When Healing Diastasis Recti Takes A Few Years | Guest Post

Here on Fit2B we provide a private support forum for our clients. It’s drama-free, full of helpful topics and discussions, and many authentic testimonies & stories about our diastasis aware workouts and courses get posted there. This one posted by Rachelle Nelson was literally a blog-length beauty of a pep talk, and she graciously allowed us to republish it here with the photos she included. Here is what she wrote and posted: 

Ok, first thing: I think these are the BEST pictures my husband has ever taken of me 😂 go figure 😅I got so close to doing a complete bridge this morning! I had to celebrate my little win! This was super hard, by the way. You never think of the bridge being so hard when you’re a kid! Check out the Orange Openers workout
Now for a little encouragement…

Here’s my story of healing my Diastasis Recti

I was diagnosed with a diastasis recti after my second daughter was born, almost 5 years ago. It was about 3 or 4 fingers at the widest point and very deep at the belly button. I found fit2b and I signed up.

“I hated doing exercise but I wanted a change.”  ~Rachelle

This is a simple headline

Guys… The thing that got me in was all these ladies saying how they hated other exercise instruction but they loved fit2b. 🤣 I hated doing excercise too but I wanted a change.
When Beth Learn mentioned pelvic floor therapy in one of her videos for pain, I knew I needed it.I found a pelvic floor therapist and got my pelvic floor happy again! It was AMAZING.
Then I got pregnant with my third. All my pelvic floor work went out the window… What is it with pregnancy???
BUT because I knew how to align my body and roll out of bed and transition to the floor safely, my diastasis didn’t get worse with my pregnancy! I learned how to engage my transverse and I got better and better at it!
My diastasis got better during my pregnancy instead of worse! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
It was still there though after my third was born.
I kept on rolling out of bed. I kept being careful getting down on the floor and laying down in bed. I kept practicing engaging my transverse and I did fit2b when I could and I slowly got stronger and stronger.
Guys, I was soooo not perfect when it comes to my alignment but I did my best.
Every. Little. Bit. Counts.
I went back for more pelvic floor therapy a year and a half ago and my therapist checked my diastasis and it was healed!!! This was 2 and a half years after my third was born.
Visit Rachelle's Website Shop Fit2B

So here’s my encouragement to you when healing a Diastasis Recti takes a few years…

Don’t give up. Every small consistent action that you take to care for your core matters.
It’s not about how fast you heal. Don’t keep checking and checking and checking and getting discouraged.
Honestly, don’t check! Just do the things!
When you just let your body heal because you don’t put excess pressure on your core and do what you can to be in alignment through the day, I truly believe most of the time Diastasis Recti will heal on its own!
It may take a few years. And that’s ok.

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What do you think of Rachelle’s story and words of encouragement? Do you feel like your Diastasis Recti is resolving on its own, or have you needed some physical therapy? Leave a comment below!

Personally, I think what she means by “heal on its own” is that Diastasis Recti can be addressed without surgery in most cases when we have the right support and education. She and I (Beth, founder of Fit2B) have had physical therapy to help us learn how to avoid excess pressure on our cores and how to align like she mentioned. Asking for help is so important, and so is giving our cores the time and grace that such a hard-working yet sensitive area needs to recover.

When thanked for posting this story, Rachelle wrote: 

“I just wanted to encourage others who might be feeling discouraged about their diastasis! And thank you for everything you’ve done! I look forward to exercise now!!!”

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1 thoughts on “When Healing Diastasis Recti Takes A Few Years | Guest Post

  1. Margaret Chind says:

    My third daughter, fifth pregnancy was born in May 2018. In October 2018, I started pelvic floor and diastasis PT, by February my DR was closed. In March, 2019, I was pregnant with pregnancy no. 7. Now, three years later, it seems it will never close.

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