K = Kids E = Easy M = Moderate
C = Challenging R = Relaxing
P = Pregnancy TS = TummySafe™
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Fit2B™ in 10 … These workouts are 10 minutes long or less!
5 Minutes With Fit2B – Improve various areas by focusing on them for 5 minutes each in this fun series that includes five minutes of arms, five minutes of thighs, and more!
All Abs II *M – This makes a great cool-down to tack onto the end of other workouts because it has a mini-relaxation time at the end. This workout is NOT for the faint of stomach (aka: those who cannot keep their navel to their spine the whole time they’re doing it)
Ankles & Upper Body *E/TS – This might sound like an odd combination, but adding some bicep curls to some calf work is a perfect way to “FIT” a lot into a short period of time!
Baby Balance *K – Turn balancing and core work into a game with your busy little ones. Littles of all ages can join the fun of learning how to balance in different ways! This short workout teaches healthy competition, bone density building tips, and lots of laughter. Watch for Watson!
Baby Feeding Routine: Upper Body Exercises – E/TS – Infants can spend up to 11-12 hours per day feeding via bottle or breast, so why not do some calm motions while sitting with your baby? This gentle exercise video was filmed with nursing mama and pelvic floor physiotherapist, Gillian Sukachevin, while she fed her 12-week old bub.
Basic Aerobics *E/TS – We took this basic aerobic workout outside, and we love the results! If you’ve never done basic aerobics before, have no fear. Bethany keeps the queues simple and non-fancy. This short routine is filled with gentle upper and lower body movements that flow together for a great beginner workout or an excellent warm-up as you prepare for harder exercises. In fact, this is the warm-up that Bethany usually uses when teaching brick-and-mortar step classes.
Basic Transverse & Mula Bandha *E/TS – When it’s hard to “find the flex” happening in your deep core and pelvic floor, it’s time to take a couple steps back and simplify. This touching and thoughtful routine is for those who need to start in a chair, and it only includes three basic moves designed to exercise your deepest trunk muscles.
Bedtime Meditation *TS/R – Perfect for bedtime or a mid-day quiet time, Bethany will help you find a comfortable position while she uses beautiful mental imagery to calm and relax your body, mind and spirit. Think of this as a mental workout, rather than a physical one. And remember that keeping your mind in shape is a major component of total wellness.
Bedtime Routine for Kids *K – Winding down our bodies and minds for sleep can help us put a long day behind us, and kids need to practice this too! Here’s a fun, short routine for your littles featuring three of our littles.
Bedtime Kids/Partner Stretches *K/E/TS – Join Beth and her daughter for some soothing stretches you can help facilitate in your family to help everyone relax before bed!
Big {little} Band Workout *M/TS – Spend a quick 10 minutes with some exercise tubing or a stretching band and get a great arm workout + a little lower body too!
Bitty Bellies *K – Little ones learn how to flex their transverse abdominus and how their core helps them do their best tricks and fun moves!
Brace Yourself *K/TS – When you’re wearing a brace around a healing body part, many other joints and muscles are still free to move. This brief movement routine geared toward kids (but still amazing for grownups) demonstrates how bracing a broken spot doesn’t have to be a bummer.
Chair Pilates *E/TS – Sit on the edge of your bed, an exercise ball or a chair while getting an arm and ab workout! This workout is tummy safe and perfect if you only feel like working your upper body with some basic Pilates moves, you can do that while sitting down.
Core Wake Up *E/TS – Filmed as part of our office workout series, this is a simple 5 minute routine that will turn on your core. Use it in the mornings to start your day or whenever you feel “slouchy.”
Dumbbell Workout *M/TS – Looking for definition in your arms and shoulders? This shorty will burn your biceps and define your deltoids, and you can use any handweight you have!
Face Exercises *E/TS – Consciously flexing and releasing the tissues that support the bones of your jaw, neck and head feels so good. Plus, basic exercise videos like this can jump start your energy.
Face & Neck Yoga *E/TS – Staring and squinting, turning to look over one shoulder but not the other, resting our jaw on one hand, etc. All of those habits can facilitate imbalances and weakness in our facial muscles and cervical vertebrae. You can thank a member for requesting this short facial toner that will make a big difference!
Fingers & Toes *E/TS – We give the core and your big, prime movers lots of attention around here, but what about the tight muscles in your hands and feet? Here are some fun, relaxing moves to release your paws and claws!
