Foundational Five Routines
About These “F5” Routines
Before you move on to progressively more challenging workouts here on Fit2B, let’s start by introducing you to our TummySafe™ strategies for activating your abdominals and deep core muscles so that you’re ready to progress quickly to our other workouts.
While these routines appear basic, they are designed to challenge your mental ability to consciously control your core so that you’re prepared to add layers of more complex motions in future workouts.
Your goal is 1 or 2 of these per day. Please move on to other Fit2B workouts as soon as you feel ready. Muscles need variety to improve!
The F5
Complete each of these at least once before you progress to other Fit2B workouts. If you need core rehab, consider The Tummy Team.
Cue Connections - 19:06
Kelly's Simple Stretches - 15:29
Transverse Training - 13:01
Align It Flat - 12:28
Dynamic Pelvic Floor - 17:31
Missing the Original F5 routines? As we updated these in June, 2021 we kept the “Original F5” together right here for you!

Feel like you need a lesson plan + structure?
We offer a 2-week fitness course that guides you through these first foundational five routines PLUS four more routines to help you move on and integrate the tummsafe strategies into outside workouts. If you’re a member, it’s included in your membership, and you can find it under courses on the main menu! Not a member? You can also purchase this course ala carte!
Get the F5+ Alacarte
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