and find a wall, because there’s not much downtime in this video! Let’s go! […]

C/TS – Kelly’s Core Cardio

Kelly's Core Cardio -

Our favorite guest instructor and licensed physical therapist, Kelly Dean of The Tummy Team, joined us yet again to film this unique cardio session that works the total body and core with great moves and fun visualizations. It’s not too long, but it gets intense while staying safe for anyone with abdominal trauma. Have fun! […]

E/TS – Foam Rolling Routine

Foam Rolling Routine -

Foam rolling is an excellent way to stretch muscles from the middle, but this form of myofascial release is often demonstrated with crunch-like motions that can damage the connective tissue of the core… talk about irony! In this introductory routine, Bethany demonstrates a year of careful research and collaboration with other experts as she brings […]

M/TS – Kettlebell Workout I

KettleBell Workout I -

Kettlebell training is very popular right now, but most of the moves are demonstrated in such a fast and hyper-extended manner that most of the general videos on YouTube that show how to work with kettlebells are unsafe for the beginner exerciser or anyone with knee, hip, shoulder and core injuries such as diastasis recti […]

E/TS – Kelly’s Total Body Stretching

Kelly Dean's Total Body Stretching -

Now an official part of our F5 series, this fantastic stretching routine introduces Guest Instructor Kelly Dean, licensed physical therapist and owner of The Tummy Team, as she joins Fit2B Studio to share how it’s not always about flexing and “working” a muscle back into shape; it’s also about lengthening the tight muscles that are […]

M/TS – Kelly’s Floor Core Routine

Kelly's Floor Core Routine -

  What if you could have a core workout designed by a physical therapist? Especially one who is world-famous for her work in providing continuing education training for instructors, midwives, doulas, nurses, and many more who work with the true core? Well, here you go! Join guest instructor, Kelly Dean of the Tummy Team, for […]

Start Here

Start Here - - Start Here with the Workout Basics

Welcome to the Core of Fit2B Studio  This is where we like everyone to begin their journey with Fit2B. We call this page the “Foundational Five” or “F5” pathway because each section has 5 parts. The 3 buttons below will give you a solid foundation so you can rebuild, reclaim and restore your body beginning with your core.      […]

K/TS – Bitty Bellies

Bitty Bellies -

Even the smallest bellies can establish a healthy core connection! Let your child join our children for some bitty belly moves that teach how to activate the transverse abdominus. Plus, learn how lots of other fun moves and tricks utilize our core on a daily basis. Leave lots of room in your exercise area for […]

The PMS Routine – E/R/TS

The PMS Routine -

“Do you have any stretches for ‘that time of the month’ to help me with cramping?” That thread on our private member forum on Facebook got my wheels turning, and after doing some research and thinking about what I’ve always naturally done with my own body to release tension, I designed this routine to help […]

Basic Transverse & Mula Bandha

Equipment needed: Bench or straight back chair. Maybe a pillow for your lower back. Here is one of our most basic routines designed for those who need to dial it back to the most simple aspects of “finding” their core via the basic breath. The title comes from a term that means “root lock” in […]

M/TS – Tabata Kick & Squat

Tabata Kick & Squat -

  At 44 minutes long, this is a delightful and gentle cardio routine that uses principles of Tabata to work and rest your muscles. You’ll perform several exercises for 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, for 4 minutes each with a 1 minutes rest before moving onto the next exercise. The exercises in this routine […]

M/TS Baby Lift

A sweet thank you to member, Leah, for lending us little Patrick for this workout where you will learn how to exercise with your baby in a safe manner. This interactive routine is gentle yet thorough, dealing with alignment while holding your child, fun movements with your baby as the “weight,” and total body moves […]

E/TS – Align It Flat

Align it Flat -

There are TWO versions of this routine on this page because every BODY is different. The more I research the core and diastasis, the more I’m learning a simple truth: our body’s position throughout the day matters a lot! You can workout with perfect form… but what about the rest of your day. How are you […]

M/TS – Balanced

Balanced -

Bound to be a member favorite, this workout incorporates weights and bands and balance moves to fire up your core and your whole body! Get ready for a slow yet powerful 20-minutes of solid action and education as you learn more about alignment and balance are you core’s main job. Equipment needed: Elastic band or […]

TS/C – Insane Upper Body

Insane Upper Body -

As we build our own set of slightly insane workouts, you must be aware that this series will leave you with more “muscle reminders” that you exercises. If you are too sore to lift your arms the next day, that’s not a good thing. Working should fatigue your muscles without hurting you or hindering your […]

