Tag Archives: home fitness

In Defense of Those Who Exercise at Home

Those who exercise at home have many valid reasons for working out in their living rooms. However, being the founder of an online gym has shown me how home exercisers are sometimes scorned, as if activities that are easy for one person to do outdoors — like a casual walk around the block — or at […]

Top 5 Non-Crunchy Ab Moves!

Crunches are often thought of as the most simple, easy-peasy, go-to exercise for your belly muscles. Turns out, crunching requires a fair amount of technique, especially when a diastasis recti gap is present. Done poorly and in high reps, they typically bulge the very area you may be trying to flatten. I’d like to offer […]

My New Tummy

My New Tummy - Fit2B.com - Fit2B knows busy moms are asking, “Why do I still look pregnant?” and “Why is my postpartum body so different than before?” We are here to help you make a strategic return to fitness after having your baby with core exercises that will be safe for you even if you have diastasis recti or any other type of core trauma. #fit2b #diastasisrecti #diastasisrectiexercises #core #coreexercises #postpartum #pregnant

Welcome to the new {Flashback} Friday series from Fit2B! The following post from 2011 has continued to resonate with so many of you that we thought reposting it with a few updates for clarity would prove beneficial.    March, 2011 – Seven weeks ago, I started diastasis rehab with The Tummy Team. I didn’t think […]

When You Miss a Workout, Remember These 3 Things

When You Miss a Workout, Remember These 3 Things - Fit2B.com

So, you missed a day or two of exercise? Yeah, I do it all the time which actually surprises a lot of people. I’m a bona fide fitness pro who doesn’t workout every day? Nope! Integration matters more than conflagration The little motions mean more than the big, burning workouts. I usually enjoy a “workout” […]

Healthy Home Updates That Encourage Fitness

If you get the chance to remodel your bathroom, be sure to install a soaking tub that's deep enough for detox baths, and also pebble tile floors and a bench in your shower... for stretching your hamstrings while you shave your legs of course! -fit2b.com

You don’t have to turn your home into an athletic club to encourage fitness and wellness in your environment. As your strengthening your Diastasis Recti, your goal is to facilitate as much alignment, movement, core recruitment, and even positive pressure points as possible. It’s about making small changes in small areas. It’s also about making some big changes if […]

E/TS – Kitchen Moves

Kitchen Moves - fit2b.com

Your kitchen is FULL of great fitness props, and this video will show you how to incorporate some simple movements into your everyday tasks. Discover how to create “work stations” in your kitchen that produce great food AND a great body! What’s more, this workout is easily transferable to other kitchens. Share it with your […]

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Five Years Later… Attacks and Testimonies

Fit2B Studio--healing one tummy at a time.. fit2b.com

It was 5 years ago at a family Christmas party that my soon-to-be business partner, Christopher Behnke, asked me the same question that is showing up on my calendar today: What would you try if you knew you would be successful? What would you attempt if you could be guaranteed NOT to fail? I told […]

Feeling FROZEN in Your Tummy’s Progress? Let It Go! Let It Go-O!

Holding your tummy in all the time is NOT the solution for your big belly. In fact “holding stuff in” benefits FEW facets of our life. Yes, I know, sometimes we just don’t know how to let go of stuff, and by “stuff” I mean dreams, children, tummies, that one exercise we just can’t seem […]