If this workout doesn’t turn your muscles to mush {in a good way} then you’re ready for heavier weights, because, as I say many times throughout the routine itself, “Oh. My. Goodness.” I practiced and practiced this workout to prepare to not be so sweaty and out of breath while filming, but nope! This pattern […]
Tag Archives: hard
“Are those big exercise balls safe?” I get asked that question all the time, and the answer is that it depends what you do on them. This routine explores a huge variety of motions – everything from easy to hard stuff like mountain climbers and pikes – with my classic “tummysafe” cueing. IMPORTANT NOTE: Some […]
Oh! Such a sweet surprising challenge to the whole body, this short – yet full – total body routine brings the whole body to bear strongly on your core. Forgive the heavy breathing, but these moves are challenging and Bethany was JUST getting over strep throat while filming this! Also, this routine features our very […]
Do you believe you can get a HARD workout without jumping around, doing crazy contortions, or lifting extreme loads? We believe it! We believe that all you need is your body to get one TOUGH workout. This 20-minute routine has some crazy stuff you may have never seen before, but it is straightforward and simple […]
If you’ve heard of the Insanity workouts, well here is one of the most insane workouts we’ve ever filmed. Why is it insane? For starters, it’s super hard and the moves are just plain crazy! Even Bethany is out of breath in this one, but it’s totally safe as long as you have a baseline […]
Newly filmed and re-released, this routine will put a jump in your step! Every transition in this workout is accomplished with a jump, but several options and levels are provided. The pace and attention to the transverse abdominus makes this a very “tummy safe” workout. It is good for bone density and your heart rate, […]
Challenging Combos Combinations of Fit2B™ Studio workout routines adding up to about an hour All of the workouts in this pathway are TummySafe™ however the combinations add a level of intensity and stamina reserved for participants who are DONE going through the “Foundational Five” and “Fit2B Beginning” pathways. This section provides suggestions to help you accumulate approximately one hour […]