Gift Ideas for Pregnant Women, New Mothers, and Grandmothers!

Gift Ideas for Pregnant Women, New Mothers and Grandmothers! -




Looking for the perfect gift for a beloved mom-to-be, new mom, mom of three (or ten!), or your own mom or grandmother? It’s hard, because most women with children focus all their energy on their kids and don’t ask for or want much, but you want to get them SOMETHING . . . anything that will actually be useful.

I saw this reel this other day with an influencer asking about the expectations on moms surrounding Mother’s Day. It was such an ironic question, but it resonated. If you’re in the “sandwich generation” like me – meaning: you’re helping elderly parents while still raising kids – then holidays mostly mean lots of extra tasks and cleanup for moms. We are hosting, coordinating, planning, negotiating between family members, and then cleaning the mess up for days after. 

We want rest. We want someone else to plan everything (and put some though into it ahead of time and not ask our opinion because you should already know it) and we don’t want to clean up the aftermath of a day “meant for moms.” And when it comes to giving gifts – well, as a fitness professional – I want you remember these two things:

  1. Do not make it about her body. Thanks to genetics, bodies come in all shapes and sizes and colors, and each one is beautiful and strong already. You’re doing this because you love her and you want her to feel even more beautiful, strong and healthy in her own skin. You’re doing this because studies show that exercise helps fight the two biggest killers of mothers: heart disease and depression.
  2. Mamas: treat her how you wish you could be treated as a new mother. I wish someone had offered me these loving gifts when I was pregnant or a new mama, because that would have helped break the horrible cycle of diastasis recti, pain, leaking, and feeling sorry for myself—AND it would have contributed to a better birth and pregnancy my next time around!
Perfect Gifts for Every Mother -

My Gift Ideas For Mom-To-Be

If the special mother in your life is pregnant, get her things that will make her pregnancy more comfortable, or get her things that will ease her recovery from birth. Click the links for examples:

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Gift Ideas for the brand new mama

Statistically speaking, women in their first postpartum year after having a baby must cope with some shockingly difficult things. For example, about 50% experience leaking, 64% experience sexual dysfunction (lecture: Khajehei, Marjan et al.), and about 40% are still dealing with abdominal separation 6 months after baby is born.

I promise you can offer a helpful gift for these things without saying something dumb about their stomach—never do thator about the problems they may be having like, “Here’s a gift to help with that leaking I know you’re experiencing.” Don’t do that, either, UNLESS you have experienced it as well, and you’re willing to share your story of overcoming it!

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Every mama body needs attention, care, nourishment, rest, & movement, no matter what age she is!

Gift Ideas for all moms and grandmothers

Every mama-body needs attention, care, nourishment, rest, and movement, no matter what age she is! With 50% of all women suffering from pelvic organ prolapse, 37.4% of all female athletes suffering from stress incontinence, and 28% having anal incontinence (lecture: Yi, Johnny, MD et al.), we have an obligation to share helpful information and resources with them.

Here are some things I believe will benefit and bring joy to moms of all ages and stages:

  • Same as the above when it comes to slippers, new shoes, restaurant gift cards, bathtub tray, new pillow—any type of self-care item that lets her know you think her wellness is worth it
  • A new relaxing-yet-stimulating book to read, like At Home In The World or Lord Of The Rings or Medical Therapeutic Yoga . . .  (That last one would make the anatomy nerd mama in your life very happy!)
  • Gift Certificate to Fit2B so she can pick what she wants to do, and you know she’ll be safe while getting stronger
  • Floor Of Your Core: online educational rehab specific to pelvic pain and incontinence for women of all ages

I know I said earlier to be careful how you present these gifts, but maybe we could be more open, especially in light of all the funny memes saying, “Sorry I made you pee your pants all these years, Mom! Happy Mother’s Day!” And we could add: maybe this will make up for it and help it stop.

We need to be more open about these issues, facing them, addressing them, getting treatment for them, connecting the mothers in our lives with resources like physical therapy and fitness options like Fit2B that won’t make things worse.

Our tribe has women of all backgrounds and life-stages raving about how we have helped them build endurance:

“I was lifting my extra-heavy cast iron skillet the other day and suddenly noticed I was engaging my transverse WITHOUT thinking about it! I love that good form and alignment is beginning to become second nature, what a blessing! Oh yeah and people have stopped eyeing my tummy and asking if I’m pregnant.” –Angela L.

“I love the focus on functional fitness and strength rather than the bikini body goal. Being encouraged and allowed to love myself NOW and not just when I get results.” –Mandy P.

“i am a grandmother of 8… i joined fit2b to keep flexibility, strength and age gracefully. I love Beth’s calm / clear/ voice, her reliable instruction and wisdom. :)Fit2B is truely a blessing.” –Kari H.

“I love Fit2B for sooooo many reasons but it is so convenient and helpful to workout on my schedule. Also LOVE that I can workout in my living room with my 3 young boys around not worrying about the outfits beth will wear! Thank you for your modesty!” –Marcie B.

The Perfect Gift For Every Mother, Pregnant Woman, New Mom, Grandmother, Mother-In-Law - Any Occasion!

Your Turn! Please comment!

Do you have any gift ideas for mothers and grandmothers? Have you received gifts like the ones mentioned above and been blessed by them? How? What are your recommendations?


3 thoughts on “Gift Ideas for Pregnant Women, New Mothers, and Grandmothers!

  1. Pingback: Mother's Day Thoughts - Looking for Marbles

  2. Pingback: Tiny Steps of Hope - Looking for Marbles

  3. LC says:

    Bring her a meal or give gift cards for them! If she has young kids,bring them a basket of outdoor activities and snacks that don’t need much (if any) of her help. Offer to come stay with her kids for 2 hours while she goes out for whatever with whoever. The gifts of time and service are huge for any mom. Even moms of only angel babies💞

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