If you have a bit of blank wall – or if you can easily move furniture out of the way – your home’s very structure can offer some stability and depth to key Yoga positions. This short yet thorough sequence peaks with “Balancing Half Moon” and features many wonderful warming motions + final relaxation with […]
Tag Archives: yoga
If you sit a lot for work or nursing a baby or just out of pure exhaustion, it’s highly likely that your psoas is tightening up to tell you something. Basically, your psoas connects your spine to your thigh bone. While it is often named alongside the iliacus as “iliopsoas,” the meat of it is […]
Confession: I find it super annoying when people post a list of books they plan to read, and they have this pretty picture of a stack of titles organized alphabetically or by size, because seriously, how does anyone know for sure what they’ll be reading a couple months from now? That stack of books on […]
In this third and final {for now} installment of our Restorative Poses Series, you will learn how to use various props to relax further into the 5 stretches listed below. Please, take a close look at the image you’re seeing in the video preview before you click play since it shows the second variation of […]
This is the first of a 3-part series of playful yet intense total body strengthening moves that combine elements from Pilates, Yoga, and natural transitional movements like tripods, single-leg squats, arm balances, and even planks done safely! While this routine has zero crunches or sit-ups, it’s not for someone whose abdominal fascia is still thinned out with a wide […]
This routine sets you up in several positions that let gravity do the work of stretching for you. Even though the video itself is quite short, you should spend about 20-30 minutes with these moves altogether, or anywhere from 2-10 minutes in each pose as your body allows. You’ll be shown how to get into […]
Many people with weak cores and back pain turn to yoga for help, but if you have diastasis recti, many yoga poses should be approached with caution. This shocking photo will hopefully help all of you better understand how DEEPLY a diastasis recti affects your abdominal’s appearance, function and integrity. That is one my members […]
Twice in the past week, I’ve been contacted by women who want to join Fit2B Studio’s online Tummy Safe™ video library, but they’re concerned about “the yoga part.” One wrote: “Hi- I found your site this morning through Wise Woman Builds Her Home. I am a homeschool mom of 6 also in the Pacific Northwest (greater […]
How much time do your kids spend on the floor? Not much, right? They sit at tables or desks. They lounge in chairs and on sofas. Yet their ability to get around on the floor will become more crucial as they pass their prime and begin to age… hopefully with grace. Get your teen or […]
Get your teen or tween involved in exercise with this fun, informal 10-minute routine. They won’t feel the need to be perfect, because we allowed the “stars” of this routine to follow along at their own pace, too! Be sure to check out our “Floor Yoga” routine for teens as well! By clicking play and […]
This therapeutic routine is gentle but also a thorough workout of the entire body. It starts in a standing position and then transitions you to the floor with safe queues. The routine starts and finishes with some deep spiritual connection imagery that will leave you centered and peaceful. By clicking play and watching any video on […]
What is Fit2B Studio? Well, sometimes I think it’s easier for me to say what Fit2B Studio is NOT because there are so many cliches and turn-offs in the fitness industry that I am purposefully trying to not imitate. First of all, I am not out to deliberately make you sore, shred your gut, kill […]
It’s easy to focus on the BIG muscles of the arms, legs and core. But what about the ones in your face and neck? We tend to spend a lot of time staring and squinting, turning to look over one shoulder but not the other, resting our jaw on one hand, etc. All of those […]
Safer exercises for stronger tummies is the theme of this workout. Many prenatal and postnatal workouts on the modern market promise to help keep you in shape before baby comes and help you get your body back after baby arrives. Yet they have moms doing super crazy stuff that leaves tender joints and ligaments “sore” […]
It can be hard to get your teenager interested in working out at home when he or she has a day off from school. We always have an audience of kids and adults watching our filming take place so, when we filmed in their home, these teens and pre-teens WANTED to participate in one of […]
This pathway of workouts is for those wanting to learn Yoga in a TummySafe manner. Please Read First: Do each of the following workouts in order so that when you reach the end of this section, you have built a solid, progressive foundation of basic to advanced motions. Look at this path like stepping stones where […]
The entire library of over 300 Fit2B workouts is suitable for postpartum, but this page offers 2 specific programs that support a TummySafe™ return to fitness during and after pregnancy. The prenatal plan is at the top, and the postnatal is the bottom half. The Prenatal FitnessPath If you’re striving for a strong, informed pregnancy, […]
This may have been one of the most hilarious filming adventures we have ever enjoyed! The producer’s boys join Bethany for this laughter-filled workout that is very impish and spontaneous. The truth is we had to splice several bits together because “someone” kept running off camera! We just rolled with it! By clicking play and […]