M/TS – Gentle Blend

Gentle Blend -

This therapeutic routine is gentle but also a thorough workout of the entire body. It starts in a standing position and then transitions you to the floor with safe queues. The routine starts and finishes with some deep spiritual connection imagery that will leave you centered and peaceful. By clicking play and watching any video on […]

E/TS – Core Wake Up

Core Wake Up -

Before any major abdominal training is done, it’s important to lay a foundation. This simple 4-minute routine will wake up your ab muscles in a safe and gentle way. As if setting a gently morning alarm, you’ll be tapping them on the shoulder and saying, “time to wake up and do your job for me!” […]

E/M/TS – Office Workouts

Fun and short office routines by

Welcome to the Office Workout section of Fit2B Studio! Working at a desk for several hours a day can take its toll on your posture, digestion, core health, hip flexibility, lower back strength… the list of debilitating effects goes on and on! The first thing you can do to fight those effects is switch to […]

M/TS – Backside Burner II

We’ve had great feedback about the original Backside Burner, so we knew it would need to be made into a series. This second installment is tummy-safe and full of new moves that don’t require much space to perform. Just be warned: the workout is simple and easy, but your backside will be burning, baby! By […]

E/TS – Mula Bandha

Mula Bandha -

According to our members, this routine is where many things click. It’s where all the pieces from the other Foundational Five “F5” fall into place. Mula means root or source and Bandha means lock or bond. Simply put, it’s about controlling the root-like bundle of nerve connections at your trunk’s base. I have to tell […]

E/TS – Totally Transverse II

Totally Transverse II -

  “Welcome to my home and this workout!” -Bethany This routine was filmed in my old home in Portland, Oregon! It’s not as swanky as some of other places we’ve filmed, but these are my pictures and my 1940’s fireplace, and the green chair is where I spent many an hour nursing my sweet boy. We’ve […]

E/TS – Thigh Workout II

Thigh Workout II -

This is the second long thigh workout we have filmed. This one moves at a fun pace and offers more options for the inner and outer thighs, glutes and core. It is safer than the first one for those who may have a diastasis or split in their abs. The QUALITY is astronomically better than […]

M/TS – Pilates in Pajamas II

Pilates in Pajamas II -

This workout is available within several pathways here at Fit2B Studio. Bethany stays in her pretty PJ’s for this relaxing yet challenging home workout routine. It’s tummy safe and total body! By clicking play and watching any video on Fit2B Studio, LLC you certify that you agree to the terms of our disclaimer found HERE!

Totally Transverse – E/TS

TS - Totally Transverse -

This quick crunch-free, plank-free mini-workout you’re about to do will connect your breath and alignment to your core throughout several simple motions. The second video summarizes the first video in a short recap. You’ll find two videos below – the long and short version – but Fit2B has more (and less) when you’re decide to shift […]

C/TS – Insane I

Insane -

If you’ve heard of the Insanity workouts, well here is one of the most insane workouts we’ve ever filmed. Why is it insane? For starters, it’s super hard and the moves are just plain crazy! Even Bethany is out of breath in this one, but it’s totally safe as long as you have a baseline […]

M/TS – Transitions

Transitions -

 If you’ve been rehabbing your abs, and you are feeling stronger and ready for more, this workout will keep you standing and moving the whole time while helping you safely transition to slightly more intense motions while also showing you how to incorporate your transverse abs with breath and activation at the proper times. This […]

C/TS – Jump Change

Jump Change -

Newly filmed and re-released, this routine will put a jump in your step! Every transition in this workout is accomplished with a jump, but several options and levels are provided. The pace and attention to the transverse abdominus makes this a very “tummy safe” workout. It is good for bone density and your heart rate, […]

M/TS – Love Handles Lost

Love Handles Lost -

Kiss your love-handles goodbye by performing this short but challenging workout on a regular basis. Target the soft spots on your sides below your ribcage and above your hips while working some surrounding muscles as well! This is a second rendition of the first Love Handles Lost workout. It contains the same flow of exercises […]

M/TS – Hold It!

