Introduction to Yoga Pathway

Intro To Yoga Pathway of Workout on

This pathway of workouts is for those wanting to learn Yoga in a TummySafe manner. 

Sail Away!" Workout for kids on

Please Read First: Do each of the following workouts in order so that when you reach the end of this section, you have built a solid, progressive foundation of basic to advanced motions. Look at this path like stepping stones where you only jump to the next one when you feel ready to take a small leap forward. If any routine is too much or not enough, slow down or speed up accordingly. You may choose to do 1-2 per week mixed in with other routines from Fit2B, or you may feel up to doing 1-2 per day. Upon completion of this section, you should feel confident to take a “maintream” Yoga class and modifiy or substitute based on what you’ve learned here.

Restorative Poses 1 - 14:35

Restorative Poses 2 - 6:48

Restorative Poses 3 - 20:36

Purple Pranayama - 11:27

Chair Yoga

Face + Neck Yoga - 8:43

Standing Chair Yoga I - 12:06

Standing Chair Yoga II - 10:07

Office Yoga Flow - 4:59

Red Reaching - 15:17

Classic Flow A - 13:39

Warrior Workout - 12:30

Yoga 4 Runners - 14:38

Blissful Block Moves - 31:13

Gentle Blend - 29:30

Peaceful Blend - 41:12

Effects of mind-body therapies on symptom clusters during the menopausal transition’ Woods et al 2014 stated ‘Yoga significantly reduced hot flushes and improved cognitive symptoms more than exercise, and alsohad within-group effects on sleep and pain symptoms’

Wow, did you read that? I’ve just recently learned this as I’ve completed my 3rd Age Women’s Fitness Certification with Burrell Training as well as my Breast Cancer Rehab Coach Certification with Michelle Lyons. This research showed up in both of those trainings: Effects of mind-body therapies on symptom clusters during the menopausal transition’ Woods et al 2014 stated that “Yoga significantly reduced hot flushes and improved cognitive symptoms more than exercise, and also had within-group effects on sleep and pain symptoms.”

If you’re struggling with “The Change,” I hope you’ll go through our very own ProActive Perimenopause Course here on Fit2B which we created with 8 other top-notch women’s health professionals who specialize in this stage of life! 

Proactive Perimenopause Course

…and now that you know all that, let’s level up shall we?


Classic Flow B - 13:26

Orange Openers - 14:52

Mellow Slow Flow - 19:15

Heart & Hamstrings Yoga Flow - 42:58

Hold It - 20:30

Purple Upside Down - 10:20

Rockin' Yoga & Pilates - 31:17

Pilates & Yoga Loaded - 25:29

Weighted Warriors

Balanced Inversions - 21:56

Insane 2 - 21:19

Fusion Mix 1 - 55:25

Want Prenatal Yoga from Fit2B?

Maternity Yoga - 32:15

Preview all our pregnancy workouts here!

What if you want to prepare for a mainstream Hot Yoga “Bikram” style class? We’ve got you!


Hot Yoga Prep - 39:27 Hot Yoga Flow 1 - 32:24 Hot Yoga Flow 2 - 27:37

…by the way, did you know we have kids yoga workouts?

Fit2B Kids Workouts
Introduction to diastasis aware yoga - Pathway of Workout - - Fit2B knows that busy moms need some yoga relaxation even if they can’t get away to yoga retreats. Add our yoga sequence to your home exercise whether you are a yoga beginner or advanced. Our special cues will keep it tummy safe for those with core issues like diastasis recti, prolapse, or hernia. #fit2b #homeworkouts #homeexercise #homefitness #yoga #yogarelaxation #stretching #breathe #deepbreath #mom #momworkoutsathome #busymoms #busymomworkouts #yogaposes #yogabeginners #diastasisrecti