While out for a walk with a friend who was bushing a baby in a stroller, she was nice enough to hold my iPhone and record this for us. Thanks, Jessica! For a full lesson on stroller cautions and tummysafe moves, visit BeyondFitMom – Kate Horney’s lesson on stroller fitness in our Experts on Diastasis […]
Pushing Strollers
Beth Learn
As the main instructor, founder and CEO of Fit2B Studio, Beth has worked tirelessly since 2010 to integrate diastasis recti rehabilitation into mainstream fitness styles. She has traveled the world as a speaker and educator, and she has fostered world-wide collaborations for her Fit2b Radio podcast and online fitness courses including Experts In Diastasis Recti, 14 Days to A Better Neck, Get your Glutes In Gear, Comforting The Core, and many others on Fit2B. Beth has been immersed in the fitness industry since she began working in athletic clubs in 1995. She became a certified group fitness instructor in 1997 and received her Bachelor of Science in Exercise & Sport Science from Oregon State University in 2001. She has trained and certified in a wide variety of fitness specialities since then including: Yoga, Pilates, hypropressives, aerobics, spinning, weightlifting, prenatal/postpartum fitness, and restorative exercise. Beth is happiest when she's helping people understand their bodies, overcome their fear of fitness, and learn how to move in freedom and simplicity. She enjoys teaching locally, consulting online, and her hobbies include reading historical fiction, race walking, snowshoeing, hiking, and growing blueberries and goats on her small farm with her husband and two children. Read more about Beth and see her full curriculum vitae on our "About The Instructor" page.