Tag Archives: short

5 Minutes With Fit2B

5 minutes with Fit2B - fit2b.com - three 5-minute workouts at fit2b.com

Sometimes we only have 5 minutes {or less}  Enter this brilliant series of Fit2B routines that we’ve spent years creating, thus the variety of hair & clothing styles 😉 This page was made because it’s easier to do “just one more” this way, right? These routines will also show up separately on our sorting grid where you […]

To access this post, you must purchase Basic 1-Year Membership, Basic Monthly Membership, Premium Membership, Core Fitness Assessment or Walking As A Workout. If you have purchased this product you may simply need to log in

E/M/TS – Office Workouts

Fun and short office routines by fit2b.com

Welcome to the Office Workout section of Fit2B Studio! Working at a desk for several hours a day can take its toll on your posture, digestion, core health, hip flexibility, lower back strength… the list of debilitating effects goes on and on! The first thing you can do to fight those effects is switch to […]

To access this post, you must purchase Basic 1-Year Membership, Basic Monthly Membership, Premium Membership, Core Fitness Assessment or Walking As A Workout. If you have purchased this product you may simply need to log in

Fit2B™ Beginning Workout Path

Fit2B Beginning Pathway of Basic Workouts - fit2b.com
Anyone is "Fit to Be" beginning this workout path! After you complete the foundational five (F5) exercises videos which teach the basics, then it's time for this clearly outlined path where you'll begin to gradually increase time, workload and coordination in a gentle yet empowering way. Visualize the buttons below like stepping stones on a well-traveled pathway. Review the [...]