FoamUNrolling Routine *E/TS/R – If you own a foam roller, you can use it for more than just myofascial release and massage. It makes a wonderful tool and prop for lots of excellent stretches and movements. Enjoy exploring some new avenues with your foam roller in this short routine.
Hokey Pokey *K/TS – “You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out…” That’s how it usually goes, but in our version the lyrics are changed to basic anatomical terms that go beyond feet and hands – not too personal, mind you – but we did do the glutes, and they’ll be shaking all about! We dare you to keep a straight face while doing this one with your kids!
Kelly Dean’s Wall Workout *TS – Kelly Dean from The Tummy Team makes a guest instructor appearance in this quick, total body workout that offers some excellent ways for men and women dealing with diastasis to further strengthen their core.
Kids & Crackups *K – Let your kids bounce along with ours as we go through an unhurried exploration of the amazing things that our bodies are capable of. Structure? Who needs it? Kids just need to move and groove and have a great time doing it!
Midline Crossing Routine – *K/TS – This fun routine is a compilation of gentle, easy motions that cross the body’s midline. They would make a great warm-up or movement break for brains that feel frozen. While this was filmed with kids, grownups can benefit as well!
Mommy & Me *K/TS – Have a baby who wants to come along for the ride? Introduce him/her to movement with mummy just a few minutes at a time. This shorty session makes a great warm-up for mom or dad. A baby carrier such as an Ergo or Snugli is needed.
Mula Bandha *E/TS – Strengthens the deepest core muscles and pelvic floor from a sitting or standing position. A healthy core is directly related to a healthy pelvic floor. Working these areas in concert can diminish stress incontinence, lower back pain, bowel issues, and sexual dysfunction. Family-friendly terminology is used so that “little ears” won’t be aware.
Office Workouts *E/M/TS – We have a page of short, simple routines filmed in an office setting as part of our Corporate Wellness Center. For info on how to have that platform incorporated in your company’s intranet, please contact Chris at [email protected]
Princess Moves *K/E/TS – Join Princess Belle and Princess Beth in learning some lovely ladylike movements that your little princess will enjoy practicing! Get out the dress up clothes 😉
Quad Burn *M/TS – Prepare to be shocked by all the ways you can carve your quads without weights or special equipment. Focus on your frontal thighs in this short but effective routine today!
Restorative Poses II *E/TS/R – While the video itself is short, you should spend 2-10 minutes in each pose as your body allows. You’ll be shown how to get into each position and then you’ll pause the video to relax there with your own soothing music playing in the background until you’re ready to press play for the next position.
Small Vs. Big *K – This kids routine encourages your children to exercise while exploring how the body can make little motions and big motions that are similar yet different.
Squat Work With A Partner *K/M/TS – This moderately difficult routine will show you how to partner up and leverage each other to improve your squatability!
Standing Chair Yoga *E/TS – If you are new to yoga, and you like to be able to hang onto something while you are learning the movements, then participate in this super-safe workout to improve your balance and coordination. Feel free to keep your jeans on; Bethany does!
Stretching With Kids *K – Little ones have not yet learned how to compartmentalize their bodies into units… and we actually want them to keep seeing themselves as whole “holistic” beings not just parts and pieces, but they still need to learn how to stretch at their level.
Teen Yoga *M – What happens when four siblings want to help us film a workout “for kids our age, not babies!” A lot of laughter and goofing off and a little fitness, that’s what you get! But we’re okay with that because we want any exposure that kids get to fitness to be fun, so that when they become adults, they remember how accessible that fitness experience was!
Wall Workout with Bethany *C/TS – Challenge your whole body with the fun fitness prop that everyone has: A Wall! You’ll discover a few brand new moves we bet you’ve never tried before, and of course we offer modifications for all levels. How do you feel about being upside down? 😉
Wiggly Warriors *K – Introduce your kids to the most basic warrior poses plus a few extras! It’s not about perfection; it’s about happiness and healthiness. This kids workout will inspire boys and girls alike to see fitness as fun and fulfilling!
Fit2B™ in 15 … These Workouts are 15 minutes long or less!
Ab Attack *C/TS – Focus on all four layers of your abdominals with a safe intensity. Learn how to recruit every muscle fiber in your core while keeping your transverse abdominus activated and engaged the whole time!
All Abs I *M – A pure core-crazy routine that focuses on your six-pack and obliques! You’ll feel some of the belly-burn today, but you’ll feel it even more tomorrow! This workout is not for those with diastasis.
