Tag Archives: emotional

Diastasis Recti & Belly Button Integrity

Diastasis Recti & Belly Button Integrity - Fit2B.com

A belly is a sensitive thing. Talking about it, touching it, assessing it for diastasis recti … all of that nudges at a woman’s emotional, spiritual, and physical core. For every gal who wants to flaunt her flat abs n a bikini there are many more who would rather cover up, and not just for reasons […]

Giving Diastasis Recti Time To Heal: Be Consistent

This blog inspired an entire series called The Unclosed Core. The information and encouragement you will find here is timeless and we trust you will find hope as we continue this journey together. Most of Us Are Turtles Remember Aesop’s fable about the tortoise beating the hare? The majority of the fitness world screams at […]

Belly Love: Seeing Beauty in Brokenness

Your Core: What if it's not just about accepting what you can't change but having courage to change the things you can?

This post may be from August 2013, but the struggle to appreciate and cherish our bellies is a common theme. Are you and your core on good terms, or is there still some relationship work to be done? We’d love to hear from you in the comments! My son turned 5 this past week, and as I […]

The #RealMOMrealCEO Challenge on Instagram – Join me!

The #RealMOMrealCEO Challenge on Instagram - Join me! - Fit2B.com

The pressure on female business owners like myself to do all the things is huge. We run companies and kids in carpools. We take classes on QuickBooks and core fitness, yet we still struggle with isolation. I’ve found that it’s far too easy to buy the lie that no one understands the daily paradigms we’re […]

Guest Blog: Healthy Insights From One Fit2B Mama to Another… Or How I Lost Weight by Slowing Down!

how I lost weight by slowing down!

“After not being able to lose weight forever, I lost all the baby weight and way more getting back to my early high school pant size by doing one fit2b video, sometimes just a “foundational five” also known as “F5” each day for 3-4 days a week, and a paleo-ish nourishing traditions diet. Small steps!!!!! Just […]

Feeling FROZEN in Your Tummy’s Progress? Let It Go! Let It Go-O!

Holding your tummy in all the time is NOT the solution for your big belly. In fact “holding stuff in” benefits FEW facets of our life. Yes, I know, sometimes we just don’t know how to let go of stuff, and by “stuff” I mean dreams, children, tummies, that one exercise we just can’t seem […]

Her Doctor Said This About Her Belly, and I’m Furious!

Dear Doctor who doesn’t understand diastasis or how it has impacted me and my friends, my cllients, our bodies, our lives, our ability to mother, our comfort in the bedroom, even the way we laughed for a while… I hope you read this! I’m angry at you. You should have known about this common abdominal […]