Tag Archives: weight loss

Giving Diastasis Recti Time To Heal: Be Consistent

This blog inspired an entire series called The Unclosed Core. The information and encouragement you will find here is timeless and we trust you will find hope as we continue this journey together. Most of Us Are Turtles Remember Aesop’s fable about the tortoise beating the hare? The majority of the fitness world screams at […]

Guest Blog: Healthy Insights From One Fit2B Mama to Another… Or How I Lost Weight by Slowing Down!

how I lost weight by slowing down!

“After not being able to lose weight forever, I lost all the baby weight and way more getting back to my early high school pant size by doing one fit2b video, sometimes just a “foundational five” also known as “F5” each day for 3-4 days a week, and a paleo-ish nourishing traditions diet. Small steps!!!!! Just […]