Align It Flat *E/TS – What does the position of your ribs have to do with how far our your belly protrudes? How does the way you sit keep your core healthy or make you look flabby? Find out in this 13-minute routine that will leave you pondering your alignment for the rest of your life!
Backside Burner *M – Not for the faint of fanny! You’ll have glutes of steel if you do this workout on a regular basis. It’s short, but you’ll get your booty burn on! Not for those with diastasis, but Backside Burner II is safe!
Barre Workout with Lorraine *M/TS – Guest instructor, Lorraine Scapens of Birth2FitMums, gave us special permission to share this wonderful workout with our members! If you don’t have a ballet barre, you can use your kitchen counter for this sweat session!
Basic Breath Work *E/TS – When connecting to your core feels difficult while sitting or standing, that’s when this approach comes in beautifully to the rescue. Learn how making gravity and a stack of books your friend can help your abs and pelvic floor get back into business.
Bedtime Relaxation with Kelly *E/TS/R – Having trouble falling asleep? Need to get away from your day for a few minutes? Take a little less than 15 minutes to reconnect to your core with Kelly Dean, licensed PT and founder of thetummyteam.com
Chair Blend *E/TS – Take your lower body out of the equation for a few minutes while you relax your upper body. This workout lets you isolate your core with purely upper body movements from both Pilates and Yoga. TS means it’s safe for those diastasis.
Chair Yoga *E/TS – Relax your upper body with gentle stretches and basic movements that focus on your arms and neck muscles, plus just a little core work. This simple but beautiful routine will show you how to do yoga without losing your balance as you utilize a chair to stabilize yourself through the whole workout.
Classic Flow A – *M/TS – Learn the tummysafe modifications to traditional sun salutations in this slow practice of Suryanamaskara A that explores slightly different breathing and mechanics to protect sensitive cores.
Classic Flow B – *C/TS – Traditionally part of most mainstream Yoga studio classes – but seldom safe for those with diastasis or pelvic floor issues – Beth breaks down these challenging moves into manageable motions and breaths.
Foam Rolling Routine *E/TS – Foam rolling is an excellent way to stretch muscles from the middle, but this form of myofascial release is often demonstrated with crunch-like motions that can damage the connective tissue of the core… talk about irony! In this introductory routine, Bethany demonstrates a year of careful research and collaboration with other experts as she brings you some basic yet effective ways to utilize your foam roller in a TummySafe, diastasis-aware manner.
Insane *C/TS – Here is one of the most insane workouts we’ve ever filmed. Why is it insane? For starters, it’s super hard and the moves are just plain crazy! Even Bethany is out of breath in this one, but it’s totally safe as long as you have a baseline level of fitness agility and ability. We do NOT recommend this workout for those who have recently given birth, those who deal with chronic pain of any sort, or idiots who cannot follow safety queues.
Insane II *C/TS – This is the second round in our little mini-series, and you’ll see something cool in Bethany’s profile when you watch it and compare it with the first one.
Insane Upper Body *TS/C – It’s not really insane, it’s just more difficult than our more “sane” workouts. There’s no screaming, no slobbering, just more challenges and more big arm motions with weights. You’ll feel it!
Kelly’s Big Band Workout *M/TS – Get an amazing full-body workout, using BodyLastics exercise bands. Kelly is our special guest instructor physical therapist for this portable workout.
Kelly’s Floor Core Routine *C/TS – What if you could have a core workout designed by a physical therapist? Especially one who is world-famous for her work in providing continuing education training for instructors, midwives, doulas, nurses, and many more who work with the true core? Well, here you go! Join guest instructor, Kelly Dean of The Tummy Team, for a floor-based tummy toner that will take your abs to the next level.
Kettlebell Routine *M/TS – Kettlebell training is very popular right now, but most of the moves are demonstrated in a fast and hyper-extended manner. This foundational routine shows the Kettle-Bell-Newbie how to work with kettlebells safely especially if you’re dealing with knee, hip, shoulder and core injuries such as diastasis recti abdominus.
Labor Prep – *P/TS – While this video is not a substitute for the advice of your caregiver, it teaches several helpful motions for laboring a baby out that are sadly not covered in many mainstream childbirth education classes. Learn and practice these beneficial and relaxing movements to prepare your body and your baby for a healthy labor and delivery.
Neck Routine *E/TS/R – If the muscles in your neck are tight they cause headaches and pull the rest of you out of alignment. If you’re out of alignment, your neck will be tight. Where your neck holds your head, tells your brain where the rest of your body is, too! This routines will teach you some wonderfully relaxing movements to help your neck and upper back!
