Sign up today if…
- You’re resuming exercise SHORTLY after birth
- You’re beginning fitness again a LONG TIME after birth
- You’re wanting to learn how to address postpartum leaking and Diastasis Recti
- You want to make a safe return to fitness without harming your core and pelvic floor muscles
- You need progressive exercises that you can do at home
- You want a gentle exercise program that starts with short routines that will help you reconnect to your deep core
- You want the program to move you beyond basics and prepare your whole body for harder, full-length workouts.
- You don’t want to be intimidated, yelled at, body-shamed, or pressured into doing anything before you feel ready.
No matter how long it’s been!
Did you know that women are considered “postpartum” forever after they give birth by medical professionals?
The body is forever altered, and it’s not a stage that really ends. It includes the 4th trimester and beyond, but it’s one of the most unsupported, undervalued periods of a woman’s life.
Fit2B exists to change all that. We want to support your postpartum journey whether it’s been 3 days, 3 months, 3 years, or 30 years after you’ve had your baby.
The longer you wait, the more effort is required to reconnect to stagnant muscles, but it’s not impossible.
Muscles are muscles no matter how old, no matter how tall, no matter how small. And Beth is really REALLY good at teaching you how to get them flexing and firm again.
Here’s what this course offers:
This Postnatal Fitness Program provides 7 weeks of structure, motivation and accountability.
You will receive 3-4 exercise videos per week. You’ll begin with basic core awakening routines and progress to full body ‘tummy safe’ workouts by the end of the program.
The first week’s content has been approved by physical therapists and midwives to start just 3 days post vaginal delivery or 10 days post-surgical delivery.
Yes, you read that right!
This 7-week roadmap of routines is SO GENTLE that it’s been approved by rehab and birth professionals for use as early as 3 days post-vaginal delivery or 10 days post-surgical delivery.
The weekly progression is important and strategically designed to help you rest, rconnect to your core while recovering, and regain basic strength and function. You will ease into the basics and then take baby steps to advance as you feel ready. You can always repeat weeks and go back to redo videos as you please.
As soon as you begin this pathway, you’ll receive the entire first week’s content to explore at your own pace.
Here’s an example of what you’ll find in Week One

NOTE: Always discuss your fitness with your medical providers. Very slight increases in lochia (postpartum bleeding) are normal during transverse abdominal and pelvic floor exercises during early postpartum. Rest and consult your physician if bleeding seems excessive to you.
How does this program differ from membership?
This program is sold separately from membership. While Fit2B members have access to a “Fit2B New Moms” pathway of workouts, this course is structured to provide accountability and extra motivation with email support. It varies from the regular membership ‘pathway’ with slightly different content, and it has the workouts embedded right into each weekly lesson.
What does this course include?
You will receive a total of over 30 premium exercise videos via online lessons. You will get a weekly email reminder to access your content, and opening those emails and clicking through them can help you stay on track. Each weekly lesson has 3-4 exercise videos plus encouraging written content to deepen your understanding of your body during this time.

Don’t wait to start this course. No matter how long it’s been, your body is ready and waiting to get stronger!
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