F I T 2 B® K I D S !
This special page is just for kids! Our smallest members love this page best, as do the homeschooling families who utilize this section to supplement their home-based physical education! Preview all the titles below!
Children will burn endless energy once they are given permission to have FUN with exercise.
Of course, parents are welcome to join in these kids workouts if they promise to be silly with us. But be warned: young bones and muscles handle things differently than older bones and muscles. These workouts are only scripted in Bethany’s head, and she rolls with the kids and how they respond. Our kids come up with some interesting moves that may not be advisable for grownups and pregnant people.
Grownups should observe Beth’s modified movements and follow her lead.

(plus some adorable pictures our members gave us permission to share)
ABC Exercises - 10:49Basic Kicks & Punches with Owen - 11:28
Floor Yoga for Teens & Tweens - 11:00

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We teach strategies for managing Diastasis Recti and pelvic floor function in every workout video. We are modest and body positive. Our private member forum is drama-free. Our workout videos won’t leave you too sore to walk or hold your kids the next day. We have something for everyone, all ages and stages. Join today!
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