Neck Routine 2 *E/TS/R – Beth is back to offer another version of delicious releases for the muscles that surround and support your hard-working head. This home exercise routine, along with the other neck routine + 2 others, can also be found in our 14-Day Neck Challenge ecourse.
Prenatal Barre-Inspired Workout *P/E/TS – Meet special guest instructor, Dr. Shannon Anhorn, as she leads us in beautiful barre style movements while pregnant with twins herself.
Restorative Poses *E/TS/R – With the help of some bolstering pillows, you can learn how to support your body in several relaxing stretches, holding them for as long as you feel comfortable. Slip into something comfy and let gravity do the work for you.
Restorative Poses 2 *E/TS/R – While the video itself is short, you should spend 2-10 minutes in each pose as your body allows. You’ll be shown how to get into each position and then you’ll pause the video to relax there with your own soothing music playing in the background until you’re ready to press play for the next position.
Robot Yoga *K – This was one of the most FUN workouts we’ve ever filmed with the boys. And boy, do they act boyish. We ask them to make robot sound effects and they more than obliged us. Grab your little robots and get the giggles with us as we do some fun motions!
Shoulder Stretches *E/TS – Those rounded shoulders are affecting your whole body, so let’s release them okay? Let’s broaden those collarbones and float those shoulderblades down your back. Combine this with The Neck Routine, and you’ll be set!
Tai Chi Inspired Core *E/TS/P – Filmed with pelvic floor therapist and Tai Chi instructor, Gillian Sukachevin of The Tummy Team when she was 19 weeks pregnant, this calming routine is perfect for a gentle warm-up or relaxation before bed.
Thigh Workout *M/TS – Originally filmed in 2011, this routine has been updated with fresh moves and cues that will give your thighs a surprise that will leave them with no other choice than to shape up and get stronger!
Totally Transverse *E/TS – Skip the crunches, and go deeper to the core muscle that forms your god-given girdle. If your “transverse abdominus” isn’t tight and toned, those love handles will get out of control! This quick workout is very mom-friendly, pregnant-friendly and great for those with disabilities because it can be done while standing or sitting. Try it for two weeks, and take before/after measurements just for fun 😉
Totally Transverse II *E/TS – For those who love to focus on their natural corset and are ready to get some variety while taking it a step further. Add in some more subtle moves that will fire up your insides while sculpting your outsides.
Transverse Flow *M/TS – 13:16 – Add some gentle transverse pulses to key Yoga poses and discover how to connect to your core in new ways at a deeper level.
Warrior Workout I *E/TS – We have several warrior workouts, but this one was filmed specifically to be very tummy safe for those with diastasis. If you have never done the Warrior Series, or you just want to be sure you’re doing them correctly, this is a great place to start!
Yoga With Feet Together (for SPD) *E/TS – 12:29 – If your pubic bone or other places on your pelvis feel like a knife is wedging them apart, this gentle workout will feel wonderful. We keep our feet together in place the whole time while moving the rest of our bodies through various relaxing motions.
Yoga 4 Runners *M/TS – If you like to run or jog, but you get tight and tired too quickly, try this routine as your warm-up or cool-down. It’s a great stretching regimen for any type of exerciser, but Bethany’s queues are directed to athletic runners who want to care for their knees or hips. Two routines are included on this page, one is TS the other is the original which is not.
Fit2B™ in 20 … These workouts are 20 minutes long or less!
Remember: if it doesn’t say TS then it’s not TummySafe™
Baby Lift *M/TS – Babies make the most adorable hand weights, don’t you agree? Learn how to safely hold your little one, using him or her as a precious prop for your workout! Suitable for all infants who can hold their own head up, this routine will bond and strengthen both of you!
Bag a Better Back *M/TS – Here at Fit2B we are all about using what you have on hand to facilitate a great workout. How about recycling some grocery bags and using water bottles as weights to create a fun and unique workout for your upper and lower back? All you need is two bags and some water bottles or canned goods.
Bag A Better Booty *C/TS – Discover how you can tone and reshape your assets with a grocery bag weighted to your ability level. This short yet challenging routine will leave your bum burning in a good way!
Balanced *M/TS – The job of your core isn’t to do 300 crunches a day. It’s to hold your balance, protect your spinal cord, guard your vital organs, etc. So this medium-level routine incorporates a lot of balancing moves with good alignment to help remind your core of it’s real career!
