Wordless Wednesday: When Jumping is NOT Healthy!

Jumping is a healthy activity for all ages that’s good for bone density and fighting osteoporosis. But sometimes the Β risks of jumping to increase fitness or get in shape outweigh the benefits … Like when you’re a new mom, and you have no bladder control. Or when you’re an old mom, and the “girls” just don’t stay put like they used to … Or when you live in Montana, and your outdoor trampoline becomes a shelter for wildlife.

My husband is from Montana, and we got a good laugh over this picture that my parents sent me. Happy Wordless Wednesday! Please share or retweet πŸ™‚

4 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: When Jumping is NOT Healthy!

  1. Teresa Choplin says:

    Hello, I'm following you back! Thanks for the great picture! I'm a hunter, and that is just to cute!

    I want to move to Montana some day!

    Email me about the giveaway please with a little more info. Thanks so much!

    [email protected]

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