Tag Archives: loaded

E/TS – Ultimate Upper Body

Ultimate Upper Body - fit2b.com

This simple yet stimulating upper body workout will reshape your arms if you stick to doing it at least twice a week for a period of 6 weeks. Or combine it with other workouts in our “Amazing Arms” pathway. While I’m demonstrating this routine in a chair, you can certainly do it standing. Don’t have […]

C/TS – Weighted Warriors

Weighted Warrior - fit2b.com

The Yoga Warrior poses are powerful enough all by themselves, but what if you held hand-weights while flowing through these poses? Find out how to use weights in a safe but stimulating manner to greatly increase your warrior workout intensity! Tummy Safety Tip: Remember to maintain neutral alignment and actively recruit your transverse abs whenever […]

C/TS – Tabata Ball Workout

Tabata Ball Workout - fit2b.com

Just hearing the word “Tabata” is enough to make some folks’ knees ache. But Beth takes the risk of knee injury out of the equation by slowing down the reps a wee bit. It’s still the same pattern: 8 sets of one exercise. 20 seconds per set. 10 seconds rest between each set, for five […]

C/TS – Pilates & Yoga Loaded

Pilates & Yoga Loaded - fit2b.com

Here is our most recent routine of blended Pilates and Yoga moves that are not only TummySafe but also “loaded” with goodness for your whole body. Go from standing to kneeling to sitting to laying all within 25 minutes, and all while utilizing your core to move your limbs. Equipment needed: a pair of handweights […]