Basic Aerobics III *E/TS – Having taught group fitness and floor aerobics for 18 years, Bethany was excited to put together another great set of moves to get your blood pumping. Enjoy the fun beat as you mimic Beth’s simple movements and some light stretching at the end!
Basic Aerobics IV *M/TS – As the fourth and final installment of our floor aerobics series, this routine is the perfect 20 minute length with a little added weight for greater intensity!
Basic Step Aerobics 1 *M/TS – We’re going back to fitness craze of the 80’s except this time there are no thong swimsuits over spandex shorts! Introduce yourself to the basics of step aerobics and learn the foundational moves for future choreography: Basic, Travel, Corner to Corner, Repeaters, etc.
Body Sculpting *C/TS – Bethany packs a set of great moves into this short 20 minutes that will safely leave you sweaty and breathless. Get out those handweights and find a wall, because there’s not much downtime in this video!
Body Sculpting II *C/TS – You are “fit to be” heading outdoors for this second installment in our defining series meant to help you continue to carve out those muscles you’ve been building. While shorter than our first one, this routine is every bit as intense, yet levels are provided so you can always go your own pace.
Car Workout *E/TS – Remain safely buckled in your seat while using these motions on your next trip.
Chair Fitness {Basic} *E/TS Join Beth in her country kitchen as she leads you through some basic chair exercises and stretches. We’re excited to provide yet another routine that benefits those at varying levels of fitness. If you have a lower or upper body injury just do the half that works for you. All our chair workouts are found HERE.
Foam Rollaxing *R/TS Because using a foam roller to relax is “rollaxing” right? Foam rollers can be used for many things, not just pressing into sore muscles. They’re a wonderful prop for winding down at the end of a long day. This routine is especially good for tight hips and shoulders.
Gentle Yoga & Pilates Blend I *E – This is a very gentle workout that taps every muscle on the shoulder, encouraging an overall wakeup of tired muscles. Bethany moves slowly and carefully talks you through each movement. This is an easy, beginner workout, but it is not entirely tummy-safe, so read the video notes before beginning.
Get Up {and down} Routine *M/TS – Can you get up easily off the ground? What muscles do you need to consciously recruit to monkey around while you’re down on the ground? How can you use your core correctly while rolling like a ball? This “get up” routine is also about getting down and back up and back down in many ways, all safe, all effectlvely turned into one VERY FUN workout!
Hipster Chair Moves *M/TS – This fun routine will have you using a chair – not to sit on – but as a prop to stabilize, strengthen and stretch your hip area. It’s a great core and glute workout as well… No flannel needed 😉
Jump Change *C/TS – The challenging transitions in this workout will put a jump in your step! It will be good for bone density and your heart rate! Jump your workout to the next level by adding a helpful hop here and there. *High Impact – not for those with joint issues
Kelly’s Core Cardio *C/TS – This unique cardio session works the total body and core with great moves and fun visualizations. It’s not too long, but it gets intense with some moves we bet you’ve never tried!
Kelly’s Pregnancy Stretching *E/TS – 17:26 – The pregnant body is full of mystery, new life, extra curves… and hormones! We experience new aches and pains from tight spots we didn’t know we had, and we end up with new loose spots we never imagined! Physical therapist, Kelly Dean, specializes in knowing how to ease the aches and pains of pregnancy
Kelly Dean’s Totally Body Stretching *E/TS – Guest Instructor Kelly Dean, licensed physical therapist and owner of thetummyteam.com joins Fit2B Studio to share how it’s not always about flexing and “working” a muscle back into shape, but it’s also about lengthening the tight muscles that are pulling us out of shape. Learn how to stretch so many important areas that contribute to alignment and total body health in this yummy, relaxing session.
Kitchen Moves *E/TS – Your kitchen is FULL of great fitness props, and this video will show you how to incorporate some simple movements into your everyday tasks. Discover how to create “work stations” in your kitchen that produce great food AND a great body!
Maternity Mix I *E/TS – Experience gentle queues that will connect you to your changing body and the precious life within you. As a mother herself, Bethany has been through two healthy, fit pregnancies and births. She has a real heart for new moms and mommies-to-be, and you can see that shining through in this workout.
Maternity Mix II *M/TS – This is the sequel to Maternity Mix I and both workouts are perfect for the soon-to-be mother. Safe for virtually any stage of pregnancy, you’ll be rocking your baby to sleep during these beautiful, safe and effective prenatal exercises.
Meditative Pilates & Yoga *R/E – This particular routine is full of contemplative imagery that acts as a spiritual supplement to the gentle Pilates & Yoga movements. You will get a quiet and peaceful, yet thorough total-body workout.
