Black Balance & Biceps – E/TS

Color Series: Black Home Exercise Workouts - - Fit2B knows women are looking for fitness motivation and asking the questions, "Is breathing exercise? Is there a bicep workout that is fun? Who can teach me how to do a cardio workout at home?" If you are looking for creative and fun workouts, Beth, our core workout specialist, has you covered. From diastasis recti exercises that will keep your tummy safe to a mental health routine that focuses you with grief quotes. Whether you need a beginner workout or more advanced fitness, click here!

What happens within your core when you hold a weighted object in one hand, and balance on the opposite foot? The answer: a whole lot of awesomesauce! But it’s not just about your belly. Balance work and loaded activities like weightlifting have both been shown to improve bone density better than medication at any age! […]