Tag Archives: postnatal

The Envelope System For Exercising Enough

It's important for women to exercise right and workout often enough in certain ways. Use this envelope metaphor w/ a free video to understand how to level up your fitness and ensure you're getting enough of the right exercises

When I got my first job vacuuming the neighbors house as a kid, my dad sat me down several times to discuss budgeting. One concept he taught me was about using envelopes to segment my earnings into saving, giving, and spending. I would put a dollar in giving, a dollar in saving, and the rest […]

4 Hidden Health & Fitness Benefits of Babywearing

Hidden benefits of babywearing for baby's health and mom's core fitness and Diastasis Recti

For many fitness-loving moms, getting back to working out regularly is a top post-pregnancy goal. Of course, we quickly realize just how much of our time and energy our sweet new baby demands, which generally means adjusting our movement goals accordingly. Done properly, the fitness benefits of babywearing are undeniable: Carrying loads improves your bone […]

Baby Feeding Routine: Upper Body Exercises – E/TS

Behind the scenes of filming the "Baby Feeding Routine" on set at Fit2B Studio - fit2b.com - Upper Body Workout To Do While Feeding A Baby - fit2b.com - Babies spend about 11 hours per day eating from a bottle or breast. Join physical therapist, Gillian Sukachevin, and her 12-week old bub for a lovely stretching and exercise session you can do while feeding your infant

Infants can spend up to 11-12 hours per day feeding by bottle or breast. This calm, beautiful exercise video we filmed with pelvic floor physiotherapist, Gillian Sukachevin, discusses alignment beneficial to a healing core and takes you through many arm exercises. Once you have watched the video, you can begin it again at 2:50 where […]

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Prepping for Childbirth: What You Need to Know for Recovery

Prepping for Childbirth: What You Need to Know for Recovery - Fit2B.com

Isn’t it wonderful that a baby takes 9 months to prepare for its first breath of air? While it was hard to wait for my babies, I found myself grateful for all that time spent prepping for birth and recovery even though nothing could have fully prepared me for birth and becoming a mother. I’m […]

E/R/TS – Restorative Poses III

E/R/TS - Restorative Poses III - Fit2B.com - Restorative Poses III from fit2b.com teaches how to apply props to 5 different stretches!

In this third and final {for now} installment of our Restorative Poses Series, you will learn how to use various props to relax further into the 5 stretches listed below. Please, take a close look at the image you’re seeing in the video preview before you click play since it shows the second variation of […]

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Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction Routine

Safe Workout for Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction - fit2b.com

If you’re struggling with pubic symphysis pain, my heart goes out to you. It’s tricky when you can’t separate your legs or step over things without grief and grating in your groin, isn’t it? I’ve spent months putting together this routine just for you! It has lots of moves that should allow you to keep […]

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E/TS/R – FoamUNrolling

Foam UNrolling Routine - fit2b.com

If you can see various props with new eyes, then you’ll gain a fresh perspective on playful movement. Playing with your foam roller {or similar objects} provides further avenues to safely get more action into each of your days. In this short video containing some unique foam roller exercises, you will learn how to use […]

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C/TS – Kelly’s Core Cardio

Kelly's Core Cardio - fit2b.com

Our favorite guest instructor and licensed physical therapist, Kelly Dean of The Tummy Team, joined us yet again to film this unique cardio session that works the total body and core with great moves and fun visualizations. It’s not too long, but it gets intense while staying safe for anyone with abdominal trauma. Have fun! […]

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Basic Transverse & Mula Bandha

Equipment needed: Bench or straight back chair. Maybe a pillow for your lower back. Here is one of our most basic routines designed for those who need to dial it back to the most simple aspects of “finding” their core via the basic breath. The title comes from a term that means “root lock” in […]

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M/TS – Mommy & Me III

Mommy & Me III - fit2b.com

  This standing fitness routine is safe and FUN for mom and baby. If your child fits in a carrier of any sort (wrap, pack, ergo-style, sling, etc) then this routine will be awesome for you. Leah’s little guy literally went to sleep while we did this workout! We keep the motions smaller and soothing, […]

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M/TS Baby Lift

A sweet thank you to member, Leah, for lending us little Patrick for this workout where you will learn how to exercise with your baby in a safe manner. This interactive routine is gentle yet thorough, dealing with alignment while holding your child, fun movements with your baby as the “weight,” and total body moves […]

M/TS – Gentle Blend

Gentle Blend - fit2b.com

This therapeutic routine is gentle but also a thorough workout of the entire body. It starts in a standing position and then transitions you to the floor with safe queues. The routine starts and finishes with some deep spiritual connection imagery that will leave you centered and peaceful. By clicking play and watching any video on […]

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Ankles & Upper Body – E/TS

Ankles & Upper Body - fit2b.com

Strengthen your ankles and tone your calves while doing some gentle upper body work at the SAME time! Talk about multitasking, eh? Bethany sure knows how to pack a lot muscle into every minute, so that you can “FIT” an effective workout into your busy schedule. Click play and discover how you can wake up […]

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Fit2B™ New Mamas

Workouts for Pregnancy and Postpartum "Fit2B New Moms" - fit2b.com

The entire library of over 300 Fit2B workouts is suitable for postpartum, but this page offers 2 specific programs that support a TummySafe™ return to fitness during and after pregnancy. The prenatal plan is at the top, and the postnatal is the bottom half.  The Prenatal FitnessPath If you’re striving for a strong, informed pregnancy, […]

E/K/TS – Mommy & Me

Mommy & Me - fit2b.com

Have a baby who wants to come along for the ride? Introduce him/her to movement with mommy just a few minutes at a time. This 12-minute session makes a great warm-up for mom or dad. A baby carrier such as an Ergo or Snugli is needed, and if you start while your child is small, […]

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Bedtime Meditation – R/TS

Bedtime Relaxation - fit2b.com

Perfect for bedtime or a mid-day quiet time, Bethany will help you find a comfortable position while she uses beautiful mental imagery to calm and relax your body, mind and spirit. Think of this as a mental workout, rather than a physical one. And remember that keeping your mind in shape is a major component […]

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E/TS – Warrior Workout I

Warrior Workout - fit2b.com

We have several warrior workouts, but this one was filmed specifically to be very tummy safe for those with diastasis. We actually renamed our warrior workouts so that the first one is the safest one for those with core-strength issues, while the second one offers fewer core queues and slightly more intense options. If you have […]

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E/TS – Chair Blend

Chair Blend - fit2b.com

Take your lower body out of the equation for a few minutes while you relax your upper body. This workout lets you isolate your core with purely upper body movements from both Pilates and Yoga. All of our chair workouts are perfect for those dealing with disability or injury in their lower body, but this […]

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