Mellow Slow Flow *M/TS – After you’ve familiarized your core, arms, and legs with Classic Flow A and B, this routine is your next best stop. It coaches you through a simple plank progression to really help advance you to harder workouts.
Mommy & Me III *M/TS – This standing fitness routine is safe and FUN for mom and baby. If you child fits in a carrier of any sort (wrap, pack, ergo-style, sling, etc) then this routine will be awesome for you. Leah’s little guy literally went to sleep while we did this workout! We keep the motions smaller and soothing, focusing on alignment and core integration.
Pilates in Pajamas II *M/TS – At first only available on our “Fit to Be You” DVD this workout is now available within several pathways here at Fit2B Studio. Bethany stays in her pretty PJ’s for this relaxing yet challenging home workout routine. It’s tummy safe and total body!
Pilates & Yoga Loaded I *M – Bethany’s pink hat stands for breast cancer awareness! Learn how to turn household items into weights for a quick conditioning that touches every muscle where you need it most!
Pilates & Yoga Loaded II *C – Round two of this series has new moves and even more fun to help your reshape and strengthen your body. Get a great workout in 20 minutes that will make your stronger and leaner.
Restorative Poses III *E/TS/R – If restorative poses can be taken to the next level, this would be the video that introduces that concept, showing you even more tricks with pillows and books and bolsters to help your body let go of unnecessary tension and stress. Yum!
The PMS Routine *R/TS/E – You know, ”That time of the month” … Well, it doesn’t have to be so hard, painful or exhausting. Let me show you how to stretch all the right spots while releasing your moodiness and anxiety.
Totally Transverse *E/TS – Skip the crunches, and go deeper to the core muscle that forms your god-given girdle. If your “transverse abdominus” isn’t tight and toned, those love handles will get out of control! This quick routine is very mom-friendly, pregnant-friendly, dude-friendly, grandma-friendly… AND NOW THERE ARE TWO VIDEOS: A newly refilmed version and a recap that takes you through the motions!
Transitions *M/TS – If you’ve been rehabbing your abs, and you are feeling stronger and ready for more, this workout will keep you standing and moving the whole time while helping you safely transition your transverse, triceps & thighs to the next level.
Ultimate Upper Body *M/TS – Reshape your arms and upper body, addressing tight weak areas in this workout that safely tones biceps, tricpes, deltoids, pectorals, and upper back muscles.
Walking Workout *E/TS – Combine gentle upper body exercises with an easy march in place, and you’ve got a nutritious movement session that you could also take along for a “real” walk outdoors!
Warrior Workout II *M – The Warrior poses in Yoga are a great way to train your core, strengthen your upper and lower body, and improve your balance, all while getting a mild cardiovascular effect. No battle gear required.
Xiphoid Process *E/TS – We will practice various ways to find and align your xiphoid process for a stronger, firmer, more functional set of abdominals with techniques you can apply to other workouts here and beyond.
Yoga on The Ball *C – Why do yoga on the floor all the time? This workout shows you how to transform basic yoga moves into some intense balancing moves that will challenge and strengthen you from your center out to your fingertips!
Fit2B™ in 25 … Workouts are about 25 minutes long or less!
21 Tone Up *M/TS – This fun cardio routines provides 21 different arm motions layered over a repeating set of 7 different leg motions for a combined total of 21 minutes of constant heart-raising total-body motions that will get your whole self going!
Balanced Inversions *C/TS – This pivotal workout will take you to a new level of fitness as you explore your strength, starting with simple inversions and then adding balancing. Inversions elevate the heart rate without impact, encourage blood flow to areas normally compressed by gravity, and they spin babies into better positions for birth if you are pregnant!
Bands & Balance *C – Explore the use of multiple props to keep your core from getting bored! Improve your balance, posture and stamina with this longer total-body workout that utilizes your gut muscles for every movement! Contains clear instructions on how to modify for Tummy Safety!
Functional Fitness II *C – Get your ENTIRE body moving and sweating in this challenging multi-joint motion workout! One of our toughest workouts ever yet still enjoyable and fun! Not safe for those with diastasis.
Half-Round Foam Roll Workout *M/TS – Also called a “half-dome” by Beth, this fun prop is so much fun to mess around with, and you’ll have such a great time with this awesome set of moves that work the whole body with a little cardio, a little toning, a little stretching, a little relaxing.
