Tag Archives: parenting

If You’re Raising a Girl, You Need This New eCourse!

If You're Raising a Girl, You Need This New eCourse! - Fit2B.com

My daughter was almost 11 when this course started to materialize in my mind. It happened because hundreds of other moms in the Fit2B Forum kept getting angry: “All I got was sex-ed in high school, but by then I’d used tampons wrong and had horrible posture! Why can’t anyone teach about those things? Beth, […]

My Interview with a Male Midwife

My Interview with a Male Midwife - Fit2B.com

Working with a core rehabilitation specialist or physical therapist is crucial if you want to fully regain your core function and strength after having a baby so you can make a safe return to fitness. However,Β what about that woman living in a small town that lacks such an amazing resource? Jacob Mearse is a midwife […]

Active Kids Are Smarter Kids

This is a guest post written by Allison Morris, co-creator of an enlightening graphic that shows how children who exercise are smarter. Allison found this article on Fit2B Studio’s blog, and she wrote directly to me to see if I’d like to carry this educational piece on our site. Of course I said YES! Here’s […]