Go to our facebook fan page Fit2B – TummySafe Fitness right now to bid on our silent auction of all the shirts worn in the following routines. All proceeds benefit Mercy In Action which has a charity birth center in The Philippines, a midwifery school, and other training for maternal and child health. Their work is near and dear to my heart since, in many way, they are also working to change lives one tummy at a time.
You can read here about how we raised over $500 for Mercy in Action back in 2013 during Giving Tuesday which is right after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. As we celebrate 5 years of Fit2B this month, I wanted to do something with the shirts I’ve worn during filming our 100+ routines. We put these shirts up one by one in our private member forum and had the members guess which workouts they were in to win prizes. Now they are up for public auction on our fanpage here. Go bid!

When you go to bid, you will see close up pics of the shirts, all ironed and hung up nicely with descriptions of them. They are all in great condition still, and you will own a piece of Fit2B history to wear around town and feel smug about or to display in a glass case in your home {just kidding} or to hide in the back of your closet and pull out at parties in which you insist everyone does a Fit2B workout… since that’s how I party. Not really. Sort of.

We have an incredible blooper from the above video. As we filmed Body Sculpting 2 this man came behind me and stood there, rubbing his chest. I didn’t know he was there and kept teaching, and the team had to slowly edit him out. We plan to release a whole blooper video at the end of this year. It will be epic.

This next shirt from the original “Rockin’ Yoga & Pilates” routine is no longer available on Fit2B since we filmed prior to focusing on diastasis recti-aware “tummysafe” fitness cueing. It’s been replaced with a new version which you can watch and join if you’re a logged in member and click on the image. You’ll love it!
We have grown and changed and stabilized so much since those early days of Fit2B. Even now as we position ourselves to offer even more to our members with a web app and a bigger, more beautiful platform, we are so humbled by all the daily hard work yet refreshed by all the words of encouragement from people whose lives are changed by what we provide.
If you haven’t ever joined Fit2B for 2-3 months to work your way through our routines from basic to advancing to challenging, you don’t know what you’re missing! No one else out there does home fitness like we do. Our radically different approach to weights, Pilates, Tabata, kettlebells, foamrolling, Yoga, stretching and everything will shift your perspective and strengthen your whole body from your abs outward. Learn more about membership HERE today!