Start Small – Tip #21

My daughter started where we all start: She started small. Small in size, small in goals. Rolling over, then creeping, crawling, cruising, and finally walking. Each accomplishment was greeted with cheering and camera flashes and pats on the back. Now she shouts “Look at me!” And I say, “Wow, I see you,” for what seems like the hundredth time.

How quickly we forget the importance of taking those first baby steps. But it was the little things that created a foundation for the bigger things we now do as adults.

The ability to go for a quick stroll is unappealing when you really wanted to go for a long bike ride, but youlack the time … so you don’t do anything at all! Or maybe you were once a marathon runner, but you got injured or put on bed-rest, and you are overwhelmed with the knowledge of the amount of training it would take to get you running again … so you give up before you ever start.

In my article about going back to the basics of fitness, I take you back to baby steps. If it’s true that faith the size of a mustard seed will give you the ability to move mountains, then all you need is a little faith and a little sweat. Read more by clicking here!

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