The PTSD Workout Pathway

Workouts for PTSD
Workouts for PTSD

According to the Mayo Clinic, Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Psychology Today has reported multiple studies and research endeavors proving that exercise can help, so we here at Fit2B are excited to offer you a PTSD Workout Pathway.

Fit2B contains hundreds of home workout videos for all fitness needs and abilities, including highly specialized niche routines for certain seasons in life including our PTSD Workout Pathway. This particular list of workouts was compiled by “R.M.” who is a massage therapist, teaches the massage certification, and has certifications in personal training and nutrition. R.M. has been with Fit2B since 2013 and appreciates how it has helped her with her own PTSD journey, but she asked that her name be withheld.

Links to 40 workouts below, Including 3 free!

Normally our workout paths are organized from easy to hard, short to long, in order of difficulty for people with Diastasis Recti and other muscular dysfunctions. However, the following buttons that take you to various workouts here on Fit2B are grouped in sections created by RM for dealing with fight, flight, freeze, stress, grief, etc. Each section is as ordered as possible considering the wide variety, and each workout contains our trademarked TummySafe cueing for breath, pelvic floor, intra abdominal pressure, and alignment.

Workouts for PTSD, lady on yoga mat

Workouts for Fight Mode

When you feel like fighting the world, give yourself an outlet with these home workout videos!

Blue Belt Kickboxing Black Battlesticks Tabata Kick 'n Squat Kickboxing Weightlifting 101 Weightlifting 201 Weightlifting 301

Please Note: If you think your loved one may attempt suicide, or you are considering it yourself, please get help now: Call 911 or your local emergency number immediately. Call a suicide hotline number. In the U.S., call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) any time of day to talk with a trained counselor.

Workouts for Flight Mode

When you just want to run away, these energy burning workouts will help you stay. Want more like this? Check out our cardio pathway or challenging combos.

Free: Walking Workout Basic Aerobics 1 & 2 Basic Aerobics 3 Basic Aerobics 4 Wood Floor Workout Red Rush Cardio
40 workouts for PTSD on

Workouts for Freeze Mode

When you’re feeling frozen, unable to move, make the next right choice, perhaps even get out of bed – or when you’re stuck in the car and triggered by the tight space and noises – or maybe when you literally need to warm yourself up, these routines come in handy!

Bathtub Stretches Azure Awakening Restorative Poses Car Workout

Breathing Routines

Breathing routines can help with calming your autonomic nervous system when all you can handle is one breath at a time…

Free: Basic Breath Work Purple Pranayama Orange Oxygen Red Respiration Ebony Exhale Cobalt Core

Stretching Stressed Muscles

Everyone carries the tension of stress in different places in their body. Maybe you notice it in your hips, chest, upper back, neck, jaw… Taking a few minutes to stretch the muscles around your trigger points can be very helpful.

Face Exercises Face & neck yoga Neck Routine 1 Neck Routine 2 Shoulder Stretches Defining Deltoids Hipster Chair Moves Warrior Workout Yoga 4 Runners Orange Hip Openers

Processing Grief & Trauma

When pain is the last sensation remembered by an area on your body, we need to give those nerves and muscles something soothing to process. The body manifests trauma and loss in many other ways, too: slumped posture, clenched core and jaw, faster heart rate, shallow breathing… but we have the ability to address those things through movement. 

free: Grief Recovery Routine Dark Days Red Redemption

Help Falling Asleep

For sleepless nights when you’re having trouble calming down, these non-movement routines will assist your mind into relaxation mode. 

Bedtime Meditation Bedtime Relaxation with Kelly
Workouts from A-Z - - Fit2B knows busy moms are looking for a fitness program for women that will make her stronger without damaging her body. Prenatal workouts, fitness for the postpartum body, 5-minute workouts for when you’re short on time—it’s all right here for you in a tummy-safe program that will strengthen your core even if you have diastasis recti or other core weaknesses. #fit2b #diastasisrecti #busymoms #fitnessprogramforwomen #stronger #prenatalworkouts #postpartumbody #tummysafe #corestrengthening #core

What workouts help you?

If you have PTSD, what kind of workouts help you the most? If you’re a member of Fit2B with access to our huge library of exercise videos, which ones do you like best for boosting your mental health on tough days? Which Fit2B workouts do you think we should add to this page? Leave a comment letting us know what you think about the New PTSD Workout Pathway and share this post today, thank you!

to the mama who feels like falling apart

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