Making Fitness Fun 4 Kids!

Kids love to have fun, and if fitness can be figured into the equation then that makes parents happy, too! It can be as simple as a quick trip to a neighborhood park or turning on some dancing music with a good “pop” that gets little feet – and maybe even your bigger ones – jumping and twisting to the rhythm.

This is a picture of my silly kiddos jiving to the beat and getting a good amount of exercise in without even knowing it. All I have to do is turn their favorite music up really loud, and they go scurrying to their room to choose “dancing clothes.” What’s interesting to me is that they have never taken lessons, but they can already interpret music with their bodies. It’s a joy to watch my kids smiling and getting healthier all at once! And I get even more out of it when I join them 🙂

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4 thoughts on “Making Fitness Fun 4 Kids!

  1. June Stoyer @OrganicGuru says:

    It is amazing that kids just keep fit without any "programs" or plans. There are so many fun things to do and you are right, it should always be fun!

  2. Melody says:

    Its such a pleasure to watch you rejoice in your little ones. Not to mention having the brilliance to incorporate the huge job of parenting small people with your fitness passion. I totally commend you Bethany!! The new site R-O-C-K-S by the way.

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