Can I Do Planks if I Have Diastasis Recti?

Can I Do Planks if I Have Diastasis Recti? - - #core #corestregthening #diastasisrectirecovery #mummytummy #fitmom #plank

Can I Do Planks if I Have Diastasis Recti? - - #core #corestregthening #diastasisrectirecovery #mummytummy #fitmom #plank

“Can I do planks if I have diastasis recti?”

It’s one of the most common questions we receive here on Fit2B where we provide tummysafe workouts that cater to those dealing with separated abs. With planks being a popular default core exercise, and plank challenges constantly circling social media, people want to know: can I do planks if I have diastasis recti?

The answer: it dependsCan I Do Planks if I Have Diastasis Recti? - - #core #corestregthening #diastasisrectirecovery #mummytummy #fitmom #plank

Below you will find a FREE video to help you approach planks with safe strategies but, before that, you’ll also find two lists to help you determine if you should be doing planks at all. You see, a better question than “can I do planks?” is SHOULD you do them?

The ability to do something is vastly different than the wisdom of doing something. The answer to both “can” versus “should” depends on many factors, chief of which in my mind is whether your transverse abdominus can sustain tension during a plank and manage pressure while you keep breathing.

You should be fine to perform planks if you can say yes to ALL of the following:

  • I know proper plank technique, and am I able to perform planks with good form.
  • My core feels strong and my belly pulls up and inward easily when I plank.
  • I am able to breathe deeply and steadily while maintaining core control.
  • My underwear stays dry (and clean) during and after planking.
  • My diastasis is narrower than 2 cm and it feels thick and solid when I plank.
  • I have completed physical therapy for any issues related to my core and pelvic floor.
  • Doing planks has a direct and positive impact on my quality of life.

Can I Do Planks if I Have Diastasis Recti? - - #core #corestregthening #diastasisrectirecovery #mummytummy #fitmom #plankYou should avoid planks right now if you say yes to ANY of these:

  • I struggle to maintain good form while planking.
  • I have a deep diastasis wider than 2 cm {click here to check your belly for diastasis}
  • My form suffers if I try to breathe slowly and steadily. It only works if I hold my breath or pant.
  • I feel pinching or pain in my lower back while planking.
  • My belly sags toward the floor, and I can’t keep my core engaged while planking.
  • I leak urine or feces when I attempt to plank (or for several days after I try planking).
  • I have no idea what purpose planks serve in my daily life. I only do them because others around me are doing them.
  • I hate planks!

I mean, with so many other core exercises to choose from, why choose one that causes pain and frustration, and doesn’t serve a purpose or bring joy?

When I was first getting certified as a fitness instructor, I was presented with the most valuable set of parameters for approaching exercise I have ever seen. Even before I would go on to pursue a degree in exercise sport science, I was encouraged by AFAA to always ask, “What is the functional purpose of this exercise? What value does it have in real life application?”

Why are you doing planks? Do you have to do a similar motion in your everyday life? What are your goals? Is the exercise itself the goal, or does the exercise serve you to help reach your real life goals in any way?

Forgive me for being brutally blunt, but …

I think it’s a waste of your precious time to do any exercise just to be able to do that exercise more if that exercise doesn’t play out in your life in any way — ESPECIALLY if that exercise is compromising your core, hurting your back, or wrecking your wrists.

If you believe you are ready for planks, you should still consider that they are a very advanced exercise that utilizes many muscle groups. It’s wise to approach them like you would a freezing cold lake: one bit at a time, slowly and gently.

Many people do planks because they are trendy or they’re seen as a good core exercise. However, if you can’t do them well or you don’t know their purpose as it applies to your life, then maybe set them aside and tell yourself they aren’t a good fit for you right now.

Good news! Our subscription members can access the full length 4-part video HERE right now, along with all the other workouts and courses we provide to our customers! The way we lead fitness benefits everyone, not just those with diastasis recti. Gentle, breath-based workouts are where it’s at, friends!

Click HERE for a list of ALL our 200+ exercise videos AND some more free samples!

Click HERE for more information about our affordable online gym membership options!

Now what do you think? Are planks a yay or nay for you? Have they helped you or hurt you?

Can I Do Planks if I Have Diastasis Recti? - - #core #corestregthening #diastasisrectirecovery #mummytummy #fitmom #plank

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