The Unclosed Core

The Unclosed Core - - Blog Series by

When a woman with an unclosed core discovers the massive amount of resources that Fit2B offers those experiencing abdominal separation, she typically gets super excited and then a bit overwhelmed. And it’s no wonder! I’ve written multiple ecourses and close to 300 articles on here plus created over 300 fitness workouts that support the stomachs of those with broken bellies. This 5 part blog series addresses the most common concerns, and it’s a good place to find hope as you deal with diastasis recti.

The Unclose Core - Blog Series by

Introduction: Diastasis Isn't Forever

Part One: Waiting For Closure

Part Two: The Chemistry of Closure

Part Three: The Emotions of Closure

Part Four: The Biomechanics of Closure


Experts in Diastasis Recti - ecourse on

5 thoughts on “The Unclosed Core

  1. connie says:

    this is more of an opinion question?
    my “baby’ is 18 years old. I had never heard of diastasis recti and idt my doctors had either, as I ALWAYS complained about my tummy and no matter how many ab excersizes I did it didn’t shrink.
    do you think, in just your opinion, that after all these years I can do excersizes and have it heal.
    I am also scheduling an appointment with my DR. to discuss surgery.

    • Beth Learn says:

      Hi Connie,

      I think it is ALWAYS wise and best to do rehab first and give the tools and tips learned during rehab about 6-18 months to really take effect since that’s how long fascia takes to respond to consistent change. This is why many people think fascia won’t heal: because it takes a while. Fibroblast “fascia snails” are called that for a reason. They move slowly through the connective tissue, leaving a shiny trail of new fascia behind them. If the rehab doesn’t serve to close the DR to a functional width after that time, then you’re going into surgery with a STRONG core and the ability to avoid torn stitches (which is a real and common complication in hernia and DR surgical patients because if they didn’t do rehab, they are still putting pressure on the wound) which can result in an incisional hernia! I and my associates at The Tummy Team which offers online rehab can only count on just two hands how many of our clients have needed surgery after doing rehab and sticking with Fit2b-style fitness. Thousands are able to avoid it, but there are a few with genetic and lifestyle factors that simply prevent fascial response. Like the mama I worked with who had a handicapped child who required her to lift and transfer many times a day in impossible situations. If we can avoid 99% of surgeries with rehab and the 1% who does get surgery has a better outcome, then rehab is still successful. If you can’t find a specialist in your area for your initial rehabe (which should ideally happen before you resume fitness – even tummysafe fitness like we provide here on Fit2B) then I highly recommend The Tummy Team.

  2. Pingback: How Emotions Affect Your Diastasis Recti | Fit2B Studio

  3. Pingback: Music & Your Midline: Cues For Your Core | Fit2B Studio

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