Crossing the Midline | Motion for Kids

When this article about how crossing the midline helps kids was posted in the Fit2B member forum, it generated deep discussion. It also created calls for us to produce a midline-crossing video for our Fit2B Kids section of workouts.

Crossing the Midline: Motion for Kids - Fit2B.comWhat our members said about midline crossing

We do some of these with my son! He has some sensory processing difficulties and it is so helpful!! It’s crazy to watch him calm down and be able to focus after doing a couple.” -Megan D.

“I was an elementary & middle school teacher for 10 years and this was pushed by the schools I worked at the longest. One of my schools hired a neurosurgeon to help us find ways to help increase learning and this was one of his main suggestions. I am currently a houseparent at a children’s home and one of our boys (who has autism) has an Occupational Therapist who suggested we do these exercises with him daily.” -Robin C.

While I have over 20 years of experience in fitness and a degree in Exercise & Sport Science from Oregon State, therapeutic motions that cross the midline are typically promoted by occupational therapists, which I am not. I hesitated at first, but my clients kept clamoring. I began researching and reading pediatric articles like this one, and my brain filled with ideas!

I know how to cue movement patterns, and I love creating motions for a given set of needs. Soon, I had ten minutes’ worth of midline-crossing exercises that children {of all ages} can do at home. We filmed “Kids Cross Over” in December of 2017 and released it in early February of 2018.

Crossing the Midline: Motion for Kids -“This was great. Short enough to keep the kids attention but had a variety of different actions. I appreciated the “behind” moves. I never think to cross behind! I incorporate crossing the midline and self regulation activities into our daily routine (especially in the winter when we’re inside more) – this video will be a great addition to our routine! Thanks Beth!” – Nicki M.

If you’re a member of Fit2B, you can log in and do Kids Cross Over right now. It’s one of many exercise videos we have filmed over the past eight years for kids . . . mostly because we always have our children with us when we film. Recording mini-workouts with them helps satisfy their curiosity. Then they’re content to go play elsewhere.

Giving your kids a turn

When you’re trying to get a workout done at home, let your children “take the first turn” with the Kids Cross Over routine. Then it’s your turn while they do something else, maybe some reading or handwriting practice while their brains are activated!

This is how we get filming done with kids on set, and it’s how many members find more success with exercising at home. Plus, it’s made for some amazing content that our members’ little ones love! Not only do we have over 200 workout videos for you, we have lots to keep your kiddos busy, too!

Leave a comment!

Have you heard of midline-crossing motions before? Have you or someone you know benefited from practicing crossing the midline? We’d love to hear your insights!

2 thoughts on “Crossing the Midline | Motion for Kids

  1. Meghan w says:

    We do this routine weekly, usually several times a week before we begin our homeschool day. Thank you for listening to us, Beth! Can’t wait for MORE! 😉

  2. Pingback: In Defense of Those Who Exercise at Home | Fit2B Studio

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