When a member of Fit2B’s diastasis-aware fitness video site posted this gorgeous photo and cute story in our private member forum on facebook, I decided to ask for more submissions of what home fitness really looks like for our core-focused members. The photos sent in are fun and raw, some neat, some messy… because that’s life, and if you wait for perfect conditions, you’ll never move a muscle!

I decided to make a pinnable collage of the images sent to me, but they are also separated below so you can see them better and read a snip of their stories. The take-away lesson, people, is that you can move anywhere anytime. Here at Fit2B, we do our best to make your fitness inspiration portable. We have relaxing routines, high-energy routines, tummy focused videos for those trying to heal diastasis recti, aerobics, tabata, kickboxing, weights, kettle bell, foam roller… and the list just keeps growing as we strive to meet the needs of members all over the world!
I’ve captioned each photo with what each member said about their space. I love the variety and how each person uses what she has and makes the best of it. When temperatures are in the single-digits like they have been around here this week, or it’s pouring down rain, or temps are too hot to go outside for long, then some living room fitness can be just the exercise prescription that tight muscles need.

“Here’s the setup I use. The ipad mini on my hubby’s trumpet stand.” -Fit2B in Florida, J.T.
This next one is using Roku to stream our content. Did you know we have a channel? Learn more about Fit2B on Roku here!

Now, I saved the best workout space for last, because hasn’t every mother hoping to give her body some movement-love walked into her living room to this scene? Oh, how I remember those days… wait… I’m still in those days! Gah! Only mine are old enough to pick up their own messes, right? So… Kids, clean that up!

Haha! Yes, something like that 🙂