Hold It! *M – How long can you hold a pose? This workout encourages you to hold each position for at least 10 deep breaths. Holding a muscle in place can be harder than moving it! This workout includes a nice warm-up and a bit of Tai Chi at the end.
Kickboxing *C/TS – This fun workout will introduce you the basics of kickboxing in typical “Fit2B Style.” Get your attitude, intensity and heart rate all elevated as you jab, jack and kick your way through 23 minutes of simple, no-nonsense cardio that could double as self-defense.
Love Handles Lost *M/TS – Kiss your love-handles goodbye by performing this moderate intensity workout on a regular basis. Target the soft spots on your sides below your ribcage and above your hips (aka: obliques) while working some surrounding muscles as well!
Maternity Mix III *E/TS – The third in an ever more wonderful and safe series for mama tummies. If you are newly pregnant, hugely pregnant or done being pregnant, this series for moms creates a beautiful core connection that will help you get your body back safely.
Pelvic Floor Connections *E/TS/R – Using straight anatomical terms and tender talk, Bethany will offer you several non-invasive methods and movements for the purpose of reconnecting your control over your most private and necessary parts.
Pilates in Pajamas *M/TS – Why create more laundry, right? That’s going green, right? So here’s an informal but fun workout you can do anytime, anywhere, in anything!
Pilates Yoga Blend *M/TS – One of our oldest, original routines has been newly refilmed with better lighting, sound, fresh cues, softer music, and of course our standard blooper at the end. You’ll enjoy this mix of movements!
Plain Ol’ Pilates *M/TS – Straight up total body conditioning work that can be done on your mat or rug with the most simple Pilates exercises. Modifications and advancing options are provided, and every muscle gets some motion, especially the core!
Squat Challenge *M/TS – Turn your legs into noodles {safely} as you work through several squatting patterns including a simple warm up and lots of squatting education along with the movements.
Stair Interval Workout *M/TS – 27:07 – Turn your stairway into a toning tool with this fun cardio workout that will raise your heart rate, strengthen your legs and work your core!
Step & Pivot Around The World *C/TS – When you’re ready to move on from basic step moves and learn some fun choreography, this is your workouts! You’ll be moving and grooving all around your step, hopping and reaching and getting a great cardio workout!
Thigh Workout *M – Thin those thighs by exercising every muscle from your hips down, not just for looking good, but also for better balance and healthy bone density.
Thigh Workout II *E/TS – This is the second one we filmed, but the quality and tummy-safe factor are way better! So even though this is #2 you should start with this one and then go to the first one… Because this one is safer for those with diastasis.
Wood Floor Workout *M/TS – Explore a new medium for body resistance training as you utilize smooth flooring and slippy socks for a fun new workout! This one really gets the legs!
Weighted Warriors *C/TS – The Yoga Warriors are powerful enough all by themselves, but what if you hold hand-weights while flowing through these poses? Find out how to use weights in a safe but stimulating manner to greatly increase your warrior workout intensity!
Fit2B™ in 30+ … Workouts are about 30 minutes long or MORE!!!

Backside Burner II *M/TS – Our members reported such fanny-firming results from the first rendition of this exercise set that we decided to turn it into a series. The moves are simple and straightforward, yet your backside will be on fire!
Basic Step Aerobics 2 *M/TS – Start learning some fun choreography as you step your way through two simple patterns set to great music. Perfect for the beginner stepper who’s ready to take it up a notch!
Blissful Block Moves *E/TS – Learn how to safely use a foam yoga/fitness block to expand your repertoire of reshaping exercises! This peaceful routine uses TummySafe cueing to demonstrate many amazing ways to integrate the block into your workouts.
Circuit Workout *C/TS – 28:29 – Get all your exercise props together and scatter them around your home for this sweaty, total-body workout that will strengthen, tone and energize you!
Defining Deltoids *E/TS/P – This workout for your shoulder muscles is special because it’s taught with major stability in mind for those dealing with sacroiliac (SI) or symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD). The routine itself isn’t very daring, but it will give you more shoulder definition and strength, and then you’ll feel more daring
Functional Workout I *TS/C – Functional fitness workouts involve exercises that use every muscle in your body. Instead of isolating one muscle, each exercise wakes up a ton of muscles, and your cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems both receive amazing benefits. This workout is a re-film that is now TummySafe™
Fusion Mix 1 – *C/TS – The first in a series of challenging routines that blend elements of Pilates, Yoga, natural movements, and everyday transitions into one major workout!
