Newest Home Exercise Routines

Top 10 Newest Routines from

The 10 Newest Workout Releases!

These new home exercise routines on Fit2B aren’t listed in any particular order of difficulty, but rather in order of editing and release. All of these qualify as Diastasis recti aware workouts, and the newest ones are near the top.

For access to hundreds of home exercise videos here on Fit2B please join here as a member!

Hot Mama Yoga 5-minute chest 5-Min Total Body Stretch 5-Min walking 5-Min Warmup + cooldown Mermaid Mojo Loaded Shake It Off 5-Minute Middle Chunky 5x5.4 Barbell Basics
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Kelly’s Big Band Routine – wow that was fun!! I wanted to do this one before but I didn’t have the right bands. At some point I saw the kind of bands you need on sale and so I scooped them up, but I hadn’t gotten around to doing it yet. It was so satisfying and felt so good!”

-Melissa. Brander

“When you can’t decide which workout to choose, so you do ten 5-minute workouts.” 😁
-Sarah M.

“I did the new mermaids routine this morning and my hips are so much happier! It will be going into regualar rotation.”

-Bernadette B.

“I’m now post 8th baby (Who was born 12lb 2oz at home and was the most difficult birth I’ve ever had. I was very close to dying after a severe postpartum hemhorrage… Just did my first real Fit2B workout outside of swimming and walking (and pelvic floor work which saved me in those early days) today at 12 weeks postpartum and it was good! I feel strong in a new way and the weakest I’ve ever felt in others but it was good! Glad to be alive to have these times to embrace what my body is capable of despite its weaknesses! Thank you so so much for the permission to be whole rather than force our bodies in broke pieces.”

-@seawell_boys_mom on Instagram

“I tried out “Functional Workout I” this morning. Wasn’t sure what to expect since I don’t often do “C” workouts but was pleasantly surprised to make it through the whole thing, and I feel strong and energized today! Even better, my middle-school-aged sons came into the room in the middle of it. Several years ago I had a different fitness streaming service and would not play the videos with my boys around because of all the female body parts on parade and the “motivational lies” being spoken. It delighted my heart this morning to hear Beth talk about how it’s ok to not be perfect and that we are all working on the things we need to improve. Yes! Thank you, Beth, for continuing to pour into all of us for our physical, mental, and spiritual health! You are a blessing to us and our families!”

-E. Hollister

One Arm Wonder really did have me thinking about my belly and core strength as I practiced the breath support cued during the workout. Never know exactly how to feel about my belly, it’s done so much for me and I’m blessed to not have DR or many of the issues I could have had after multiple abdominal surgeries. I think I’m just incredibly grateful for it and for Fit2B showing me safer ways to exercise to keep from developing issues.”

J. Roe

“Beth has so much compassion for the process we go through as mothers and meets us where we are to offer easy to understand explanations, resources and stories to motivate and inspire us wherever we are on our healing journey.”

-Linda W.

Home Circuit Workout
“I feel like Beth met me where I was. There were chair workouts, short workouts, and lots of encouragement and education along the way. I’ve slowly worked up some stamina and can do longer harder workouts now. I have a long way to go but I feel like I have a support system to keep going. It’s been positive influence on my kids. They see me making fitness a priority in the mornings (ahem, most mornings 😂). And they love the kid workouts. I feel like Beth, the workouts, the support team have literally gotten me on My feet again. 🙂 And when I falter and start to slack off, I know there are lots of different workouts where I can jump back in and get going again. No guilt or fear that I can’t start again. Thanks for all you do.”
-Mandy T.

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