Review of “Y.E.S. Your Eating Solution”

Finding a qualified nutritionist and personal trainer in ONE person is rare, but my pal Dave Barnas of True Health Unlimited is. that. guy. When he offered to send me copies of his two latest releases – Real Food Therapy Guide and Y.E.S. Your Eating Solution – so I could do a review for the Fit2Blog, I jumped at the chance.

The therapy guide is so easy to understand, and Y.E.S. is full of full color images, daily menu help, and the calorie counting is already done for you. The substitution choices are made clear, and there’s no brow-beating. You answer insightful questions about yourself and your current eating patterns and then you work to apply what you learn about yourself and healthy foods. Some of the questions {and I totally didn’t go in order here} include…

  1. Do you like to be rewarded or recognized?
  2. How will you overcome moments of inertial, lack of energy to push yourself?
  3. Do you feel guilty or have a negative view of yourself after eating?

There is space for food journaling and then Dave highlights how to evaluate what you discovered. He really puts the mind and body together in his books! Dave will also be a part of our Fit2B University “Core Learning” program, speaking to how nutrition affects the integrity and shape of our belly muscles {but I digress} Meanwhile if you’re looking for a workbook-style nutrition program that eases you into the real, whole foods lifestyle, this is it.


Dave and I have had several lengthy phone conversations, and I find him to be so peaceful and inspiring. He’s very open-minded and spiritual {not religious} and he and I take turns tossing ideas back and forth. He’s been gracious enough to allow me to write for him about “Poochy Belly Care” HERE, and he’s quite funny and smart with his approach to wellness. Just watch out: he’s prone to posting shirtless pictures of himself dressed in seasonal costumes around holidays! LOL but sorry, ladies, he’s happily married with full-grown children! This is his own video of flat belly exercises where HE’S THE ONE DEALING WITH KIDS on the set! Ha!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which earns the two families who run Fit2B Studio a small commission should you choose to purchase the products. We were also sent samples to try. Our opinions are our own. The views and opinions of True Health Unlimited are not necessarily the same as ours. No advice given in this blog or in these books should be considered as a replacement for medical attention. Please seek the help of a reputable licensed professional if you believe you are suffering from a health condition.

Fit2B Studio's Review of "Real Food Therapy Guide" written by Dave Barnas of True Health Unlimited


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