Fusion Mix 2 – *C/TS – It’s long and strenuous, requiring a solid baseline of deep core strength as we’ll be doing full planks. Get ready to improve your strength and coordination at a level you’ve only dreamed of! Equipment Needed: Hand-weights & Foam Block or light weight object of choice.
Gentle Blend *M/TS – Just because it’s gentle, that doesn’t mean you won’t feel it reshaping your whole body from the core outward. Deep spiritual imagery is used throughout this workout as you transition safely from standing to supine (on your back).
Get On The {BIG} Ball *C/TS – This total body workout utilizes a large inflatable exercise ball and is geared toward those who are feeling ready to take on some tough moves in a tummysafe manner after they’ve resolved their diastasis recti, hernia, prolapse and other core issues.
Great Glutes *M/TS – Did you know that the glutes play a very important role in core health and overall stabilization? They’re not just there to fill out your jeans, but if they’re not filling out your jeans, they should be! You’re going to be saying, “Goodness Gracious, Great Glutes of Fire” after this routine!
Heart & Hamstrings Yoga Flow *M/TS – Release all that tension in your chest and thighs with a full body Yoga workout designed to gently stretch open your hamstrings and heart-center.
Kelly Dean’s Total Body Toning *E/TS – We didn’t film this one; Kelly filmed it at her office. We love it, and she gave us permission to use it. We plan to refilm it in March, 2012. If you want a tremendous core workout, though, do this one today!
KettleBell II *C/TS – In this second, slightly more advanced installment of Bethany’s “how to” kettle bell series, you’ll learn more moves in a safe manner that will protect your core and tune you into the proper form and breathing patterns, so that one day when you want to do a full KB class out “in the real world” you can do so with confidence!
Maternity Yoga *M/P/TS – Enjoy some yummy stretches and moves that will relax and lengthen those tired muscles that are working overtime during this FULL phase of your life. This routine was refilmed in this summer of 2015 to be even more tummysafe and helpful to pregnant mamas.
Peaceful Blend *M/TS/R – Our longest workout on the site, but you might not even realize that you are working out! The subtle transitions and deep core focus will sneak up on you, so that by the time you are relaxing and breathing deeply at the end, you will only feel… peaceful.
Pubic Symphysis Routine *E/TS/P – With lots of input from several other pros, I feel confident that this routine should allow you to keep exercising your body in safe, loving ways without aggravating this challenging issue further. The motions take you through laying down, kneeling and standing exercises that are designed to help alleviate pubic symphysis dysfunction.
Rockin’ Yoga & Pilates *M/TS – Offering a quicker pace and some fun new ideas, Bethany even puts on a snazzy shirt for this one (just for fun) as she leads you in this moderately-intense routine. Crank up your own tunes and follow along!
Simply Stretching II *E/TS – A lovely, long routine full of TummySafe stretches for the beginner to advanced exerciser. Learn proper alignment as you lengthen just about every muscle in your body safely and gently.
Tabata *M/TS – Each movement is done for 8 sets of 20 seconds each with a 10 second rest between each set. However, unlike mainstream tabata classes that perform the exercises as fast as possible, Bethany pays careful attention to form and core positioning and keeps things at a safe pace.
Tabata Ball Workout *C/TS – This challenging routine is full of intervals designed to increase your muscular and cardiovascular endurance while practicing good alignment and core safety. You will feel this one in a good way! Note: This is a refilmed version of the older non-TS one. We are proud to always be improving for our members!
Tabata Kick & Squat *M/TS – Every muscle in your body will be singing with excitement during this fun, elevating fitness routine that also teaches good alignment and core recruitment! Talk about a great standing ab workout!
Tabata Ball Workout *C – Tabata usually means fast, and many benefits are derived from moving fast HOWEVER we aren’t with you to check form and be sure you are moving safely. So we slow things down a bit. Have no fear, though, you’ll still get a great workout! (this one is up for refilming in 2012 due to sound issues)
Weightlifting 101 *M/TS – When you’re ready to start lifting heavier {maybe even pondering a return to the gym} but you’re not sure how to do a bent row or a DB chest press in a way that won’t mess up your abs again, this is where you start.
Weightlifting 201 *C/TS – Building directly upon the moves used in Weightlifting 101, this second installment brings greater depth, intensity and multi-joint motions to your weight room. Grab your kettlebell and two sets of dumbbells, and let’s do this!
Weightlifting 301 *C/TS – Once you’ve completed 101 and 201 several times, you will want more! This super challenging routine has it all for you with creatively loaded motions calibrated for your ultimate cardio and weight lifting experience!
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