Monthly Archives: May 2014

C/TS – Body Sculpting

Body Sculpting 1 -

As you get strong and ready for more challenges, this will become one of your favorite routines. Bethany packs a set of great moves into this short 20 minutes that will safely leave you sweaty and breathless. Get out those handweights and find a wall, because there’s not much downtime in this video! Let’s go! […]

Considerations for Pregnancy Exercise

Considerations For Pregnancy Exercise-

At least once a week, Bethany guest writes for other sites about birth, diastasis recti, pregnancy exercise, fitness, why you shouldn’t do crunches, and many other topics. Really, it’s more often that she gets to blog here! So we have put together a run-down of some of her recent blogs, with the first one being […]

K – Stretching with Kids!

Stretching with Kids -

Doesn’t stretching require being still? How does that work with children? Well, it is a challenge, but it’s not impossible! This 10 minute shortie proves that children can learn to stretch their whole bodies AND have fun AND learn about alignment at the same time! Stick around for the blooper at the end 😉 By […]