M/TS – Classic Flow A

In traditional yoga, if you practice in the classic style, several rounds of sun salutations or Suryanamaskara are woven into nearly every class. The most simple sun salutation is often called “Surya A” and the more complicated version is “Surya B.” This string of motions hasn’t been included in Fit2B because an INHALE is often used to brace the belly during super high-pressure moves which would compromise the fascia of the abdominals. But it became crystal clear to me as I was completing an official registered yoga teacher (RYT) certification in 2016 that I need to offer a “tummysafe” version of this classic flow for two reasons: First, I want all my clients to feel empowered by Fit2B to get back to doing what they love safely, and a lot of you love Yoga! Second, one of the principles of Yoga is “Ahimsa” or non-harm to ourselves and others. Therefore, the breath should serve us; we do  not serve the breath nor any classic pattern of motion. So come along with me as I prepare you to walk into a mainstream Yoga Class, ready to breathe and move more consciously toward a better version of yourself. If you are accustomed to doing classic flows of Suryanamaskara, this will feel a little weird at first, but let’s remember that ancient yogi’s weren’t exercise physiologists, and sometimes an open mind means expanding beyond classic philosophy.

Equipment Needed: Just you and your mat or a rug… cute doggy on the couch is optional 😉

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2 thoughts on “M/TS – Classic Flow A

  1. Pingback: Challenging Workout Combos | Fit2B Studio

  2. Pingback: Gentle Exercise Videos for Those Living a Chronic Life | Fit2B Studio

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