What I {Honestly} Read for Work and Fun in 2016

What I {Honestly} Read for Work and Fun in 2016 - Fit2B.com

Confession: I find it super annoying when people post a list of books they plan to read, and they have this pretty picture of a stack of titles organized alphabetically or by size, because seriously, how does anyone know for sure what they’ll be reading a couple months from now? That stack of books on everything from gardening to Pilates might quickly need to morph into a stack of books on everything from surprise pregnancies to prenatal Yoga.


So I’m not telling you what I’m going to read or study in 2017 – well except for two courses from Burrell Education that I’m already enrolled in here – because God only knows what the new year will bring any of us. Instead here is the actual, honest list of almost everything {because I forgot some stuff already or couldn’t find links to it} I perused and mentally digested for education, fun and sustenance of my sanity in 2016:

For My Continuing Education:

For The Maintaining of My Sanity:Katy Bowman - Diastasis Recti

For Fun:

Okay, now that my reading choices are laid bare before you – although I did leave out all the homeschooling ones I bought and quite a few that I started but haven’t finished yet – here are the ones I might maybe possibly read next year… no promises…

I met Joe and Aviva at Women In Women’s Health Live and was very intrigued by their work. What books are you reading or hoping to read in the new year? What would you suggest I read for my fitness, fun, sanity, or continuing education?

I won’t make any promises. Because, again… Life, right? Still, I’m always curious for a lead on a good book that will grow me or make me think.

5 thoughts on “What I {Honestly} Read for Work and Fun in 2016

  1. Sarah Badat Richardson says:

    I read a total of 40 books in 2016: 25 titles just for me and 15 chapter books read to my 6 yo daughter.
    The titles that stand out:
    Non fiction:
    The life changing magic of tidying- by Marie Kondo
    The husband’s secret- Liane Moriarty
    A girl of the Limberlost- Gene Stratton Porter
    Children’s literature:
    Lots of great ones this year…
    The trumpet of the swan
    The wizard of Oz
    The jungle book
    But if I had to pick my favorite, it would be The Princess and Curdie by George McDonald.

    Hunger Games trilogy is one of my favorite of all times! I’m with you with not knowing what I’ll read. It so depends on my circumstances at the time…
    Here’s an essay I wrote on my love of books:

  2. Linda says:

    Do you homeschool, Beth? I am interested in those books you read about homeschooling, if you feel like mentioning those as well. 😉 I am going to put Mrs. Peregrin on my list as well as Treasure Island. I am working through A Mind of Your Own by Brogan and Loberg and it is pretty interesting. It’s a book about depression and how the underlying medical conditions can be addressed instead of ignored while anti-depressants are taken. I think you would very much like it if you haven’t read it, yet. A great education book is Mindset by Carol Dweck. She is an uncomfortable author with such an interesting message to share that she just buckled down and wrote a compelling book! I also checked out Headstrong: 52 Women Who Changed Science and the World but I haven’t dug in just yet.

  3. Pingback: What I {Really, Truly} Read in 2017 + Plans for 2018 | Fit2B Studio

  4. Helen Carmickle says:

    Beth, I knew I liked you before, but now I do even more – you’re a Godsend, and I’m thankful for you in a whole new light. There’s nothing quite like what someone reads to give an insight into their soul, so thank you for sharing.

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