201 … More or Less…

“Give more. Spend Less. Cook more. Eat less. Love more. Hate less. Read more. Watch less. Recycle more. Waste less. Family more. Computer less. Bike more. Drive less. Learn more. Reject less. Listen more. Talk less. Exercise more. Sit less. Laugh more. Yell less. Jesus more. Self less.” … It’s about contrasts …

*snow on a makeshift fence in Montana
I wrote that on the last day of 2009. More or less, I accomplished those goals, and this year, it’s more of the same… Except it’s more about adding and taking away. I’m going to add salads and take away pop. I’m going to add more members to my studio and take away my fear of failure. I’m going to add more quiet time and take away a few distractions. I’m going to add more crafting and take away carping on my husband. It’s going to be really hard. Am I worth it? Yes. Is my family worth a healthier me? Definitely.





*a Christmas rug I hand-crocheted

What are you worth? What is your family worth? Is there something you need to add or take away to make your life or the life of your family better than it already is? You don’t have to answer, but your answer may inspire others.

1 thoughts on “201 … More or Less…

  1. Kimberly says:

    I wanted to say thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting… I am now following and I look forward to reading more of your stuff.
    All the best,

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