This is the sequel to Maternity Mix I and both workouts are perfect for the soon-to-be mother. Safe for virtually any stage of pregnancy, this short workout gets every muscle without stressing loose ligaments and blossoming bellies. This workout is “tummy safe” and uses core exercises that keep the abdominal area toned during pregnancy. Rock […]
Are you refusing to do a yoga-based thigh stretch just because it’s called trikonasana (Triangle Pose)? Are you refusing a whole mode of wellness just because it comes from another part of the world, is spoken in another language, or has ancient roots in a different belief system? Some might label that mentality with strong […]
Introduce your kids to the most basic warrior poses plus a few extras! It’s not about perfection; it’s about happiness and healthiness. This kids workout, will inspire boys and girls alike to see fitness as fun and fulfilling! This is one of our oldest routines, and you can tell! We’ve improved {and our kids have […]
Turn balancing and core work into a game with your busy little ones. Littles of all ages can join the fun of learning how to balance in different ways! This short workout teaches healthy competition, bone density building tips, and lots of laughter. Watch for Watson! By clicking play and watching any video on Fit2B […]
If you like to run or jog, but you get tight and tired too quickly, try this routine as your warm-up or cool-down. It’s a great stretching regimen for any type of exerciser, but Bethany’s queues are directed to athletic runners who want to care for their knees or hips. NOTE: There are now TWO videos […]
How long can you hold a pose? This workout encourages you to hold each position for at least 10 deep breaths. Don’t let the lack of repetitive motions fool you into thinking it won’t get your heart pumping. Holding a muscle in place can be harder than moving it! This workout was originally filmed in […]
Relax your upper body with gentle stretches and basic movements that focus on your arms and neck muscles, plus just a little core work. This simple but beautiful routine will show you how to do yoga without losing your balance as you utilize a chair to stabilize yourself through the whole workout. By clicking play […]
We have several warrior workouts, but this one was filmed specifically to be very tummy safe for those with diastasis. We actually renamed our warrior workouts so that the first one is the safest one for those with core-strength issues, while the second one offers fewer core queues and slightly more intense options. If you have […]
Take your lower body out of the equation for a few minutes while you relax your upper body. This workout lets you isolate your core with purely upper body movements from both Pilates and Yoga. All of our chair workouts are perfect for those dealing with disability or injury in their lower body, but this […]
The Yoga Warrior poses are powerful enough all by themselves, but what if you held hand-weights while flowing through these poses? Find out how to use weights in a safe but stimulating manner to greatly increase your warrior workout intensity! Tummy Safety Tip: Remember to maintain neutral alignment and actively recruit your transverse abs whenever […]
This was one of our earliest routines filmed in 2010, and this is the NEW version refilmed during Summer, 2015. You see, shortly after we filmed this workout, we began shifting Fit2B towards total diastasis-awareness after Bethany met Kelly Dean of The Tummy Team and was educated about how some moves in this workout might contribute […]
As a mother herself, Bethany has been through two healthy, fit pregnancies and births. She has a real heart for new moms and mommies-to-be, and you can see that shining through in this workout. Experience gentle queues that will connect you to your changing body and the precious life within you. Find out how to […]
This moderately intense, total-body exercise routine was refilmed in early March 2013 for better TummySafe cues and lighting. The music is a bit more upbeat, and the transitions are faster. So if you want a more mellow workout, this isn’t really it. If you want a total body floor workout, this is it! Equipment Needed: […]
If you worry about your balance, or you are still finding your yoga legs, try this short routine to further your progress. Bethany shows you how to use a chair to stabilize yourself through all of the movements. Two Tummy Safe Tips: When you do the “Cats & Cows” at the end of the workout, […]
Originally filmed in 2010 as part of our first set of workouts, there were some seriously unhappy members when I took it down to refilm AND then we had a glitch with the new one! Needless to say, I’m very excited to debut this new version. It’s almost ridiculous how many attempts we’ve made to do this. […]
Here is our most recent routine of blended Pilates and Yoga moves that are not only TummySafe but also “loaded” with goodness for your whole body. Go from standing to kneeling to sitting to laying all within 25 minutes, and all while utilizing your core to move your limbs. Equipment needed: a pair of handweights […]
This surprisingly intense routine is one of our longest on Fit2B Studio, but you might not even realize that you are working out! The subtle transitions and deep core focus will sneak up on you, so that by the time you are relaxing and breathing deeply at the end, you will only feel… peaceful. This […]