Hold It! -

How long can you hold a pose? This workout encourages you to hold each position for at least 10 deep breaths. Don’t let the lack of repetitive motions fool you into thinking it won’t get your heart pumping. Holding a muscle in place can be harder than moving it! This workout was originally filmed in […]

M/TS – Pilates In Pajamas

Pilates in Pajamas -

One of the best things about our site is that you don’t have to buy or wear workout attire so that you look good in public just to get all sweaty! Bethany will openly confess that as a stay-at-home mom herself, she’ll just stay in her pajammies all day if she’s not going anywhere. Why […]

M/TS – Tabata

Tabata -

This workout features six exercises done tabata-style, meaning each movement done for 8 sets of 20 seconds each with a 10 second rest between each set. However, unlike mainstream tabata classes that perform the exercises as fast as possible, Bethany pays careful attention to form and core positioning and keeps things at a safe pace. […]

M/TS – Kelly Dean’s Wall Workout

Kelly Dean's Wall Workout -

Kelly Dean from The Tummy Team makes a guest instructor appearance in this quick, total body workout that offers some excellent ways for men and women dealing with diastasis to further strengthen their core. If you haven’t gone through any of the amazing Restore Your Core” workshops with Kelly via webinar or live seminar, we strongly recommend you invest […]

E/TS – Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga -

Relax your upper body with gentle stretches and basic movements that focus on your arms and neck muscles, plus just a little core work. This simple but beautiful routine will show you how to do yoga without losing your balance as you utilize a chair to stabilize yourself through the whole workout. By clicking play […]

E/TS – Warrior Workout I

Warrior Workout -

We have several warrior workouts, but this one was filmed specifically to be very tummy safe for those with diastasis. We actually renamed our warrior workouts so that the first one is the safest one for those with core-strength issues, while the second one offers fewer core queues and slightly more intense options. If you have […]

TS/C – Functional Workout I

Functional Workout I -

Functional fitness workouts involve exercises that use multiple joints, multiple limbs, multiple muscles, all at once! Grab your dumbbells {or cans of food} and get a terrific workout that exercises every area. The total-body movements really escalate your heart rate and calorie burn. This TummySafe™ routine is a re-do of the original which wasn’t diastasis friendly nor […]

E/P/TS – Maternity Yoga I

Maternity Yoga -

This was one of our earliest routines filmed in 2010, and this is the NEW version refilmed during Summer, 2015. You see, shortly after we filmed this workout, we began shifting Fit2B towards total diastasis-awareness after Bethany met Kelly Dean of The Tummy Team and was educated about how some moves in this workout might contribute […]

M/TS – Rockin’ Yoga & Pilates

Rockin' Yoga & Pilates -

This moderately intense, total-body exercise routine was refilmed in early March 2013 for better TummySafe cues and lighting. The music is a bit more upbeat, and the transitions are faster. So if you want a more mellow workout, this isn’t really it. If you want a total body floor workout, this is it! Equipment Needed: […]

E/TS – Chair Pilates

Chair Pilates -

If you only want to work your upper body with some basic Pilates moves, this routine is a great way to start your day. Sit on the edge of your bed, an exercise ball or a chair while getting an arm and ab workout! This workout is tummy safe. By clicking play and watching any […]

C/TS – Tabata Ball Workout

Tabata Ball Workout -

Just hearing the word “Tabata” is enough to make some folks’ knees ache. But Beth takes the risk of knee injury out of the equation by slowing down the reps a wee bit. It’s still the same pattern: 8 sets of one exercise. 20 seconds per set. 10 seconds rest between each set, for five […]

TS/C – Ab Attack!

Ab Attack -

Normally I’m not a big fan of “attacking” our abdominals, because in the mainstream fitness industry, that can often mean “shredding” and “ripping” our core apart, literally. This routine, however, will focus on all four layers of your abdominals with a safe intensity. Learn how to recruit every muscle fiber in your core while keeping […]

M/TS – Pilates Yoga Blend

M/TS - Pilates Yoga Blend - - Pilates & Yoga Blend workout -

Originally filmed in 2010 as part of our first set of workouts, there were some seriously unhappy members when I took it down to refilm AND then we had a glitch with the new one! Needless to say, I’m very excited to debut this new version. It’s almost ridiculous how many attempts we’ve made to do this. […]

TummySafe™ Pathway to Great Abs!

TummySafe Abs -
Strength from the inside out Follow this page in order from top to bottom for a couple months, and your abs will respond to your consistency. Do 3-6 of these routines each week + some cardio for the best results. Each video is TummySafe™ which means they train your trunk without crunches or unmodified planks. [...]

Peaceful Blend – M/TS

Peaceful Blend -

This surprisingly intense routine is one of our longest on Fit2B Studio, but you might not even realize that you are working out! The subtle transitions and deep core focus will sneak up on you, so that by the time you are relaxing and breathing deeply at the end, you will only feel… peaceful. This […]